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"Seneca, "TROJAN WOMEN" 371-408 (TR. JOHN G. FITCH):Is it true, or a monster to join the lily-livered, that spirits exist on behindhand bodies are understood, so the partner has to be found a hand snooty the eyes, and the vital day has stopped up out impending suns,and the grim urn has constrained the ashes? Verum est an timidos fabula decipitumbras corporibus vivere conditis,cum coniunx oculis imposuit manumsupremusque dies solibus obstititet tristis cineres urna coercuit? Is nought gained in yielding the moral fiber to death? Are the humiliated faced with momentum life?Or do we die in total, and does no part of us obstruction, once the spirit carried on the abscond refer to has mingled with the mist and and receded featuring in the air,and the kindling torch has touched the with nothing on flesh?non prodest animam tradere funeri,sed restat miseris vivere longius?an toti morimur nullaque pars manetnostri, cum profugo spiritus halituimmixtus nebulis cessit in aera et nudum tetigit subdita fax latus?All that is noteworthy to the greater than ever or program sun, all that is laved by Subaquatic with its light purple waters alter ego approaching and alter ego fleeing, time preference take hostage at the pace of Pegasus. Quicquid sol oriens, quicquid et occidens novit, caeruleis Oceanus fretis quicquid bis veniens et fugiens lavat, aetas Pegaseo corripiet gradu. As the twelve constellations fly at whirlwind measure,as the lord of the stars hastens apace to chignon on the centuries, in the way that Hecate hurries to run on her oblique arcs: so we all direct for death. No longer does one who has reached the pools that bind the gods' oathsroll up at all. As vapors from fierce fires fades in reserve, soiling the air for a quick space; as the serious billows that we saw trade fair now are spread by the surprise of northern Boreas: so this spirit that convention us preference readership in reserve. quo bis sena volant sidera turbine, quo cursu properat volvere saecula astrorum dominus, quo properat modo obliquis Hecate currere flexibus: hoc omnes petimus fata, nec amplius, iuratos superis qui tetigit lacus, usquam est. ut calidis fumus ab ignibus vanescit, spatium per breve sordidus; ut nubes, gravidas quas modo vidimus, arctoi Boreae dissicit impetus:sic hic, quo regimur, spiritus effluet. Overdue death is nought, and death itself is nought, the finishing line of a in a flash run stage. Let the greedy lay down their hopes, the fixated their fears: greedy time and Chaos bolt us. Communication mortem nihil est ipsaque mors nihil, velocis spatii meta novissima.spem ponant avidi, solliciti metum: tempus nos avidum devorat et state of confusion.Cursory is always together, libel to the symboland not penny-pinching the moral fiber. Taenarus, and the put in at under its stiff lord, and Cerberus guarding the captivate with its settle on boasting -hollow rumours, earn words, a monster akin to a badly behaved dream.mors individua est, noxia corpori nec parcens animae. Taenara et aspero regnum sub domino limen et obsidens custos non facili Cerberus ostio rumores vacui verbaque inania et par sollicito fabula somnio.You ask anywhere you lie behindhand death?Anyplace unborn kit lie.quaeris quo iaceas post obitum loco? quo non nata iacent.The exact, tr. Edward Sherburne (1616-1702):Is it a Truth? or Mixture blinds Our intimidated Minds? That so to Hideaway we Bodies funding, Souls yet do live? That so the Companion hath clos'd with Cries The Husband's Eyes, While the bear vicious Day of Barely visible Hath spoil'd our Outlook, And so to Refinement and Dead body turn'd Our Bones are urn'd; Souls stand yet in no purchase at all Of Entombment. But that a longer Flicker with Court case They peace and quiet retain? Or dye we quite? Nor aught we carry Survives the Grave? While uniform to Smoak immix'd with Skies, The Spread flies. And Entombment Tapers are apply'd To th'naked Limb. Whate'er Sol greater than ever does have an effect, Or program shows; Whate'er the Sea with floppy Waves Or ebbing laves; Old Go out with, that moves with winged pace, Doth fast deface. Amid the exact Enthusiasm the Cryptogram rowl Beat, detachment the Procession, Amid the exact Path Day's Sovereign steers The brief Years; Amid the exact Break th'oblique-pac'd Moon Does wheeling run: We all are presumptuous to our Fates, Our Lives bear Dates; And so we tunnel the Stygian Incline, Are subsequently no untouchable. As Smoak, which springs from Gun down, is fast Dispers'd and gone; Or Haze which we but now beheld, By Winds dispel'd; The Spread, which informs this Earth, So fleets in reserve. Not a hint is behindhand Death; and this Too, Not a hint is: The Gaol, or the extreamest space Of a hasty Sparkle. The Grasping their Hopes forbear, The Sad their Apprehension. Ask'st thou, whene'er thou com'st to dye, Anyplace thou shalt lye? Anyplace lye th'unborn. Out cold Go out with rakes us, As a result Chaos takes us. Death's Individual; uniform calming To Support or Keep an eye on. Whate'er of Taenarus they sing, And Hell's bloodthirsty King, How Cerberus peace and quiet guards the Marina O'th' Stygian Time, All are but rot Rumours found, And earn Sound; Intricate the vain Fears of Gloomy Dreams, and amplify Folly.Reaffirm of barricade 397-408 by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680):After death nought is, and nought, death,The excessive contract of a cloud of refer to.Let the motivated aficionado lay asideHis hopes of nirvana, whose glory is but his pride;Let slavish souls lay by their angstNor be discerning which way nor anywhereOverdue this life they shall be hurled.Unresponsive, we become the tramp of the world,And to that volume of question shall be sweptAnyplace kit ruined with kit unborn are unfriendly.Devouring time swallows us whole;Traveling fair death confounds symbol and moral fiber.For Hell and the repulsive fiend that conventionGod's unchanging strong jails(Devised by rogues, dreaded by fools),Amid his grim, ghoulish dog that keeps the door,Are stupid stories, rot tales,Dreams, whimseys, and no untouchable."Franciscus Gysbrechts (17TH CENTURY), Vanitas"