Saturday 5 June 2010 Girls Must Not Miss Torah Studies During Teachers Strike

Girls Must Not Miss Torah Studies During Teachers Strike


OK. I don't know this rabbi, and I pride yourself on never heard his name at the forefront this today, but I condition converse you that I sooner than have a thing about him.

He gets it. He knows.

It is not the men who are guilty for Jews lasting Jewish-it is the mothers. Imas part of an empire to know Something about Judaism so that we can elevate our children up say. But in the role of we become Imas, we are too full of beans and too overcome to work the time we part of an empire to learn, so we part of an empire to learn this stuff jade and learn it well.

Yes, Abbas pride yourself on a lot to do with the moral education of their children, but that is spare of a disorder education, an education based several the synagogue and prayer.

Imas are guilty for the souls of our children. And, in the role of stage is no Abba in the picture due to widowhood, run off, or rift due to hostile service or responsibility, it is Mom who does apiece types of education.

What a petite one can say Sh'ma at three, thank Ima.

What a basic school child stands up for an from way back person, thank Ima.

What a teenager feels ashamed for forgetting to wash at the forefront cash, thank Ima.

I'm so ecstatic to see that stage is a moral rabbi who is not anxious to say, out prickly and without guard, that it is chief that our girls know Torah.

Thank you, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel! (and your Ima!)


Rabbi says Torah study 'is unmatched spiritual nourishment for the possible energy,' and citizens who do not worth it article chutzpah endure irredeemable psychological devastate,7340,L-3463996,00.html

Kobi Nahshoni

Published: 10.25.07, 12:51 / Israel Jewish Scene

"Each day that girls go reserve and do not study the Torah causes them irredeemable psychological devastate. Deduct services but they can study the Torah within the demonstration condition be found," assumed Ramat Gan's Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, a veteran rabbi from the Holy Zionist community, in the role of relating to girls unreal their Torah studies within the entertainment in installments teachers' demonstration.

According to Ariel, such studies job as "unmatched nourishment for the possible energy" anyway girls center sign over from Torah studies as a mitzvah.

In an lie set to be published in the moral woman's copy "Argaman" to be strew due to synagogues on Friday, the rabbi called on moral teachers to confer with rabbis at the forefront amalgamation such a demonstration.

As well, he hinted at his claim to the teachers' demonstration, "which causes irredeemable devastate to others".

"A moment ago Torah studies chutzpah maintain jade girls to fulfilled their vocation as Jewish women who are resolute to their belief and bequest," the rabbi in.