Monday 28 April 2008 The Sunshine Award

The Sunshine Award
I've been nominated for the Sunshine Award by A Year and Day Wicca. ^ ^ I'm honored! Thank you so much for the nomination! :P


1. If you are nominated, you must blog a post linking back to the person/blog that nominated you.

2. You must answer some questions, nominate ten fellow bloggers and link their blogs to the post!

3. You should comment on your nominees' blogs to let them know you've nominated them.


1. "Who is your favourite philosopher?"

Friedrich Nietzsche

2. "What is your favourite number?"

I'd have to say, the number 3. :)

3. "What is your favourite animal?"

Dogs of course :) my favorite familiars.

4. "What are your Facebook and Twitter URLs?"

I think my blog is enough

5. "What is your favourite time of day?"

Twilight hehe I'm a night owl.

6. "What was your favourite vacation?"

Mazatlan Mexico ^ ^ Beautiful Beaches!

7. "What is your favourite physical activity?"

Yoga and Zumba!

8. "Favourite non-alcoholic drink?"


9. "What is your favourite flower?"

Sunflowers ^ ^

10. "What is your passion?"


I have a passion for books ">Love.

Family ">and of course, The Craft... My Path.

And here are the nominated Bloggers:

Lacee - Pagan Ways... Pagan Days

Ramblings of a Witchy Bookworm

The Faery Enchantress

Crafty Sandi

Confessions of a Modern Witch

Lazy Witch

Book Of Mirrors

Wicked Musings of a Witch

Mom's a Witch

Samhain Moon
