Wednesday, 31 March 2010 The London Horror And Jihad Denial
Monday, 29 March 2010 Onmove
By Robert D. De Piante, Publisher, The Catholic Voice
TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Internet Site
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[From Volume 12, No. 2, of the Catholic Voice. Made available on the TRADITIO Internet site with permission of The Catholic Voice, a
publication of The Society of Traditional Roman Catholics.]
There's something going on out there, and I'm still not sure what it means. Let's look at some of the events of the past few months which demonstrate an increase in the awareness and preference of the
Tridentine Latin Mass:
1. Last fall, Cardinal Ratzinger went to the Benedictine Abbey Ste.
Madeleine in Le Barroux, France, to offer the Tridentine Latin Mass.
Hundreds of visitors were present, filling every corner of the church for the Pontifical High Mass. This was not a private event, but was well-publicized both before and after the Mass. Although the cardinal's celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass is a rare event, he did not mind being photographed for the occasion.
2. Toward the end of last year, word came to us of a retired bishop opening a house of studies specifically for the Tridentine Latin Mass.
Bishop Salvador L. Lazo, retired bishop of the Philippine diocese of San Fernando, plans to train men for the priesthood according to the
traditional doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and for the exclusive celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass. Bishop Lazo has long been a supporter of the traditional cause.
3. Three parishes, or units within parishes in different areas of the United States, have established themselves as traditional with the
offering of the Tridentine Latin Mass and the teaching of traditional doctrine and catechisms.
4. A quick look at information available on the Internet (that's the computer hookup that links together thousands of electronic sources on almost any subject, in our case "The Tridentine Mass") shows there are at least 167 locations listed where the "Indult" Mass is said (as little as once a month, as often as once a week) and 225 listings where there are Tridentine Masses said that are not part of a previously established parish church with the permission of the local bishop. That includes Masses offered by priests of the Society of St. Pius X, independent priests, and those of other organizations.
5. In St. Patrick's Cathedral, in New York City, more than 30 members of the clergy were involved in a procession and in the celebration of the Tridentine Latin Mass said by Cardinal Alfons Stickler, Prefect Emeritus of the Vatican Library. Since the Tridentine Latin Mass does not allow concelebration in everyday circumstances, Cardinal Stickler was the sole celebrant. Newspaper and news service reports estimated the crowd at between 4,000 and 4,500. The principal church of New York City was filled to overflowing, as those in attendance were present at a Mass that had not been offered there in nearly 30 years.
The New York Times quoted people in the audience with a positive
reaction. One said the ceremony was "pretty impressive". Another called the Tridentine Mass a "restoration of our liturgical home". That same person, Christopher A. Ferrara, a 44 year old lawyer from West Caldwell, NJ, also said: "You can't go into someone's home and remove the
furniture and everything else without disorienting everyone, but that is what happened with our liturgical home 30 years ago."
He was, of course, referring to the stripping away of the ceremony
that was our Mass, the changing of the words of Consecration, switching the position of the priest so that he faces the people instead of God in the tabernacle and upon the crucifix, and the multitude of other changes all done in the name of renewal that are summarized in the new religion known as the novus ordo. These changes have raised grave concerns in the hearts of those who wish to remain true to the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. The modern mass cannot be equal in beauty and splendor to the Mass of All Time, the Tridentine Latin Mass, But most of all, the modern service is not equal in validity to the Tridentine Mass, and that, In the sum and substance of it all, is what really counts.
It is interesting to note that so often, writers for secular papers, and yes, even writers for some novus ordo papers, will make their
observations of the Tridentine Mass based on the language and the way the priest faces as if these are the only differences between the two.
They will always refer to the change in liturgical language that took place following the Second Vatican Council, as well as the presence of the table instead of the altar. While both of these changes are quite visible, they mask the multitude of other aberrations which have ripped the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the faithful and replaced it with a
"Commemoration of the Supper of the Lord" -- the new ICEL definition of the Mass.
The pomp and splendor of the Latin liturgy is a wonderful reason to attend it, but it is not the only reason why we should favor it. Until we, as faithful Catholics, can get across to the rest of our Catholic friends what has really happened -- i.e., that the Mass has been
destroyed and our Apostolic religion changed to one founded on the
teachings of modernist Innovators -- our cause will not succeed. We will
"ooh" and "ahh" and the glory and majesty of the Latin Liturgy, and even pat ourselves on the back for some temporary victories, but they will not be lasting until all can see the seriousness of the work we have to do.
The New York Times, while reporting on this story, also pointed out that in the 181 dioceses in the United States, a Tridentine Latin Mass is celebrated in a "few parishes" weekly or monthly in each diocese.
But, enough with the story from New York City. Let us return to the original point of this article: with all these encouraging signs we are witnessing, what should we suppose they mean?
Obviously, what these events mean is that more and more people are
beginning to recognize the value and importance of the Tridentine Mass.
Everyday, in every part of the globe, people are remembering the value of the Latin Mass and are expecting to find it. Being turned away from their parish churches, they seek courageous priests and bishops who still offer Holy Mass according to the pre-conciliar rites. They are becoming less and less satisfied to have one or two Masses offered a year in celebration of some anniversary event or on the visitation of a favoring prelate.
The churches they are turning to are often those which are not the
local parish churches. They attend Masses in churches and chapels
offered by priests who are outside the jurisdiction of the local bishop.
Usually these independent churches are at longer distances than their neighborhood parishes. However, this doesn't deter them. Their love for Holy Mass makes any journey worthwhile.
Oddly enough, the traditional churches and chapels are operated by
priests whom the local modernist bishop will label as "disobedient"
and/or "schismatic." Yet, these priests are men who, after long prayer and reflection, have chosen to obey Go d and the vows made to Him at ordination rather than follow his brother priests and bishops into
error. The charge of disobedience does not apply here according to the Scripture principle: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts of the Apostles 5:29).
Yes, there is a greater awareness of the basic faith that comes to us from the Tridentine Latin Mass. Clergy and faithful alike are finding peace of soul and satisfaction of heart through the traditional Mass, and we can be sure that there are more where they came from. Let us pray that increasing numbers will join us in this cause for the return of the Tridentine Mass and that they will refuse to give it up, even if it means attending this Mass under less than ideal situations. In the end, God will see us through.
christian theology,
Sunday, 28 March 2010 Ask The Oracle
Where is my relationship going?
Amy, thank you for your question," What direction is my relationship going?". Before I answer, I will tell you a little bit about how I read. Tarot, oracle cards, Runes or any other form of divination tool is like using a translator for information from the other side. In a one on one reading I usually just channel, but since in print, we are limited to a few paragraphs and you cannot catch tone or expression, cards seem best.
The question you asked is very very broad, and we could be here all day discussing the ins and outs. So to simplify I have pulled three cards to see into the," nature of the relationship". Or more simply the reason you were motivated to ask the question on the first place. I am using the Gypsy deck of Oracle cards.
The first card is "The Oracle: Seeking wisdom and guidance from elders". I interpret this to mean not only asking the Modern Pagan for a reading but listening to the voices of wisdom in your life. Mother, friends, etc. In the end you have to make your own decision, but I often find that the opinions of the people that you are close to are often correct.
The second card I pulled is "The Harlequin: true feelings are masked". Someone is not showing their true face, and I get the feeling that is not you. The feeling I get is that you know for the most part what you feel, but it is your significant other that is causing the feelings of uneasiness inside you. This card says, "double check the facts. Wait. Someone is not showing their whole face".
The third and final card is "The Gryphon: Honor and good luck". This shows that everything will work out in the end. The previous card showed that the issue was trust, so either way you will emerge from this triumphant. Trust your instincts and deepest feelings combined with common sense and you will know what to do. You will get know within three months what it is that you seek.
*"This reading was done by RetroKali. "
My significant other and I have recently hit a very large bump in the road. One that I'm not sure I can get over, or want to. Are we heading toward splitsville, or will we work it out?
~ Lost
Hello Lost! Thanks for writing in and letting me tackle your question for Ask the Oracle! I have completed your reading using four cards from the Mythic Tarot. I usually do a three card spread for readings like this, but felt a tug to draw a fourth to get a clearer understanding of what is going on at the base of the situation, so I listened to my tug and I did.
The four cards that appeared for you today in order are: The Ace of Wands, The Lovers, and The Hierophant and at the base of the reading is the Three of Cups.
I am not sure how long your significant other and you have been together. But there are two or three major themes running through this reading and they are leading to me to believe that you are facing a place in your relationship that is more than a speed bump, it's more like you've finally gotten off the entrance ramp to life and are finally making your way down the interstate together. In other words, the reality of life has sat into your relationship. After the initial getting to know each other, celebrating being together, settling into each other, now you are at that spot most people dread in relationships and you're having to learn to navigate that life you have together. This is not easy to say the least.
The Ace appears and speaks of a time of having a lot of raw and creative energy. There are lots of new ideas, a feeling that life can be more than what it is now. Even when it seems like you have everything you could possibly ask for or want out of life - literally others may see that you have the world in the palm of your hand, you find yourself dissatisfied, there's a nibble, something tugging you to explore new ideas, goals, dreams and places. You can't seem to ignore this restlessness, and indeed, you are being drawn toward a new journey opening up before you.
But this may lead to a difficult situation or decision that must be made. The Lovers in the Mythic deck depicts Paris as he's been commanded to judge a beauty contest between Aphrodite, Hera and Athene. Talk about being in between a rock and a hard place! No matter what he decides, he faces the wrath of two Goddesses. I would not want to be him for any amount of glory or money! And perhaps you're feeling like you don't either. Regardless, hard choices about your path and your love life must now be made. The tarot asks you to carefully consider and weigh your options. The choices that we make in these situations are less about love and relationships and more about learning and deciding what we value in life and that is perhaps the best way to make your decision because The Lovers, along with the Hierophant BOTH lead you toward approaching decisions through intellect, rationally seeking to develop your own sense of philosophy about the world and your place in it.
The tarot is asking you to carefully consider the consequences of your actions, because no matter what you do, there are going to be consequences and they are of your own creation - ready or not - the time is here and it's up to you - the responsibility for this one can't be put on fate or anyone else but yourself.
Ultimately you're dealing with more a quest for the next step in your life and who you want to be. You're learning about your own sense of values, and what your personal philosophy really is. The love situation is a reflection - or a part of this bigger theme in your life, and it's all being exacerbated by this sense of restlessness and what now - who are we to each other and where are we going that's going on between the two of you right now.
Are you beginning to see each other for who you really are? Is the reality of your life together becoming manifest? If so, how do you decide how to travel that path together or if you really can at all? Is this more about your relationship or about where you're headed in life in general?
Unfortunately I can't give you those answers. But through rational examination of who you want to be and where you're heading - you can.
I hope this reading has helped illumine some of this issue for you, Sadie and perhaps given you some ideas on how you can proceed to tackle this problem for yourself. I wish you the best of luck!
If you would like to contact Lyon for a more in depth reading on this or another issue, feel free to e-mail her at lyonmerc(at)gmail(dot)com to discuss it.
Saturday, 27 March 2010 Our Love Affair With The Letter I
religion belief
Monday, 22 March 2010 Mt20Am
Matthew 20:1-16Key Verse: 20:1
"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out
early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard."
Last Sunday we studied about the rich young man. He came to Jesus
for eternal life. Jesus tested him by saying, "sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." But when the young man heard this he went away sad because he had great wealth. From time to time, we are like this rich young man. Most young people major in engineering in college so that they may secure their future life by making enough money. But Jesus told his disciples that at the last day, when the Son of Man sits on his
glorious throne, they will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. As we have thought about, "the twelve tribes of
Israel" was a figure of speech about the whole world. The most
important reward is eternal life. If we have no God's life in us, that is, we have no eternal life, we are all dead. Today we want to think about a parable that reveals one characteristic of the kingdom of God.
Matthew was outstanding in talking much about the kingdom of God
because he believed that Jesus is the Messiah, the King, King of kings and Lord of lords. Today Matthew teaches us one of the characteristics of the kingdom of God.
First, God made man to work hard. Genesis 1:28 says, "God blessed them and said to them, `Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.'" This verse clearly tells us that God made man to work hard as the steward of God's world. If we work for the glory of God, this world is like paradise.
But if we work for food that spoils, or work hard to eat three meals a day and sleep every night, this world is nothing but hell, where Satan rules. John 15:16a says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last." God made man and chose them and appointed them to go and bear much fruit--fruit that will last. This verse clearly tells us that we did not choose God, but God chose us and appointed us to go and bear much fruit--fruit that will last. God made us to do something. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." This verse tells us that God made man to work for the glory of God. St. Paul, who understood this theory, said in the last part of 2 Thessalonians 3:10, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat." Those who do not work for the glory of God absolutely do not have the
privilege of eating food that God produced. Here we learn that God made us to work hard for the glory of God. As the landowner wanted to get workers, workers were also diligent to come early and work hard. One girl was the concertmaster in an orchestra. She was rebuked by the
conductor and criticized by orchestra members. Then, that afternoon, she jumped from the third floor of the music stadium and immediately died of brain damage. She knew that she had to work harder so that she could be ready as the concertmaster of the orchestra. But she neglected to do so with many excuses. When we carefully observe, laziness was her root problem. These days laziness is one of the crucial problems of this country. These days it is very difficult to evangelize white
American girls. They do not do their homework well because they have to go to many parties. They know what would happen when they receive their report cards, but they are carried away by pleasure-seeking. Young
American girls are the future mothers of America. But they are not
better than young American boys. We are much grieved by white American girls because they are lazy to prepare to be mothers of this nation. If mothers are pleasure-seeking and are the incarnation of vanity, what would happen in this country? These days we see a national problem. If America tries her best as the only world power nation she has influence and power to solve problems through negotiation. But American
politicians don't negotiate, because negotiation exhausts anybody.
Instead of diligently negotiating, they bomb small countries. It is a tragedy for the United States of America to unleash bombs on
Yugoslavia. Kosovo is mostly Albanian Muslims. So America is bombing the land where Christians are a majority. How can a Christian nation, America, bomb Yugoslavian Christians? It comes from laziness. If
America negotiates persistently, this problem will disappear. But
America doesn't negotiate persistently and instead bombs a Christian country. There is no compassion and there are no broken-hearted
politicians for the world in the United States of America. May God help American politicians work hard like the landowner in the parable to get workers to the vineyard. America must work hard through negotiation instead of bombing. God made us with the dust of the ground and gave us his life to work hard for the glory of God. But the laziness of this country produces all kinds of evils. Laziness is the cradle of all
Second, our God is generous in his kingdom. Today's parable starts with the landowner who works hard to get laborers for his vineyard, and the laborers who are waiting in a daily work agency for the owner of the vineyard to come and hire them. In a word, today's story is the story of hard work. Look at verse 1. "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard." He found several and hired them and he agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard to work hard. Look at verses 3-4. "About the third hour he went out and saw others
standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, `You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.'" The owner of the vineyard went out again about the sixth hour and the ninth hour and did the same thing. About the eleventh hour he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, "Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing? Because no one has hired
us," they answered. Here the timing is a little confusing. According to Jewish timing, 6:00 a.m. was the beginning of the day, the first hour.
So the sixth hour is equivalent to 12:00 noon and the eleventh hour to
5:00 p.m.
In this passage some workers were hired at 6:00 a.m., the first
hour; some at the third hour, 9:00 a.m.; some at the sixth hour, 12:00 noon; and some at the eleventh hour, 5:00 p.m. The work was finished at the twelfth hour, 6:00 p.m. At that time there were both servant and slave classes. They worked any time and any moment when it was
necessary. But those who were free from the landowner depended on a daily work agency. How would the laborer be happy? He could be happy if there was always regular hard work. But laborers worked only during the fruit harvest season. It was toward the end of September. And soon the rainy season followed. The fruit harvest season was a frantic race
against time. So the owner went out to the corners of the city or to the daily work agency to hire many laborers. As we have read, some came early, at 6:00 a.m., some came at 8:00 a.m., some came at 10:00 a.m.,
some came at 12:00 p.m., some came at 5:00 p.m. when the work was
almost over.
Look at verses 8-9. "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard
said to his foreman, `Call the workers and pay them their wages,
beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.' The
workers who were hired about the eleventh hour came and each received a denarius." Our God in the kingdom of God is very, very generous. He paid each of them one denarius--the same to the one who came at 6:00 a.m. and the one who came at 5:00 p.m., when the work was almost over.
Rationally speaking, it is unfair to give the same amount of money to the one who came at 6:00 a.m. and to the other who came at 5:00 p.m.
When they received it, the ones who worked all day began to grumble against the landowner, "These men who were hired last worked only one hour. We worked twelve hours." They said, "It is unfair. You have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day. We say again, it is totally unfair." Look at verses 13-14.
"But he answered one of them, `Friend, I am not being unfair to you.
Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you.'" Our God is the God of agreement. Biblically speaking, agreement is the same as covenant or the promise of God. In "Fiddler on the Roof" there is an example of agreement. Reptavia sang, "If I were a rich man, if I were a rich man." One day the woman matchmaker introduced a rich butcher, Laserwolf, to Reptavia's first daughter Zeitel. Reptavia and Laserwolf met together. Reptavia agreed to give his daughter to him. After he was drunken, he laughed and laughed and said, "I wanted to have a younger son-in-law than I." The next day the young tailor came to Reptavia's house. When Reptavia saw him, he didn't like him because he was a poor tailor, and he did not look like a strong man. But Reptavia saw that the tailor and his daughter loved each other and their hearts were
burning with undying love. Then he changed his mind and broke the
agreement with Laserwolf. At the wedding day, the rich butcher
Laserwolf got angry and said, "Agreement is agreement. Agreement is agreement. Why did you change your agreement?" In Israel agreement was regarded as a promise. Jesus here agreed with the laborers who came early to give them one denarius. So they did not have to complain. But they expected more money from the owner because they came and worked in the heat of the day, all day. But contrary to their expectation, the owner gave the first and the last the same wage--one denarius. Humanly speaking, it seems to be a little unfair. But our God in the kingdom of God is broadminded. God's broadmindedness in the kingdom of God is
revealed in Jesus in grace and truth (Jn 1:14). There were innumerable sick men. At the beginning of his ministry, when he saw so many sick people, he invited one lost one to the kingdom of God. One day, Jesus wanted to pray early in the morning and went to a solitary place. But people knew where Jesus was and many sick people followed him. Among them, a man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." What did Jesus do? "Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man, `I am willing,' he said, `be clean.'" Then the leprosy left him and he was cured (Mk 1:40-42). On the way to Jerusalem to become a Paschal Lamb, Jesus' heart must have been bracing for the upcoming crucifixion. A crowd of people followed Jesus, not knowing where he was going. On the road there was a blind beggar. His name was Bartimaeus. Actually
"Bartimaeus" is not a name. "Bar" means "son" in Greek, and Timaeus was his father's name. He was nameless under the sky; as a human being, he was a nameless person. Even a pet dog has a name, but this blind beggar had no name. And he could not see. But Jesus rebuked those who hindered his shouting and called him to come to him. Jesus let his disciples bring the blind man to him. Jesus immediately healed his blinded eyes.
He received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. This is the character of the kingdom of God revealed in Jesus.
As we know well when we read the Bible, in Jesus' time there were
many aristocratic religious men in the name of God. They were the
Pharisees. They were the chosen people. They were supposed to be
shepherds of God's flock of sheep who were suffering under the yoke of the Roman Empire. They came to know Jesus first through the book of prophecies. According to this parable, they came first and worked
hard. But they complained that the landowner gave the same pay to those who came at the finishing time of the work.
Third, our God is sovereign (15-16). Look at verse 15. "Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious
because I am generous?" This parable both directly and indirectly
rebuked the Pharisees of Jesus' time. As we said before, the Pharisees were chosen people. They themselves were very proud of being chosen people. But the chosen Israelites were in oblivion. Their great mistake was that they did not know that Jesus came to save men from their sins.
God gave his one and only Son Jesus Christ as a ransom sacrifice for the sin of the world. When he came to this world, he healed the sick and preached the gospel. As time permitted, he trained his twelve
disciples. Many people went to Jesus for healing and to hear his divine talk. Then the Pharisees became very jealous. They tried to prevent Jesus' healing and preaching ministry. Finally the Roman authorities cooperated with the Pharisees and crucified him. In this way Jesus came to this world to save the world, and obeyed God unto death, death on a cross. But God did not leave him in the pangs of death; God raised him and made him King of kings and Lord of lords who judges good and evil on his throne. Here we learn Jesus' sovereignty. He came to this world in obedience to God. He died in obedience to God's world salvation
work. Now he is the sovereign Ruler of all mankind, judging on his
throne. Therefore, we can say that Jesus is the sovereign Ruler of
history. But the prestigious and lazy Pharisees did not understand the generous God and his Son's grace. They did what they wanted to do.
Finally, out of jealousy, they killed the Messiah whom they had waited for such a long time. There are many mistakes in the world. But the Pharisees' killing Jesus was an unforgivable mistake. Look at verse 16.
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Many old
Christians are very proud that they know many verses of the Bible, and they are elders and deacons and deaconesses of churches. But they are like old wineskins which are totally useless to God. God wants to use them, but they are old wineskins--so fragile to the powerful new wine.
So Jesus said, "So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Jesus strictly warned the Pharisees that they should be renewed from their old wineskin state and become shepherds for the suffering flock of God's sheep. But they always said, "Old wine is sweet and good and new wine is sour and untasty." They never repented. So at the end of Matthew's Gospel Jesus cries very sorrowfully for his chosen people.
They must not be attached to worldly things, such as money and old
wine; they must come to God very humbly. They must recognize the
sovereignty of Jesus, which he earned through his death on the cross.
Today we learn one of the characteristics of the kingdom of God. In order to be a member of the kingdom of God we must work hard. In order to be a member of the kingdom of God we must know the generosity of God. We must know our Lord Jesus Christ's sovereignty. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. But he gave up all the glory and power of the kingdom of God. He even gave up his righteousness as God.
Jesus wanted to save his people. But the Pharisees killed him. They thought that they had no problem because they had killed Jesus. But they had a problem. Romans 2:8-9 says, "But for those who are
self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger. There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." The
Pharisees killed Jesus, but they would know soon that Jesus is the
sovereign God. Without believing the sovereignty of Jesus Christ we become like lawless people. May the generous God be with us. May the sovereign God of Jesus be upon us. May God help us to work hard for the glory of God. May God let you know that our Lord Jesus Christ is the sovereign God.
divine wolf-bitch,
religion belief
81 What Is The Meaning Of The Name Jesus
(Comp 81) Given by the angel at the time of the Annunciation, the name "Jesus" means "God saves". The name expresses his identity and his mission "because he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21). Peter proclaimed that "there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we can be saved" (Acts 4:12).
"In Brief"
(CCC 452) The name Jesus means "God saves". The child born of the Virgin Mary is called Jesus, "for he will save his people from their sins" (Mt 1:21): "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).
To deepen and explain
(CCC 430) Jesus means in Hebrew: "God saves." At the annunciation, the angel Gabriel gave him the name Jesus as his proper name, which expresses both his identity and his mission (Cf. Lk 1:31). Since God alone can forgive sins, it is God who, in Jesus his eternal Son made man, "will save his people from their sins"(Mt 1:21; cf. 2:7). In Jesus, God recapitulates all of his history of salvation on behalf of men. (CCC 431) In the history of salvation God was not content to deliver Israel "out of the house of bondage" (Dt 5:6) by bringing them out of Egypt. He also saves them from their sin. Because sin is always an offence against God, only he can forgive it (Cf. Ps 51:4, 12). For this reason Israel, becoming more and more aware of the universality of sin, will no longer be able to seek salvation except by invoking the name of the Redeemer God (Cf. Ps 79:9). (CCC 433) The name of the Savior God was invoked only once in the year by the high priest in atonement for the sins of Israel, after he had sprinkled the mercy seat in the Holy of Holies with the sacrificial blood. The mercy seat was the place of God's presence (Cf. Ex 25:22; Lev 16:2,15-16; Num 7:89; Sir 50:20; Heb 9:5,7). When St. Paul speaks of Jesus whom "God put forward as an expiation by his blood", he means that in Christ's humanity "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" (Rom 3:25; 2 Cor 5:19). (CCC 434) Jesus' Resurrection glorifies the name of the Saviour God, for from that time on it is the name of Jesus that fully manifests the supreme power of the "name which is above every name" (Phil 2:9-10; cf. Jn 12:28). The evil spirits fear his name; in his name his disciples perform miracles, for the Father grants all they ask in this name (Cf. Acts 16:16-18; 19:13-16; Mk 16:17; Jn 15:16).
On reflection
(CCC 435) The name of Jesus is at the heart of Christian prayer. All liturgical prayers conclude with the words "through our Lord Jesus Christ". The "Hail Mary" reaches its high point in the words "blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." the Eastern prayer of the heart, the "Jesus Prayer," says: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Many Christians, such as St. Joan of Arc, have died with the one word "Jesus" on their lips. (CCC 432) The name "Jesus" signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son, made man for the universal and definitive redemption from sins. It is the divine name that alone brings salvation, and henceforth all can invoke his name, for Jesus united himself to all men through his Incarnation (Cf. Jn 3:18; Acts 2:21; 5:41; 3 Jn 7; Rom 10:6-13), so that "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12; cf. 9:14; Jas 2:7).
(Next question: Why is Jesus called "Christ"?)
christian theology,
Thursday, 18 March 2010 Groovin And Movin To The Music
Sneak Peek into Branded By The Texans by Savannah KrougarBranded By The TexansSavannah KrougarAvailable at Siren-Bookstrand Publishing Perhaps, Savannah Krougar will now be penning horror romance novels... hmmmm...Yesterday, the Kougar received a newsletter questionnaire from paranormal romance author, Sapphire Phelan ~ ~ She is one of the short story authors for the Halloween Anthology that will include moi's THE TIGER'S MASQUERADE.Sapphire is an amazing authoress, as well as a promo go-getter extraordinnaire! She is planning a major promo campaign for the anthology. So, that will be another whirlwind ride! A welcome one. The *possible* release date from MojoCastle Press is: October 27, 2010.YES! The Kougar e-mailed her TWO winners from THE ROMANCE STUDIO release party. What a difficult decision! that was for one of them... the other was hand-picked by moi's mommy.Featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~Where did August go?By SolaraI remember the first of the month and setting deadlines. Some of the deadlines needed to be reset due to home and work constraints. I've got more of Love's Frenzy to share with you.From ~Mercury, the planet of communication, turns retrograde in Virgo from August 20 to September 12.Three or four times a year, Mercury appears to move backwards in the sky for approximately three weeks. This is an optical illusion since no planet actually moves backwards or even slows down in their orbits around the Sun. However, it appears to move backwards from our perspective on planet Earth, since the planet may be orbiting at a different speed than the Earth's orbit around the Sun.Mercury retrograde periods introduce a certain level of confusion for us earthlings. As the planet of communication, Mercury rules speech, our listening abilities, negotiations, buying, selling, travel formal contracts and documents amongst other things -- all of which are affected when Mercury seems to slow down. Mercury rules how we perceive and interpret information and how we in turn act and react to that information as we interact with others.The Leo Sun also opposes Neptune on August 20, which can have a lackluster, low energy, and marginally disappointing influence leading to muddled thinking and lack of motivation as we start this retrograde period. However, Neptune can be healing and very spiritual, and this can be an excellent time to chill out. August 20 can also have the thrill and flavor of romance about it and definitely a time to make your feelings known since we have a delightfully passionate and enthusiastic meeting of Venus and Mars in an exactly aligned conjunction in Libra.Mercury retrograde periods affect each one of us differently depending on the placement of this planet in our individual birth charts. The effect on Gemini and Virgo signs, ruled by Mercury, will be stronger, but for other signs it is a time of trivial irritations. Being forced to slow down and develop patience can, however, be a blessing in disguise. It gives us all time to stop, go inward and reflect. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened awareness and creativity, and an excellent time for out of the box thinking, which can sometimes lead to startling revelations.Now ~ FIRST! just for the big cool cats ~ from the Flash Cat...Happy Courtship on another EarthX-Serial Flash in Two Hundred ~ Sylva and Zeke's story continues...Part 601 ~Sylva understood. If this was true, no wonder Bear Feather and Indyra sought their help. If this was true... 'It is true,' she heard Coon's voice. 'How do you know?' she automatically returned, seeing Coon before her mind's eye. He looked a whole lot less grizzled than when she'd first faced him down with her cowboy inside the front room of Zeke's aunt. Sheesh and holy moly, what? Was she really inside a cyclone of time? 'Snake and me was forced to help with our psi-sight. Your Earth has the time portal plans all drawed up.' Somehow, Sylva didn't doubt that.Zeke let the scenario before him take hold. Digesting it slowly, he pondered, attempting to pull the bizarre-as-all-hell pieces together. 'You got me twisted in a devil's knot, Bear Feather. You mind revealin' how we're supposed to help out here? Course, I don't want time travelin' capability in the hands of Secret Circle. We got enough troubles stoppin' their evil doin' now.' Indyra pivoted toward him, her hands in a position of prayer. 'Are you not about to help the men you call Coon and Snake rescue their families?' Zeke felt his Sylva jerk, almost as if she were flesh.TO BE CONTINUED...Part 1 - 15 ~ see blog ~ January 15th Cometh, then Part 15... and before...Part 16 ~ 600 ~ see the Kougar's prior bloggies... or the Passionate Ink forum, the FREE READS page ~ ~ OR! Now available on The Romance Studio Forum, JANUARY 2009 through JUNE 2010 flashes ~ ~ Click on the FORUMS, then Savanna Kougar ~ the Fantasy Lair ~~ HAPPY LAZY HAZY SUMMER DAYS ~Wish Upon on a Blue Moon New Year...May your most romantic dreams come true...Groovin' and Movin' smooches from the Kougar...
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 Paganism Doesnt Group Well
The Marshall College Pagan Development has not met this year, and therefore the group considers itself disbanded. It is significantly true what the stuck-up of this manor says: pagan groups, intensely in inconsiderable get rid of, series together and whisper faster and with extend daintiness than a pitch of water oppress down your windshield. I had the....recognize...of not very soon like a part of, but creating a pagan group in this tributary. For the initial pair of existence it was an fearsome recognize. I mature friendships from that circle of race that I'm significantly dependable order ransack for the rest of my life, in spite of hole or life changes. It was not a coven, and I don't know that I order ever go the handle of a coven, however it was fine for what I popular. I was organic, verdant, and very new to living as a member of the pagan community blatantly.
What time a few existence, I realized that offer was very soon so appreciably that the group may perhaps surrender me. The leaders of the group were not interested in the style of convoluted that I was needing in my life. I was in a collaboration looking at starting a family in the vocation, and the affect of the group was a bit extend adult-themed than I meet. I in addition to started my own group, which took off and gained a lot of members, but, sudden, became a ferment of the actual arrange of fun that the initial group entailed. I washed up that one within months.
I resist been pagan group free for higher than a year, now, and I resist to say... I akin it. Yet, a long time ago the move I vision to find a group extend appropriate of my life. Maybe a college group or a civil pagan shop that offers classes. If truth be told, that would be hallucinate. I really got wearing the group vital, seeing that I meet to learn from associates extend trained than me. If I've bookish doesn't matter what, though, it's that the modern pagan confrontation is roaming. Residents come and go, sometimes forming groups for brief periods, but we must learn this religion is founded on solitary practice and path-working. On a solitary path it is the inclination of the pracitioner to lowly to remain motionless...umm...solitary. It is undecorated in a religion that values usual recognize and belief former everything to small business and form some arrange of group for this chatter.
In addition to offer are associates that grew up in a Christian community that lowly to assume akin they're leaving to church. I fall wearing this class. I wish I may perhaps go to a place that has classes (style of akin sunday school), presentations on a number of areas (akin sermons), and fellowship (akin fellowship). I simulate the Noble and Noble order guide me having the status of I get to everywhere I'm leaving.
If you resist any guidelines or know of any good group-finding money, suit break up with a perceive.
Love and Lyte,
Stir up Lyte
religion belief
Tuesday, 16 March 2010 Further Remarks On The Question Of A Core Discipline
We have the benefit of all discerning in the role of misinterpreted or misunderstood so we inveigle, even with folks who know us well, so as a poet it's not too surprising if something we carve is misunderstood by folks who know us without help by distinction or atypical articles. Patently this is what happened so I wrote my previous appear on the quality of hub disciplines. I was tough effected by a putting away that I had read in Jason Miller's appear "No Save for Thoughts", reasonably in the region of at the end of his appear. He had complete a series of points that I found I array with and hence he wrote the putting away, "I am significantly worried so I pronounce in my books that I would cause up every scrap of arcana, every spell, every ritual, every strong-willed restrain and astral impel for the practice of meditation." Excellent, this announcement of his stuck in my sanity and I felt that I had to disagreement with it significantly sturdily, even time it was neither the warning of his appear or even the point. It was genuine an mournful announcement, but it complete me understand very robustly for hours about what the quality my hub theme was and how I would carve a near but diverse announcement.
Jason is an thorough magician and one that I both sorrow and praise. He is neither saying in his appear that meditation is his hub theme nor that he would esteem to do meditation rather than whatsoever else. He was making a dot about how major meditation was to the practice of magick. Silent, his zealous announcement had significantly an effect on my attention, so I wrote a rejoinder that outlined what I understand is my hub theme in the practice of magick. I dreadfully hand-me-down Jason as a sympathetic of "straw man" in my t?te-?-t?te, which may have the benefit of identifiable individuals the conspire that Jason espouses meditation as his hub theme. That was not really my point. Mr. Miller has written me and told me significantly specifically that this was not the contention, so I am correspondence this rationalization. The appear that I wrote is lovely and places of interest an major dot, but it is a assumed dot, having the status of no one would ever faithful their magickal practice down to genuine one thing.
Having complete this announcement, at a standstill, it basic above and beyond be understood that magicians who perform meditation as their hub theme are neither reprehensible or in bungle. It is, in fact, genuine distinctive honestly taste to working magick - one of diverse. I have the benefit of met some individuals whose hub theme in their magickal practice is meditation, and they are genuine as thorough and capable as I supposedly am. But a hub theme represents a magician's title and authority, oblivion pompous. Having the status of the cause of my knowledge and practice of ritual magick comes from a large display in witchcraft, hence folks practices have the benefit of tough effected the way that I work magick. The hub theme in witchcraft (of the craft that I have the benefit of clever) is the rumor of the godhead, performed at esbats or sabbats. Getting on magicians who began their studies in the Yellow Commencement, the O,T,O,, the A.A., Theosophy, Neopaganism or even Christianity, would no complaint have the benefit of a diverse hub theme than dig up. The fix dot is that they all work, and one is not patronizing than distinctive. Yet they all lead to the self-same thing - sorority with the godhead, and hence the resulting events of the basic fortune of the donate of that godhead.
One follow that was complete about my previous appear is that the stalk for the sorority with the Deity is a plan and not a theme. I would have the benefit of to upshot that it is both, having the status of even obtaining sorority with the Godhead would not core the practices of alignment, reliability and rumor to buff, they would yet be clever, and in this way, would wretched a hub theme. A near thing may well be understood if someone's hub theme were meditation. Would one buff meditating if samadhi were obtained? Of course not - yogis who have the benefit of obtained high levels of consciousness as part of their collection waking pronounce save all of their spiritual aerobics and practices, as if samadhi had not yet occurred. This would above and beyond be true of one whose hub theme was Godhead rumor. As a consequence, obtaining godhead sorority is not an end to the organize of spiritual and magickal encounter. As I have the benefit of unambiguous back, it is genuine the beginning of a whole new spiritual in circles.
So, I command that I have the benefit of set the examine open about my previous appear. The basic presumption and the particular t?te-?-t?te points are all honestly and, I command, major. It may even help others to make evident what their hub theme is, share them to focus their hard work and seamless their theme. If I have the benefit of helped even a few to catch this new approach, hence my previous appear has gleefully thorough its nonaligned.
Frater Barrabbas
human behavior,
Pln 0219
Life Communications - Volume 2, No. 19 November, 1992
This newsletter is intended to provide articles and news information to those interested in Pro-Life Issues. Questions to readers and
articles for submissions are strongly encouraged. All submissions
should be sent to the editor, Steve (
You might've heard from someone or read this in the NY Times; we
recently hosted the Ivy League Coalition for Life conference here at Cornell, and had quite a bit of trouble from a hundred or so
pro-abortion protestors. They stormed into our conference, interrupted it, prevented speakers from speaking, blocked people from entering, destroyed the microphone, spat on people. A couple of police officers were injured too. The mob was a mixture of radical groups like WHAM, Act-Up, and were mostly from out of town. Some of them even drove in from Michigan! A couple of police officers were injured during the
scuffle. Anyway, apart from a slight delay, and change in speaker
order, the conference went on as planned. Boy, it was an exciting day!
- Sanjay Hiranandani
The California suicide proposition did not pass. ~46% said yes, ~54%
said no. My general feeling is that it did not pass based on moral
objection, but because it was a poorly written law that was open to abuse, etc..
California will also have two pro-choice senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. California also passed a term-limit initiative,
which in effect limits Senators and House to two terms each.
- Chris Durham
Proposition 110 in Arizona failed 69% to 31%, and despite all the
hollering by pro-"choicers" that they won it, I believe there were a sizable percentage of pro-lifers who just couldn't swallow the
rape/incest exception. I know of at least two pro-lifers who simply left that part of their ballot blank, and I know of others whom I'm pretty sure voted "no" outright for that very reason.
Proposition 110 gave the pro-"choicers" exactly what they've been
telling us for years they wanted, a rape and incest exception. But
given that the pro-"choice" propaganda machine lies even to its own constituents, it is no surprise now in hindsight that they misled the pro-life community about what they would have been willing to accept.
The pro-life community delivered what they were led to believe was an acceptable compromise, when the pro-"choice" community was in reality unwilling to bend at all. In the end, we were faced with a
proposition which really nobody wanted, even many pro-lifers, and so it failed.
I do think it was a wonderful success in that Arizona was the first state in the union to have the guts to muster such public support and put such a thing on the ballot. The precedent has been set, and I can see it coming to ballot in other states from our example, and I can see it coming to ballot again in Arizona. I can foresee that if we
give up trying to please everybody and thus please nobody, if we aim to please ourselves, we will have much greater success. By that I
mean, next time, we'll put a measure on the ballot that does NOT have the rape/incest exception, we'll broadcast political ads of bloody
abortions, instead of the well dressed "reasonable spokeswoman" we had this time in commercials that insulted everybody by calling both sides
"extremist", and lo and behold, the race will be MUCH closer, and we may even win it.
- Suzanne Forgach
[ Abbreviated from a Nov 5 article by LEE BANDY, Staff Writer for the
Columbia, SC paper ]
The Religious Right and traditional Upstate Republicans combined to upset incumbent Democratic [and pro-abortion] U.S. Rep. Liz Patterson on Tuesday, political experts say.
Republican Bob Inglis, a 32-year-old Greenville attorney, overcame
long odds to defeat Patterson, a three-term incumbent from the 4th
District and daughter of the late Olin D. Johnson, a longtime
political power in the state. He was a two-time governor and served in the U. S. Senate from 1945-65. "Credit has to be given to mobilization of the Religious Right and the tradition of voting Republican up
here," Aiesi said.
On Sunday before the election, the Christian Coalition, the political arem of religious broadcaster Pat Robertson, distributed more than
200,000 voter guides to 600 churches in the four-county district. The flier spelled out the positions of Patterson and Inglis on such
hot-button issues as abortion, taxes, school prayers, and condom
distribution in the schools. Roberta Combs, state director of the
coalition, said, "We just tried to educate the Christians on the
issues." Patterson favors abortion rights.
The incumbent blamed her defeat on the coalition, accusing it of using the church as a political forum to organize against her. Inglis ran what political observers called a masterpiece of a campaign. He had a huge cadre of volunteers who engaged in old-fashioned politics:
door-to-door campaigning. "He was meticulously well organized," said Charles Dunn, a Clemson University political science professor and GOP activist.
Patterson won her home county of Spartanburg County by about 9,000
votes. But Inglis rolled up a 20,000-vote margin in vote-rich
Greenville and won by almost 6,000 votes out of about 200,000 cast.
Inglis ran a low-key, low-profile campaign. He meticulously
identified the key precincts and went door-to-door in the last two
weeks. "When you walk up on someone's porch and knock on their door, you're entering their world. You're giving them a chance to really
interact," Inglis said. Operating on a shoestring budget, Inglis
placed signs all over the district urging voters to reclaim Congress.
He successfully tied Patterson, a popular incumbent, to the
Patterson was elected in 1986 after Campbell, who represented the
district for eight years, moved to the State House.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Note to the uninitiated: where it says below that Campbell, "who
represented the district for eight years, moved to the State House,"
it is referring to Carroll Campbell becoming SC Governor, which is
what he is now, and a very popular and influential one.
- Peter Nyikos
In New York City a school teacher who has multiple sclerosis and is going through a divorce, decided that she didn't want to live. She
allegedly paid a 17 year old student to shoot her. The 17 year old
student did shoot her, but she survived the shot.
Scientists for Life is being revitalized, and membership is open to scientists (any field) and physicians. Contact Keith Crutcher, Ph.
D., Dept. of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, U. of Cincinnati
Medical Center, 231 Bethesda Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45267-0515
At the end of Larry Larmore's article on Carl's Jr., he said that we should not expect to see a chain in Mosocw or on the East Coast.
Perhaps not, but I did see a Carl's Jr. store in Beijing China! Dairy Queen, also rumored for its pro-life leanings, has a store in Beijing as well. How two stores known here for being owned by people who are anti-abortion got over to China, the country with the strictest
population control policy in the world, I'll never know.
Speaking of China's population control policy, I read in a book by
J.M. & S.H. Potter called "China's Peasants" that China's abortion
rate is comparable to that in the United States. The authors
mentioned this in order to lower the readers' "pre-conception" that abortion in out of control in China. What I got out of it is that our
"freedom to choose" country has the same abortion rate as a "condemned to choose" country - this is nothing to feel good about. It does not lower my fears about China's abortion problem; rather, it heightens my fears about OUR abortion problem.
- Rose Recchia
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
I am afraid that I must disagree strongly with Greg Waldinger (sp?)
and others comments that I am a "dupe" because I consider myself
pro-life and yet planned to vote for Clinton. I believe that this
attitude is a classic example of missing the woods for the trees.
Yes, I will readily concede that Clinton's pro-abortion stance is
repugnant to me. However, Bush has done little more than pay lip
service to the broader issues of the pro-life movement. When the two candidates are weighed in the balance on all the issues (using
Cardinal Bernadin's "seamless garment" analogy) I believe that Clinton comes out ahead. Bush's concern for the unborn seems to end at birth;
his administration's lack of concern for poor women and children has contributed to an environment in which women can be wrongly convinced that abortion is "the only option". Clinton, however, despite his
tolerance for abortion, supports social structures and programs which mediate against this. Now perhaps the two will cancel each other
out--pro-child plus pro-abortion equals contradiction and nothing
more--but I think any changes which really do give women a "choice"
(instead of just the false choice of an abortion) are ultimately for the better.
- David Cruz-Uribe, SFO
About Animal Rights: (BOB HOOKER) writes:
-Monday Rush said the following that in affect;
-Animals don't have rights - to have rights, one must be able to
-enter and keep agreements, which animals cannot do. People think
-that their pets have all sorts of rights, but man can accord
-animals only "protections" and not "rights."
-Unborn children can not enter into agreements, therefore the
-unborn have no rights, this would seem to argue strongly for
This is an interesting way to see it. Does anyone know any pro-life animal rights activists out there?
- Frances VanScoy
['Rush's argument is interesting, but also note that animals will
never have the ability to enter into an agreement (or even the
potential). Also, when used to defend abortion, the 'agreement'
clause essentially becomes the definition of a person - if you can
enter an agreement, then you are a person and have rights (such as the
right to life). Otherwise someone else can decide if you warrant any
protection (such as Animal-rights activists, or Pro-life activists).
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The other day I received a membership renewal for University Faculty for Life. It occurred to me that since a lot of people on the net are connected with colleges and universities I would announce it so other interested people could join. Then it occurred to me that a lot of
the people connected with universities and colleges are students, not faculty, so I might as well include the address for student group(s).
- Marty Helgesen
[ If you have snailmail addresses for Student/Faculty/Professional
Pro-Life organizations, please send them to the editor.]
Quote of the Month:
'The 12-year Reagan-Bush nightmare is over -- for women's
reproductive rights it truly is 'morning in America,
- Dr. David Andrews, acting president of Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
4) Edited from a verbatim transcript of an article that appeared in
the Nov. 5 edition of Columbia, SC's only major daily newspaper,
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
QOM- Quoted from a Washington UPI Article dated Date 4 Nov 92 from
`'. Many thanks to reader Caleb Cohen.
Anyone desiring information on specific prolife groups, literature, tapes, or help with problems is encouraged to contact the editor.
Friday, 12 March 2010 Three Autobiographies
Guru Rinpoche - His Life and Times
Guru Rinpoche, or Padmasambhava, was the great Indian tantric master who brought Buddhism to Tibet and is revered as a second Buddha. This book presents four very different accounts of his life story: two Buddhist, one according to the pre-Buddhist Bon religion, and one based on Indian and early Tibetan historical documents. The two Tibetan Buddhist works are a Biography of Guru Rinpoche by Jamgon Kongtrul, and the Immaculate White Lotus by Dorje Tso. Then follows an Indian version of his life story by Taranata, a Bonpo version by Jamyang Kyentse Wongpo, and Supplications to Guru Rinpoche in Seven Chapters, as well as visualizations written to accompany these supplications by Jamgon Kongtrul."The presence of Guru Rinpoche, a figure so important to Tibetan Buddhists that he is simply called "the Precious Master", can be felt still in each of the four liberating stories translated here. Read side-by-side, they reveal an even wider picture, of how history and culture interact with the inner spirituality that is beyond time and place." Sarah Harding.
Sky Dancer
The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyal
A lively biography of one of Tibet's celebrated enlightened women, with insight into women's role in the Tibetan tradition. Yeshe Tsogyel was the Tibetan consort of the great Indian tantric master Padmasambhava, and her life story and detailed instructions to her disciples are still an inspiration for today's practitioners.
Keith Dowman supplements this translation with a detailed commentary on the historical background to the text, the tantric tradition, Nyingma lineages and the tantric view of women and the dakini
The Lotus Born The life story of Padmasambhava
"The first complete version of Guru Rinpoche's life, The Lotus-Born translated by Erik Pema Kunsang, one of the most able and prolific Western translators, comes highly recommended. What a relief to be able to sit down and read a treasure in which we can have full confidence in both the words and the meaning. He has put Guru Rinpoche's life into meaningful context by including with his translation a foreword by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and a short work by Tsele Natsok Rangdr"ol, a master of the seventeenth century."
- Ngawang Zangpo, author of Guru Rinpoche: His Life and Times --This text refers to the Paperback edition. details/20244209/Guru+Rinpoche?tab=summary
tibetan buddhism,
Thursday, 11 March 2010 Feature Thursday The Benefits Of Immersion By Niki Whiting
A year and a half ago, in a different country from the one I'm living in now, I discovered Project Conversion. I'm not even sure how I came across it. I think it was when I was Googling Hinduism links. At the time, I was working on my dissertation for my PhD in feminist theology. I was bemused by his blog: how could someone learn all that much from spending just one month on a religion? It felt very "Intro to Religions 101 to me. But I followed along, reading back through the previous months I'd missed.
That spring I had what I called a 'come to Jesus' moment about my own spiritual practices and my theological work. My dissertation was on Marian co-redemption (looking at what that term means, how it's being used, and what an actual co-redemption involving the Virgin Mary might look like in feminist terms), but I was so weary from working with in a mostly Christian paradigm. I was particularly tired of having to read "dead white men" writing about women as if we were malformed demons come to tempt the more worthy males of the species. My own practice was looking more and more Pagan, and I was getting more and more open about that.
Inspired a great deal by Andrew's work, I decided to start my own blog, MY OWN ASHRAM. I got the title from a question I asked myself: what would my own ashram look like? As a student, as a mother of two young kids, how can I find my own sense of the sacred? I decided that I would break the year into four quarters and immerse myself in the traditions that informed my spirituality. It was time to move away from just reading and learning about and start "practicing." I looked at Hinduism, Feri (American traditional witchcraft), Christianity, and Place (more a concept than actual tradition).
While some reading and research was involved, I was taking more of an 'inside out' approach (reading from within the tradition) than an 'outside in' approach (looking in as an outsider). For example, in Hinduism I eschewed other forms of my practice that were not in keeping with Hinduism. I focused on my lagging yoga practice, I shifted my devotional patterns, I celebrated new holidays and "holy days." Of course, I was still a white Westerner, living in a rural Western European country, but simply adopting a Hindu perspective as my own, practicing a 'fake it til you make it' attitude was eye opening and life changing. I did this with each tradition.
What I learned is that academic understanding, while helpful and important, is no replacement for the lived understanding that one can gain from immersion. Practicing AS IF one has a different faith, assuming AS IF I believed in those gods, living AS IF I embraced a different tradition allowed me to see the world through new eyes. Of course I still had my own background and circumstances which colored my experience - but every convert or practitioner will bring those things to their chosen tradition. I had studied Hinduism at university, I'd been practicing yoga for years, yet practicing as a Hindu offered up fresh insights, things I could never have gleaned from secondary, or even primary, sources.
Andrew's immersion efforts have been mocked in some Pagan circles, accusing him of spiritual tourism. Sure, he didn't observe as I would have; sure, each religion was given only a month; sure, I would have chosen some different traditions. But he has gained insights in a way that most people will never experience. He has attempted to look from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. He inspired me to dive deeper into my spiritual influences, to stop focusing on learning, and to begin practicing. My experience of immersion was priceless.
During my year of immersion I decided to quit my PhD program and my family moved from Wales to the United States. It was a BIG year. Now, I'm settled more firmly into my traditions of choice: Tantric Hinduism and Feri/Faery. I've made my peace with Christianity. I've embraced my new home. I have taken ownership of my journey and practice in a way that I cannot imagine doing had I not embraced the immersive practice.
I can't recommend immersion enough. I have found my own ashram and I hope you can find yours,too.
"Thanks again for stopping by, Niki! You can find out more about Niki's journey on her blog, My Own Ashram.
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