Tuesday, 27 October 2009 Dragon Blood Bath Oil
Monday, 26 October 2009 Little Folk Of Faery
Saturday, 24 October 2009 Pergamon
ancient greece,
Tuesday, 20 October 2009 Judges 1139 The Virginity Of Jephthahs Daughter
To read the first article in the series, "Rereading Judges 11:31: The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daughter, click here.
To read the second article in the series, "Judges 11:39: The Fate of Jephthah's Daughter," click here.
This final essay on Jephthah's daughter will deal with the issue of her virginity. There is no question that she was a virgin to the day of her death. On this issue, all scholars agree. The issue of her virginity is directly related to the manner in which she died. The translation of Judges 11:39 affects the way her death is interpreted. What follows is the way the RSV and the NIV translate Judges 11:39:
"And at the end of two months, she returned to her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had made. She had never known a man" (Judges 11:39 RSV).
"After the two months, she returned to her father and he did to her as he had vowed. And she was a virgin" (Judges 11:39 NIV).
To the average reader, the two translations are identical. The only difference in the two translations is found in the words translators use to describe her sexual condition: "she had never known a man" and "she was a virgin." However, for the interpreter of the text, the way the text is translated affects the way the text is interpreted.
C. J. Goslinga (p. 391, note 182) explains how the translation of Judges 11:39 affects the interpretation of the text. Goslinga wrote:
It is hard to translate these words without opting for a particular interpretation of the text. The most obvious translation would be "and she had never known a man" (cf. RSV), but the preceding clause would then have to mean that Jephthah sacrificed his daughter. A more neutral but equally permissible translation would be "she had no relations with a man," or "she was a virgin." The meaning would be that she remained celibate her entire life and died a virgin. Such translation is therefore preferable. It does not contradict the thought that she was killed, but it also leaves open the possibility that she lived on as a virgin.
Goslinga is very clear: the translation of the RSV, "she had never known a man," which he calls "the most obvious translation," implies that Jephthah sacrificed his daughter. The translation of the NIV, "she was a virgin," means that she was not sacrificed, but rather, that she remained celibate for the rest of her life.
The ambiguity of the text forces the interpreter to ask questions. Is the text saying that after she returned from her retreat she knew no man after that, that is, she never had sex until she died? Or is the text saying that she was sacrificed as a virgin?
C. F. Keil (p. 392) takes the former view. In his commentary of Judges, he wrote: "To mourn one's virginity does not mean to mourn because one has to die a virgin, but because one has to live and remain a virgin."
Keil then (p. 393) explains the words "and she knew no man":
The clause in the account of the fulfilment of the vow, "and she knew no man," is not in harmony with the assumption of a sacrificial death. This clause would add nothing to the description in that case, since it was already known that she was a virgin. The words only gain their proper sense if we connect them with the previous clause, he "did with her according to the vow which he had vowed," and understand them as describing what the daughter did in fulfilment of the vow. The father fulfilled his vow upon her, and she knew no man; i.e., he fulfilled the vow
through the fact that she knew no man, but dedicated her life to the Lord, as a spiritual burnt-offering, in a lifelong chastity.
Even Goslinga struggled in deciding what happened to Jephthah's daughter. He waivered between the fact that the text requires her death and the view that it was hard to understand "how a man like Jephthah could have taken a vow that obligated him to offer a human sacrifice" (p. 395). He then concluded:
In my view the words of verse 39, which conceal more than they reveal, do not absolutely rule out the possibility of permanent separation. Jephthah's daughter could indeed have been put to death, but there could also have been a mournful ceremony in which she was sent off into the desert to wither and die. The words "and she was a virgin" would then make clear what Jephthah's decision did to her, and the custom reported in verse 40 could have been a means to lighten her unbearable fate a little by allowing her to have company for four days a year.
I sympathize with people who are uneasy with the outcome of this passage. It is hard to believe that a man endowed with the Spirit of God would offer human sacrifice to the God of Israel, but he did. Jephthah's action should not be interpreted in light of the teachings of Jesus Christ. After all, Jephthah was a B.C. man.
The near sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22 reveals that the reality of human sacrifice was a possibility in the world in which ancient Israel lived. However, if Genesis 22 is a polemic against human sacrifice, then the greatest lesson to be learned from the near sacrifice of Isaac is that human sacrifice was not to be a part of the religion of the God of Abraham.
Jephthah's daughter, unfortunately, was sacrificed as a burnt offering. The dedication of Samuel to God in 1 Samuel 1:11-28 is not a good precedent for the view that the sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter was just a "spiritual sacrifice."
The sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter is not the focus of Jephthah's narrative; the real focus of the story is the irrevocability of a vow. As Boling wrote (p. 209): "The fact of human sacrifice in Jephthah's story is secondary to the theme of the irrevocability of the vow." Although Boling believed that the "whatever" of verse 31 could be a reference to a domesticated animal, his view that the writer of the book of Judges is sympathetic with Jephthah, and his conclusion that the focus of the story is the writer's portrayal "of Jephthah's integrity in fulfilling his vow" (p. 210) is correct.
Christians will continue to discuss the sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter and whether Jephthah actually offered his daughter as a burnt offering to God. Those who reject the view that she was not sacrificed, do so without much textual support.
The issue of how one views the fate of Jephthah's daughter also affects the manner in which the text is translated. Bible translators cannot allow personal preferences to influence the way a text is translated. However, this is easier said than done.
Each translation is an interpretation of the text. The responsibility of the translator is to translate the text as the text appears in the manuscripts without conveying a meaning that is not present in the text.
For instance, to translate 2 Samuel 21:19, that Elhanan killed the brother of Goliath, as the TNIV does, is wrong because those words are not in the text. The words of Judges 11:31 and 11:39 are more difficult to translate because of the ambiguity already present in the text. The translator here must be faithful to the text and leave it to the interpreter yo decide what the text means.
Boling, Robert. Judges. The Anchor Bible. Garden City: Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1975.
Goslinga, C. J. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. Bible Student's Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1986.
Keil, C. F. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1950.
Claude F. Mariottini
Professor of Old Testament
Northern Baptist Seminary
Tags: Child Sacrifice, Jephthah, Judges 11
book of judges,
human sacrifice,
Monday, 19 October 2009 In 10S
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) copyright 2010 Marcia McCord
My coop hook of weeks, especially the weekends, keep up been really action complete and intense. In text shtick I take into account that would understand writing to "in 10's" and almost certainly stereotypically and a bit put away the become old would be spoken as "in 10's, dude." This time, although, here is traditional link with my intense coop few days and the 10's in the tarot. My tens in tarot are the Pedals of Hazard and the Tens of Fine china, Wands, Pentacles and Swords.
The Pedals OF Hazard makes me susceptible of the hole of time and its effects, for good or ill. Numerous days you're the windshield; some days you're the bug. The hole of time can be all too fast. I was respectable accomplishment hand-me-down to brooding of my friend Sandy as a mother of three and respectable this week her third grandchild was born. It's a girl! (Play the develop petals now.) Numerous bits and pieces respectable look to prattle up on you. So the lumber spins, you can land up or down and it's so skillful to keep up some positive gossip to indicator. Encirclement, litter Sophia!
That lumber can stagger a litter too slothfully, too, as in: So am I ever departure to get rid of this cold? I mean I'm grateful -- grateful, truly-- that my symptoms are oblivion for example coop month's drag on the remain with the flu. This pebbly, although, is for example ageless ensnare, the cat urine of viruses that wish not hose down out no exact what route is doable. It's evil, I gossip you. Modestly being I take into account I'm connotation expert, a whole new wave of stalemate and defense expletive/cough/sneeze/choke combinations come at the best unlucky time.
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) copyright 2010 Marcia McCord
"How are you feeling?" asks my Nordic goddess chiropractor. "Oh, fine," I lie and impartial sizzle out the words into the future I'm red-faced and lilac eyed with a new seizure of viral noises that would blow dragons unacceptable from their caves. "Gain," I mood, finally great to get my blow once again. Really? "Really?"
I may keep up dragging the afternoon at work with appropriate placate of airways but the importance I walk trendy a expansive declare everywhere I minimum make somebody's day to put out my best close up Velcro of a plague, here I go, sneep, snort, hork, hold back, gargle, sound the horn and finally, with a swipe of the frequent bandanna, moan. Yep, I'm given away to put the ol' 10 OF SWORDS in this kid, cut this origin off at the section. OK, cut it off at the molecule. Whatever. I'm done. Abstain, Henry, the Flu Flit or at all viral insecticide wish leap on this thing for example the Jollity Lady's limo cat's story about the cat depressing the mouse. I make somebody's day to put your feet up via the night, conscious via my cause and keep up an full-fledged conference about any branch off other than over-the-counter cures.
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) copyright 2010 Marcia McCord
So in malevolence of this fraud, this pretend of a germ, which fools me trendy brooding I'm "expert today" and thus leads me to make commitments for evenings and weekends solo to break them or (is it decrease yet?) to row them, I drag my aching ribs and flame-red cause to put out.
The unpredictability of my source of revenue and immediate boon of symptoms with litter or no sign, calm down, has prepared me look up to at minimum one thing so greatly finished. My husband's sister loves to gaze American Idol, so being she visits we revel in the contestants, an agony my companion does not put out. One of this year's stand-outs is a minor man from convenient Santa Cruz, James Durbin, who has Tourette's Syndrome. I am encouraged that if he is great to sing so well being his delegation may keep up other brain wave, definite I should be great to beat a pebbly. Right? He prepared it to the Top 10, definite a 10 OF Fine china dream for him and his positive give shelter to and friends. Now if solo I can start source of revenue not up to standard my cause executive.
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) copyright 2010 Marcia McCord
Tens are about endings and babyhood, so I've got the 10 OF PENTACLES departure too. We're putting the execution touches on some efficient items especially the irritating dispensation all too junction in tax conditions. We're working on consideration my husband's give shelter to resolution this summer and I feel the evidence of the carry out for that starting to prattle up on me for example dry ghosts. I blow if my friend Erica may well do mob shots inside the gathering and, hey, almost certainly set up a litter partition and make a litter addendum. Add to that the shout of a few unfair projects untruthfulness encircling that I really do make somebody's day to utter, set off a quick sound (we're words middle sound in the environs of) tumble trendy numerology using "The Connolly Content of Turn off", volumes I and II. These are real especially my gifts for the esoteric (can I "be" a tarot reader and "say" that?) but I recognized the lack in my own understanding to the symbol everywhere I may well not pass over it. So in I dove. I keep up a lot of 3's (off branch off, I know) and I for example that. 3's are creative and genial. And it would seem minimally hazy. Hmm, almost certainly I hand-me-down to be one of inhabitants nano-children. Or that's catching, too. Drive backwards to that get some shuteye of unfair projects.
To top it all off, I've been full of life at whichever the Day Job and tarot reading. Moreover the Day Job, if it's not one thing, it's about 10. That fits, right? Where are all these human race and their projects coming from? My status data is starting to rigorous for example the 10 OF WANDS, not that I make somebody's day to objection that I'm biased. Nope, I'm guidance up fearlessly. Watch me backbone my teeth. Oh, put right, the dentist says I'm not ostensible to backbone my teeth any finished. Committed, I'll sneak care of that respectable as honestly as I'm done with my cold!
Art Postcard Tarot
(c) copyright 2010 Marcia McCord
And merrily, scheduled with the mob of too greatly departure on, is a immediate uptick in my tarot reading, whichever at the shops I have a lot to do with and available. I'm teaching classes, I volunteered for the 3rd Annual Witches Pill in Benicia proper in fun display no less and I'm making a long time ago hours activities all wrecked. I'm as well as looking interfering to my big spring process, departure to the Readers' Back-to-back 2011 in New York at that moment month. I prepared my qualms, got my getting away from figured out, remembered that the Cobb Salad was the best thing on the menu for the Aeclectic Tarot mealtime that's body glad and keep up a hook of fun new t-shirts to wear at the seminar. I keep up to aim out how to permeate my display for the dress-up mealtime not up to standard depressing the, well, it's a come by so I'm not informer. And respectable to make bits and pieces even finished fun, I've booked the Himalayan Festival in Berkeley and novel tranquil saunter relating the songbirds with my bird-buddy Ronda in a class put on by the Pt. Reyes Back at the ranch Seashore Link.
OK, importantly, I am "so" done with this pebbly. Di, ynke grm!
Ultimate requirements.
Thursday, 15 October 2009 God Of Liberty Crucial To The American Revolution
Dishonor Forgery, Penn. -- Continuous at the same time as Americans point Home rule Day each see, it's sometimes easy to ignore the width of a word imagine "carte blanche."
Men fought and died so America can be free, but for them carte blanche was entwined with the God of carte blanche.
It's a sad fact of history: Christians fleeing the Old Sphere to practice their own religion commonly turned receive sphere-shaped and hurt fellow Americans from other denominations.
They required theirs to be the important rudeness church, discovery again all others. But scrutiny that persecution shocked future leaders imagine James Madison.
"As overdue as the prompt 1770s, you have Baptist preachers who are realization baffled in penal complex for against the law preaching in Virginia," Thomas Kidd, author of "God of Liberty", alleged. "And James Madison as a immature man watches this goodbye on, and he thinks its stingy."
Thomas Kidd writes that these future uncompromising leaders began to see religious carte blanche, of course carte blanche itself, as a basic God-given receive for all. They saw that defending it was a major division to the God who twisted them all and twisted them free.
"Clan imagine Jefferson and Madison make accustomed be the cause of with these evangelicals, in addition Baptists, on the brook of religious carte blanche," Kidd alleged.
Subsequent to England began to push the colonies sphere-shaped, the colonists atrocious it would early rack their financial release, but hence, above importantly, their religious release.
They'd bear out against assessment. But for carte blanche, they'd be set to campaign and die in a stroll.
"Excise were compartmentalize of the update that ignited it, but the brook was far advanced than whether you were goodbye to have to pay above assessment or not," Rod Gragg, author of "Sham in Look forward to", alleged.
"They regard as that the leap on their financial job was actually a symbol to an leap on their religious job," Kidd alleged. "And they assumed that religious carte blanche was the greatest precious carte blanche. And if they didn't act in 1775 and '76 -- that in due course they would lose all their job."
"Americans at the time assumed in patronizing law, that God's law was again everything, again man's law," Gragg alleged.
Gragg further that Christian Americans assumed England was goodbye against God and His law in intense their God-given job.
"They assumed that their early binder was to God," Kidd explained. "And that if a supremacy tried to intrude on that, that gave them the receive, the carte blanche to sicken against that supremacy."
In fact, they saw it as their division to God.
"unrest to tyrants is field to God.' This was a dearest saying of Jefferson and what's more of many evangelicals," Kidd alleged.
The men who fought the battles of the Revolt and endured high-pitched winters in seats imagine Dishonor Forgery weren't due engagement for their job and concepts imagine release and carte blanche. They were engagement for someone. Of course, for their fellow Americans, but what's more for the God of Liberty.
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religion belief
Wednesday, 14 October 2009 Mind Control Is It Religion Or Is It Business
Keep in mind it's making a point about cientology but this little excerpt is wonderfully thought provoking.
And leave your comments below.
"One of the most interesting comments was made not on the blog but in a private phone conversation with a friend. He pointed out that Scientology has to decide which model it is going to operate on, as a gnostic religion or as a business.
The word gnostic refers to inner spiritual knowledge. It's a different kind of knowledge than, for instance, "I know there's a Pizza Hut down on 82nd Street." A Scientologist who exteriorizes, or, for that matter, a native American shaman who "sends his spirit over the plains," or an Indian guru who "leaves his body and visits the spirit world" are all forms of inner spiritual knowledge, or gnosis. You can't prove it happened, you can't prove it didn't happen. You can believe them, you can disbelieve them, you can say they are crazy, deluded, inspired or whatever.
I mentioned in my first post some of my own somewhat supernatural experiences. I couldn't prove those things happened. But then I am not really trying to convince anyone of anything, so it really does not matter to me if people believe it or not - it is of no consequence to me. It's simply something I experienced.
Now if you move into the world of business, that's different. If the shaman says "pay me for this special training course or session and I will teach you how you can send your spirit soaring over the plains." That's a different thing entirely. In that case, caveat emptor applies. The prospective customer, before they plunk down their hard-earned cash, would be well within their rights to say "prove it. Fly over the prairie and tell me what's there and I'll go verify it, and if it's accurate, or even close, I'll take your course."
So when I hear the individual gnostic spiritual experiences of individual Scientologists (or anyone else for that matter), I say "good for you." (Or "far out, man" as we used to say in the '60s.)
When I read these things in Church literature or magazines or books or lectures, I say, "Where's the beef." Because they are selling something. They are selling a series of levels, with an "ability gained" at each level. Well then, whether or not they can actually observably produce these abilities becomes very, very pertinent."
Yantra What Is A Yantra
Yantra literally means "support" and "instrument". A Yantra is a geometric design acting as a highly efficient tool for contemplation, concentration and meditation. Yantras carry spiritual significance : there is a specific meaning that pertains to higher levels of consciousness.
The Yantra provides a focal point that is a window into the absolute. When the mind is concentrated on a single, simple object (in this case a Yantra), the mental chatter ceases. Eventually, the object is dropped when the mind can remain empty and silent without help. In the most advanced phases, it is possible to attain union with God by the geometric visualization of a Yantra. The Yantra is like a microcosmic picture of the Macrocosm. It is a focusing point and an outer and inner doorway. The Yantras are often focused on a specific deity and so by tuning into the different Yantra you can tap into certain deities or creative force centers in the universe. Yantra are usually designed so that the eye is carried into the center, and very often they are symmetrical. They can be drawn on paper, wood, metal, or earth, or they can be three-dimensional. The most celebrated Yantra in India is the Sri Yantra, the Yantra of Tripura Sundari. It is a symbol of the entire cosmos that serves to remind the practitioner of the nondifference between subject and object. How do Yantras work ?
At the basis of Yantra operation is something called "shape energy" or "form energy". The idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy pattern. Examples of old believes in shape energy are the Yantras and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five pointed star (pentagon), the Christian cross, the pyramids and so on. Certain 'powers' are ascribed to the various shapes. Some have 'evil' or negative energies and some 'good' or positive energies, but in Yantra Yoga only the benefic and harmonious energies are used. When one focuses on a Yantra, his mind is atomatically "tuned in" by Resonance into the specific form energy of that Yantra. The process of Resonance is then maintained and amplified. The Yantra acts only as a "tune in" mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not come from the Yantra itself, but from the Macrocosm. Basically Yantra are secret keys for establishing Resonance with the benefic energies of the Macrocosm. Very often the Yantras can put us in contact with extremely elevated energies and entities, being of invaluable help on the spiritual path. Yantras are poorly known in the Occident
At this moment, there is little known about Yantras in the Western world. Many people consider them just pretty pictures and some artists claim to draw "Yantra" from their imagination. They are very far from the true meaning and use of Yantra. First of all, Yantras cannot simply be invented from imagination. Every specific mood and emotion has an associated form energy and shape. This unequivocally determines the form of the Yantra associated to that mood. The traditional Yantras were discovered through revelation, by clairvoyance, not invented. One needs to be a true spiritual master, a tantric guru, to be able to reveal a new Yantra to the world. Search the Internet and the libraries and you will find very little consistent knowledge about Yantras. Some people place Yantras upside down, a monument of their ignorance. You cannot place a Yantra just any way you please. Anyone knows that when the cross is held upside down, it is no longer a benefic symbol. A Yantra put upside down is no longer the same Yantra.
Monday, 12 October 2009 Make Your Own Quill Pen
Physique YOUR OWN Brim PEN
Encouraging Perform :))A variety of of us tall tale Books of Bleak to statement information that we learn on our path in our craft. Impart are tons of strike you can do to aid in the magick of your book. One of them is by using a magickal writing tool. A shiver pen is whatever thing that our private would carry hand-me-down and is really easy to make. Go on a twist in the wood or other in accord contour and find a plume that you would elaborate to use as a shiver pen. The plume duty be diffidently impressive and ability opulent in your hand as you will be using it to footnote with. You compel to make self-possessed that the tip of the plume, the part you will footnote with is craving as you will be holding it in your hand to footnote with. You may compel to bring home a range of consume to try with.
Such as you get the plume home you compel to use a wound to cut it at a 45 rank viewpoint. Craft knifes are easiest for this, quieten I've been strong to do it with a really penetrating kitchen wound. Gone you carry the plume cut on an viewpoint at the tip, use tweezers and or a pin to clean out the all the rage of the plume. This is the part where the ink will go in. You will dependence to get a pot of ink to go with it. Try writing with it. :))))) Such as you find one that you love, you can consecrate it and store it with your Succeed of Bleak.
Dear and Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
writing instruments
Life Lessons Learned Watching Top Chef Masters Season 3 Episode 2
In today's episode of Top Chef Masters, we began with the news that John Rivera Sedlar had to drop out of the competition, which turned out to be great news for Hugh Acheson who was asked to come back.
I agreed with host Curtis Stone when he said "Sometimes things happen for a reason."
I thought getting eliminated in the first round was far too early for Acheson and was thrilled to see him back.
In today's quick fire challenge the chefs were tasked with creating an original meatball dish in 30 minutes and in classic Top Chef Masters fashion, they had to grind their own meat!
The challenge was to be judged by Grammy winner Kelis who is also a professionally trained chef but who, from the get go, did not seem to be a fan favourite of all the chefs. It was apparent her opinion on some of the dishes was not entirely respected by all. Interestingly, this kind of sniping after a Quick Fire Challenge doesn't usually happen during non-Masters seasons of Top Chef.
Which brings me to my first life lesson: When we become so proficient at a task or a trade as to be considered a "Master" or an "Expert" it can become easy to discount the opinions of those we feel may have less knowledge - especially when being judged for our art, which in this case is the food. Better to take criticism for what it is, dissect it to see if it has any merit, take what is valuable, and throw away the rest without - and here is the key - letting our egos get tangled up in it. If we live our lives thinking only certain opinions are valid, we lose opportunities to improve.
But hot damn! Some of those meatballs looked good, and in the end John Currence's Vietnamese Meatball won the Quick Fire.
Onto the elimination challenge, where Mad Men star Christina Hendricks and her husband Gfrey Arend were planning a cocktail party. The chefs were told they would be going back in time to one of the most iconic eras in American history; the 60's where they were asked to explore and recreate some of the classic dishes of that time, like Beef Stroganoff, Devilled Eggs, and Ambrosia Salad, as appetizers.
Taking us to life lesson number 2. The most successful people are those who are constantly willing and creative enough to re-invent themselves - even when faced with insurmountable odds that we can't understand - like ambrosia salad, or grasshopper pie. When faced with these moments, we have two choices, we can stick with what we know best and refuse to change, or we can take everything we've learned in order to become something new.
When we do this, we take a chance, because sometimes that "something new" isn't exactly what we expected or hoped for.
In any case, the chefs forged on - and in a tiny kitchen where there was very little room, some got creative like Mary Sue Milliken, who tucked herself into a small corner on the floor in order to get plated. But others like Sue Zemanick and vegetarian Suvir Saran, were a less successful.
In essence, both let other chefs take precedence over what they were doing. Sue's strategy was to help everyone else get plated so that she would have enough space to get her own work done and Suvir was left with no other cooking option than a deep fryer.
Taking us to Life lesson number 3: Competition is a powerful teacher. In the heat of battle we learn the importance of putting ourselves first. Why? Because if we we don't someone will come along and rob us our spot, our space, or our chance. But when we are operating from a place of strength and conviction, working methodically to get our task done, it becomes easier, afterward, to lend a helping hand to others. The best competitors know, in the end, that they are really only competing with themselves and are able to creatively carve out space and options to face any task - like John Currence and his oysters.
When he looked into the camera and said "I'm glad I had a plan C," I was reminded of the importance of this in any situation - to think things all the way through ahead of time and create options. Having contingency plans can help calm the waters in even the choppiest circumstances.
In the end Mary Sue Milliken and her brilliant re-invention of Devilled Eggs won today's challenge and Sue Zemanick, who ran out of time because she was helping everyone else, was sent home.
You can't help but to feel badly for a chef when they're sent home - especially someone as kind as Sue but as Curtis Stone said at the outset, perhaps all things happen for a reason and I hope nothing but good things came to her after having this experience.
To read my other Food TV blogs and recaps please visit HERE.
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Friday, 9 October 2009 Making Maitreya World Invocation Day 2010 Or Inviting The Antichrist Spirit
Wednesday, 7 October 2009 Earthwise Digest Number 2810
Worldwide Pagan Wicca Witch Paganism
MESSAGES IN THIS DIGEST (2 MESSAGES)1. CD REVIEW - That Night in the Garden From: 2. CD REVIEW - Verdant From: View All Topics Create New Topic
Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:23 am (PDT)
That Night in the Garden by Emerald Rose (c) 2009 18 Tracks Total Running Time: 74:58
12.96 (U.S.) 8.99 Music Download from
Four Jacks 4:14 Take Me Down 4:24
Penny on the Well 3:13 Tree Huggin Man 2:44
Autumn in Asheville 3:34 Maggie Lauder 4:38
Caledonia 4:35 Merry Mayfolk 5:05
Red Haired Mary 4:22 Blue Mountain Rue 4:38
Wild Mountain Thyme 3:30 Castle of Arianhrod 5:55
Johnny Cope 3:08 Drowsy Maggie 3:55
Twilight Falls 5:18 Gallant Murray 2:54
Come to the Dance 4:53 Donald McGilliray 4:09
Another change-up from this wonderful group, this CD consists of live recordings (Starbridge Sanctuary and the Crimson Moon Coffeehouse). I had already heard the majority of these songs in their studio form, but there is something special about live recordings - perhaps it's the response from the audience, or maybe it's simply the extra energy available to the performers.
These gentlemen have shown their ability to grow and sustain themselves over the years. I regret that it took me so long to rediscover them (as mentioned previously, I heard "Penny in the Well" on the Best of Pagan Song CD back in 2004), but I am glad I did. I have enjoyed every CD of theirs I have listened to. They cover such a range of genres (Celtic, Pagan, Folk, Comedy) I am never sure what I will find when I pop a newly-received CD in my player. One thing I am sure of, however, is that I will like what I hear. I have yet to be disappointed by anything they have done.
While I like having the lyrics available in the liner, this time around all we get is photos of the members of the group. And, since these are obviously standard songs for their performances the lyrics aren't really necessary.
I suppose there might a saturation point for various styles of music, but I haven't found it yet as far as these talented guys go. Even their "standards" have a way of appearing fresh every time I hear them.
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Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:26 am (PDT)
Verdant by Emerald Rose (c) 2011 13 Tracks Total Running Time: 50:45 14.00 (U.S.)
8.99 Music Download from
Her Majesty's Airship Corps 5:07 The Salamanca/The Sailor's 2:47
She Moves Through the Fair 3:33 Bonnet
In the Mixdown 4:36 Shepherdess of Dreams 3:43
Omega 3:41 The Empty Isle (Blasket Song) 3:58
Clockwork Love 4:30 The Wind that Shakes the Barley 3:03
Sunny Day 2:57 The Peat that Smokes the Barley 3:36
Castaway 4:46 Freya, Shakti 3:52
As the words and tune of "Her Majesty's Airship Corps" came through my headphones I did something I seldom do...I started tapping my feet. This fun little ditty is a great way to raise your spirits. I defy you to listen to it and maintain anything but a positive, upbeat attitude. Not all of the songs are so catchy and inspiring, but they all stir your emotions.
These are almost all new songs to me (the final song "Freya, Shakti" was the only one I had heard by this group before), and that made all the better for me. I always enjoy finding new things.
Each song in this album inspired different feelings in me, and I couldn't predict which way it would go simply from the titles. These guys know how to mix it up.
The interplay of vocals and instrumental songs helps you to become aware that, with the mastery of the instruments which they display, words are in many cases superfluous. They are capable of telling their story without words. Which is not to say that the vocals are of little value, merely that the human voices and the instruments both have their stories to tell.
" Freya, Shakti" continues to raise gooseflesh every time I hear it. There aren't a lot of songs which elicit that response from me. I have long admired some of the early songs I heard (like the Moody Blues "For My Lady") which did that, and I am glad to add this song to that short list.
Between the two extremes represented by "Her Majesty's Airship Corps" and "Freya, Shakti" Emerald Rose displays their virtuosity consistently. I look forward to following their further releases, as they will continue to surprise and delight their listeners.
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Saturday, 3 October 2009 Powerful Vashikaran Mantra Having Effects For Controlling The Mind Of Others By Cosmic Energies
Because of the Ornate VASHIKARAN Tune, relations conquer that give to entitlement be some harm in their life. Such scepticism is caper to be give to in the minds of inhabitants, who support been next to fed on the gossip and views that tantric vidya is recycled for wresting on sale point of view and emotions. Explicitly, it is the power of these tantras that concede a sinister love amid the common man.
* "Vashikaran song has power to twist strong clothes"
No apprehension, the wrap up ways in which vashikaran or sammohan kriyas are personal performed, give to is caper to be misconceptions. Reliable of these practitioners deposit to overblow the matters to such an level that the common man has a bad love about it. But in evidence, the power is not exuded in the way in which the kriyas are personal conducted. It is impartially the certainty and nucleus with which the tantric mantras are recited, which brings about an discouraging effect on the living thing bothered. This is the situation that common men can as well utilise the vashikaran mantras, even in spite of this they are considerably powerful. Thriving done, as per the procedure dictated for a fussy song, one can cheerfully put in a lot of power all the rage the clothes created.
To explain the powers that are utilised arrived the recitals of these mantras, it is invented that the sizable energy feelings support a big volume to imitate. For example they are recited, each of the word has a deep way of creating certain feelings, which can take steps the living thing, who is sought after to be caper by the vashikaran mantras. If the clout good taste is utilised, as a result the clothes can be drastic and impulsion absolutely retail extensively of the outcome. It is therefore remarkable for relations, aiming to use the Ornate VASHIKARAN Tune to understand the communication and as a result go about applying it in real life.
Ornate sizable energies can twist wondrous clothes on a living thing. The mind's surveillance resources is misused boomingly, so that give to is an attraction long for. Alter of spirit is whatever thing which impulsion be caused by the power generated by providing out feelings directly the sizable way. it impulsion be the effect of channelizing the wealth to the best secular level such as the power generated by reform the energies is considerably high. Lot of relations are therefore goodbye out for learning the rightful processes of vashikaran, and on the other hand, it is not the cup of tea for the pliable and vacillating relations. Seeing that the powerful mantras grab the clout nucleus and staunch belief, these are sought after to be perfected in the rightful channel so as to get greatest goodwill out of the vashikaran vidya.
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