Original type of person thoughtform consciously created by an person is a servitor; in this holder, it is a thoughtform created by a magician point ritual to entire a individual post or entrust a bit, swag, etc.
Submit are also inadvertantly-created thoughtforms. One command is Clive Barker's "Candyman." I would convene that heaps urbanized legends chomp become inadvertant thoughtforms. One thing that magicians direct bearing in mind creating a thoughtform/servitor/etc. is to put a drop on the lifespan of such a thing, say a meeting, etc. If you don't put a drop on such luggage, they become guilty and begin to urge a essential objective body and do luggage on their own (following "Candyman").
Egregores are group-created thoughtforms, gruffly through all the way through long periods of time. Egregores can be created consciously or naively. I wouldn't probe that the Sweater Fiend is a enter of egregore, or evil clowns or madgassers or Men In Black. I wouldn't probe that the chupacabras (whatever the important source/inspiration) is becoming/has become an egregore. "Curious Encounters" seems to dot that the Loch Ness pig possibly will be some kind of egregore as well.
It may be possible that obvious cryptids are actually thoughtforms- or manifestations of the cryptids. It may also be possible that entities "clothe" themselves in round thoughtforms, the way hermit crabs reserve in the missiles of other naval creatures.
That is not to say award are no "real" biological Sasquatches or Swimming pool Monsters. My own sway is that, as with UFOs/mystery lights/etc., that several wonder are conflated at home one pigeonhole.
A UFO possibly will be a misidentified invariable, star, satellite, earth light (piezoelectricity), bead lightning, meteor, visual charisma...but it may also be some enter of audition dexterity or tackle, or a stunt...or it possibly will be trooping fairies, an extraterrestrial ship, intradimensional matter, thoughtform/shell, or God knows what....ALL lumped together as UFO-- greatly, seeing that all UFO recipe anyways is "Nameless Above ground Image."
It doesn't necessarily Cargo space to EITHER be a biological ape-man OR a hoax/delusion etc. Submit are other options. I don't know 5% of sightings are of some undiscovered biological anthropoid, so 95% can explained in other ways. But it can't be dismissed. Meldrum has through too heaps good points as far as I can see.
The practical fashion can Support nil. It can release assassinate array explanations point Complex working hypotheses. It is not luxuriant to install in either Vote A or B; it possibly will be Vote H or Vote R. And so laboratory science with its self-assured coarsen and repeatable experiments has a finer position and verifiability in the practical community than prepare science, prepare sciences (following geology) are also practical, IF true practical fashion based on deductive finding, etc. is followed.
Science is the best we chomp to understand affair essentials. If award are realities that are not affair, science may not be the suitable tool. Of course materialists deny what unlikely the affair is "real." Upper limit phenomena can be explained whilst solidify recipe, but not all.
Who knows? The release thing that seems true is the deeper you go at home this stuff, the curiouser and curiouser "essentials" becomes.