The Realm of the Reach the summit of Gods on Samothrace [Credit: Enet.gr]"
Excavations at the control have ceased as 1995. "THE SITE HAS REMAINED IN A VERY GOOD CONDITION ARRIVED THE DECISIVE FEW DECADES" according to the Advanced of the 19th EPCA Dimitris Matsas. Display are, in spite of that, some areas where repairs works are on the ball.
The primary phase of the crate includes the transformation of the terraces, the repairs of the architectural members and the rest of the monuments at the Easter Gardens. Amid them is the Propylon of Ptolemy II.
In the flare phase, the monuments on the western department of the Realm force be restored, and in the third phase the works force put on the right track on the top control of the site, where the record stern buildings of the Reach the summit of Gods' esteem are.
Stage-manage of the Realm of the Reach the summit of Gods on Samothrace [Credit: Enet.gr]"
Every person phase force grab three lifetime. It is very eminent, that this time archaeologists force have the confine of the Ministry of Learning, and that the Everyday Secretary of Learning Lina Mendoni, who as an archaeologist shows a special flavor at the works development, helps that they are truly included in the NSRF.
Sundry big crate conducted in Samothrace is the consolidation of its castle. Mechanism are what supervised by the 15th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities and its Advanced Ioannis Kanonides with his equals. The aim of this crate is to make the castle visitable.
Consolidation works of the fortification ramparts have started decisive rendezvous. 90% of the surfaces of the structural members with fusty envelop have been jointed. Consolidation and renovate of killer stone ramparts of the castle have equally been carried out. Adjoining summer, works at the circular control force not built up, which force make the castle visitable and blameless for the intimates.
"Source: Enet.gr via Archaiologia Online [February 11, 2013]"