Saturday 31 July 2010 Thelema Defense Against The Dark

Thelema Defense Against The Dark
"As I've mentioned briefly before, I've written a book called "DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK" that's coming out in the middle of March. Here's my obligatory post telling you all about it and asking that you buy it and tell all your friends to buy it. Pretty please with sugar on top? Ok, here goes.

When I first entered the world of magick and metaphysics I was delighted to find the spiritual and philosophic satisfaction that I had never found in more mainstream systems of belief. In my na"ive eagerness I dove in head first, with little thought to the strange and dangerous creatures that might be lurking beneath the surface. I learned the hard way that some old wives tales are true and that there are things that go bump in the night. At the time I had a very hard time finding information on how to deal with and protect myself against such things. Now, many experiences later, I've written the book I wish someone had handed to me all those years ago.

My book introduces the reader to the darker denizens of the magickal world and the dangers they present (YES, THERE ARE PLENTY OF FRIENDLY CREATURES OUT THERE BUT YOU HARDLY NEED ME TO TELL YOU HOW TO DEAL WITH FRIENDLY CREATURES THAT WANT TO HELP YOU - DO YOU?). In "Defense Against the Dark "you learn the common lore surrounding malevolent creatures and malicious magick and how to deal with them should you encounter them. For each entity or magickal occurrence detailed in the book you will find information on how common they are, how dangerous, what other names it might be called, the common symptoms that give evidence of their presence, and concrete, practical methods for alleviating the danger they present. In other words, this book tells you all about things that go bump in the night and then tells you how to bump back.

Beyond stating what negative entities and magick do, this book also clarifies what they do not do. Unfortunately, the magickal world is full of misconceptions and misinformation. Common misconceptions, and how to avoid them, are included in the lore for many entries. Learn how curses actually work, that faeries aren't always nice (RED-CAPS, NEED I SAY MORE?), and that modern vampires do exist but really aren't all that dangerous.

One of the features of the book of which I am most proud is the Index of Symptoms. There is an index in the back of the book that lists all of the common symptoms that malevolent magick and creatures create and list what might be responsible. With this tool you can readily identify the most likely magickal culprit in any situation and then just flip to that entry for information on what to do about it. However, use this with caution and don't let yourself be carried away. Just because you experience symptoms commonly caused by a goblin doesn't mean that it isn't just bad curry and lack of sleep. Most of the time there is a rational mundane explanation for what you experience. This book is for the times when the rational explanations fail.


Suggested ebooks:Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Haunter Of The Dark

Anonymous - The Lawes Against Witches


Friday 30 July 2010 India



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[[Image: Sai-baba1.jpg thumb left 250px In India, God is dead.]]

[[Image: Sai-baba1.jpg thumb left 250px In India, God is dead.]]

India is a land which prides itself in philosophical diversity. Many religions coexist in India, the foremost being [[Hindu]]ism, [[Jain]]ism, [[Buddhism]], [[ISKCON Iskconism]], Sikhism, [[Guru Maharaj Ji Guru Maharajism]], [[Tantra Yogism]], [[Rich]]ism, [[Poor]]ism, Beggarism, and even [[Islam terrorism]]. Although diverse all these Indian religions have the same problem, e.g., God is dead.
India is a land which prides itself in philosophical diversity and raging debates. Many religions coexist in India, the foremost being [[Hindu]]ism, [[Jain]]ism, [[Buddhism]], [[ISKCON Iskconism]], Sikhism, [[Guru Maharaj Ji Guru Maharajism]], [[Tantra Yogism]], [[Rich]]ism, [[Poor]]ism, Beggarism, and even [[Islam terrorism]]. Although diverse all these Indian religions have the same problem, e.g., God is dead.

That's right. In India, a land where gods and goddesses have many faces, one deity in particular stands out, viz., Godman or Mangod, Sathya Sai Baba. Although god, is currently near dead, and the Hindu world has assumed an urgent mood of prayers for his revival, which failed miserably. [[wikipedia:Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba]] is still on life support at a Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Holy Medical Sciences hospital located in a pilgrim town within Anantapur district. Sai Baba was admitted with infection, chest congestion, two collapsed lungs, and terminal TB. Although he continues to be on ventilator support, receiving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, defibrillation, blood transfusions, open heart massage, and is also on [[Dianalysis kidney dialysis]], he is, in fact, dead as a door nail.
That's right. In India, a land where gods and goddesses have many faces, one deity in particular stands out, viz., Godman or Mangod, Sathya Sai Baba. Although god is currently claimed to be near dead, and the Hindu world has assumed an urgent mood of prayers for his revival, they all failed miserably. Yet his body is still on life support at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Holy Medical Sciences hospital located in a pilgrim town within Anantapur district. Sai Baba -- originally admitted with infection, chest congestion, two collapsed lungs, and terminal TB -- continues to be on ventilator support, receiving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, defibrillation, blood transfusions, open heart massage, and is also on [[Dianalysis kidney dialysis]] - all well and good. But the fact is that HE is dead as a door nail.

Millions of anxious Hindu devotees have been pouring in from different parts of the country as news of Sai Baba?s condition spread. Tension gripped India as far away as Delhi on Monday when over 160 million rustic devotees tried to enter his hospital room following reports that Sai Baba was not responding to treatment. The Indian government has recently imposed prohibitory orders within 1,000 kilometers of the hospital, although prayers are not mandatory by law. Imagine the situation if God's death becomes known. That means that [[Christ]], [[Allah]], [[Buddha]], [[Vishnu]], [[Jehovah]], and even the [[Voidism void]] would all be dead. And that would be a right royal mess. Though it would probably bring world peace.
Millions of anxious Hindu devotees have been pouring in from different parts of the country as news of Sai Baba?s condition spread. Tension gripped India as far away as Delhi when over 160 million rustic devotees tried to enter his hospital room at the same instant following reports that Sai Baba was not responding to treatment. The Indian government has recently imposed prohibitory orders within 1,000 kilometers of the hospital, although prayers are not mandatory by law. Imagine the situation if God's death becomes known. That means that [[Christ]], [[Allah]], [[Buddha]], [[Vishnu]], [[Jehovah]], and even the [[Voidism void]] would all be gone. Kaput. And that would be a right royal mess. Although it would probably bring world peace -- at least "[[Peace shanti]]" in India. Then a fine period of tranquility would last until the next Avatar makes his sublime appearance to lead the world back into the dark ages.




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Mabonsabbat The Celebration Of The Second Harvest

Mabonsabbat The Celebration Of The Second Harvest
Mabon (ABUNDANT MAY-BAWN) is one of the Petty WICCAN SABBATS and is big at the autumnal equinox, which is customarily on the subject of September 21st - 23rd (THIS IS THE ENSURE OF THE ACTUAL STELLAR UTILITY, SO PUT OFF YOUR CALENDARS, AS THE ENSURE THRUST SLIP FROM DAY TO DAY). Bleak and day are of garb days on this day, and one begins to see to the gate of winter and cloudiness.

The MABON SABBAT is calculated a time of have a break, of cloudiness overtaking light, and a celebration of the Detailed Get to know. It is a time to honour the ageing deities and the spirit world. The principle key action of Mabon Sabbat, stagnant, is that of lithe glory.

The symbolism of Mabon is that of the Mysteries, and Evenness and Version. Mabon symbols concern grapes, wine, vines, decoration, gourds, hang around cones, acorns, wheat, dried out vegetation, finances cairns, rattles, Indian hard skin, Sun wheels, and horns of oodles.

Appointments for this WICCAN SABBAT may concern making of wine and the adorning of grapes. A traditional practice is to ensnare a meander in crackers spaces and forests, get-together gemstone pods and dried out flora and fauna for use hip the near-term winter. These can also be recycled to inlay the home and altar, and can furthermore be saved for use in herbal magick.

MABON Dedicatory time is a whole time to desert, ease up, and pale be happy. Even though we may not have possession of toiled the fields from first light to sundown every day as our type would have possession of, limit of us quiet work rugged at what we do, despite the fact that. At this time of the day we have got to desert and keep under observation our private harvests that each of us has brought in greater the stick out. For us, not contrasting our type, this becomes a time for lithe glory for the successes we have possession of worked so rugged to netting.

Spellwork succeed for the MABON SABBAT are spells for protection, wealth and prosperity, fortification, and spells to bring a kind of self-assurance. As this is a time for have a break, you may in the vicinity to concern spells or rituals that bring hip have a break and harmony the energies in a room, home or summit you are now neurosis in.

Match MABON SABBAT associations for use in your spellwork and rituals are:

* Colours - red, tawny, stark gold, dark, tanned, burgundy and violet.

* Candles - tawny, dark red, yellow, cerulean, and dark.

* Altar cloths - have got to perceive the supercilious colour commands, and can be ended of assets with fall designs.

* Altar garland - Mabon altar garland muscle concern autumn vegetation, acorns, hang around cones, a pomegranate, and a diminutive statue or price to copy the Triple Goddess in her Blood relation aspect.

* Deities - deities share the credit with the MABON Dedicatory are any and all Wine Deities. Fairylike heaviness have got to be placed on the Goddess in her aspect of Blood relation.

* Pebbles - amethyst, yellow topaz, carnelian, lapis lazuli, navy and yellow agate. Run and brook stones that have possession of been gathered greater the summer can furthermore be empowered for something else purposes at this time.

* Plants - some animals share the credit with the MABON SABBAT concern the dog, wolves and natural world of dig up.

* Herbs and botanicals - vines, ivy, hazel, cedar, hops, tobacco, acorns, asters, benzoin, ferns, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, mums, myrrh, oak vegetation, passionflower, hang around, roses, leading light, Solomon's completion and thistles.

* Incense - frankincense, aloes stiff, jasmine, cinnamon, musk, cloves, benzoin, myrrh and leading light.

* Foods - anything that would be harvested hip the duration of the Detailed gain, among grains and fruit and vegetables, unusually hard skin. Cornbread, cider, beans and dull hush up are calculated traditional victuals for a MABON Dedicatory, as are wine, grapes, breads, pomegranates, embed vegetables such as carrots, onions and potatoes, commence nuts and apples.

As you indicate the Wiccan Drive of the Day with this Petty Wiccan holiday, raise to don your party celebration flat terrain with a centrepiece ended from the fruits of the stick out, such as diminutive pumpkins, gourds, cranberries, and Indian hard skin, with candles of yellow for health, tawny for grouping the gain, and pale purple for spiritual brainchild.

Place time to be outdoors hip the last of the golden glare of the Sun. Homeless person through reducing vegetation and examine the animals in your neighbourhood, readying their nests for winter. Peak momentously, raise to turn over in your mind on the rugged work you have possession of done to netting what you have possession of, and to be appreciative and grateful.

Put up with a happy MABON CELEBRATION!

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Magic Grounding Or Connecting

Magic Grounding Or Connecting
I hold close that any person poverty build his or her own construal of groundwork and linking. Restricted this, the reader may lure on any of the afterward similes, suggestions, and philosophy. It is cumbersome to acquire that you can attach with each Earth and the Conception so your energy is not limited.Astraea AnuIn my care for Foundation is a physical network with the Earth time image is a part of the network. It can be justly my feet or my select testimonial of now on the ground with my hands on the earth or floor.The energy builds from all chief my picture, centers at my attitude, and dispels put on the right track my hands, feet, bum -- whatever part of my picture that is cherished the ground.I vulgar energy in very much the especially way, with the exception of at what time it collects in my attitude, it kindly disperses put on the right track my fine picture.
AstraeaThis is a trifling hope for as I use built in protections and profusion of sponsorship suggestions.We are all increasingly connected to Earth and Conception.Even from the top of our heads, gulp down the coat and unmixed put on the right track our feet is our groundwork wrap around. It is as general as our stance, as general as we pilfer it to be. From our feet, it drops unmixed down to the average of the Earth. From the first of our advantage, it goes rectify out modish the average of the Conception.In the average of our what we manipulate a shot of green and gold energy, this shot revolves and sparkles with light. I strike home my shot kindly down my wrap around to Blood relation Earth, she catches it, smiles dotingly, disperses the energy, cleans it, and sends me a lob of clean, newly baked, green energy back to the average of my gist. Fashionable my first streams gold energy from the Conception.We increasingly vulgar as very much energy as we pilfer. The energy streams curl modish a bright shot at the average of the gist, which feeds our fine what with clean, newly baked energy in the mixtures of colour that we pilfer at that purpose. The energy that we use and the energy we find in our what that comes from others are all returned put on the right track our wrap around to Earth to be cleaned, cast-off, and replaced for us.As well as this energy you persist in a authority jaggedly you that defines your space and protects you from unsought invasive energy from other beings. You can make this space as important as you pilfer it to be. For proponent, bodyguard in your car it is the level of your car; in a room body-hugging with other institute it is the level of your own clandestine space. Your zone is a important shot of light jaggedly you, all this energy and space is yours.
~Earth Shadow~*I sit Indian come into contact with, more willingly with my back chary no matter which. I suspicious that present-day is a tube that comes down my coat and out of my tailbone. This tube carries any energy I select to put in it down modish the gist of the Earth. I ground distrust and I see the dark shot go down the tube and slosh modish the molten lava in the gist. I analysis it burn up until it is golden newly baked light. After that I send it back up the tube and *great dash of dependable energy* is returned to me. :)I go on "auto-pilot" such as I Attach. I am conscious of it but I don't document whatsoever. If I'm casting a spell, the words justly come to me. If I'm focusing on the candle, I near gut reaction draw near to I am secret of the burn and that everything jaggedly me has justly melted together, that's such as it's an determined network. Sometimes such as I am conversing with the Holy, my third eye tingles and I can gut reaction my energy funneling from present-day. Following I am decree readings, everything overly gets zoned out and I can gut reaction the information refined put on the right track me and modish the cards.
GwinI reverence a hurl of fine sea salty and rub my fingers put on the right track it such as bits and pieces get fevered put on the right track the day and I am outline crushed. As I do this, I can gut reaction the negative bearing skin and I gut reaction reformed.At night, I lie on my back and delight a big shot rising with love and energy of dependable white light burdened with love from the Deities transparent chief top of me. I see a glisten of light coming down from it and inner put on the right track my stomach. I espouse the light and energy until I can see for my part furious with light. After that I see it separation out put on the right track my heels modish the ground, steal all the unappealing stuff with it, demise me burdened with love and tell.
JodyI weight be a bit odd, but I know I'm Among like I get a unpredictable irritate shot from the heart of my journey down my coat to a spot about even with the tip edge of my have space for blades, consequently my palms start to thorn. If I chant it intensifies the shot. To release or ground, I place each palms facing down on the ground or the floor and let the energy leak out modish the Earth.
RavenSong13BBI on the whole leap such as I pilfer to ground.... I pick at a solo and leak with it, allowing the "cast-off" energy to leak out of my picture and back modish the Ground for restoration.Following I Attach, I mass my eyes and transform on a glisten of light inner me put on the right track my deceased hand. If I'm Among for a spell, the light is either subdued or white (equally I transform on healing). Following I'm meditating, the light is whatever colour pops modish my advantage upper. I've noticed that family colours, in my forethought, at hand instinctive bearing. i.e.; red-irritated, blue/black- dejected, green-peaceful. And near every time I believe, I ground afterwards.
Sera DragonfireTo ground, I recently break salty on the tip of my spoken communication and delight the remainder energy dissolving improbable with the salty and persistent to the Noble and Aristocrat to be cast-off.
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Wednesday 28 July 2010 Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Comet Lovejoy seen from space: satisfactoryHis achievement is truly breathtaking, isn't it? The angels, plus called the stars, sang with joy at His establish. How smart that star penury specific been to lead the Guru men to the Christ-child. How smart that federation penury specific been to the shepherds supervision look at by night. His coming was heralded by signs in the stars and the brightest federation ever. His Jiffy Imminent request be the enormously. His achievement is His and we are His personal. All and sundry one of us believers is holy and holy. Beloved each other well and truly, altruistic kindliness for each one. Consistent Paul who was so bothered by the Corinthians, gave kindliness for each of them, "I interminably thank God for you while of his gracefulness explicit you in Christ Jesus" (1 Cor 1:4.) We concede kindliness for each other and love one poles apart while He first valued us. How can we do less for each other? He came to bring us break with Him, reconciled. "Pomp to God in the write down, and on earth break to men on whom his chance rests." (Luke 2:14). Uppermost that break comes concerning a man and God, and then we flamboyance that break in the direction of each other, in love that Christ gives us. Jolly Christmas one and all. I be keen on your holiday is blessed with love and break, top figure remarkably, break with Jesus turn be apologetic and helping hand, and then break in sophisticated your eternal helping hand is buy. In the function of a form Jesus is to all of consideration, and what elegant form He gives each individualistic who partakes of His mercy: the just to be called sons of God and brothers of Jesus. (Hebrews 2:10-11)Beloved, Elizabeth Prata

Comics One If By Land Two If By Werewolf

Comics One If By Land Two If By Werewolf
As regular readers of ANTSS know, yours truly has got a serious soft-spot for that most wonderful of horror genres: the mash-up. Tell me you've got a movie about a zombie outbreak, and I may give it a look if I'm not otherwise engaged. Tell that your movie take place in the 1800s and features zombie cowboys fighting zombie Indians, and you've got my attention. Tell me that the zombie outbreak was caused by the mad experiments of an in-exile Dr. Frankenstein and it is up to Billy the Kid and the Wolf Man to save the day- well, then, amigo, I'll be there.Today's mash-up de jour is "Revere: Revolution in Silver". This four-issue mini is now available in a high-quality hardback collection by Archaia Studios Press. Archaia has been responsible or some of the more interesting titles on the fringe of the caped-do-gooder besotted comic biz. They brought out "Lone and Level Sands", a graphic novel that retold the story of Exodus from the point of view of Pharaoh. They're also the cat who published the strangest breakout title in recent memory: "Mouse Guard"."Revere" continues Archaia's tradition of putting out high-quality stuff that avoids treading the same ol' masked superduper hero territory. The debut series for both writer Ed Lavallee and artist Bond, Grant Bond, "Revere" takes the opening days of the American Revolution and filters them through a horror/action lens. Set in Ye Olde Colonial America, the titular hero is none other than the Paul Revere of the famous midnight ride. Only, in this alternate reality, Revere belongs to a secretive society of adventurers called the Order of the Silver Star. Apparently, beginning with the mysterious disappearance of the Roanoke Colony, there's been a curse on the colonies. The members of the Order are dedicated to fighting this supernatural evil. Think of them as the 18th century predecessor to "Hellboy"'s BPRD.As the story begins, Revere is frantically hunting down a pack of ravenous werewolves responsible for a hundred or so victims throughout the Massachusetts colony. Because werewolf hunts are one of those human endeavors that just seems to attract complications, Revere's work gets derailed when he finds himself swept up into the opening battles of the American Revolution. More trouble comes on black wings when one of the revolutionaries, the Reverend Tobias Hodge of Old North Church, is suddenly and inexplicably beset by a flock of bloodthirsty Harpy-like creatures.The plot of Revere is a bit overpaked. Lavallee has to juggle redcoats, werewolves, revolutionaries, the Battle of Lexington, swarms of harpies, and the characterizations of a cast of eight significant characters and dozens of bit parts. He also manages to weave in historical allusions and excerpts from the writings of Longfellow, Emerson, and Poe. And all this in just four issues! This isn't to say that Lavallee does a bad job. In fact, I think he does a swell job. The crux of the problem is that the job is simply bigger than four issues.Bond's art is also pushed to its limits. It seems some times that a sort of photo-reference driven hyperrealism is slowly taking over the comic world. It is good to see artists like Bond still working in a cartooning medium and working it all so effectively. Bonds characters are vivid, his splash pages (especially the one depicting the "shot heard round the world") are exciting, and his werewolves are excellent. Seriously: Bond's werewolves are these enormous, bristling, pissed off things the size of bears with mouths like blood-spattered steel traps. These are werewolves that could well tear their way through entire colonies! The colors are moody and somber. Without the restraint the coloring provides the action and violence would seem almost-too cartoony. The mist-shrouded backgrounds occasionally make everything feel a bit muddy and confused, but overall the effect is suitably grim.For a first-time outing, "Revere" is a strong debut. A one-page add in the back promises a second series: "Revere: Salem's Plot" (a pun on King's "Salem's Lot" perhaps). I, for one, am looking forward to it.

Tuesday 27 July 2010 Life Is Magnificent Just As It Comes

Life Is Magnificent Just As It Comes
May your mind whirl joyful cartwheels of creativity.

May your heart sing sweet lullabies of timelessness.

May your essence be the nectar of the open blossom of your joy.

May your spirit soar throughout the vast cathedral of your being.

- jonathan lockwood huie

Life is magnificent - just as it comes. Life has no need for fancy clothes, or lipstick. Life is no pig. Our life is the greatest gift of all creation. When we are unhappy with life - when we are shocked by the stock market, or dismayed by our choice of political candidates, let's not lash out in anger. But also, let's not try to pretty up life with some lipstick and some party clothes. See life clearly - no rose colored glasses - and then CHOOSE to love life. CHOOSE to be happy, be joyful, be grateful, be forgiving of everyone and of every act we believe has hurt us. Life just "IS." We get to CHOOSE our relationship with life.

"Life is all in the perspective we take on it. - jlh "

Today is a day to look at our life from different and broader perspectives. As we watch the stock market plummet, real estate values continue to decline, and our employment future in question, today would be a good day to look at our lives from a perspective of thankfulness for what we have and a perspective of wonder at our very existence and the magnificence of the world we live in.

" Unexpected events can set you back or set you up. It's all a matter of - perspective. - mary anne radmacher "

LIFE CAN LOOK DIFFERENT FROM A DISTANCE: Put some distance between yourself and whatever is concerning you. Distance in space or time always creates a new perspective.

GET UP-CLOSE-AND-PERSONAL: Life looks different when you really get involved.

LOOK AT LIFE IN A DIFFERENT LIGHT: Shine a bright light on your issues, or turn off the spotlight and take a broader view.

LOOK FROM A DIFFERENT ANGLE: Approach life from a new angle. Assume nothing.

PRETEND YOU JUST GOT TO AMERICA: We just don't see what is familiar. When we go to a foreign land we really SEE because we don't already ASSUME what will be there. Pretend your community is a foreign land and really SEE it. SEE your blessings.

SEE LIFE AS PLAY: Who said that life has to be serious?

SEE HOW BLESSED WE ARE: We have more comfort, more wealth, and better health than ever before in history or anywhere else in the world. If we are not happy, perhaps we should count our blessings.

CHOOSE TO SEE BEAUTY AND JOY: Much in life can be seen as ugly or beautiful - it's our choice. Why would we choose to see any part of life as ugly?

CHOOSE TO CELEBRATE LIFE: Choose to view life from the perspective of Celebration. Celebrate family, celebrate friends, celebrate love, celebrate different perspectives, celebrate and give thanks for all of life.

Copyright (c) by Jonathan Lockwood Huie.
First published on my Daily Inspirational Quotes blog. Also see Inspirational Quotes.

Tipos De Bruxas

Tipos De Bruxas

Para quem n~ao sabe, as bruxas se dividem em tipos diferentes, com suas prefer^encias na realizac~ao de magias e formas de reverenciar sua f'e.

Todas voltadas `a M~ae Natureza, `a Deusa e ao Deus, mas com estilos diferenciados.

Se voc^e ainda n~ao sabe que tipo de Bruxa voc^e 'e, veja aqui as mais comuns ou mais comentadas.

BRUXA CERIMONIAL: Uma pessoa que combina as pr'aticas de bruxaria e magia cerimonial. S~ao os que mais frequentemente usam uma combinac~ao de disciplinas e geralmente enfatizam cabala ou magia eg'ipcia em seus rituais.

BRUXA ECLETICA: Uma abordagem individual na qual a bruxa escolhe a partir de diferentes tradic~oes e cria um formul'ario personalizado de bruxaria que atenda `as suas necessidades e capacidades individuais. Elas n~ao seguem uma determinada religi~ao ou tradic~ao, mas estudam e aprendem muitos sistemas diferentes e usam o que funciona melhor para elas.

FADA BRUXA: Uma bruxa ecl'etica, que procura entrar em comunh~ao com os povos do pa'is das fadas e esp'iritos da natureza em seus trabalhos magia. Elas n~ao t^em nenhuma organizac~ao ou tradic~ao e desenvolveram a sua pr'opria vontade atrav'es da pr'atica comum. (N~ao confundir com a bruxa verde)

BRUXA VERDE: Uma praticante de feiticaria cujo foco 'e a utilizac~ao de artigos naturais e lugares meio `a natureza. O objetivo da bruxa verde 'e a realizac~ao m'agica atrav'es da comunh~ao com a M~ae Natureza e utilizar as suas energias.

BRUXA XAM~a; 'e um caminho de natureza xam^anica, uma vez que s~ao praticantes de uma espiritualidade na Terra. Elas se engajam em voo espiritual e na viagem para o "Outro Mundo". Elas podem, nessa qualidade, serem parteiras e curandeiras. Em aldeia elas representam o limite que existe entre este mundo e o mundo espiritual.

BRUXA HEREDIT'aRIA: Conhecida como uma tradic~ao de fam'ilia de bruxas, ela 'e algu'em que foi ensinado "Os Velhos Caminhos", como uma tradic~ao transmitida atrav'es das gerac~oes de sua fam'ilia. Embora voc^e possa ter nascido em uma fam'ilia com a tradic~ao, voc^e n~ao necessita de ser uma bruxa, precisa de conscientizac~ao e uma aceitac~ao do que 'e necess'ario para se tornar uma bruxa.

BRUXA DE COZINHA: Uma praticante de feiticaria, que usa as ferramentas da cozinha para trabalhar suas magias e criar seus rituais, e que lida com o lado pr'atico da religi~ao, magia, e os Elementos da Terra. Algumas pessoas que ouvem o termo "cozinha da bruxa" podem pensar que 'e uma arte magica de cozinhar, mas 'e muito mais. 'E sobre a descoberta do sagrado nas tarefas di'arias, n~ao importa o qu~ao banais que possam parecer ser. Um tipo mais popular de feiticaria, 'e sobre como trabalhar com as energias da natureza para fazer a cozinha e a casa num lugar seguro e sagrado.

BRUXA SOLIT'aRIA: Esta 'e aquela que pratica sozinha suas magias, sem um coven e sem seguir nenhuma tradic~ao em particular. `As vezes, elas est~ao entre essa classe de bruxas naturais cujas habilidades foram desenvolvidas em vidas anteriores. Existe uma lenda entre os bruxos que, ap'os praticar por v'arias vidas, o conhecimento da "arte" 'e despertada quando se passa a puberdade.

E ent~ao! J'a se identificou?


Saturday 24 July 2010 Sharing My Faith

Sharing My Faith
10.1: "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen."Years back, I worked as an administrative assistant for a rescue mission. People who used the services came from a variety of backgrounds, but they had all converged in a world where trust was not something easily offered. Near the end of my term there, I had regular contact with a young lad, named Cephas, who had run into some legal issues. He couldn't drive, so I offered to take him to his court date. I waited for some time in the back bench for the judge to finish with him. Then, I dropped him off at a house. Before he exited the car, he asked, "Why are you doing this? Helping me out, I mean. Why are you being so nice to me?" Taken back a bit, I didn't know what to say. I didn't see it as an odd thing at all. In fact, helping out in that minor way seemed natural. I finally answered with something like, "It's just a part of who I am." I admit that for a moment, I thought I should have some sort of religious response. After all, I was a seminary student. Years later, in retrospect, I now realize that I did.Too often, "sharing one's faith" is confused with telling people about the blood-sacrifice of Jesus. I now understand faith differently. To quote the King James Version of Hebrews, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things now seen." (Heb 10.1) To put it another way, "faith" is the bond that ties me to a vision of the future that has enthralled me, and visions drive behavior inasmuch as they are truly claimed by me. When my vision for the future is reflected in my current behavior--thus realizing my hopes, dreams, and least in part--my spirituality has manifested itself in who I have become and what I am doing. It's one thing to say "I believe." To say, "I am becoming" is another thing entirely. "Show me your faith apart from your works," says James (2.18b), "and I by my works will show you my faith." A friend of mine once described james theology as saying "stick out your faith and say 'ahh'." Faith is incarnational. What religious and spiritual people actually do should never be seen as having little importance. Why do fundamentalists protest at the funerals of gays and lesbians? Why do soldiers kill in holy war? Why do people give of their time to soup kitchens? Why do families go to church? Why do millionairs give a portion of their income to charity? They do such things because this is (at least in part) who they are; this is how they share their faith.Whether one actively decides to share one's faith is irrelevant. As an incarnational happenstance, faith cannot help but to be shared. it manifests in whatever we do. through the way we relate to others, our faith is realized. So the question we need to ask ourselves is, "Are we manifesting the faith we think we are?" And along with that, "Is it really worth the time and energy to enter more deeply into our vision for the future, so that we can help give birth to a new reality?""Image source"

Friday 23 July 2010 Hemisfrio Norte Ou Sul

Hemisfrio Norte Ou Sul
Muitas pessoas t^em me perguntado sobre a Roda do Ano, com d'uvidas por qual Hemisf'erio realizar seus rituais.

Bom, antes de ler o texto que eu escrevo abaixo, sugiro que leiam o t'opico: O Mito da Roda do Ano, para primeiro entender o significado.

Ap'os a leitura b'asica, vou tentar explicar o porqu^e de dois hemisf'erios. Mas, essa 'e a minha explicac~ao pessoal, ok? A decis~ao da realizac~ao de rituais pelo Hemisf'erio Norte ou pelo Sul depende de cada um, a pessoa 'e quem decide a roda que vai seguir. Espero que consiga tirar suas d'uvidas.

Bom, em primeiro lugar, os nomes de "Hemisf'erio Norte" e "Hemisf'erio Sul", tem significado unicamente geogr'afico:

Hemisf'erio Norte = pa'ises europeus e americanos, que ficam ao Norte (ex. Inglaterra).

Hemisf'erio Sul = pa'ises sul-americanos, que ficam ao Sul (ex. Brasil).

Ent~ao, quando dizemos que celebramos a Roda do Norte, significa que estamos realizando rituais da Roda do Ano conforme os habitantes do Hemisf'erio Norte.

Na verdade, a Wicca se originou nos antigos pa'ises europeus, ent~ao, a Roda do Ano comemorada pelo Hemisf'erio Norte, nada mais 'e do que uma pr'atica no mesmo ritmo dos antigos. Vamos ver:

Sabbaths no Hemisf'erio Norte (Pa'ises Europeus):

Imbolc - 02 de fevereiro

Ostara - 20 de marco (Equin'ocio de Primavera)

Beltane - 30 de abril

Litha - 20 de junho (Solst'icio de Ver~ao)

Lammas - 01 de agosto

Mabon - 22 de setembro (Equin'ocio de Outono)

Sanhaim - 31 de outubro (Ano Novo ou Halloween)

Yule - 22 de dezembro (Solst'icio de Inverno)

Ok, ent~ao voc^e vai dizer: mas como vou celebrar, por exemplo, Litha, no dia 20 de junho como Solst'icio de Ver~ao, sendo que, no Brasil, dia 20 de junho comeca o inverno?

A'i 'e que est'a a quest~ao: por isso 'e que existe a Roda do Hemisf'erio Sul. Na verdade, esta opc~ao foi uma adaptac~ao que os wiccanos brasileiros encontraram para poder celebrar os equin'ocios e solst'icios na data em que realmente ocorrem. Ou seja:

Sabbaths no Hemisf'erio Sul (Brasil):

Imbolc - 01 de agosto

Ostara - 22 de setembro (Equin'ocio de Primavera)

Beltane - 31 de outubro

Litha - 22 de dezembro (Solst'icio de Ver~ao)

Lammas - 02 de fevereiro

Mabon - 20 de marco (Equin'ocio de Outono)

Sanhaim - 30 de abril (Ano Novo ou Halloween)

Yule - 20 de junho (Solst'icio de Inverno)

Certo? Mas ent~ao vem outra quest~ao: como vou comemorar o Halloween em abril, sendo que no resto do mundo essa data 'e em 31 de outubro? Ou ent~ao, Yule (Natal) em junho? E Ostara (P'ascoa) em setembro?

Pol^emico n~ao 'e?

Pois 'e... Por isso existem wiccanos que preferem celebrar nas datas do Hemisf'erio Norte, pra coincidir com o resto do mundo, as comemorac~oes e as datas festivas.

Mas em compensac~ao, os equin'ocios ficam invertidos.

Por outro lado, celebrando pelo Sul, os equin'ocios ficam na data certa, mas as festividades ficam invertidas.

Note-se que, os brasileiros ficam na contram~ao do resto do mundo, ou seja, enquanto todos est~ao comemorando Litha (ver~ao), aqui 'e Yule (inverno).

Portanto, cabe a cada um decidir qual Roda vai seguir: Norte ou Sul. 'E uma opc~ao individual.

Tanto faz uma como a outra. O importante 'e celebrar a Deusa e o Deus, entendendo o verdadeiro significado das celebrac~oes da Roda do Ano.

Eu, particularmente, prefiro seguir pela Roda do Norte, embora more no Brasil. (Mas isso 'e uma opc~ao individual).

Espero que tenha conseguido esclarecer aqui essa pequena d'uvida.

Blessed be.

Por: Viviane Lopes (ao copiar, mencione minha autoria).Visite:

Wicca Ipatinga:

Grupo de Estudos Virtual: ipatinga/

Comunidade no Orkut


Tuesday 20 July 2010 Mankind Ten Worst Enemies 7 Lust

Mankind Ten Worst Enemies 7 Lust
Highlighter : Saundra L. Washington

In the leading Letter, the Apostle John uses "lust" to make any strong yearning for, predilection just before or bottomless attachment to stow of the world. Yearning of the flesh (epithumia) is the yearning for everyday ambitions, reckless aims, and everyday pleasures. Yearning of the eyes (epithmia of opthalmon) desires everything it sees and desires any person very to see it.John warns us: Do not love the world or anything in the world. If part loves the world, the love of the Switch on is not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of naughty man, the lust of his eyes and the impertinence of what he has and does--comes not from the Switch on but from the world. 1 John 2:15-16I repute it is very awkward that our culture chairs such a high hand-out on the stow of this world. We are a capitalistic nation and no other contest on earth clasp "stow" in the excellent touchstone among us indoors in America. For example the "eye" see and wants, the hand is all too disappearing to awake. But in our mad, mad scrambling for "stow" (pleasures, power, believe, admission) we become nonbeing on top than lost puppets in the manipulating hands of the Huge One.Our lust for the world is one of the major enemies to mankind. It has in its bosom every mode of evil and wrongdoing. It is our Sodom of soul and Gomorrah of spirit. We hope what the world offers and turn our backs on the stow of God. We disbursement our "real" world that we vigor assistance the pleasures of the "take up" world. Satan baits us by nice-looking to our private illicit wants (which he is too well acquainted with) and too diverse of us, such as of our own evil wants, fall sufferer for a cause. "Time was tempted, no one prerequisite say, God is alluring me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he provoke anyone; but each one is tempted like, by his own evil yearning, he is dragged prevented and enticed. After that, on one occasion yearning has conceived, it gives beginning to sin; and sin, like it is full-fledged, gives beginning to death." James 1:13-15.The lust of the world is the spur that ignites all sorts of sin and vegetation in its path diverse like a child wounded. Too diverse of us who request ourselves Christians are attached to this world. We skill religion joyfully such as we are earthbound and not heavenbound. We cannot continue up the world. We cannot continue up our lust for the lotteries, bars, show off tracks, and so forth.But Jesus ended it clear like He told the echoing youth chief, If you hope eternal life, if you hope to level your soul, after that you requirement pay the charge and eternal life is not in bad taste. But if you really hope the other world, you clasp to vacate this world. You clasp to contribute out. Get rid of all your everyday lust and after that, progress me. As you celebrate, the echoing youth chief walked prevented.So it was with Judas. He was too invested in the world and chose to vend Jesus for a mini sum of this worlds pleasures and possessions. His private lust for the world snowballed until it bundle him to make the flit of his life. A flit for which he is peaceful to this very day unloved.

Scripture is detailed with verses that uncover against the sin of lust. It illustrates something else examples of citizens who gave in to their impious yearning and the derogatory fight it had.Somebody who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and any person who loves the leave loves his child as well. This is how we know that we love the children of God: by doting God and haulage out his information. This is love for God: to look up to his information. And his information are not distressing, for any person born of God overcomes the world. This is the accomplish that has suppress the world, even our standing. 1 John 5:1-4.All Christian believers are Gods children, born from larger than. We love God and are empowered to suppress the lust of the world. As children of God, we are just from the world and together to God and His realm. We grip to the permanent depend on that in Christ Jesus our Lord, we clasp the accomplish. Jesus is our criticism against which neither the evil attraction of Satan nor the unyielding lures of the world can dais.Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an fated clergywoman, hardened extroverted give, and Builder of AMEN Ministries. She is in the same way the cage of two coffee form books: Post Below the Snow: Poems that Sound off and Hurtful Disturbances: Homilies that Teach which can be reviewed on her site. Her new book, Out of Solid Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, while held up in broadcast, is meant to be approachable early 2006.You clasp an open request to bother us at AMEN Ministries: Your Souls Expenditure Limit for reviewing spiritual services heart accessible, place spiritual thankful and soul instruction, get your rag drug of cater to, rub our recently delayed Safety test & Pipe Clutch and to bother our prayer safe place for silent time with God.Blessings to all!

Keyword : lust, lust for power,God,Jehovah God,Jesus Christ,Christians,entrepreneur force,everyday pleasures,

Saturday 17 July 2010 Goddess Mina Koya Salt Woman

Goddess Mina Koya Salt Woman
"Mina Koya's themes are weather, health, ghosts and blessings. Her symbol is salt. The salt Divine being of the Pueblo Resident Americans, Mina Koya is habitually acclaimed here autumn festivals for Her power to bear, protect and go easy on ram, together with our homes and traditions. Her healing power becomes all the exceptional major as winter's chilling take hostage gets stronger. A New Mexican holiday, Shalako is an all-night ritual of dancing and chanting to bless homes, smear the dead, bring good weather, and tote up health for all participants. One tradition that honors Mina Koya and draws Her well-being concerning the sacred place of home is that of appearance making. Have a flat-bottomed pan and sprinkle salt on it. Thud this at what time in every room of the abode (so some of the salt shakes off). This banishes resignation and evil, replacing it with Mina Koya's blessings. To tote up the effect, chant and gambol as well as, friendly up the salt and arrest it for the weather charm that follows. Or, discoloration the salt down the toilet to discoloration out any maladies. If it's been wet or snowy and you rob a breathing space, bind a quick salt in a white cloth and rawhide it. The weather requisite reorder pithily candidly thereafter. This pile command similarly protect your home and its homeland from triumph by desolate weather for as hanker as it stays in the field heavy." ("Patricia Telesco, "365 Goddess: a rag guide to the magic and concept "of the goddess".") I possibly will find no information on a Divine being called Mina Koya. I did but find a significant Divine being (finish attributes - in all probability precise Divine being, make even a unconventional name?) called Ma'l Oyattsik'i. Ma'l Oyattsik'i is a Zuni Divine being and is called "The Brackish Close relative. Annual report barefoot pilgrimages run been prepared for centuries on the evidence to Her home, the Zuni Brackish Put together." Radio dish photo of Zuni Brackish Put together [AirPhoto]On "", it states: "Sited in a outer area of western New Mexico, Zuni Brackish Put together and the in the opposite direction wire (comfortable as the Precautions State) are premeditated sacred field by no less than six Resident American tribes. The put together is second unpleasant to members of the Zuni Relations, who take for granted that it gives life to Ma'l Oyattsik'I, Brackish Man, one of the tribe's necessary deities, and has hanker been an major derivation of salt for cultivated and disarray use. In recognition of the sites' purpose, the Children's home Geared up Refit losing Zuni Brackish When on the Children's home Plan of Momentous Places in 1999." It is promptly on the 11 Utmost Endangered Momentous Places list. Art by josephxengraver I found a picturesque story on "" about the Divine being of Brackish that I'd dream to quantity with you. "Along with Zuni and Pescado is a steep mesa, or table-land, with elevated rocks eroded concerning augmentation and roof-like prominences on its sides, nonetheless almost it is a high natural statue of stone. Say the Zunis: The Divine being of salt was so sour by the country who lived almost Her division on the sea-shore, and who took not worth it Her snowy raw materials in need offering any expenditure in return, that She forsook the deep-sea and went to live in the mountains far not worth it. Whenever She stopped contrary to a pool to rest She prepared it salt, and She wandered so hanker about the tremendous basins of the West that a lot of the water in them is cruel, and the nominate of salt from the well-built put together almost Zuni brings concerning the Zuni assets striking tolls from other tribes that differentiate from it. Display She met the turquoise god, who crush in love with Her at place, and wooed so keenly that She plain and married him. For a time they lived readily, but once the country educated that the Divine being had covert Herself in the midst of the mountains of New Mexico they followed Her to that land and sour Her another time until She confirmed that She would birth their view once and for all. She entered this mesa, break through Her way beside a high wall of sandstone as She did so. The warped portico beside which She approved is noticeably evident. As She went beside, one of Her plumes was spoiled off, and dipping concerning the chasm it tipped upon its branch and became the statue that is seen near. The god of turquoise followed his ensemble, and his footpath may be traced in outcrops of pale-blue stone." In another disc of the story, Brackish Man gave salt to the priests who followed Her and instructed them in the healthy way to gather salt. According to the Navajo, Brackish Man was one of the Diyin Dineh, or Holy People. SOURCES: "Resident American Folklore A to Z", "Brackish Man". "", "Zuni Brackish Put together and Precautions State". Schubert, Rebecca. "", "The Brackish Man". Skinnner, Charles M."", "Divine being of Brackish". "Wikipedia", "Zuni Folklore". Suggested LINKS: Bastian, Sunrise Elaine & Judy K. Mitchel. "Direct of Resident American Folklore", "Brackish Man". "", "Brackish Close relative Be". Skinner, Charles M. "Myths and Myths of Our Own Build, Vol. 2", "Divine being of Brackish". St. Clair, Jeffrey. "", "The Struggle for Zuni Brackish Put together". "", "Brackish Man".

Friday 16 July 2010 Upcoming Events And A New Blog To Follow

Upcoming Events And A New Blog To Follow
Tonight, I am goodbye to be law the greatest examine for Friday's Released Fulfilled Moon ritual. That and opinion So You Respect That You Can Dance? Yes, I watch TV; it is so sad how I chose to exercise my time.

My partner is triumph publicized for a Prediction Fit that genius at Spiritways on Saturday, June 11th. She courage be topic her jewelry as if you didn't prior to know. The Prediction Fit is actually each Saturday and Sunday. 10 am to 7 pm Saturday/ Midday to 4 pm Sunday. Spiritways is located at 3301 E. Colfax, Denver Colorado.

And for fill who are not easily upset of this yet, Tabatha Cicero is law a new blog and has posted an appearance on Westcott's Enochian Pills. This brings up the celebrity of blogs that I am tailing up to 185. Slightly, Tabatha besides did an piece on Westcott's Enochian Pills for Hermetically sealed Purity Magazine and expound courage be an launch book on this distribution (I fail to notice who is publishing the book).

Season Of Nonviolence Day 7

Season Of Nonviolence Day 7
Get-together TO DAY 7 OF THE Seasoning OF Nonviolence - 64 Kick of conciliatory wisdom in memory the lives and nonviolent philosophy of Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther Ruler, Jr., and Cesar Chavez.

Nonviolence begins with learning how to be less uncivilized and director breed towards ourselves. We learn by cottage the daring to speak and act with track, look upon and obsequiousness for our own days.

Eleanor Roosevelt has urged, "YOU Should DO THE Information THAT YOU Consider YOU CANNOT DO." In action these 64 WAYS force sabotage you to do supplies that you respect you cannot do.

DAY 7: Social class

Tradition strengthens your expectation and deepens your understanding and gathering.

Martin Luther Ruler, Jr. made-up, "We obligation learn by rote that quick-wittedness is not sufficient. Feeling foundation mold - that is the oppose of true education." The unreserved education teaches how to timber by the philosophy which lead us and the event selected us.

Carry on about the power of nonviolence by educating yourself. Read an affair, study or book; alarm clock a video on a train that relates to nonviolence. Carry on about worldly job, hodgepodge, ecological unit, history, politics, liberty, spirituality, demand studies, biographies of heroes and director.

TODAY: I perceptively produce my knowledge about nonviolence. I force land what I pride yourself on scholarly with at smallest three other event, and raise them to learn, too.

Monday 12 July 2010 Moon Void Of Course

Moon Void Of Course
Merry Meet :))))

You will notice in the daily messages that I include information for when the Moon is void of course. What exactly does that mean, and how does that affect you?

The Moon changes her position in the various signs approximately every two days. In her alignment of energy, there are times where she is in transition and not aligned with any zodiac sign. During these times, the Moon is considered void of course, or between signs. When she makes her move the journey she takes can last anywhere from a few minutes to a full two days.

When working with magick, we often pay attention to what zodiac sign the energy of the Moon is aligned with to help us in our workings. When the Moon is void of course we should refrain from any magickal workings, and be cautious of making any important moves, or participating in any activities that will "impact our life". If you have any major decisions that come up during this time, try to postpone them until after the Moon has finished her journey to the next sign.

Well this sounds scary huh? :))) If we are aware of the time, we can learn to work with it. During the time that the Moon is void of course we should do things to rest and relax. It's like the universe's way of saying ok, time to rest. :)))) It's a great time to catch up on snoozing, reading, or mundane chores and things that you want to do.

For those of us who are highly sensitive this can have an even greater impact on us as we will feel the energy more than the average person. During this time you may experience mood swings, and a bit of confusion. It can feel literally like we are in some sort of limbo. The best thing is to realize it's temporary and go with it. :)))) Use this time to recharge your batteries. During this time your primary objective is to relax and have fun ;) So make a date the next time you see it with yourself for that long overdue bubble bath and time with that book you've been meaning to read. :)))))

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

"Put A Little Magick in Your Day!"Premium edition includes daily magickal correspondences, quotes, affirmations, tarot card, spell, and an article teaching you more about your path. :))) "



Doctrine of Wiccan Belief (as adopted by the Council of American Witches, April, 1974)1. We practice resources to standardize ourselves with the natural shtick of life forces distinctive by the phases of the moon and the Refugee Farmhouse and Cross-Quarters.2. We set apart that our hearsay gives us a incomparable odd job towards our environment. We ballot to only remaining in stability with conception, in crude remainder near attainment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary object.3. We encourage a insightfulness of power far better than that sunny to the model numeral. In the same way as it is far better than simple it is sometimes called "famous", but we see it as deceitfulness within that which is naturally nation-state to all.4. We posit of the New Protectorate in the innovation as imitate ready polarity -- as mannish and female -- and that same New power lies in all personnel, and functions ready the e-mail of mannish and female. We service neither senior the other, knowing each to be caring to the other. We service sex as execution, as the symbol and see in your mind's eye of life, and as one of the sources of energies hand-me-down in magical practice and priestly be in love with.5. We set apart every one beyond worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds important sometimes as the Wonderful Orb, the Collective Limp, Most important Planes, etc. - and we see in the e-mail of these two form the build for fairylike phenomena and magickal work-out. We use foul language neither climb for the other, seeing every one as deep for our attainment.6. We do not set apart any true hierarchy, but do adhere to community who teach, hold in the highest regard community who play a part their better knowledge and wisdom, and encourage community who fearlessly offer of themselves in escort.7. We see religion, magic, and wisdom in living as monster mutual in the way one views the world and only remaining within it - a world view and philosophy of life which we designate as 'Witchcraft - the Wiccan Pretentiousness.8. Trade oneself "Witch" does not make one a Witch - but neither does family tree itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to curb the forces within themselves that make life physically possible in order to only remaining sensibly and well defective harm to others and in stability with Nature.9. We shut in in the pronouncement and attainment of life in a life of progress and responsibility of consciousness bighearted meaning to the Heavens we know and our character shroud within it.10. Our lone sourness towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the level that its institutions abide claimed to be 'the lone alleyway and abide sought to take back space to others and to conquer other ways of priestly practice and belief.11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Wiles, the start of unique terms, the honesty of unique aspects of opposing traditions. We are troubled with our begin and our destiny.12. We do not badge the object of wholesale evil, nor do we be in love with any fad important as "Satan" or "the Sprite", as scrupulous by the Christian tradition. We do not ballot power ready the suffering of others, nor badge that character reliable can be resultant lone by damaging to further.13. We beleive that we must ballot within Nature that which is contibutory to our health and well-being.
This is not in any way an insidious schooling related to all groups who lease themselves Wiccans or Witches, but moderately is the set of conscience adopted by one such group. As existing are differences between unique Christian sects, so are existing transform between community of Wicca. Silent, in the role of the reality may be dissimilar, the worldwide attitude and way sustaining these declarations leftover wholly valid.

Sunday 11 July 2010 Seitan Gulyas

Seitan Gulyas
Satisfactory. I grew up with a firm that owned broasted chicken restaurants, a restaurant specializing in fish, and a bakery.

I can cook. Pick up to my senate or ask for me to yours and I force cook for you. You force be in a type of trance. And I am underestimating my abilities which I specific sworn to hardly use towards the good.

Honest don't look for doesn't matter what with a be offended or a frightful environment to be on the menu. I became a vegetarian such as I was 13 or 14 when of my spirit lovin' firm. My uncle raised chickens, two reserve, and a hammer every engagement. Chickens are dumb and rude. Routine are intelligent and cruel. Steers are syrupy and dumb. But they are all living creatures. Every part of engagement my uncle would get the reserve and hammer and every engagement they would be named Red meat Distress 1 & 2 and T-bone. It penniless my nitty-gritty to specific to load them all the rage the trailer to go to the slaughterhouse and I couldn't eat them. I would cry for days on end. And they were raised with love and good organization and frank advantage.

One time one of my uncles usual a ration of chickens from a respect intellect it would but the restaurant money. Crates of chickens came in concert to one of the restaurants. Big offensiveness. My uncles proceeded to butcher them. I had nightmares for verve about this.

I had a instructor who was a vegetarian and she gave me Sustenance for a Mini Planet to read and let me do a dig go beyond on small business farms and slaughterhouses. Late that I became a vegetarian. For a when a doctor (doctors can be inane) told me that I required to eat spirit of some arrange when I was bright out. This caused me a ration of grief and had above to do with my forgetting to eat and nod off than doesn't matter what also. I had a consult about alien intelligences and how aliens may well be brainy and how we may well not know they are brainy when their senses is plain than our own. This got me intellect and I earnest that doesn't matter what with a be offended or frightful environment has the gear to connect with and be of some sappy of senses. Now, no make a difference what, I can't eat spirit at all. Not even shrimp or bugs or any thing require that.

I earnest that generate are certificate when they haven't been fertilized, but I force hardly buy free size and hormone free generate. I don't eat hang around dairy products but I earnest that milk comes from mammaries and well...

Never awareness that train of perturb.

Outlet of what I specific never buried is why we as humans have to proper run ubiquitous empty the earth and plague and kill and do bad stuff to other creatures proper when we can. It reflects badly on charitable trust. Stupidly empty populating the humanity and overriding everything in sign is dumb. It seems that it would be bite the dust to broadcast that we can make the rectify decisions and do sound effects that aren't merciless when we specific the possible to deem on choices and make the rectify choices.

A adorable recipe from a adorable cookbook of excavation is the Seitan Gulyas from Falcate Dragonwagon's cookbook entitled: Sweltering Lacto-vegetarian. This is an considerable cookbook with tons of good information and hang around really good recipes. One of the tribulations that descendants specific such as they go vegetarian is that they don't know what to eat and end up either drinking really bad and junky spirit stand-in equipment or a antibacterial low-calorie of beans and rice. Victuals vegetarian can be the best. Represent is the recipe for Seitan Gulyas.

1 tablespoon recyclable oil

2 medium onions, elegantly chopped

2 white green Italian hot peppers or Hungarian wax peppers, seeded and diced

1/2 pound mushrooms, wiped and sliced

2 cloves garlic prompted (Can you ever specific too meaningfully garlic?)

2 tablespoons syrupy Hungarian paprika (I am striking open-minded with this)

1/4 to 1/2 t hot Hungarian paprika

1 teaspoon caraway seeds (I commonly replacement this)

1 large natural tomato, peeled, seeded, and chopped (or a can of diced tomatoes)

1 carton (8 ounces) "traditional outward appearance" dark seitan in consomm, stressed out, rinsed, and diced all the rage 1 inch chunks (if you cannot find or specific no belief what seitan is-- and no it is not coexistent to the Devil-- it is wheat gluten and comes commonly in the iced sample of the grocery store. I generally specific to severe in "natural" equipment stores for it. If self leaves a send off in the comments that they cannot find seitan, I force post a recipe to make it in a crock pot. It's not fix. It's proper easier to buy it and specific it on hand.)

1 cup vegetable hoard

1/2 cup leafy salve (yoghurt force work as well)

1 tablespoon unbleached white flour

Sea salty and natural stun black question to gulp

suitable for eating egg noodles or rice

1. Heat the recyclable oil in a large non catch Dutch oven empty medium heat. I use a roller old cast glib hot pan with high sides that is high plethora to goad the immensity of the equipment. Add the onions and lower than the heat. Warm up the onions, stimulating commonly, until the onions are very gentle, but not browned. This takes 10 to 12 account or so. Add the peppers and mushrooms. Stop for somebody the heat relatively and cook, stimulating for altered 5 account. Add the garlic, paprikas, and caraway seeds and cook, stimulating for 1 tiny. Add the tomato and shake for one tiny. Add the seitan and vegetable hoard. Handle well and bring to a grill. Check and lower than the heat to a low steam. Hatch for about 40 account.

2. Combine the leafy salve with the flour in a tiny hurl. News story out a forlorn of the hot gulyas pap and move around it all the rage the leafy salve mix. Whip the leafy salve mix all the rage the gulyas pot and cook, empty moderately low heat, until the pap thickens relatively, about 3 account. Aim and add salty and question. Don't let it grill. Transfer hot empty noodles or rice.

Yum. And unless tomatoes and peppers are brainy and I don't know about it, vigor with senses was killed for this equipment. And if you know that they are, don't pass on me when... well next what would I eat?


Previziuni Astrologice 2012 Horoscop General 2012

Previziuni Astrologice 2012 Horoscop General 2012
Principalele evenimente astrale din anul 2012 anunta o perioda de transformari dramatice si evenimente surprinzatoare sfidand rutina si conformismul.Este vremea reinventarii, reevaluarii, a analizelor profunde si confruntarilor sociale, dar si a impunerii unor slope vizionare individuale de exceptie.Pasim intr-o epoca neptuniana, iar imprevizibilitatea si involburarile profunde ale oceanului nu au cum lasa loc unei navigari lipsite de griji catre idealurile si visurile noastre.Lumea va continua sa ramana sub spectrul crizei financiare, iar problemele economice vor constitui o infruntare ce isi va unyielding invingatorii prin depasirea intereselor regionale dar si prin evitarea focalizarii catre avantajele politice egoiste din fiecare tara in parte.

In anul 2012, Uranus isi duce mai departe calatoria prin sectorul Berbecului, favorizand in continuare evenimente surprinzatoare sau nemaiintalnite.Uranus, "marele ceas desteptator", este o planeta cunoscuta gratie constientizarii instantanee pe watchfulness o coboara peste noi si a predispozitiei de a ne stimula revolta.Din cauza traiectoriei lui stranii si nepravazute nu este deloc intamplator ca Uranus nu are de a argument cu micile planete.Uranus ne instruieste cum sa ne confruntam cu provocarile societatii si sa acceptam niste adevaruri inconfortabile.Mai curand decat sa ii cercetam caile, ar trebui sa ii acceptam influentele fara a ne pune prea multe intrebari.Prin Uranus in Berbec putem spine cont de autenticele diferente dintre oamenii watchfulness ne inconjoara.Desi mereu imprevizibila, planeta Uranus este asociata cu progresul, independenta si inovarea.Chiar atunci cand ne acomodam unui ritm lenes si predictibil, Neptun ne zguduie din temelii fiinta si ne deschide ochii asupra lucrurilor noi, watchfulness se pot ivi chiar atunci atunci cand ne asteptam mai putin.Evenimente devastatoare, declansate de natura sau oamenii, se intrezaresc de multe ori intr-o astfel de conjunctura astrala.

Daca Saturn in Balanta a pastrat pana acum un relativ echilibru in lume, nepermitand o umbrire majora a principiilor dreptatii ori onestitatii, si a incetinit, cat si unde s-a putut, desfasurarea unor procese avand tendinte navalnice, trecerea planetei responsabilitatii si restrictiilor in aspect retrograd, odata cu 7 februarie 2012, nu aduce o lansare catre noi si promitatoare provocari ale lumii ci, mai curand, o reexaminare si o aplecare asupra situatiilor existente, o incercare de rezolvare detaliata si atenta a problemelor inca prezente, amanate sau nesolutionate pana la capat.Criza economica obliga la aceasta analizare si revizuire, necesara in vederea unei consolidari capabile de asigura demararea unor viitoare proiecte majore.Saturn retrograd in Balanta da frau liber tendintei de a ne redescoperi locul, importanta si forta, atat ca fiinte umane cat si ca natiuni, lasand sa se intrezareasca in 2012 o miscare de afirmare a independentei ce poate depasi niste limite previzibile.Acest tranzit ne poate deschide ochii catre sansele noastre si motivatiile adanci ale celorlalti, cu conditia de a invata din experientele trecutului si a purcede la o munca asupra noastra fara nici un fel de menajamente.

Neptun paseste in sectorul Pestilor din februarie 2012 (si pana in anul 2025).Printre numeroase predictii legate de acest tranzit se numara, desigur, si cea asociata cu calendarul mayas.Din punctul meu de vedere, este vorba doar despre o noua falsa alarma, asa cum ne-am obisnuit adeseori in ultimii ani.Neptun este considerat, in astrologia moderna, drept guvernatorul zodiei Pestilor, cei nascuti sub acest semn astral parand a fi destinati sa intre in 2012 intr-o noua epoca de identificare spirituala si intelegere a nevoilor celor din jurul lor.Atat nativii din Pesti, cat si celelalte semne zodiacale vor resimti influenta neptuniana de-a lungul timpului, putand chiar sa nu o recunoasca din cauza evolutiei ei subtile si de durata.

Visarea despre trecut, prezent si viitor este pe punctul de a cuprinde lumea, integrand oamenii intr-un spatiu originar al planetei, cand apele, ceturile si norii se instapaneau peste Terra.Pestii ne indreapta atentia catre inaintasii nostri, eforturile si experientele lor de-a lungul vremii.Spiritul colectiv indefinit si greu de a fi recunoscut isi aseaza astfel pecetea peste lume timp de multi ani.Este probabil ca mai multi dintre noi sa ne focalizam pe subconstientul original, dar si pe cel colectiv.Pestii ne calauzesc atat catre visuri si cosmaruri, cat si spre compasiune ori tradare, iertare si ipocrizie.O forta actionand dincolo de puterea noastra ne arunca in mijlocul valurilor in watchfulness inveti sa inoti sau pieri.Unii par a fi binecuvantati prin vise si viziuni profetice, altii sunt pe punctul de a fi ravasiti de fantomele subconstientului umanitatii.

Atat planeta Neptun cat si zodia Pestilor guverneaza peste maree si valuri.Un val benefic ne poate eat into, pe neasteptate in fata unor sanse nesperate, ori, prin violenta lui, este in masura sa ne aduca in preajma unor situatii dramatice.Recunoasterea impulsurilor noastre individuale sau a celor de "turma" reprezinta puncte cheie ale incadrarii noastre in anul 2012.Vasul personalitatii noastre are nevoie de o busola credibila si de abilitatea noastra de a carmi prin apele destinului nostru.Epoca neptuniana in watchfulness intram in anul 2012 ne pune la incercare intuitia, explorarea straturilor profunde ale fiintei, dar ne eat into si catre iluzii atotcuprinzatoare si superstii paguboase (vezi sfarsitul lumii potrivit credintei mayase).

In acelasi timp, pe langa nevoia unei accentuari si nazuinte de a ne imbogati intelegerea si cunoasterea spirituala, Neptun in Pesti aduce in lumina bolile significant ale fiintelor umane si noi metode de a le trata.Daca nu in 2012, in acest ciclu neptunian exista sansa descoperii unor tratamente revolutionare ale unor maladii incurabile precum cancerul.

Intrarea lui Pluton in turnura retrograda pe 10 aprilie 2012 ne ajuta sa descoperim acele lucruri din viata noastra watchfulness ne trag inapoi sau ne impiedica evolutia.Poate ca ne-am lasat in voia comoditatii si permitem vietii sa treaca pe langa noi fara a mai incerca sa schimbam ceva.Impulsuri viguroase, dar neconstientizate inca, ne tulbura si ne zgandaresc in a pune capat inertiei.Astfel de tendinte sunt de natura a da nastere unor confruntari interioare si exterioare, cerand o limpezire si echilibrare benefica.Ni se sugereaza sa acordam o sporita atentie adaptarii la realitate, intrucat aspiratiile incoerente si deformate de o gandire iluzorie pot provoca significant framantari sociale, dar si prejudicii individuale.Din punct de vedere original, Pluton retrograd in Capricorn ne sfideaza si ne poate rani tocmai pentru a ne provoca sa pasim pe o noua treapta a implinirii noastre.Responsabilitatea individuala si nevoia de libertate sunt stimulate, dar si nazuinta de a trai intr-un sistem unreserved mult mai echitabil.

Mai ales din punct de vedere financiar, se cere o noua definire a prioritatilor, analizarea vechilor valori si adoptarea altora, noi, conforme evolutiei globale.Teme financiare stringente si mereu amanate sunt pe cale de a fi abordate cu seriozitate si rezolvate altfel decat pana acum.Dorintele si idealurile legate de bani, munca sau sistemele sociale tind sa treca printr-o schimbare profunda. Sub semnul Capricornului, invatam cum sa evoluam si sa ne maturizam din punct de vedere unreserved.

Cuadratele dintre Uranus si Pluton din 24 iunie si 19 septembrie 2012 aduc mari si neasteptate schimbari in lume si in vietile personale.Daca Pluton semnifica universalizarea, eradicarea, transformarea si reinnoirea, Uranus intruchipeaza inovarea, revolutionarea, schimbarile bruste, originalitatea si redesteptarea.Ambele planete par a ne supune unor cutremure profunde, unor influente imprevizibile si foarte dinamice.Cuadratul dintre Uranus si Pluton indreptateste previziunea unor examene si incercari dure, cu repercursiuni adanci, avand capacitatea de a provoca durere, regrete, esecuri, frustrari, pierderi si mari pareri de rau.Nu intamplator, ultima succesiune de cuadrate dintre Uranus si Pluton este asociata cu marea criza economica dintre anii 1929 si 1933, cu insemnate ori propel zguduiri ale lumii politice si sociale.Cresterea somajului, criza alimentara, recrudescenta miscarilor extremiste si revoltele sociale create de masurile drastice pe conceive fruitful sunt numai cateva cai de manifestare a acestor cuadrate. Pe de alta parte, nu este de neglijat perspectiva unei "redesteptari" a omenirii prin mijlocirea tehnologiilor IT si a internetului, avand posibilitatea de a conduce catre o globalizare cu totul diferita de felul cum o proiectau mari magnati ai planetei.

Dupa o perioada de trecere in revista si reevaluare a lucrurilor bune si a greselilor facute pana acum, Saturn isi reia tranzitul have a hold over in Balanta pe information de 25 iunie 2012.Continuarea sau anularea unor parteneriate pe conceive indiscriminate sau extraordinary reprezinta o amprenta binecunoscuta a parcursului saturnian in semnul Balantei.Se anunta numeroase negocieri si analize fata de ducerea mai departe a unor asocieri, inclusiv in conceive fruitful si politic.Unul din cazurile susceptibile pentru astfel de framantari cut a fi Uniunea Europeana, dar si legaturile Statelor Knit ale Americii cu area geografice judicious pana acum aliate dincolo de orice discutii.Revenirea lui Saturn in turnura directa in Balanta semnifica necesitatea descoperirii unui nou echilibru dar, adeseori, acest obiectiv este atins dupa multe si intortocheate explorari.Sub aceasta conjunctura planetara, deciziile majore nu se pot lua quick, ci numai dupa o temeinica reflectie.Nu sunt deloc excluse incercarile de a controla un alt om sau o entitate sociala ori politica, o predispozitie putand provoca de multe ori efecte contrare celor dorite.Realismul, dreptatea, adevarul sunt valorile ce strabat lumea ca un fier rosu, la fel ca si reciprocitatea sau beneficiile comune ale colaborarii ori parteneriatului.Falsele idealuri si egocentrismul trebuie sa faca loc cooperarii autentice, in watchfulness nu isi au loc falsele orgolii si principii.

O revarsare navalnica a energiilor inovative si a fortei seer este de asteptat intre 13 iulie si 13 decembrie 2012, gratie impulsurilor trimise de aspectul retrograd al lui Uranus in Berbec.Idei noi si neconventionale ale unor indivizi sunt in masura sa aiba un shape indiscriminate, oferind raspunsuri inspirate unor probleme neintalnite pana acum. Uranus are obiceiul de a-si spori influentele atunci cand este retrograd, asa ca nu are cum sa nu isi puna amprenta asupra individualitatilor sau a a liderilor lumii.In acelasi timp, in conceive original, Uranus retrograd in Berbec isi directioneaza efluviile spre o profunda investigare si analizare a aspectelor vietii intrate in stagnare si rutina. Valul de libertate si inspiratie eliberat de Uranus impulsioneaza aplecarea asupra mentalului si psihologiei, dand frau liber revoltei adanci datorate unor tensiuni acumulate mult timp in fiecare dintre noi. Cu toate acestea, impulsivitatea resimtita in astfel de vremuri trebuie, de obicei, controlata si rafinata de ratiune si simtul oportunitatii.

Din octombrie 2012 si pana in septembrie 2015, Saturn strabate semnul zodiacal al Scorpionului, marcand profund sfera geopolitica.Masurile nepopulare, vizand austeritatea sau reducerea cheltuielilor, asociate cu revoltele sociale par a accentua tendintele imprimate de cuadratele dintre Uranus si Pluton.Conjunctura globala se intrezareste a fi marcata de cautari incoerente de redresare econonomica din partea unor natiuni, intrepatrunse cu incercarea altora de a isi pune la adapost resursele financiare sau energetice.Tentativele de revenire economica sunt pe punctul de a lovi in continuare in cei nefavorizati si pana acum, iar lucrul asta da prilejul unei instabilitati politice considerabile. Degradarea nivelului fruitful al oamenilor se poate reflecta adeseori intr-o intensificare a ilegalitatilor si faptelor antisociale.Nu ne vom mai aventura, ca altadata, in largirea contactelor noastre sociale, preferand adapostul sigur al mediului inherited sau al unui cerc restrans de prieteni si serious. Nu este exclus sa apara quarrel legate de bani, atat in parteneriatele de afaceri cat si in cele personale. Oricum, obligatiile finnciare ne vor inraruri viata intr-o si mai mount masura decat de obicei.

"In curand, in blogul Dianei : Horoscop pervasive 2012 si Horoscopul dragostei in 2012 pentru toate zodiile ! "

Moda iarna 2011 - primavara 2012

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Nu ti-ai gasit zodia ? Afla totul despre destinul tau in anul 2012 in functie de ziua ta de nastere in Horoscop Diana 2012 - Toate zodiile