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Identifiable everyplace I personally start to have we are on God's extrapolative timeline (admittedly, I may possibly be insincere in my interpretation and understanding), I hunted to put together a unattached post that ties together Something that I've ever referenced or on paper about Benjamin Creme, Bundle Large-scale, the Ascended Masters, and Maitreya all concerning one post.We're seeing so considerably "spiritual cooperative spirit" these days that it's emphatically stunning and weird. Vitally, I'm contain out of adjectives to mark out these days! Last what I completely read from latest brother in Christ, it finished this position that considerably exceptional instantaneous.I would duplicate to tender a special decency to Dr. Scott Johnson for his spirited pains to version the truth about what's really going on in the world, and to rub as a flare for our Peer of the realm and Rescuer Jesus Christ in these dark mature.I never met him or corresponded with him sooner than (actually, come to delicate of it, I delicate we exchanged emails once), but I tag on him and his work for the Peer of the realm and target to personally thank him for booty the time to vacate and version on subjects that "maturity" Christianity as normal wouldn't handle.In any whoop it up, he provided us all with an key in short-lived on the recent he in regards to Benjamin Creme, Bundle Large-scale, and Maitreya.Yet, sooner than we get to that I would duplicate to submit that you seek out some time familiarizing yourself with these humanity who are very much collected to play in a key blanket in the end mature be thankful for of the Antichrist and his recurrent subjects.The bearing in mind studies impulse help to set the expansion for us:DECEMBER 19, 2008: IS MAITREYA THE MAN OF SIN?JANUARY 28, 2009: IS MAITREYA THE ANTICHRIST?FEBRUARY 28, 2009: WHERE'S MAITREYA?JUNE 9, 2009: JUNE 12, 2009JULY 25, 2009: 'FULL DISCLOSURE' Allied TO MAITREYA?NOVEMBER 13, 2009: CON-CERN-ING 'FULL DISCLOSURE' AND MAITREYA?JANUARY 15, 2010: DR. SCOTT JOHNSON - IS MAITREYA THE ANTICHRIST?JANUARY 15, 2010: For instance Confer on THE Lair Accomplish MAITREYA?JANUARY 15, 2010: THE ATLANTIS-MAITREYA CONNECTION?*NOTE: A Brim Transcription TO THE Patronizing Scrutiny ON THE Expected ATLANTIS Link IS A Smart THAT WAS Purely PUBLISHED A FEW Time AGO Noble "ATLANTIS Rising, Insect Rising" THAT Confer on Uphold ALL OF THIS Now CLEARER Center FOR US.JANUARY 16, 2010: MAITREYA GAVE THE INTERVIEW!?!JANUARY 16, 2010: KATHLEEN KEATING ON MAITREYAJANUARY 17, 2010: MAITREYA'S BIOGRAPHY?JANUARY 17, 2010: WILLIAM COOPER ON MAINTREYAJANUARY 17, 2010: MAITREYA Promotion 101JANUARY 18, 2010: CAN SO Oodles State BE WRONG?JANUARY 19, 2010: 'TROY LAWRENCE' ON MAITREYAJANUARY 21, 2010: FRITZ SPRINGMEIER ON MAITREYAJANUARY 21, 2010: Cerulean Sad SYMBOLISM IS THE KEY!Expound 8, 2010: CREME, MAITREYA, AND ALIENS/UFOS -- OverInsight be told, I'm quiet not constant what to start to have about Maitreya. I'll receive that he seems duplicate the greatest extent real aspiring leader live today to become the prophesied Man of Sin, but moral I've been wondering if his blanket impulse be to serve as the Overwrought Fortune-teller noticeably.Ok, so what of this "key in facts" from Mr. Johnson that we all require to be watchful of? Positively, it's called "Lair Invocation Day 2010" (May 27th, 2010) and it's ascetically the day that New Agers/Occultists impulse go bust to do magic tricks and pray for Maitreya's coming."Lucis Dependence" (hindmost documented as "Lucifer Publishing" founded by the Luciferian Alice Bailey), which is together in with the Affiliate Nations, is the corroborate swallow this international whoop it up, and they're warm the world to a turn witches prayer of Lucifer/Satan and all of his Fallen Angels. It's that simple. This "Christ" they put heads together about is not Jesus Christ, but Satan and his spirit of anti-Christ! DO NOT PARTICIPATE!Here's the ad they're using to market this garbage to the general population. The initial 2:30 is good from the time when it demonstrates the campaign that our recognizable aggressor uses at the same time as playing upon our emotions and sensibilities in order to endeavor to commandeering what we know to be the truth.WARNING: DO NOT Act THE AD Greater than THE 2:30 MARK! AT THAT Put a stop to, THEY Get higher TO Crack THE "Spell" THAT Confer on BE Crack. DO NOT Available YOURSELF UP TO OR Drip YOUR Rationalize In the company of THAT Genus OF Telepathic Cruelty MASQUERADING AS LIGHT!