(River Adventures)
The aim of the game is to find the Hammer Of Grimmold and return it to the King.
Examine each person you meet to ascertain if he/they are friendly and then SAY GRIMMOLD to show that you too are a friend of the Dwarves. There is no need to examine the drunken traveller, though, just steady him and get your reward. Kick loose stones to turn up a coin. Move a large rock and someone is waiting there for that coin. Eat your reward and you are now strong enough to roll the Giant and find the boots. Wear them to cross the stepping stones. Open the coffin, get the cross and the lid.
Go into the hut and get the lamp, examine it and then light it. Look under the hut to find the lost sharpening stone then give it to the Woodsman and receive an axe in return. If you have already been in the Inn and had the door shut in your face, you can now go and smash it down with the axe. When you first go into the Inn the Landlord will call you, sit down and examine him. Saying Grimmold now will empty the Inn of everyone except the Hooded Men. If you do not go immediately out when you stand up one of them will kill you.
On entering the Inn a second time, after smashing the door, examine the floor twice to find a black hood and a crowbar. Wear the hood and then examine the Landlord to find his keys. On your first visit to the Inn you noticed a trapdoor, but there's no sign of it now! Oh well, let's move the Landlord; so that's where it was! Unlock the trapdoor and go down into the cellar, unlock the chest and get the Sunstone, examine it and wear it. Drop the keys as they are no longer needed.
Once out of the Inn proceed to the large oak tree, examine it. It seems to be hollow but grunting noises come from the North. Go North and examine the Troll. You cannot pass him so CAST LIGHT AT TROLL to turn him to stone, now hit him with your crowbar and he turns to dust. Remember that the Landlord told you that you would need troll's dust to defeat Valk.
Once past the Troll you can now visit the cave, making sure that your lamp is lit and that you are wearing the black hood - failure to do so will result in death at the hands of a hooded man. If you are wearing the hood he will acknowledge you and drop a knife as he leaves. Now go to the dwarves building the bridge across the chasm. You will find that they need some timber to complete the construction so give them the coffin lid and you will now be able to cross the chasm.
Confronted by a Wizard, tied to a tree with a rope, you will find that all your attempts to free him by conventional means will fail. CAST LIGHT AT ROPE will do the trick and now the magical rope is yours. Go to the site of the nest on a ledge and throw the rope. Climb rope, examine the nest to find a diamond. Down the rope and take it. If you had read the message on the table in the Inn you will have deduced that you are going to meet someone who is very fond of diamonds.
The Orc Archers guarding the approach to the Citadel cannot be passed. If you attempt to use the Sunstone on them it will quickly lose it's power. If you try to pass them you will be killed so you must find another entry.
Now go to the oak tree and climb it. GO HEART or ENTER TREE. Go down to find a large rock barring the way, CAST LIGHT AT ROCK will blast it to smithereens but the Sunstone is finished. Go to the rubbish tip and examine the rubbish and then smell rubbish to find a piece of cheese. Be careful not to eat it though you may taste it if you wish. Once on top of the rubbish throw the rope and then climb rope. Get the rope again, do the usual things to the dwarf to receive an Orc's uniform then wear it
immediately. Go up and into the dark dungeon with the skeleton. Examine the grille and pull the string to find an empty flagon.
Once outside go to the sleeping Orc and examine him. Do NOT attempt to pass him - yet! Find your way to the Gigantic Orc at the foot of the stairs.
Give him the diamond and take the master key. Up, west and South takes you into a room with a chute in the Southern wall. Go South and find a Wine Cellar. Fill your flagon and go to the sleeping Orc then PLACE FLAGON NEAR ORC. Go back some time later when he is drunk. You will now find the key to the cell below. Don't forget to do the usual with the dwarves before you unlock the chains or you will not receive a pair of forceps. You should also have been given an onion.
Now go Up to the next floor and go up to the entrance to Valk's Chambers to find out what you must do before gaining admission, by reading the notice.
Unlocking the various locked doors will reveal a Vampire, a Giant Rat, a Dragon and a bottle with a Genie in it. Throwing the cross kills the Vampire, dropping the cheese kills the Rat, peeling the onion gets you a Dragon's scale and pulling the cork on the Genie's bottle gets you a wish.
To get a Vampire's tooth, carry the dead Vampire and place him in the dentist's chair. If you are carrying the forceps the Dentist will appear and pull a tooth for you.
Once you have the tooth, rat's tail, wish and Dragon's scale, go up to Valk's Chambers. Before you ring the bell make sure that you have the Troll's dust and the magical rope. Ring the bell and then go North to be confronted by Valk and two armed Orcs. THROW DUST will blind Valk, now throw the rope. This will coil around Valk's neck and choke him to death, and the two Guards will run off.
Now get the Hammer and go to the dwarf village, hand the Hammer to the King and your quest is ended!
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Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com