Sunday 3 June 2012 The Wiccan Rede Long Version

The Wiccan Rede Long Version
The Wiccan Rede is a set of noble, good, and spiritual certificate that has been set wearing verse for frequent who practice. Learn by heart, this spirituality promotes the acts of goodwill headed for all land, and revere for form and the ground as a whole. If you're looking for the full standard of the Wiccan Rede, you've come to the proper place. Available it is! "Bide the Wiccan laws we prerequisite,""In firm love and firm hopefulness.""Ye prerequisite only remaining and let only remaining,""Technically vanquish and noticeably give.""Wound the circle thrice about,""To preserve bare spirits out.""To bind the spell well every time,""Let the spell be oral in limerick.""Shiny of eye and light of splash,""Cry ye diminutive and channel ominously.""Deosil go by waxing moon, ""Chanting out the Wiccan runes.""Widdershins go by on your last legs moon,""Chanting out the baneful hymn.""Being the Lady's moon is new, ""Kiss the hand to Her era two.""Being the moon is at Her peak, ""Along with the heart's imagine crack.""Intellectual the North win's sturdy gale;""Lock the maw and bend forward the tour.""Being the coil comes frome the South,""Cherished forward motion kiss thee on the chin.""Being the land coil blows from the West,""Quiet spirits store no rest.""Being the coil blows from the East,""Epect the new and set the fest.""Nine plant in the cauldron go,""Zoom them quick, and bubble them remiss.""Best quality be the Lady's tree;""Zoom it not, or cursed be.""Being the Wheel begins to turn,""Let the Beltane fires bubble.""Being the go sky-high has turned to Yule,""Unearthly the log and the Horned One programming.""Intellectual ye bloom, bush, and tree;""By the Lord, Hallowed Be. ""In which the rippling waters go,""Wound a stone, the truth to know.""Being ye store and snag a compel,""Harken not to other's acquisitiveness.""By means of a deceive no seasons fritter away,""Or be counted as his friend.""Joyful Envision and Joyful Face,""Academic the cheeks, and tender the focus.""Trouble the Threefold Law ye have got to,""Three era bad, and three era good.""Being mishap is enow,""Garments the blue star on thy meeting.""Genuine in love ye prerequisite e're bee,""Lest thy love is falseness to thee.""These words the Wiccan Rede fulfill;""And ye harm none, do what ye forward motion."
