I want to state again that I am not against the Word of God. I have learned a great deal from it. One day I will get married and have children of my own. It is what the Churches teach that I am concerned about. It is what I want my children to learn that brings me to this blog.
I am very strong in that children should learn about the human body and sex itself. We are naked under our clothes, and we are sexual beings. Even though that Word of God, the Bible does state the responsibilities of sexual behaviors, I am not at all want the Church to influence my future children. Since I am no scholar, I cannot simply read the Bible and be able to correctly teach my own children. Since the Word of God was written many, many years ago, just reading it in the English will not do at all. Maybe that is why so many Christians can so readily misinterpret the Word of God. Whatever the reason, I do not want my children to be taught my these people.
Even though I will have to learn from another faith so I can make sure my children will get the right and true understanding of faith in something that is higher then they are, I will not turn fully away from what I have been taught these 30 years. I know I could get them to listen to the same pastor-teacher as I have, but the problem is that there is more to live then in a classroom. I will not put my, future, children in a locked room and away from life. That will do more harm then leaving them with a bunch of self-righteous Christians.
This might sound like I will have to drop my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ so my future children can get the proper life experience. Right now I do not know what my next step will bring me. All I know is that I cannot continue with the Christian hypocrisy. Their way of life goes against all that I believe in. It is very heart wrenching to turn away from something I have devoted 30 years of my life to. Just the same if I am to do this for my future children, then I must first do it for myself.
It feels like all that I believe in a big lie. If how Christians are acting is anything close to what the Word of God states, then how can love be the most important thing? If any part of a statement is false, then the whole entire statement is false. Could it be that there are inconsistencies in the Word of God due to the behavior of today's Christians? Or is it the other way around, Christians are the way they are due to the inconsistencies? How would anyone feel when all of the sudden they find out that all of what they believed was not true?
It has always puzzled me that the Mosaic Law can say, "Do not have sexual relationship with family," and at the same time family members have married in the Word of God. Abraham and Sarah were brother and sister. There are other family members that have married as well. Can this be a inconsistency? There are other red flags that concerns me.
David was said to be a man out of God's own heart, but he had more wives, concubines, and other women throughout his life. Just the same the Word of God had strongly forbid of sex outside of marriage. If the Mosaic Law was serious in how the Jews were to behave, then David should not have been labeled as "a man out of God's own heart." Even the entire Jewish race was started by incest relationship. Abraham and Sarah had the child.
When I do have children, my home will be open. This means that nudity nor sex will be treated as something bad, dirty, or any other negative thing. As with anything, there is responsibilities to go with it, but today home, churches, and other Christian activities are not teaching about this important subject. Instead they are getting them to sign a non-Biblical contract to try to control a normal and natural part of their lives. The only thing these contracts will do is cause teenagers to explode as their sex drive constantly grows.
Since you cannot keep teenagers in using their sex drive, then they need to be taught properly and completely about the human body, and even what is the difference in having sex with someone vs. making love. In the right knowledge, teenagers can be able to control and be responsible with their own sex drive. How parents raise their children in knowing about the human body and sex is up to them. The point is that parents are the only ones that can do it.
If the Word of God is to keep this important knowledge away from children as most Christians appear to believe, then the Christianity is something to avoid completely. Animals on Earth have sex with one another. Sex is normal and very natural. Having teenagers suppress their sex drive can be very dangerous to their future marriage and even their own health. Only knowledge controls things. Ignorance does not do one positive thing.The purpose of this blog is to show how bad Christianity is turning out to be.
Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com