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Well this month has been very busy and has gone by very quickly. Since my last blog we've had a Blue Moon and the Autumn Equinox. It's turned from summer to autumn (and at times winter!). The turning of the year has been very noticeable, and this has been apt because my studies have been about the wheel of the year.For my studies I had to think about each Sabbat and what is happening at the time of year it takes place. Then I had to bring together my own list of correspondences for each Sabbat based on my experiences, observations and knowledge, rather than to simply research from books etc. I have to admit that some of it was harder than I thought it would be, as I found it hard to think of an herb or tree for some Sabbats without looking up what the generally accepted ones would be. Trees were particularly difficult despite the fact that I walk in the woods often and interact with the trees regularly, whether this is simply saying 'hello', or energy sharing, or removing debris and broken branches that have got wedged in them etc. Trees are also always there no matter what time of year it is, they are there in all their majesty, bare in the winter, growing shoots in early spring, leafing in later spring, their leaves turning darker as the summer progresses until they change into their autumnal glory before floating to the ground. So I found it very hard to choose one for each Sabbat.But, I did eventually decide which ones would represent my Sabbats, and after a lot of thought and reflection I draw up my list of correspondences, although I am sure these will change as I work more fully and more spiritually with the wheel of the year.I didn't have problems with all the correspondences though, particularly with the colours and crystals; colours because I spend a lot of time out in nature, even on days when I could happily stay indoors, you know those days when it is lashing down with rain and blowing a hooley. But, you can't be a fair whether witch when you have three dogs that don't care what the weather is like! So, I am out every day, come rain or shine, and I have my favourite walks, the woods obviously, but also Maiden Castle, an Iron Age Hillfort, a stone's throw away from me. Now, Maiden Castle is in the middle of farming land, and there are many hedgerows separating the fields and footpaths, so anyone that walks here, or in the woods, cannot help but notice the turning of the seasons: the colours of the trees, the colour of the land as it is ploughed, sown and harvested, and colours of the hedgerows that bud, leaf, flower and fruit. So, this put me in good stead for drawing up my colour correspondences.And as for Crystals, well they are one of my passions and I work with them a lot, so I need say no more...And, talking of Sabbats, there was of course the Autumn Equinox/Mabon on the 22nd of this month. I made my first 'proper' Sabbat altar and made some candles to burn on the night. I also attended the Dorset Grove ritual on the 15th, it was a beautiful ritual, the weather was wonderful, the lovely Kitchen Witch team were there, including Arthur bear, and I attended my first handfasting (of Rita and Dennis) that took place during the ritual. The whole experience was very special and something I will remember for a very long time (pics can be seen at I have to say that with each ritual I attend I feel more and more rooted within my pagan path. It feels so right, like a coming home, and I away feel so positive and full of energy afterwards. If you haven't been to a ritual before I would recommend it if you have a great Grove near you, or can get to the Kitchen Witch rituals in Queen Elizabeth Park.Sadly though, I didn't get to the Kitchen Witch Mabon Ritual on the 22nd (or the Stonehenge one), but I have seen the pictures and the blogs, and it seems I missed two special events (pics and blog can be seen on the Kitchen Witch Facebook page - am still doing my branch studies in runes, tarot and magical herbs, there's so much I want to learn, I could do with that time machine thingy that Hermione Granger had in Harry Potter, but in reality, I just need to learn patience and work diligently at my studies, and enjoy the experience however long it takes me. Patience is a virtue; unfortunately it's one I don't have......So, here we are at the end of September (already - eeek). The nights are drawing in, the mornings and evenings are cooler, and the dark mornings are noticeable too, especially when the alarm goes off and it's dark and feels like the middle of the night! But round the corner is Samhain, and I get the impression the Kitchen Witch team are very fond of this particular Sabbat! My open fire will soon be going, and the cosy dark evenings will be perfect for catching up on the numerous books I have to read and for my studies and practice. So next month I will be chatting about Samhain, and my next study subject - Esbats - this is going to be another great study time as I am a moon girl at heart, strongly influenced by the moon's power. In fact as I have been writing this it has got dark and I will soon be able to see the moon in all her fullness - time to select some crystals to go out and bath in her energy I think. Til next time.Love and blessings. Earthshine. xx