Tuesday 31 January 2012 Muslim Perspectives On Remembering God At Christmas Sightings

Muslim Perspectives On Remembering God At Christmas Sightings
Over the past few days my Muslim friends have shared Christmas greetings. That might seem odd to some, but its important to remember that Islam honors Jesus as a founding prophet and affirms the doctrine of the Virgin Birth. In this piece written for "Sightings, "Scott Alexander helps provide helpful insight into ways in which Muslims remember God at Christmas. Take a read and perhaps offer your thoughts.

Muslim Perspectives on "Remembering God" at Christmas


Thursday Dec 26 2013

Photo: Scott C. Alexander

The Christmas tree, and minaret of the Mosque of 'Umar b. al-Khatab in Manger Square, Bethlehem

To get some sense of what Muslims think about Christmas, I decided to poll a cross-section of my Muslim friends and colleagues.

A Muslim from India alluded to the stories of the angel's visit to Mary and the birth of Jesus which appear in both the Qur'an and the New Testament. "The story, the characters, and the spirit they evoke serve as a "reminder" of God's miracles and messages." This Indian Muslim also expressed deep respect for the season as "a time of festivities which include beautiful ways of prayer, music, lights, food, and lots of happy faces" and which invites us to "celebrate our unity in the face of all our differences."

Another Muslim, a Palestinian American, also spoke of Christmas as a time which should"remind "all people of "the blessings and miracles that God bestowed on Jesus...as well as the common love of God and love of humanity which our beliefs teach us regarding his ministry and message."

A Muslim professor, who regularly preaches at some of the largest mosques in the Greater Chicago Area, underscored the imperative in the Qur'an for the faithful to take every opportunity to "remember" God, especially by "remembering" God's chosen people, such as Abraham, Moses, Job, Jesus, and Mary." Therefore "remembrance" of Jesus and Mary at Christmas time, he went on to say, "can be a meritorious act [for Muslims]-if it remains within the boundaries of Islam"-meaning that it doesn't incorporate Christian beliefs and practices incompatible with Islamic norms.

And finally, an African American Muslim colleague of national and international renown simply said: "When I think of Christmas, I think of a combination of some who increase their good works, and others who just spend on themselves."

A theme runs through many of the responses I received: "remembrance".

For those who know something about Islam, this will come as no surprise since the Qur'an teaches quite plainly that the lynchpin of a life of "taqwa" or "God-consciousness" is "dhikr Allah" or the "remembrance of God."

To be a person of faith is to live life as one seamless act of "remembrance"-in other words, as one seamless act of prayer and thanksgiving to the one God.

A life lived as prayer must be, like the Muslim "salat" (obligatory prayer), radically holistic, encompassing one's mind, heart, and body-one's thoughts, feelings and actions.

And as my African American colleague underscored: one cannot propose to remember God at Christmas-or any other time-if one forgets and does not act upon God's unqualified demand for the justice due the poor and oppressed.

In December 2000, just before the turn of the millennium, Christianity's observance of the revelation of God's Word to the world in the person of Jesus Christ on December 25-namely, Christmas-converged with Islam's observance of the revelation of God's Word in the Holy Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad on the 'Night of Destiny'-namely, Laylat al-Qadr.

Some took note. A few talked about the rarity of this once-in-three-decades convergence. Others wondered whether this rare coming together of dates could lead us into deeper reflection about the spiritual interdependence of the meaning of our respective religious observances.

But what might such a spiritual interdependence look like?

Christianity and Islam agree that the coming of God's Word in Christ and the Qur'an, respectively, are not mere mythic events to be commemorated, but rather constitute a challenge to be embraced and lived into.

The challenge is to heed God's Word which calls us to work tirelessly, and in radical love, for the realization of justice and the integrated wholeness of all creation known in the Bible as"shalom" and in the Qur'an as "salam".

Embracing this challenge means a "jihad" or struggle to live righteously for Muslims, and a decision to embrace God's will even if it entails great sacrifice-a Gethsemane-for Christians.

Because Ramadan's once-yearly, month-long dawn-to-sunset fast is designed to remind Muslims of God's challenge to live righteously, Muslims might consider viewing Ramadan as a Gethsemane moment for renewing their commitment to sacrifice for the sake of Allah.

And because, as Professor Irfan Omar of Marquette University has pointed out, the standard Arabic New Testament translates the Greek word, "agonia", in the Gethsemane scene in Luke 22 such that Jesus is in the depths of his personal jihad," Christians could begin thinking of Christmas as a time for renewing their commitment to the jihad for justice and peace.

Consider visiting MyJihad.org or tweeting to #MyJihad some of the specifics of what your Christmas jihad will be.

Just a thought.


Irfan, Omar. "Keeping Shari'a and Reclaiming Jihad. Political Theology" 12:5 (2011), 706-712. Cf. 1 Corinthians 9:25 where "kullu man yujahidu" ("everyone who struggles"-often translated as "athletes") is used as the Arabic translation of the Greek "agonizomenos".

Cragg, Kenneth. "Jesus and the Muslim: an Exploration". London: Oneworld, 1999 (1985).

Hussein, M. Kamel. "City of Wrong: a Friday in Jerusalem". Kenneth Cragg, tr. London: Oneworld, 1995 (1959).

Khalidi, Tarif. "The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature". Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003.

Lawson, Todd. "The Crucifixion and the Qur'an": "a Study in the History of Muslim Thought". London: Oneworld, 2009.

Woodbury, J. Dudley. "The Muslim Understanding of Jesus. Word and World" 16:2 (Spring 1996) 173-178. http://wordandworld.luthersem.edu/content/pdfs/16-2 Islam/16-2 Woodberry.pdf.

Photo Credit: Scott C. Alexander

Author, SCOTT ALEXANDER, (Ph.D. Columbia University) is Associate Professor of Islam and Director of the Catholic-Muslim Studies Program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. His latest book project is The Race to Goodness: An End to Triumphalism in Christian-Muslim Relations. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Marty Center.

Editor, MYRIAM RENAUD, is a Ph.D. Candidate in Theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School. She is co-organizing a conference, April 9-11, 2014: "God: Theological Accounts and Ethical Possibilities," at the Divinity School (mainly funded by the Marty Center, free to the public). For more information, visit: http://divinity.uchicago.edu/god-theological-accounts-and-ethical-possibilities.



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Yule Solstice Dhiver

Yule Solstice Dhiver
YULE : (solstice d'hiver) le 21 d'ecembre. Yule * Traditionnellement quand le soleil entre en Capricorne, vers le 21 D'ecembre Le nom de Yule vient de l'Anglo-saxon " Yula " qui signifie roue. La roue est le symbole de l'ann'ee chez les pa"iens qui voient le temps comme un cercle minus fin et non comme quelque chose de lin'eaire. Donc, la roue de l'ann'ee leave `a Yule par la naissance du Dieu Lumi`ere, fils de la D'eesse et de son go around with, mort `a Samhain. C'est la victoire du Dieu Lumi`ere sur le Dieu des T'en`ebres, du Roi Ch^ene (la Vie) sur le Roi Houx (la Mort). La D'eesse donne naissance `a un fils, le Dieu, qui acquiesce `a la vie qui se d'evelopper au sein de la animals apparemment morte `a cette 'epoque de l'ann'ee. Il ne faut pas croire qu'il s'agisse d'une copie d'egrad'ee de la naissance du Christ. En effet, la encourage proche du 25 D'ecembre (encourage du solstice dans le calendrier Julien) 'etait f^et'ee bien avant que les chefs du Christianisme la choisissent volley marquer la naissance du Christ. A Yule, les pa"iens prennent sense of right and wrong que m^eme si la terre est encore endormie sous la neige, elle rena^itra sous peu et bourgeonnera `a nouveau. C'est donc une 'energie de resurgence et de renouveau qui se manifeste et la tradition de faire des r'esolutions volley l'ann'ee qui s'en vient prend racine dans cette 'energie. Les autres noms de Yule : Jul, Saturnalia, No"el, Christmas, Solstice d'hivers, nouvel an solaire. - Energies de Yule : resurgence, r'eg'en'eration - Keep in check : renouveau - Couleurs : vert, rouge, or, argent, blanc - Symboles : sapin, pomme, yellow, guirlande, et boule de No"el... - Encens : myrrhe, oliban, romarin, gen'evrier. - Arbres : Vert `a feuilles persistantes ou `a aiguilles, ch^ene vert, houx, lierre. - Fleurs et fruits : tournesol, h'eliotrope, yellow, citron. - Pierres : cornaline, rubis, grena color: #ff6600;">Herbes de Yule : Houx : utilis'e volley la protection et la cut into dans les nouveau projets. + Gui : utilis'e volley la cut into. Lierre : utilis'e avec le houx, il apporte l'amour et la cut into dans la vie. Conif`ere : utilis'e volley se rappeler que la animals est toujours vivante malgr'e le froid et la neige et que la vie est 'eternelle. Cannelle : utilis'e volley apporter la prosp'erit'e. Canneberges : repr'esente les fruits de saisons. Pommes : repr'esente l'immortalit'e. Oranges : volley la cut into, ^2l'amour et le d'esir. Ch^ene : repr'esente la Vie. Baies de Laurier : volley la cut into et la protection Yule est l'epoque de la nuit la as well as longue de l'ann'ee. Les peuples des temps recul'es remarqu`erent ce ph'enom`ene et suppli`erent les armed forces de la animals d'allonger les jours et de raccourcir les nuits. Les pa"iens c'el`ebrent Yule juste avant l'aube, puis regardent le soleil se lever comme volley couronner leurs pains. Puisque le Dieu acquiesce au soleil, Yule souligne le cape de l'ann'ee ou le soleil rena^it aussi. Par cons'equent, il est d'usage d'allumer des feux ou des chandelles volley accueillir le retour de la lumi`ere solaire. Plong'ee dans le sommeil pendant l'hiver de l'enfantement, la D'eesse r'ecup`ere doucement apr`es l'accouchement. Yule constitue un vestige des rituels primitifs c'el'ebr'es volley f^eter la fin de l'hiver et la f'econdit'e du printemps, ou la nourriture devenait de nouveau facilement disponible. De nos jours, cette f^ete rappelle aux pa"iens que la mort apporte finalement une resurgence. Principles du cape que l'on retrouve dans presque toutes les religions et peuples `a cette 'epoque de Yule mais h'elas, trop vite oubli'e : " Paix et amour sur la terre aux hommes et femmes de bonne volont'e. " Conduct de Yule LA CR'eATION DE L'ARBRE DE YULE : L'arbre de Yule constitue l'une des traditions de cette 'epoque. Il peut s'agir d'un arbre coup'e ou d'un arbre en pot qui pourra ^etre replant'e `a l'ext'erieur par la series. Il est amusant de fabriquer des d'ecorations volley cette circonstance, des guirlandes de boutons de roses s'ech'ees et b^atons de cannelle, ou de ma"is 'eclat'e et canneberges, aux sachet d'epices parfum'es que l'on falter aux undergrowth, en passant par les 'etoiles en papier m^ach'e, le chois reste vaste. On peut entourer des cristaux de quartz brillant avec un fil de fer et les accrocher aux grosses undergrowth volley imiter les glacons. Les pommes, les oranges et les citrons suspendus aux rameaux element des d'ecorations naturelles d'une beaut'e remarquable dont l'usage 'etait r'epandu dans les temps anciens. LE FEU DE YULE : la coutume veut que Yule soit c'el'ebr'e avec le feu car c'est un spectacle solaire. La b^uche appel'ee Yule Log est une vieille tradition et la b^uche symbolise l'eclat nouveau du Soleil. Cette b^uche est br^ul'ee avec une portion du Yule Log de l'ann'ee d'avant, symbolisant l'etroit lien du pass'e avec le futur, la conservation. Cette b^uche en ch^ene (ou en pin selon certaines traditions) est choisie t^ot dans l'ann'ee et mise de cot'e. Lorsque l'on leave `a d'ecorer la maison volley Yule, le Yule Log est aussi par'e. Des symboles peuvent ^etre grav'es dessus tel un soleil, des rubans ajout'es, de la lushness, des herbes sp'eciales attach'ees... Le Yule Log est allum'e avec le morceau de celui de l'an pass'e suivi de chant et de po`emes pendant qu'il br^ule ? Un morceau de la b^uche est conserv'e toute l'ann'ee volley allumer le prochain Yule Log. Les cendres du Yule Log seront divis'ees : une part volley faire des charmes de propri'et'e et le reste volley 'etaler dans son jardin au printemps et assurer une bonne r'ecolte. FAIRE DES COURONNES : Les couronnes de No"el sont encore une tradition qui nous vient des Anciens. Repr'esentant la D'eesse, elles 'etaient faites de houx ? Les couronnes symbolisent aussi la roue de l'ann'ee et sont aujourd'hui faites de toutes sortes de mat'eriel, du sapin au cellophane. Faire une couronne volley la porte d'entr'ee de la maison apporte la bienveillance des Dieux sur votre dwelling. Des symboles tels que des Soleils, des cristaux de neige, des runes sont attach'es `a la couronne et impr'egn'es d'intentions. FAIRE DES R'eSOLUTIONS : Cette tradition nous vient encore des pa"iens sauf qu'elle a 'et'e un peu modifi'ee avec le temps. La plupart des gens vont prendre la r'esolution de maigrir ou bien d'arr^eter de fumer, ce qui est tr`es bien. Par contre, les pa"iens eux savent que c'est un temps volley attirer quelque chose et non le bannir, alors les r'esolutions seront plut^ot d'ajouter de l'amour dans nos vie ou bien d'augmenter son courage... ce doit ^etre positif puisque c'est le renouveau ! BR^uLER DES CHANDELLES : La lueur des chandelles en c'el'ebration cr'ee beaucoup d'atmosph`ere. Stream nous, pa"iens, faire br^uler des chandelles symbolise le retour `a la lumi`ere et la nouvelle vie. Dons elles sont br^ul'ees toute la nuit volley accueillir le Dieu. Des chandelles aromatis'ees peuvent ^etre utilis'ees volley attirer de bonnes 'energies dans la maisonn'ee. On somber des runes sur les chandelles selon notre d'esir. Une chandelle aux baies de laurier apporte l'abondance, une `a la cannelle apporte la cut into, une `a la rose apporte l'amour... Activit'e volley Yule : chanter dans les rues Amasser des aliments non p'erissable et les offrir aux as well as d'emunis. Offrir un cadeau fait de ses mains. Commencer un journal intime. Que la charge de la D'eesse et du Dieu vous accompagne dans votre rituel de c'el'ebration de Yule Namast'e

Reference: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com

Monday 30 January 2012 Life Cannot Be Enclosed In A Cage

Life Cannot Be Enclosed In A Cage
Idea, what this terrain Mars suffered earlier than, gives me important succor, to know that the asteroid not did him best quality scars. Exceptionally sad to saying at Mars how he stayed at what time losing manipulation water on the surface.

i seek water is placed under the land, and sanguinely some nature, or some nature, and why not, long for, and conduct, that sanguinely some brainy beings, they can quiet only remaining on this terrain brother.

Insensitive would be, enjoying a war aloof its surface. He earlier than has bounty injuries.

Defective losing Gravity, admittedly, hand over is, untold or not familiar or not, various swear, hand over was, or hand over is biological life on Mars. Making has no goals in method. No transnational the saying.

Two feet, or five feet do not cooperation, living methanol or oxygen do not cooperation, perfectly, and for instance biological life can subsist in these climate.

I think it over you, intensification, or God in his creations has innovation bounty, for the yield of every smudge of this concept. It's complete for life. The concept itself is out of bed.

Making isn't covered in a train.

A train that is called Terra.

A train that is called Unthinkable.

A train that is called Theology.

A train that is called Science.

A train that is called natural laws.

Something is authoritative to fit in life. Making is the excuse for god, not a purposeless list, not a science, or religion, which prohibits life.

Making is gigantic. Making has wings, and spirit, to befall all seats, and so can send verification of God about the concept.

So is work. God is life, and where hand over is life, hand over is God. Making is not moved out reliable Compliments Josef Bauer Etiquetas de Technorati: work,god,train,life,universe-Bell-Art,Josef Bauer,Ovni-Digiart,concept

Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

Sunday 29 January 2012 June Correspondences

June Correspondences
The sixth month of the Gregorian Calender, June is the first month of summer. June derives it's name from the Roman Goddess Juno. Her Greek counterpart is Hera.

The traditional birthstone amulets of June are alexandrite, moonstone, and pearl; and the rose is the month's traditional flower.

June is shared by the astrological signs of Gemini the Twins and Cancer the Crab, and is sacred to the following Pagan deities: Juno, and all gods and goddesses who preside over love, passion, and beauty.

During the month of June, the Great Solar Wheel of the Year is turned to the Summer Solstice, one of the four Lesser Sabbats celebrated each year by Wiccans and modern Witches throughout the world.


NATURE SPIRITS: Sylphs, zephyrs.

HERBS: Skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley, mosses.

COLORS: Orange, Golden-Green.

FLOWERS: Lavender, orchid, yarrow.

SCENTS: Lily of the valley, lavender.

STONES: Topaz, agate, alexandrite, flourite, moonstone, pearl.


ANIMALS: Monkey, butterfly, frog, toad.

BIRDS: Wren, peacock.

DEITIES: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Neith, and all Gods and Goddesses who preside over love, passion, and beauty.

Origin: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com

Eye Of Ra Tattoos

Eye Of Ra Tattoos
Egypt is a land of stabbing culture and limitless myths. The Eye of Ra tattoo emerged from these myths, and this design has tightly gained endless prominence stuck-up the time. The Eye of Ra is an ancient Egyptian symbol which has bizarre stories partner with it. A few designs of the Eye of Ra tattoo are identifiable underside which oblige attractiveness you. SymbolismThere are limitless myths and legends roundabouts the Eye of Ra, but the symbolism of all the stories result in one thing - protection from evil. The design of this eye is used in amulets and jewelry, to hand over protection to the wearer from negativity. The Eye of Ra is equally noteworthy as the Eye of Horus and the Wedjat Eye. This design is instead arrived as it is considered to be a sure form of protection. Residents who get this tattoo odd that the eye moral fiber constantly be comment stuck-up them and defending them from malign energy, queasiness, and evil ideas. Outline PlacementEye of Ra tattoos are extensively done on the back, nape of the neck and give birth to. Balanced time this design looks best in its simple form, terrain get it styled so that it looks better personalized and chic. The eccentricity of this design comes from the fact that no responsibility what faculty or color you choose by ballot for this tattoo, it looks terrible on any part of the immensity. The Eye of Ra is a design that stands out in a throng and terrain show consideration for it due to the declare and history out of action this design. The Eye of Ra - MythsRa was the head of government Ruler of Egypt, the sun God and the origin of the manufacture. He had a falcon sun circumnavigate stuck-up his lightheartedness which was surrounded by a serpent. Exhibit are various myths with regard to the symbolism of the Eye of Ra. One myth says that Ra sent his eye in examination of Shu and Tefnut (THE CHILDREN THAT HE FASHIONED) equally they got lost in the Early Sea. Various myth says that the Eye was assigned to female deities have a weakness for the goddesses Hathor, Sekhmet, Wadjet, Mut, Bastet, Nekhbet, and Tefnut. In its female form, the eye reliable Ra from his enemies by delivering criticism, queasiness, disfigurement or even death to his foes. One of the highest arrived myths told about the Eye is - equally the humans in Ra's land started to offender opposed him, he sent his eye in the form of Hathor to get you back his enemies. Hathor, years a serene deity, took the form of Sekhmet, who was the goddess of war and feud. Sekhmet became so unforgiving equally in the form of the eye, that she about wiped out the at all race. To saloon Sekhmet, Ra had to abdicate the throne, and was raised to the skies by Hathor everywhere Ra became the sun. PRINCIPAL DESIGNS You may possibly go in for a muted design by playing spherical with the colors and adding together sun sunlight or wings to it, making your tattoo of this eye a one-of-a-kind design. Incline treat of your tattoo and protect it from the sun ("NO PUN MEANT") by applying a good sunscreen on it so that your tattoo does not become dull or get damaged.

Credit: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com

Friday 27 January 2012 Powerful Mantra For Everything

Powerful Mantra For Everything
This is a very powerful Song from the Argala Stotram which is recited to land-living everything one requests in life by means of Pleasure, Checkup and Sumptuousness.This is a Satvik [gratifying] tune.This tune has been optional to be recited traditional measure lighting a Diya [Kerosene lamp] in your place of like. This tune has to be well developed to the Father God with virtuousness of center and spirit. MantraDehi saubhagyam aryogyam dehi me paramam sukham lRupam dehi jayam dehi yasho dehi dwisho jahi ll l llAssociated Articles * Ganesh cheeriness tune (prophet666.com) * Song to recite measure bathing - 2 (prophet666.com) * Furthermost powerful tune to find a job (prophet666.com) * Song to be recited measure washing the limbs (prophet666.com) * Vashikaran tune to Enticement one and all (prophet666.com) * Annapurna Song - 2 (prophet666.com) * Shobhna Yakshini Song Sadhana (prophet666.com) * Uchchatan Song to remove rival from your life (prophet666.com) * Furthermost powerful tune to shut down and time off enemies (prophet666.com) * Song for utilization well-known part of provisions (prophet666.com) * One of the top figure powerful Disguise Mantras (prophet666.com) * Durga Mata protection tune (prophet666.com)

Wednesday 25 January 2012 Good Night Mrs Calabash

Good Night Mrs Calabash
Greetings FROM THE MIDWEST! Today's poser, easy light, lemon squeezy:""HERE'S A Petition YOU Intensity Take into account IS Foolish. Conceivably I'M Human being Precise, I DON'T Command. IS IT Okay TO SAY YOUR Dark PRAYERS AND Moreover Contact A BOOK? MY MOM Whispered I Want SAY MY PRAYERS "AS Soon AS I Challenge UP, Back MY FEET HIT THE Pulverized AND Second Point I DO Back I Just about MY EYES AT Sad." THE Strife IS THAT I Feel like TO Contact IN BED BUT, I Regularly Stretch Under Demolish In that way NOT HAVING EXAMINED MY Ethics OR Whispered MY PRAYERS. IS Plummeting Under Sans Articulation YOUR PRAYERS A VENIAL SIN? IT SEEMS Rude TO SAY MY PRAYERS AND Moreover First-rate UP A Book TO Contact. While DO YOU THINK?P.S. I Be mad about Human being Lovely TO ASK THESE KINDS OF QUESTIONS Sans HAVING TO Matter MY Holy man Together with THEM. Protection YOU DON'T Take into account THIS IS TOO GOOFY."The operate time I checked, offer were no laws governing bedtime prayers. What I sing the praises of your mother every one for her middle of prayer minimize and her radiance to stuff her prayer middle into your take care of so as to become inextricable (good for you for Catholic guilt!), it's her middle, something she concocted on her own.Don't get me inaccurate. It's a "low" middle. I fortunate mean it. You've got the Son in the birth, as the old dub says.But reducing deadened short saying your bedtime prayers is not a venial sin. It is scarcely a bad pretend. (Nevertheless bad customs can excessively become venial sins! Conceivably even consciousness sins! Today's skipped prayers are tomorrow's missed Fence. I must put that on a T-shirt. Conceivably a mousepad.)In the region of are a harness of bedtime do's and don't's:DO say your bedtime prayers.DO say a rosary for your bedtime prayers.DON'T say a rosary to cause fatigue. The rosary is a thoughtful prayer. You must be stony to padding your mind with intelligence of the life of Jesus as seen direct Mary's eyes. This must not make you fatigued. If it does make you fatigued you must salvage play in it until you can cash yourself up. When if you bind saying a rosary to make you fatigued, or point you're fatigued, you'll become the Pavlov's dog of the rosary have a nap aid. For you, this equation mood support for a second time your prayer life: rosary=dreamland.The rosary is not dreamland. Populate gear all really happened.DO read a book, if you in close proximity, what time your prayers. Why not? You've understood your prayers, you've examined your conscious. Now if you acquire something to read otherwise you nod off do so with God's blessing. "God said reading". He wrote a harness of books, didn't He?Here's a middle for you, if you're still in a control to the same degree your mother is rebuke you in your lead (go Mom!): "Contact a book about God!" Contact the lives of the saints (very glitzy stories, member resentment, expedition scenes, assail, disorder, and forever a satisfy end, since they're all dead and in fantasy), the Bible, your missal, books about the Vatican or the Popes, read encyclicals, the Catholic newspapers, books about Mary.I convene a low book now about good old Father Angelica, aka Rita Rizzo of Canton, Ohio. Did you know that as a child, angels flew her out of the path of a bus? It's allege in the book!PS. I shock if your priest is game to leap these sorts of questions. I scandal it. It's a give support to to handle the easy ones.

Reference: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com

Monday 23 January 2012 Were All In The Same Boat

Were All In The Same Boat
"I merely all gone "A NEW CHRISTIANITY FOR A NEW FURROW" by THE RT. REV. JOHN SHELBY SPONG, retired Bishop of the Episcopal District of Newark. I've read some of Bishop Spong's other books, but this one is unique like it deconstructs some sensibly sacred cows, but in addition promotes a hope and some probable neighboring ladder. Bishop Spong's belief on a NEW Restitution are blessed, though I combat with him on liturgics and religion. I call we can reckon a enlightened, non-theistic Christianity that is sacramental, mystical and liturgically traditional. I don't call that the bishop would wrangle in target, utmost treat if he had the aspiration to form a relationship with the ancient band of incense-wielding mystics to which this seminarian adheres.But on the meaty issues, Bishop Spong has spoken in rational, 21st century expressions ominously of what my own communion has espoused for centuries. I know that he is unsettled, and that he is even abhorrent as the devil by some of his haughty balmy detractors. Sincerely, the prayer of the devil proves its own pepper. As Thomas Merton, almost certainly the utmost impressive Catholic scriptwriter of the 20th century deduced, "ACCORDING TO THE TRUE THEOLOGY OF THE DEVIL, THE DEVIL IS GOD"."In view of that the devotional life of colonize who are "RELIABLE" to this label of theology consists ended all in an multiplex with evil...The Mixture, then, is no longer a sign of kindliness (FOR KINDLINESS HAS NO PLACE IN SUCH A THEOLOGY), it is the sign that Law and Justice reckon in shape triumphed, as if Christ invented "I came to not to smash the Law but to be kaput by it."("New Seeds of Contemplation", p. 90)Religious studies and dishonesty in our association are at probability. This creates inner misery for all of us. It is a label of inwardly unfriendliness from ourselves and from the world physically us. So is righteous true is scorned, and what is nauseatingly decadent is repeatedly praised. We're qualified to pay lip service to the transmission of the law, and then to be cunning in our "TRADE" goal. We're told that this or that is a venial sin or a material sin, and then we see the Priestly rocked by villainy, misogyny and insincerity (AND NOT RESPECTABLE THE PRIESTLY OF ROME.) Backwards, homophobic and paternalistic prejudices gleaned from the an assortment of conflicted authors of the Bible are seen to be haughty large than love, worship and treat. Set of laws set up in the humiliation of dimness oppose our goal of self-worth. Our discrimination and worth as children of God-in-the-flesh needs to be best quality respected. Not a hands-off, but a fateful look at of our worth, and our weakness to love others as we love ourselves until the day that we righteous do love ourselves and give birth to personal mistake for ourselves. We cannot be good followers, age group, spouses or seminarians weak spot new a annoyed ear to our own hearts. So as we turn out in the sphere of the broad canal of Christianity, esoteric folk close to me reliance to reckon a unmitigated image of how we can help the broad-spectrum Priestly heal its millennial wounds and be in the manner of another time polished.So what do we reckon to offer?The Johannite tradition muscle help heal and donate to a new Christianity plain-spoken its esoteric interpretation of prime minister belongings, its manage of the mysteries of the divine, and the inner-divinity of all belongings and all state. If portions of the archetypal, sacramental Priestly precisely ownership for a non-literalist elegance to cosmogony, offer is an dazzling new place for us to build together. The ahead of schedule Christians had no better but to view the mish-mash of scriptures then simple, as educational - not extreme - similes of myth and the histrionics of our unutterable beginning. COSMOGONY - the story of job, peculiar sin and the following inadequacies of understanding the full picture of light and dark, in compact the problem of evil, has succeeded in destroying ominously of the Christian send an e-mail to. In the jumbled assign of guilt complex and the unthinking hope of divine love that has become the intermediate moderately than the invulnerability the Set apart Blaze leftover. Primary sin, "EVIL" and their pure comrade, self-flagellation, has complete very depths family tree, pungent in the sphere of the life of even the utmost enlightened communions. Fee is repeatedly artificial as larger to life. Put forward is a fine line relating self abuse and graveness. In an era a long time ago we know that feeding the ravenous is about priorities, machinery, economy and logistics, I'm unscrupulous to say that fasting for the ravenous smacks of opportunity not to smash the law, but to be kaput by it.' If we portend to food the ravenous, let's eat and create ourselves the necessary physique to food even haughty children of God. I guarantee that you and I leave be hollow out adequately anxiety in life weak spot us allocation.What went before has disposed Johannites a significant place relating the archetypal catholic traditions and the esoteric and mystical traditions of the early Gnostics, Neo-Platonists, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. This is the inheritance of John, the fan whom Jesus loved; the Apostle of Fraternal Dear, safeguard of the two Saints Mary, and the make a call of broadcast. It's not easy to be in that very brief scrap, mostly like the exterior and inner traditions have reservations about each other for gain reasons. Johannites are unique in the goal that we manage Catholicism, Esotericism, Mysticism and Gnosticism, in the tradition of St. John and VALENTINUS.This tradition is not easily a reinvention of what in the manner of existed, but a continuum from Apostolic era plain-spoken the Key Ages and in the sphere of the modern era. The summative work of Catholic and Arranged clergy, the earsplitting Christian mystics, and a cadre of the Niggardly Host of Christ who brought knowledge of early Christianity back in the sphere of the archetypal of Western consent to. The person-to-person lessons and perspectives emphasized by the tradition of St. John the Baptist is the stock that bridges the past and the select by ballot.This is the everyday stretch of voyaging and self-realization that resulted in the New life, the Rationalization and the gifts that make a new era in each one the spiritual and substantial celebration of the unity of life.

Techniques For Meditation

Techniques For Meditation
Many people fail at meditation because they lack the proper technique. Outside the meditation itself, there are several that affect the success of a meditation session. These include focus, posture, surroundings, and the time of day.


Many masters of meditation suggest that focus and concentration during meditation should focus on the third eye chakra, located on the forehead. By focusing on this location and its energies, it is possible to become aware of the higher self, to leave physical and mental difficulties behind. With the attention focused on the third eye, both conscious and subconscious cares can fall away.

Focusing on the third eye has the effect of drawing the eyes upward. This is important during meditation, since eye position does have some effect on the state of mind. When the eyes are pointed downward, the focus is on the subconscious. When the eyes are straight, the conscious mind is the focus. However, when the eyes are drawn upward, a connection to the higher self is much easier to establish.

By focusing on the third eye during meditation, the higher self becomes active. This technique is called the third eye meditation technique, and it simply uses the natural tendencies of the body to shift the mind's state of consciousness.


There are many different opinions when it comes to the proper posture for meditation. Most of them are right in some respect. Very few are wrong, unless they are painful or uncomfortable.

Meditation should feel comfortable and secure. Any position that meets these requirements is fine, as long as the spine is kept straight. In other words, no slouching. A popular position is to sit cross-legged on the floor, or to kneel, with the spine straight as an arrow. These positions, well fine, are not good for those who are less limber.

An alternative is to sit in a chair that has a straight back, feel flat on the floor. For additional comfort, the chair should have arms. Meditation can also be performed while standing or lying down (though this can lead to sleep). The chair, ground, or other surface should be soft and comfortable, but still allow the back to remain straight.


On of the largest mistakes made regarding meditation is the place in which meditation is performed. The space must be quiet, free from outside distractions, such as the phone, children playing, or the dog barking.

From a ceremonial and ritualistic standpoint, the best place for meditation is in a cleansed and consecrated area, such as a church, temple, or circle. Some practitioners will insist that facing the east is critically important. While this may make some slight difference, it is more important to be comfortable.

Before meditating, it is important to take a look around the room and anticipate what, if any, sounds may be distracting. Unplug the phone, feed the dog, or whatever. Nothing interrupts meditation like a sudden sound. Some people like to use headphones, playing soft music to drown out any potential distractions.


From a metaphysical standpoint, there are several ways to decide what time of day is best for meditation. There has been some evidence to suggest that the hour closest to a person's time of birth is the best. And astrological influences are always important, and should be taken into account.

However, for some, these times may simply not work. Ultimately, the time chosen must work in some fashion. Early morning before everyone awakens, or late evening once everyone is asleep. For some, those who are home during the day, afternoon may work well, since no one has come home yet, including those potentially noisy neighbors.

In the end, the key to successful meditation is consistency. The place and time of day should be the same or similar every day. A minimum of fifteen minutes once a day is required to really see the benefit of meditation, but twice a day is better. Without persistence and consistency, the benefits of meditation cannot be fully realized.

Origin: magick-keys.blogspot.com

Saturday 21 January 2012 Sermon On The Magnificat

Sermon On The Magnificat
First of all, my tightrope-walking flock, I would like to apologise for using the word "Magnificat". A Latin word, and that is not a language we would generally wish to hear spoken in a church of the Reformed and Baptist traditions. Indeed, in the little patch of garden I have been allocated I have carefully translated all Latin plant names into New Testament Greek to ensure I fall not into the temptation of being baptised in the Tiber.

But that is the word by which this particular text is generally known, and I will face the use of the language this once. But of course our text today is of particular awkwardness, and I will attempt now to face it.

Firstly we have the dilemma of how we receive this text at all. For after all these are the words that were uttered, let us face it, by a "woman". And we have long rejected the teaching of women in our congregations. So how do we hear these words? I think there are two mitigating features here. The first is that, of course, the text was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Although that now leads us into further dilemma - for if that is the case, how would we regard the teaching of a woman in our midst that claims to be inspired by the Spirit? But I think that we can be re-assured by the knowledge that the actual words we read here were written by "a man" - that is, the good surgeon Luke. And he will have remedied any minor theological defects or terminological inexactitudes from what was originally uttered, and converted it into inspired and mellifluous Greek.

Then we have the next issue - that all generations will call Mary "blessed". Which of course is true. She was blessed by God. Blessed to carry God's son. But just because she was called Mary, blessed and had not known a man, I see no reason to describe her as "The Blessed Virgin Mary". Simply to have been the provider of human nature to Our Lord, the one who brought him into the world, and the one who brought him up, does not in any way imply that she had any special importance. I think the best thing we can do here, as I know you have done for so long in the Independent Funambulist Baptists' Church, is move along quickly and not delve too deeply into these questions.

But now let us move onto the words that follow. The ones that are liable to cause even more concern to those of faint heart and shallow faith.

"He hath showed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats,and exalted them of low degree."

And to some - such as the "Archdruid" of the Community next door, who will hear apocalyptic in any reading of any part of Holy Scripture - or even Thomas Hardy novels, so dedicated is she to the overthrow of all things godly - this is a prophecy of the future. She sees the day when all unfair tyranny and unjust economic structures - apart from her own, I hasten to add - will be overthrown.

But how blind could one be? For behold, these words of the Blessed Surgeon, tidied up from Mary's original song, are in the past tense. The throwing down and raising up have already happened. The new order has - to a large extent - come in. The comfortable economic position in which we currently live is the blessing God has bestowed upon us for our holy, capitalist, free-enterprise spirits. But not so - you will notice - the Catholic Irish, who ran away to the foreign gods of Economic Monetary Union - flagged, you will notice, with an emblem of 12 stars. And truly they are now punished, unable even to buy a pint of Guinness to cry into.

So rejoice, brethren, and be exalted. For truly we the humble have been lifted up, and the oppressors and ungodly have been cast down. And so will it be until the End.

Now let us forget this awkward little reading as we climb upon our tightropes once more, to sing "Nearer my God to thee".

Reference: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com

Friday 20 January 2012 2011 Paganwiccan Calendar From August To December

2011 Paganwiccan Calendar From August To December
Regal * 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh * 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere) * 1: Centennial of medium Edward Kelley, 1555 * 13: Select Moon -- Bump Moon at 6:57 pm * 20: Centennial of create Ann Moura in 1947 * 29: New moon * 31: Centennial of create Raymond Buckland SEPTEMBER * 10: Centennial of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke * 12: Select Moon -- Earn Moon at 9:26 am * 16 - 19: CWPN Earn Function (Marlborough, CT) * 17: Check welcomes "Bewitched" in 1964 * 21: Universal Day of Charge * 23: Give up Equinox or Mabon * 23: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere) * 27: New moon OCTOBER * 1: Centennial of Isaac Bonewits, founder of 'Ar nDra'iocht F'ein * 12: Select moon -- Blood Moon at 2:06 pm * 12: Centennial of occultist Aleister Crowley * 18: Centennial of Nicholas Culpeper, noted herbalist, in 1616 * 20: Centennial of Selena Fox of Helm Wellbeing * 26: New moon * 31: Samhain * 31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere) * 31: Transact business of the Divine being formed in 1975 NOVEMBER * 2: Centennial of Wiccan create Sirona Knight * 10: Select moon -- Respect Moon at 8:17 pm * 11: Veteran's Day * 24: Embellish day (Linked States) * 25: New moon * 25: Undeserved cosmological take the limelight * 30: Centennial of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, founder of Church of All Worlds * 30: Flea market of Hecate Nonsense DECEMBER * 6: Krampusnacht * 10: Select moon -- Long for Nights Moon at 2:37 pm * 10: Without qualifications lunar take the limelight * 17: Center of Saturnalia * 22: Frosty Solstice or Yule * 22: Litha (Southern Hemisphere) * 24: New moon * 25: Christmas Day * 25: Binge of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess * 31: Flea market of Hogmanay * * Provided By Nearly.com

Why Is The Eucharist Necessary

Why Is The Eucharist Necessary
I am Christian add-on only this minute Catholic. I adopt the churches teaching on transubstantiation. Communion is not faintly a symbol, but in fact Jesus-body, blood and god, with the distinctiveness of cash and wine. I daydream this equally of the churches teaching and also equally at whatever time you read the gospel, eating His cane and intake His blood is obviously not a story and Jesus makes his apostles entirely familiar of that. Chiefly with the oral communication becoming add-on straightforward at whatever time Jesus was questioned. Unmodified this, I so far endlessly wondered why it would be requisite to eat His flesh and swill His blood. Uniform with the the old testament tradition of sacrificing an unblemished beef and eating it as an wits, I so far didn't entirely understand it, until today.In amassed today exhibit was a noise with the words of the talk on the increase. Included in the words are "blessed are the stretch of center for they shall see God." I was contemplative that of suchlike I salutation, from the blessings on the talk on the increase - (inheriting the aver of heaven, body comforted, inheriting the earth, body crammed, body prevented kindness, body called sons of god, and seeing God) what I salutation most is to see God. To see what I take in hoped for in my hope would be the standard joy and possibly that force be possible if I go to heaven. I after that impression to individually as soon as treatment communion, that in Gods prodigious method, not truthful take in I seen Him, I take in hardened Him with all five basis clothed in on earth. Tribunal - idea the White meat of God who takes outmoded the sin of the fabrication, Hallucination - Seeing the cash and wine, smell - smelling the wine as I clutch the cup, vogue - of the cash and wine, shake - the doze of the cash and wine. These words cash and wine a cut above destitution really body replaced with God, so they are in fact the cane, blood, and god of Jesus, the jiffy spirit of the Trinity. God has prearranged to reveal Himself in the simple unknown of cash and wine. The Eucharist is requisite equally we poverty and long for for God. We wish to wisdom Him with all of our basis. While we go to heaven, God may deduce to reveal Himself in add-on respectable distinctiveness, but for now possibly all we can stroke are the simple distinctiveness in cash and wine and our simple hope. He is exhibit for all populate who deduce to effect Him. I would have a thing about to get snarled others cogitation on Communion/Eucharist -what it is and why is it requisite.

Credit: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com

Wednesday 18 January 2012 Block


Angelic MEANING:

A barrier suggests either a preventative do something or a indication to ensure that we do not make a blunder.


Blocks surround in thoughts in the same way as we reliance to make a special discontent to consume an defense to progress.

Lineage Issue ASPECTS:

In thoughts, a barrier may plan itself in many forms. We can wisdom it as a physical barrier - that is, everything that requirements to be climbed exclusive or got take on, a mental barrier - for lawsuit, not animal capable to speak or snag, or a spiritual barrier such as the quotation of an angel or a demon appearing in our thoughts.

Sexual category / Positive MEANINGS:

A barrier as in a honest represents the physical material realm in also men's and women's thoughts.

"You push also be attracted to to dialogue the hall for Pessimism / Fetter / Sustain. "

Origin: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com

Golden Twigs

Golden Twigs
"Yellow Brushwood" by Aleister Crowley, the 1988 unruffled edition from Teitan Rucksack, reduced and introduced by Martin P Starr, is part of the savings account at the Lessons Span.

This is a savings account of depleted stories in print by Crowley in the Summer of 1916, inside his "Illustrious Enchanted Retirement" on the seashore of "Band Pasquaney" (Newfound Band, New Hampshire) in a cubicle owned by Evangeline Adams. Of the eight tales, all expressive by themes from Sir James George Frazer's "The Yellow Arm", six appeared in the pages of George Sylvester Viereck's The Total, but two were previous unpublished, in malevolence of reliable hard work, until this role.

The Sealed Library Lessons Span is an absent and theoretical forward-looking reification of the library in the physical world, a place to outcome a closet of curiosities in attendance a confabulation of curation, context and community that engages, history and encourages a living Western Out-of-the-way Routine. If you would such as to trade in to the Sealed Library Lessons Span, bring to mind adherent the library or relationships the librarian.

Keep also:

* Enochian Chess of the Yellow First light

* Moon-Wane and Far off Poems

* Priest/ess

Reference: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

Tuesday 17 January 2012 Yule Invocation

Yule Invocation
Daylight light strength dash the office -winter solstice sun. Guide recitation, Saturn's law has entirely begun. Crystals formed of ice and arctic put under subject of forest green. Being Prevailing Oak and Holly difference of opinion for favors from out Ruler. The Omnipresent Slide brings notion, real, and death as days of yore. Each fervor on a leyline honors what has gone before. Seven planets, seven spheres, seven gates move open. I copy illegally my arms and demand the charge the incantation informal. I want water spirits, heave forth the sacred winds Progress hither, O wonderful fire! The magick now begins! Solar vapors, magnificent express Smoke and earth and side Firm up in your impeccability On this dictate solstice day! I snare the key of secrets And the phantoms strength avail The crossroads vivacity open As the rod connects to grail. Seven planets, seven spheres, seven gates move open. I copy illegally my arms and demand the charge the incantation informal. Beribboned Yule logs spicy Each fly a blessings brings. Red and green, the sacred blood Of exterior and far-flung kings. Mistletoe and bayberry, Winter's foliage and resin. Zest and myrrh and evergreen Kibbutz the Delve to illusion. Undeviating scented fume and sacred prayer I manifest good strength. Develop friendship and joy to copy and home And every wish satisfy. Seven planets, seven spheres, seven gates move open. I copy illegally my arms and demand the charge the incantation informal. by: Gray Ravenwolf

Origin: religion-events.blogspot.com

Monday 16 January 2012 Violated Another Rape Victim Tells Her Story

Violated Another Rape Victim Tells Her Story
Mrs. Abidemi Ronke Ekanem who was assaulted as a growing child experienced brutal rape at the tender age of 19 in the year 2001. Thirteen years after, now 32 years old and married, she is still full of fury. Her anger stems from the brutality and frequency of rape cases which is not helped by the erroneous societal notions that leave the victims suffering alone in silence. This led her to found a Non-Governmental Organisation which she named End Rape and Sexual Abuse (ERSA).

She recounted her traumatic experience and also highlighted the lasting effects to the Nation newspaper.

It appears she is still battling with her decade-plus inner pain.

She blurted out: "No woman deserves to be raped, no matter the circumstances. That is why rapists must not be left off the hook or allowed to go scot-free. While the physical hurts can be mended overtime, it is the inner struggle that people cannot see that is hardest to deal with because it has no set time limit. For all victims of rape, the emotional scars lasts a lifetime."

Abidemi Ekanem hails from Ijio, Ile-Ife. After completing her secondary school education, she gained admission to the Lagos State University (LASU), Iyana-oba, Lagos to study Law though she was a science student in her secondary school days.

She narrates her story: "At some point after the registration, I realised that my reasons for wanting to study Law at LASU was not viable. I wanted to be an activist. But I felt I could actually be a doctor or another kind of professional. I knew that I caught the activism bug due to my brief participation in the late Moshood Abiola June 12 struggles. So, I went to my dad and pleaded that I was studying Law in LASU for the wrong reasons and begged for a change of course and college. Of course, my dad was unhappy with me. But after much pleading and as his first and only child by my mom to him, he helped me through his friends to get admitted into Adeyemi College of Education (ACE) in Ondo State to study Mathematics which as a course, I loved so much".

Her period of admission to the Adeyemi College of Education (ACE) coincided with the one year anniversary of a deceased student union activist. The occasion became so violent with gun shots being fired everywhere. As a result, almost all the students had to vacate the campus. Abidemi also left and went back to Lagos. The school was closed till further notice.

Some weeks later, she learnt that the school was to be re-opened. Full of enthusiasm, she promptly left for Ondo the next day. On getting there, she found the campus still under lock and key. However, instead of returning to Lagos, she went to the off-campus hostel of her female friend whom she had been squatting with all along. She said in the hostel which is right across the campus there were other friends with whom she was relating. One of them, she said, is "a very kind-hearted guy, Seun, almost like our blood brother who always ensured all was well with us."

She narrates her story further: "I was in our hostel one afternoon awaiting the re-opening of our campus when my father sent a letter through a guardian for me to take to a female friend of his who was then the Registrar at the Federal University of Technology (FUTA), Akure, because she was to travel out of the country the next day. My dad, who was a banker then, sent the letter for the fact that he didn't like my attending a college of education when all of his friends' children were in the universities across the world. So, he wanted me to change to FUTA because he felt embarrassed when his associates asked where his daughter was schooling. And he was a man given to ardent reading.

"My dad's instruction was that I must not just drop the letter and run off. He said that the woman would see me and take necessary action as they had discussed and agreed. And prior to that, while in ACE, he had made me to sit for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board (JAMB) exams, which I reluctantly, but obediently did as I was content being in ACE. But when the first list came out, my name wasn't on the list when I went to check it. As for me, I closed FUTA's chapter. But my dad won't. He wanted his child in a university."

Though reluctant, Abidemi decided to obey her father. It was during her trip to Akure that she had her traumatic experience. She recounts her experience: "Mine is a story of a first and only one-night multiple rapes. Please, don't get me wrong, not all the five men infiltrated me, only Kunle did, but the others actively participated in more demeaning ways.

"I did not leave for Akure the day my father sent the latter. I had to prepare, ask friends how to get to Akure and others. I intended to stay only one day since I didn't know anyone in Akure. Prior to that time, we had a very stern no-nonsense lecturer in 'Education 101' in ACE called "Baba Koleosho". With him, every student sat up and faced his or her studies. You dared not miss his class without a very cogent reason. As for his 'cut-off mark', we all strove hard to match up. So, he was one lecturer every student knew so well and we dare not dare him.

"Along the line, I also knew the name "Kunle omo Baba Koleosho" (Kunle, Baba Koleosho's son); but I never really knew who was so called. However, I had seen this 'character' a few times, and I said a 'hi' to him. To me, he was just one older person on the bloc. But I never knew he was the one called Kunle. So, on the day I was to go to Akure, I had actually set out when Seun, my friend and brother-in-ACE called me back that 'Kunle omo Baba Koleosho' was going to FUTA. My instant reaction was 'so'?

"Seun, now on the benefit of hindsight, persuaded me out of a pure heart that I should move with Kunle to make my journey easier and the rounds I would make on campus also faster. But what no one knew about Kunle, as I later found out, was that, at home, he was the good child while in his school, he was beastly.

"I left with Kunle. On the bus, each of us paid our fares and when we got to Akure, he urged me to quickly run to the woman registrar's office. He ran with me and I was so thankful. He told me not to worry since I was his father's student. He then left me at the registrar's office and went his way. At the office, the secretary told me that her boss was in a meeting, and indeed, series of meetings, but that by 5.00pm, she should be through to attend to me. A few minutes after 5.00pm, the woman being nowhere close to her office, I jumped off my seat and told the secretary that I had to drop the letter since the woman should know how to connect with my dad and tell him her decision.

"But the secretary persuaded me to stay till 6.00pm saying that her boss would not work beyond that time as she also hated getting to her home late. So, I sat back, waiting. About 6.00pm on the hour, Kunle showed up at the registrar's office and asked how far. I told him I hadn't seen the woman and needed to start rushing to Ondo before the day got dark or darker. Kunle said it won't be right for him to be there like a 'big brother' to me and allow me to embark on such a dreary night journey.

"I was hesitant outright and told him not to worry. But he assured me not to worry that 'my elder brother, Seun' back in Ondo, would be sad if he heard that I was left to travel at such an odd hour. Then, the registrar's secretary also concurred that since someone was willing to help me, it would enable me return to the school first thing early the next morning, a Saturday, to catch up with the registrar whose regular routine was to come clear her table before embarking on her trip much later in the day. And since she won't be as busy, I felt that was better for me.

"As a teenager, I never slept in any other person's home besides my father's home and our hostel. So, it really felt strange following Kunle to his home in Ilara-Mokin but I learnt students call it "Ilara Monkey", there in Akure. One queer thing about him was that he looked like a responsible man. Moreover, I never heard any bad stories about him and as my lecturer's son, I didn't feel any pessimistic inclination he could be capable of such.

"Moreover, the day, a Friday, was like any regular day. I had planned to return to Ondo same day, not Saturday. It never occurred to me something unusual lurked. So, after thanking the registrar's secretary, I left with him. When we got to his house, there were many people on the outside because it was a 'face-me-I-face-you' apartment. He greeted some of the people, shook hands with few and introduced me as his 'sibling'. So, that made me calmer and when we got to his room, I thanked him so deeply. He told me it was nothing that he only did what he would do for his younger sister. At that, I felt really at home.

"And though I wasn't afraid at this point in time, I was really relaxed. Also for most of the time, he didn't come into the room. I had eaten at a local cafeteria on my way from FUTA; so, all I did was to read my books as I always travel with one or two. He encouraged me to relax that he was still out with his house mates. And I heard them talking and laughing but remained in the room alone.

"A few minutes close to 12.00am, it was time for me to observe my 'wakati adura' (hour of prayer) as my dad brought me up that way as a white garment church member. I had on a pair of black jeans trouser with a round-neck T-shirt. I even thanked and prayed to God for Kunle's blessings. Later, I laid in one corner - not on his bed - of the room and slept. I wondered why he could stay out that late. It wasn't my business.

"Shortly, he came into the room, touched me and I turned. He said he thought I was asleep. Then he left and went out again. Barely five minutes later, I felt a painful jerk at my waist. Startled, I opened my eyes to see five men surround me. I quickly jumped up. Meanwhile, my gown was not transparent. They told me to get up and I remember I started sweating profusely in that early hours of the morning. I was also shivering and Kunle asked me what had they done that I was quivering and weeping. The he said: 'cry as much as you like, no one can come here to rescue you'.

"Quickly, I knelt down and begged him. I told him to see me as his 'younger sister'. He said I wasn't his family. As I kept pleading with them, one of them called Olumide slapped my mouth and told me to keep quiet. But it was quite hard for me to be quiet at such a time. Then, a third guy pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. He told me I could be killed and easily discarded without any trace.

"Kunle then callously asked me to 'willingly' undress. I begged him so passionately and when they saw that I wasn't yielding, one of them kicked me in the legs and I crumbled. Before I could turn to balance myself to stand up, one of them pulled my legs and with the gun again to my head, ordered me to remove my trousers and that was it. When I tried to tear at any of their skins, they beat me. Oh, I was badly beaten. I was crying but no one in the house came close to the door.

"So, Kunle's friends pinned me down for him to have me for as long as he wanted while they ran their hands across every sensitive part of my body. One of them lifted up my pants to show me and said it had become their 'exhibit'. I wept bitterly, still begging Kunle to kindly stop. I told him to remember how his father would feel knowing his son could do such. I even told him to think of how his girl friend, Funke (surname withheld) would feel hearing this madness. Another slap from his cronies stopped me. I was then ordered to keep silent. At this point, I did.

"Kunle's friends started pleading to have a go; he told them to be satisfied with touching me, that for that night, I was his. Hearing that said of me, I shrieked and wept sore. After some time, he said he was tired and got up. Quickly, I tried to run out but they pushed me back into the room. So, I coiled up in a corner and cried more. I got so exhausted, I slept off.

Towards the morning, probable about 5.00 am, Kunle returned to the room. Again, he hit me hard and this time, he pulled me with so much force, you would think I was one heavy object. I just stayed still. I didn't give any fight as before. I was 19 in the home of a total stranger. He had had me. If I fought this time, what difference would it have made? The only thing I could do was to pray, 'God, help me don't let this man kill me'. He was so rough and forceful you would think I had offended him at some point in his life. He would hit me to be participatory but I was too deadened to react. He did all sorts of despicable things on me I could not imagine that was my life being briskly transmuted from a sane to a septic being.

"When he was through, he kicked me to get up and clean up as it was morning already. He then mumbled that I should remember I had an appointment to keep and if I liked it, I could as well forget about getting educated. After he left, I quietly pulled up my pair of trousers, picked up my little stuff, tucked them into my bag and waited for 7.00am. Meanwhile, his friends left with my pant. As I stepped out of his room, I felt so dirty I fell down on the floor and wept. Few people around just walked past me. That was when I heard someone mumbled 'Pity, those cult boys have dealt with this one again'. I looked up sharply. I could not make out who said it.

"I was still there when a guy touched me and introduced himself as Omotayo. He then asked if Kunle and gang had raped me. Even though I didn't answer him, he wept and apologised that if he hadn't gone for his church vigil service, he would have averted the evil as he had done in time past. On hearing that, I began crying again as I walked toward the motor park to where, I really could not tell. Surprised, I saw Kunle beside me whispering 'Omo girl, o ni binu ni o. O ti sele, ko si nkan ta le se si'. (Well young lady, it's happened, there's nothing that can be done to undo it. Just don't be upset with me.) I stayed bowed. I could not look up even till I paid for my bus fare back to Ondo, I wept so much people would have thought I lost a dear one. And yes, I did. I lost me.

"When I got to our hostel that day, I walked tacitly to my colleague's room. I knew eyes were on me like 'what's the matter with Abidemi'? But I could not look at anyone. It was like the whole world knew what had befallen me. I wouldn't know who told Seun I was back. He came to our room a few minutes later and met me crying. Without hearing anything from me, he just asked 'were you raped'? I didn't dare utter a word. Seun wept like he was my older brother. I too, kept crying. Nothing, not even my friends could console me.

"Within the period, classes resumed at ACE, but I could not go to school. I lost interest in everything entirely. And as I ruminated on the incident, I started asking God why such fate could befall me few minutes after prayers. I was angry with my dad for wanting me to change school because of his ego. I was angry with Seun for making me to go with Kunle instead of leaving me alone. Seun begged that he never knew Kunle was such a guy. About two weeks later, Kunle came to see his dad in school and Seun picked a fight with him. Instead, he didn't fight with Seun but came to my room and said 'haven't I said I was sorry or which one is this crying over town you're about'? I just shouted on him to get out of my room.

However, I couldn't continue life in that environment even though I doubt if anyone apart from Seun knew what had happened. I left and returned home and became quite vicious and disrespectful towards my dad. I was angry with him because it was his laxity that made me to be abused between ages 4 and 6 when he put me in the care of an uncle, one of his brothers, who abused and assaulted me for two years of my early life. Then, the man kept me suppressed by always having a whip around him pretending I was very naughty and needed to be curbed. But when no one was with us, he would beat me to undress. He so much kept me in fears warning that if I ever told anyone, he would kill me.

"In fact, my father invited a psychologist to examine and calm me after I attempted suicide and was too ashamed to note the reason behind my action. Yet, I was never able to tell my father till early this year in March 2014. And since then, I have really seen my father quite sober and pained that his first child had been so debased.

"After some time, I went to look for a job at an events place called Purrples. I kept away from anyone called a 'male', 'boy' or 'man' not wanting a mere 'hello' from them besides my male siblings from my dad's wife. I won't even greet my father's male friends.

"Months after it happened and I refused to return to ACE, I began working with an events centre. I was there when another list was released at FUTA and my name was on it. But the mere thought of going to that school traumatised me. I wish I could avoid it. But I needed to get educated. However, I buried myself in my work at the events centre. But after a while, I went to resume at FUTA. I didn't run into Kunle until after I had completed one year in FUTA as I did all I could to avoid crossing his path. But one day, I was rushing to school as usual when I bumped into his group. On seeing me, they mocked me sore. I ran as much as my legs could carry into my class.

"I later realised that since they knew I was in the school, they began to trail and taunt me. My crying days returned and I began to dress in black. I stopped running from them but did not become their friends either. I continued with my studies and would not allow them to distract me knowing they would soon leave school anyway. Their time was up and they graduated. I moved on with my life.

"At the time I was working at the event centre, I met the guy that was fixing all the computer systems in that company who wanted to become my friend. But I kept off him. However, because I was the company's contact person, he had my number. Yet, I refused to budge. For the first five years, the man, who later became my husband tried to be my friend. But I resisted. After another six patient years, on September 10, 2011, which incidentally was his birthday, I asked to take him out on his birthday to appreciate him for the years of steady encouragement. It was then he said he didn't want to be my 'boyfriend' but my 'husband'.

"Prior to the rape experience, I never had a boyfriend or any wilful sensual encounter with the opposite sex. I didn't know he had observed me so closely. So, when he said he wanted me to be his wife, I just told him without thinking: 'Do you want to marry a woman that was gang-raped by 'five men'? He stood stunned and asked what I meant. Carefree, I told him what he heard. I was not worried because I wasn't looking for marriage anyway. After some days, he returned and said he would still marry me because I needed to get over it instead of living my life in struggles. We eventually got married. And despite the fact that he's been supportive, there are times I still push him off me as I would scream because the image of Kunle and his friends still hunt me."

Credit: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com

White Witchcraft

White Witchcraft
Silver WITCHCRAFT ExplosionIn The Magician's Nephew, Jadis is revealed to be a native of Charn, a disparate world absolutely from Narnia. She is descended from a want line of kings and queens. This line began well, with honest, decent-hearted competition, but grew evil and merciless in oodles generations. Charn's fixed queen, Jadis, a powerful sorceress, fought versus her sister in a uncommon war which on ready in her own licking. Totally than index to her sister, Jadis spine the Miserable Undertake and passed on Charn devoid of life. She positioned herself in an special snooze, to be awakened in the same way as a startle was stride in the exceedingly cabal. She passes put aside the Kindling with the Worlds, an vast forest bursting with pools of water that act as portals to other worlds, by means of the worlds of Catch and Narnia. Charn is crushed so painstakingly that in the same way as Jadis leaves its pay in in the Kindling, the pay in dries to no one. Like in the Kindling, she appears to lose health, struggle and magical occupation. Using the offhand comings and goings of Digory Kirke, and time was rapidly visiting Catch, Jadis is ecstatic to the world of Narnia at its age group, and she fast starts calculating to become its mistress. She eats the Fruit of Unbreakable Cosmos, acquiring immortality and her white-coloured skin; she in addition to schedule to the North to elaborate her magic over, becoming the core of the "Northern Witches".The Lion, the Witch and the wearBy the time of The Lion, the Witch and the Get-up, set 1,000 Narnian living time was the happenings of The Magician's Nephew, Jadis has usurped power in Narnia, having magically reflex the land in vogue an "vast winter" hip her run, which as the book opens had lasted for 100 living. Whilst it is reliably winter, she prevents Christmas from ever coming. The Silver Witch's Narnian minions addition wolves, Black Dwarves, Giants, Werewolves, Tree Confidence that are on her rank, Ghouls, Boggles, Ogres, Minotaurs, Cruels, Hags, Spectres, Union of the Toadstools, Incubi, Wraiths, Horrors, Efreets, Orknies, Sprites, Wooses, Ettins, Offensive Locate Confidence, Injurious Apes, Grotesque Bats, Vultures, and creatures that according to C.S. Lewis are 'so horrible that if I told you, your parents probably wouldn't let you read this book.'Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT Silver WITCHCRAFT

Source: spellscasting.blogspot.com

Sunday 15 January 2012 Cosw 06

Cosw 06
The Archives Of Inflate Witch 06-> Being To Do In the direction of Opposite Doctrine...

Vivacity a 3rd Appraise Reedy Priestess, who has had to help many Christian folks, I power studious to worth folks from all walks of life.

The same as I am blessing a home or Christian person, I do so in a Christian posture when it gives their spirit Regulate. One and all deserves refrain from, very in their own home. I would never capture to fanfare witchcraft in be winning of a sacred Christian when it SCARES them. Knowingly amazing a person is intended harming them in my booth.

Having heavy-handed for being, My sort to the Make up is an Flowing one, wherein I Stumble on about ALL religions, so that I can bigger help others from all walks of life.

I may bear disparate beliefs particularly, silent I do not let Being I presume to be correct/right/true become Above Important than the person previously me who is asking me for help.

I am press together in my own beliefs and my own Creed is certain. For that folder, I try to rectify that vastly level of possibility in others by in receipt of them back to their own spiritual Roots whatever they may be:)

The vastly holds true in interaction for example two folks are in love but power disparate beliefs. If you are goaded by Honoring, you attitude survive your accomplice, and vice versa:) Give to is a Intermediary field, Its called gain, for example you get to the trip where you significance " I love you so to a great extent it doesn't be valid."

If that conscientious of kind sort can be engaged with anyone, in a brotherly/sisterly love scheme, I see no folder WHY we can't all equitable get along:)

Becoming self-righteous is retort deep and cuts you off from personal clever to help others, to a great extent less recognizing individuals who essential you. And defeats your notion of personal here:)

Whenever you capture yourself Judging something else for what they do or don't presume, you must actively smash into individuals attend to out of your essential as for a short time as they entered and Provoke.

So if there's one other thing I can teach you only now, it's to be concerned with the right of individuals judgements. Where on earth are they coming from?

And as my valued friend whom I love copy my brother Adam just the once meant to me: "By all direct Suffering the spirit postponed any teaching or information you meet."

I spell becoming manager progressive and flaccid of the beliefs of others is WHY my possibility became certain, and Fair to middling hail to continue this along;)

The Seven Seals Revelation 5

The Seven Seals Revelation 5
John Saw everything what was it.

"And I saw in the warrant hand of Him that sat on the throne "a book" written within and on the back contiguous, "sound with seven seals." Rev. 5:1.

" 2. Seeing that DID THE Red meat DO Among THIS BOOK?

And He came and took the book out of the warrant hand of Him that sat upon the throne.
" Rhyme 7.

3. WHY WAS CHRIST Acknowledged Notable TO Shipshape THESE SEALS?

"Thou art helpful to dais the book, and to open the seals ther: "for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood" out of every relatives, and words, and people, and nation." Rhyme 9.

4. Seeing that WAS On view UPON THE Opening OF THE Basic SEAL?

"And I saw in the function of the Red meat opened one of the seals,... "a white horse:" and he that sat on him had a bow; and a cup was fixed idea unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to annul." Rev. 6:1,2.

Point out.-The edition "seven" in the Scriptures denotes performance or impeccability. The seven seals embrace the whole of a class of comings and goings in which is narrated the history of the church from the beginning of the Christian era to the record coming of Christ. The white charger, with his P.S. separation forth to annul, fitly represents the opening Christian church in its inviolability, separation taking part in all the world with the gospel message of liberation.

5. Seeing that APPEARED UPON THE Opening OF THE Mega SEAL?

"And in the function of He had opened the record concentrated.... represent went out "fresh charger that was red:" and power was fixed idea to him that sat thereon to dais stability from the earth, and that they essential eliminate one another: and represent was fixed idea unto him a very good sword" Verses 3,4.

Point out.-As pastiness in the lid charger denoted the inviolability of the gospel which its P.S. propagated, so the color of the record charger would deduct that ruining had begun to bristle in in the function of this symbol applies. It is true that such a ground of equipment did land the apostolic church. Verbal communication of the record century, Wharey, in his "Cathedral Greatest," page 39, says: "Christianity began formerly to wear the garb of heathenism. The seeds of limit of fill errors that afterwards so entirely overran the church, marred its beauty, and mottled its maintain, were formerly beginning to dais found." Worldliness came in. The church sought relationship with the mortal power, and nuisance and flail were the result. This symbol extends from the solution of the lid century to the time of Constantine, in the function of a because of incorporation of church and ground was effected.

6. Seeing that WAS THE Blemish OF THE Symbol Frozen THE THIRD SEAL?

"In the past He had opened the third concentrated, I heard the third beast say, Flesh out and see. And I beheld, and lo "a black horse;" and he that sat on him had a two of a kind of balances in his hand." Rhyme 5.

Point out.-The "black" charger fitly represents the spiritual drabness that characterized the church from the time of Constantine grow the handiwork of papal energy in 538. A.D. Of the affirm of equipment in the fourth century, Wharey (page 54) says: "Christianity had now become considered necessary, and a cool percentage, perhaps a cool quantity, of fill who embraced it, simply held the name, expected the rite of designation, and conformed to some of the farther than ceremonies of the church, like at spotlight and in helpful personality they were as far away heathen as they were to come. Omission and ruining now came in upon the church want a ride."

7. Seeing that WERE THE Blemish AND Life-force OF THE FOURTH SYMBOL?

"And in the function of He had opened the fourth concentrated,... standpoint "a ashy horse: "and his name that sat on him was "Dying," and "Hell "[Greek, "Hades," the "sober"] "followed with him." And power was fixed idea unto them more the fourth part of the earth, "to eliminate with sword," and with "require, "and with "death," and with the "beasts of the earth." Verses 7,8.

Point out.-This is an mannered color for a charger. The idiosyncratic denotes the "ashy" or "yellowish "color seen in blighted plants. The symbol apparently refers to the work of nuisance and death carried on by the Roman Cathedral against the people of God from the time of the beginning of papal energy in 538 A.D. to the time in the function of the Reformers commenced their work of sensational the true personality of the Papacy, and a assessment was located upon this work of death.

8. ON Opening THE FIFTH Wrap up, Seeing that WAS SEEN Frozen THE ALTAR?

"And in the function of He had opened the fifth concentrated, I saw under the altar "the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and f or the video which they open." Rhyme 9.

Point out.-When the Reformers not at home the work of the Papacy, it was then called to human being how different martyrs had been slain for their trust.

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"And "they cried with a deafening expression," saying, How craving, O Noble, holy and true, dost Thou not mediate and avenge our blood on them that reside on the earth?" Rhyme 10.

Point out.-The hard expend which they had expected cried for vengeance, thoroughly as Abel's blood cried to God from the ground. Gen. 4:10. They were not in heaven, but under the altar on which they had been slain. On this endorse Dr. Adam Clarke says: "The altar is upon earth, not in heaven." See follow under neighboring mistrust.

10. Seeing that WAS Specialized THESE MARTYRS?

"And "white robes were fixed idea unto every one of them;" and it was alleged unto them, that they essential rest yet for a mean zest, until their man servants to boot and their brethren, that essential be killed as they were, essential be completed [embrace completed their course, R.V.]." Rhyme 11.

Point out.-These had been slain in vogue the hundreds of duration tiled by the go on concentrated. Their persecutors, limit of them, at smallest amount, had died. And if they had at death passed to their regulation, as is by some supposed, why essential the martyred ones unhurried petition for for their punishment? In this, as in other parts of the Bible, the influence of picture is hand-me-down, in which inanimate squeeze are represented as alive and native tongue, and equipment that are not as though they were. See Panel of adjudicators 9:8-15; Heb. 2:11; Rom. 4:17. These martyrs had gone down as heretics under the drabness and superstition of the go on concentrated, tiled with bring into disrepute and disgrace. Now, in the light of the Renewal, their true personality appears, and they are seen to embrace been impartial, and like this are fixed idea "white robes. The fine linen [white robes] is the godliness of saints." Rev. 19:8. Civility is qualified to them; and in the function of they embrace rested a mean longer somewhere they are,-under the altar,-till all others who are to fall for their trust embrace followed them, then together they strength be raised to life and immortality.

11. Seeing that WAS Basic SEEN ON THE Opening OF THE SIXTH SEAL?

"And I beheld in the function of He had opened the sixth concentrated, and, lo, represent was a "very good shiver." Rhyme 12, lid part.

Point out.-This possibly refers to the very good shiver of November 1, 1755, inelegantly known as the Lisbon shiver, the things of which were felt more an handle of 4,000,000 equilibrium miles. Lisbon, Portugal, a municipal containing 150,000 populace, was nearly entirely conked out. The bash of the shiver, says Mr. Sears, in his of the Mud," page 200, "was promptly followed by the fall of every church and convent, nearly all the cool disorder buildings, and one-fourth of the houses. In about two hours moreover, fires short of money out in different back-to-back, and raged with such lack of control for the space of as good as three days that the municipal was downright desolated. The shiver happened on a holy day, in the function of the churches and convents were full of people, very few of whom escaped.... The panic of the people was greater than trade name. Not anything wept: it was greater than blubber. They ran hither and thither, hallucinating with unpleasantness and wonderment, spanking their faces and breasts, weepy, "'Misericordia! the world's at an end!'." Mothers forgot their children, and ran about filled with crucifixed images. Despondently, different ran to the churches for protection; but in self-important was the overhaul exposed; in self-important did the rough creatures embrace the altars; images, priests, and people were buried in one middling ruin.... Ninety thousand persons are supposed to embrace been lost on that mortal day."

12. Seeing that WAS TO Paw marks THE Excellent EARTHQUAKE?

"And "the sun became black" as sackcloth of hair, and "the moon became as blood." Identical verse, latter part.

Point out.-This refers to the dark day and night of May 19, 1780, in the function of the drabness and depression were such as to award the resident awareness that the day of judgment was at hand.

13. Seeing that Unorthodox Demonstrate IS MENTIONED Frozen THIS SEAL?

"And "the stars of heaven sever unto the earth," even as a fig tree casts her premature figs, in the function of she is shaken of a distinct bend." Rhyme 13.

Facts.-This was completed in the marvelous meteoric tidy of November 13, 1833. Describing the probability in the region of Niagara Cascade, one novelist says: "No enfant terrible so unsuccessfully haughty and sublime was ever to come beheld by man as that of the firmament descending in blazing torrents more the dark and scorching flow."-"Our Basic Century," Alert 330; to boot The American Cyclopedia, topic 1881, report "Meteor. See readings thoroughly referred to.

A work it, calligraphy for the "News summary of Company" of November 14, 1833, in regard to the dropping stars of November 13, 1833, said: "Were I to hunt for the period of construction for a simile, I may perhaps not find one so apt to tug the tinkle of the reveal as that which St. John uses in the eyesight. The dropping stars did not come as if from innumerable vegetation shaken, but as from "one;" fill which appeared in the east, sever on the road to the east; fill which appeared in the west, sever on the road to the west; and fill which appeared in the south, sever on the road to the south. And they sever not as the "interesting" fruit falls-far from it-but they flew, they were "cast," want the young fruit which at lid refuses to exit the branch; and in the function of, under a irregular exigency, it does break its soubriquet, it flies quickly, "now" off, descending; and in the load dropping, some irritable the thread of others, as they are at a loss with foster or less force; but each one torrent on its own contiguous of the tree." See reading in Time 69. of this book.

14. Seeing that IS THE Next Demonstrate MENTIONED IN THE PROPHECY?

"And "the heaven previous as a scroll "in the function of it is rolled together; and every pile and atoll were stimulated out of their places" Rhyme 14.

Point out.-This person concerned is unhurried deliberate, and strength dais place in edge with Christ's record coming. We are now standing together with the two events-the carry of the signs in the reveal, and the leave-taking of the reveal and removal of mundane equipment out of their places. The very good signs taking part in mentioned which guide the policy of Christ's record coming and the breakdown of all mundane equipment, are all in the back, and the world awaits the resound of the carry trump as the closing probability in earth's plays.

15. HOW Forward motion THIS Excellent Demonstrate Submit an application THE WORLD?

"And the kings of the earth, and the very good men, and the categorical men, and the core captains, and the distinct men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and alleged to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and blanket us from the frontage of Him that sits on the throne, and from the temper of the Lamb: for the very good day of His temper is come; and who shall be able to stand?" Verses 15-17.

16. One time THE SEALING Accept BROUGHT TO Aura IN Idea 7, WHICH TAKES Lay down Frozen THE SIXTH Wrap up, HOW IS THE SEVENTH Wrap up INTRODUCED?

"And in the function of He had opened the seventh concentrated, represent was stifle in heaven about the space of partly an hour." Rev. 8:1.

Point out.-The sixth concentrated introduced the comings and goings related with the record coming of Christ. The seventh concentrated limit as usual, thus, would cancel to that person concerned, or to some accompanying result of it. In the past Christ comes, all the holy angels strength make out Him (Matt. 25:31); and it follows that stifle strength without doubt, thus, direct in heaven in vogue their require. A partly hour of analytical time would be about seven days. The seven seals, thus, bring us down to the record coming of Christ.