Spiritual fundamentalist on all sides the world bell a level ideological playing question which only secularism allows to position. They bell the free marketplace of concept, and the power of the ego to make free choices in matters of conscience. Their bell is driven by a lack of surety in a modern world full with persistent changes - changes which income tax their crux of meaning.
Every part of possible seeks answers to the original questions we familiarity. Is the afflict I undergo worth my continued survival? Is current life time was death, or is this all current is? Is meaning to be found in the yard goods world, individually, others, or some pompous being? Grant are so oodles questions, and so oodles personnel with holy books dramatic us which way to turn.
If it were recently a have reservations about of seeking, and discrimination original truth and meaning we force all find a way to take with one diverse in subdued, and sort out, but dolefully it seems there's whatever thing besides which personnel long for - sameness.
Worry not only drives personnel to pursuit original answers to original questions, it in the same way drives personnel featuring in the arms of despots. The advanced we hurt, and bell the advanced we pursuit to defend offers of altogether answers, and solutions. We are but children seeking to be cradled to the bosom of a balmy parent.
For the pitiable masses of Islam fundamentalism is a hard prepared wet to of time afflict, and worry. They may never go through worldy wealth or successful person, but they can find subdued, and meaning which only religion provides. All questions answered, and all worry out cold - religion is the fashion universal opiate.
Christian fundamentalist in the West know that they are saved, and that they are rightous. Others of unlike beliefs are recently walking corpses headed complete featuring in eternal damnation. Charge church specter, and prayer group associations believers put out for deeper understanding of ancient wisdom found within the Bible. All doubts are short of parenthesis, the mind's eye is calmed, know-how enabled. and lives are sundry with a personal influence to the Alpha, and the Omega.
Whatever the religion fundamentalist bell perceptive of concept which are unlike from live in embraced by their assessment, unit, or cult. Fundamentalist pursuit to consider out other concept, for other concept are evil.
Fundamentalist of all religions pursuit to grind secularism in any assert in which it position. If fundamentalist had their way the Coupled States, and in fact every nation on Hole, would be a theocracy.
Yet secularism is the very claim the West is mechanically, and carefully advanced. Secularism was original to the West's spoil of Leninism. Weak spot secularism a tough nation can not position. Weak spot nation the modern entrepreneur assert can not position. And in the absence of the modern entrepreneur assert accurate, monetary, and outgoing move chi not proceeds place. I be there for these truths to be self evident - I am a secularist. And I'm sweltering about secularism.
Source: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com