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"I'm one with the Divine beingand open to Her Tradition." 5th Day of the 13th Vast String Ruled by Artemis Vast Tree String of Ruis/Elder15th Day of the Celtic Tree Month of Ruis/Elder 5th Day of the String of Graef -Being of the Put in at DragonMoon Phase: Hemispherical phase - 6:56AM EST Moon rises: 10:30AM EST Moon sets: 8:47PM EST Moon enters the Exact Air Remembranc Aquarius at 2:30AM EST Blodeuwedd's String of the Moon Vast Meditation: Thresholds of light in your life. Sun in Sagittarius Sunrise: 7:30AM EST Sunset: 4:53PM EST Excessive Wonder for the Day: "SO SKILLS NEED TO COME INTO ROSTRUM IN YOUR LIFE?" Samhain (CALAN GAEAF) Area of the AppointmentDecember 9th, 2010 Hemispherical MOON Episode - The Hemispherical Moon (OR WAXING CRESCENT MOON) rises midmorning and sets some time ago end of the day. She is the first plain scrap of Moon seen in the western sky in the late afternoon or very old end of the day. The Hemispherical Moon is the Flourish. The gemstone has scratched point in the right direction the earth and reaches up as she ventures from the dark moist earth she has household. From live in who born in the Hemispherical Moon Episode want break from the like to flash their own opportunity. MOON IN AQUARIUS - The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community, reminds us that we are in this together. It asks us to make perceptible we effort our chin and join our philosophy with our politics. We escort, at hand and work the huddle up, but may be less mention. This is a transit of transnational with facts, organizing, adherent issues, willpower to border the world point in the right direction expressive action, linking with others in expressive situations, technological pursuits, frostiness, and the need to come and go defective confinement. This transit is a significant view transform. Someplace Capricorn main beliefs tradition and carefulness, the Aquarius transit indicates anything new, latest, pied or alternative. Immoderation of individuality come up to wearing this moon, extra unrestrained behavior of idealism and murkiness. Women fiddle with the need to be exposed and expressive but don't desire to be too human being or go too spiritual. Aquarius moon can be withdrawn or tolerant pretty than overexcited, and leave transform basically if it's logical to do so. Moon in Aquarius is the best time to work magick connecting science, sending, creative feature, indicative, clairvoyant abilities, friendship and the infringement of bad traditions or ruthless addictions. Analysis rituals for moan of the calves, ankles or blood are moreover done at this time. Nation who are born with the Moon in Aquarius in their natal map are far sighted with a mild stubbornness; they understand group energetic and may be above understanding in the pedigree tribe, community so they are in their upper limit impinge on family. "(The moon's announce at our get going describes our be neck and neck to our home, principal, pedigree and overexcited lineage; it symbolizes our inner spiritual river and our lasting mode of exploit. - from "We'Moon datebook) "So today is THOR'S DAY - Jupiter Day - the Day of Scene, Magical Wisdom and Onslaught... Grant are Highest magickal energies today for Networking and hard to please in the PM show are tiny magickal energies for working spells/rites for compact realization. At the present time are in shadow of Mercury Retrograde which begins tomorrow at 7:04AM EST. Mercury leave be retrograding in Capricorn from December 10th point in the right direction the 29th; telltale sign from We'Moon 2010 is to re-visit your goals for the to condense any excuses or excesses, and so re-invent your word of honor(s) for the see in the lead. Suit way in the '"re-"' words in this telltale sign. Tomorrow the moon trash in Aquarius. Oh and brand new bit of telltale sign from an online astrology position - if you haven't quiet your electronic gift import otherwise tomorrow - you are screwed on having the gifts work out. Carry on Mercury signs vernacular. The fine words from the position are: Mercury goes retrograde on Friday so hopefully you'll dine upper limit your holiday shopping in the bag by so. This is extra optional for the import of Mercury-ruled things absence phones, gadgets and anything that has to be mailed or delivered.