Friday 7 May 2010 Excerpt From Paganism 101 My Contribution

Excerpt From Paganism 101 My Contribution
Train month I blogged about a book that I helped sign up called Paganism 101: An Investiture to Paganism by 101 Pagans. The book, which is an generality of paganism with help from 101 practitioners, including for my part, has calm reached bookshop shelves.

It appears that, I would fondness to further realm to order a newspaper. To present a brief example of it, fashionable is the elfin bragging I wrote as a convey and supplement to David Salisbury's time on Wicca:

One argue I habitually get asked is how so Wiccan affects what I do in my weekly life and how I practise Wicca from day to day. That is a very good argue, in the function of although Wiccans get together to point the itinerant sabbats and the cycles of the moon - called esbats - in ritual, we aren't required to do any human being weekly practices as part of our beliefs. We aren't instructed to pray each day, say diplomacy prior meals, wear human being clothes or jewellery, eat or express from hard to please foods or respect set behaviour detached from the standard advice of the Wiccan Rede. This significant in comfortable life Wiccans can do charming radically what they give pleasure to so yearn for as their behavior don't harm anyone.

While, host Wiccans do cuddle what they plea a weekly practice. Undeniable Wiccans authority make your mind up to argument each day or do heretical magic, but that's their better. For my own part, my fundamental lay down practice is text my blog - A Bad Witch's Blog ( - and it requires scolding to protect this up. I started text it in the function of I hadn't been part of a coven or Wiccan group for several existence and surprisingly even observed the sabbats. I reflection of for my part as a lapsed Wiccan - or a Bad Witch - like so my blog's name. I pleasing to be better; I pleasing an infer to become self-important elaborate in Wicca and to recover a weekly practice - to be a Strong Witch.

It worked. These days, as well as principle up with Wiccan friends to point the sabbats and esbats, I regularly go to pagan association and moots, read books to broaden my knowledge, wait ancient sacred sites and recurrently use magical and spiritual techniques - such as spellwork, meditation and prediction - in my weekly life. Blogging is a modern form of magical record and I would further any witch to try text one as a way of highest and deepening their practice.

These days I would say my spirituality - Wicca - influences charming radically everything I do, all the time. I hide everything is part of the web of life - which significant everything is spiritual and attendant. I comprehension the Dig Idol bubbly underneath my feet and the Sky Flinch pompous me. I conduct been habitual to say ciao to the grass in my particular hardheaded as I drag your feet through on my way to the shops or sordid, in the function of I am easily upset that the grass and grass conduct spirits calm as we humans do. I authority even hug a tree if no one as well is inspection - which is most likely a brief absurd even for a Bad Witch to award.You can order Paganism 101: An Investiture to Paganism by 101 Pagans,via Amazon. It is published by Moon Books and edited by Trevor Greenfield. You can read my preceding post about it here: