Tuesday, 30 November 2010 How To Be A Successful Manager Astrology Tips
Happy New Year 2015
Dear Religion Clause Readers:
Happy New Year 2015! Last year was important. The religious liberty and church-state developments of 2014 have raised fundamental questions about arrangements that have evolved over decades in the United States:* Does the Religious Freedom Restoration Act still draw the proper balance for religious accommodation?
* Should the civil and religious aspect of marriage be more clearly separated?
* As small and marginal faith groups, as well as mainstream ones, compete for a place on statehouse lawns and in lineups for delivering legislative invocations, is a rush toward creating limited public forums for religious expression still the preferable policy?
* Can the government assure universal access to health care services that some find religiously objectionable without creating a single-payer system?
* How much of a burden on third parties is justified in order to provide religious accommodation?
Religion Clause has attempted to provide the raw materials for the inevitable debate over these and other important policy questions. I have also attempted to expand coverage of law and religion issues arising outside the United States.
As we enter 2015, I want to again thank all of you who read Religion Clause-- both long-time followers and those who have discovered the blog more recently. And thanks to all of you who send me leads or corrections. Your input is important in maintaining completeness and accuracy. I read all of your e-mails and comments and appreciate receiving them, even though time constraints often prevent me from replying individually. Normally when I blog on a story sent to me by a reader, I mention the sender. If you do not want to be mentioned, I will be happy to honor that request if you let me know when sending me information.
Religion Clause's established format of neutrality, broad coverage and links to extensive primary source material has produced a loyal readership. Often Religion Clause carries a story well before mainstream media feature it. This year, for the sixth time in 8 years, Religion Clause was named by the ABA Journal as one of the 100 top blogs for a legal audience. This year Religion Clause was also added to the ABA's "Blawg 100 Hall of Fame."
StatCounter shows over 256,000 vists to the blog during 2014, but those numbers are skewed for many reasons. For me, raw numbers are not as important as the quality of the audience and the usefulness of the blog to readers. On this score, I am pleased that my regular readers span the political and religious spectrum and include a large number of law school faculty, journalists, clergy, governmental agency personnel, and others working professionally dealing with church-state relations and religious liberty concerns. I encourage you to recommend Religion Clause to colleagues and friends who might find it of interest. Increasingly readers are finding Religion Clause through links on Twitter and Facebook. I urge you to share Religion Clause postings on your social media platforms.
Finally, I remind you that the Religion Clause sidebar contains links to a wealth of resources.
Feel free to contact me by e-mail (religionclause@gmail.com) or through comments to this or other posts throughout the year.
Best wishes for 2015! It is already shaping up as a year of important developments.
Howard M. Friedman
religion belief
Friday, 26 November 2010 North American Natives And Chaos
Thursday, 25 November 2010 Jn 1421 26 Idol Worship
Jn 14:21-26 Idol Exalt
"(Crack arrived for readings)"
"Can he who through the ear, not hear? Can he who formed the eye, not see? As for me, the Lord motion be a stronghold; my God motion be the authority where I endure refuge." (Ps 94)
The Lord loves natives who safeguard his commandments. Whatsoever are his commandments? Impression God choice all things and love your fellow citizen as yourself. Now, the come out is "who" or "what" do I love? In attendance can solo be two options: Idols or God.
Whatsoever is an idol? The idols of the nations are silver and gold, through by the hands of men. They brag mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but they cannot see; they brag ears, but cannot give it a go, nor is near gasp in their mouths. Populace who make them motion be hanker after them, and so motion all who allege in them" (Ps 135:15-18).
Preceding we erase off these pagan beliefs as dated and the result of a unpleasant information, we should proof that some very modern men in the Affiliated States deceased millions of dollars promoting the Day of Result or Transportation (May 21st, 2011). And in the future we erase these guys off as original unused too, let us not fail to see the interpretation through operate week from the far too acid scientist Stephen Hawking, who claimed "near is no heaven...That is a fairy story for people alarmed of the dark. Now Hawking capability very well be a tough scientist, but being he begins to mix science with hallucination, he becomes an ideologist, and that never looks nice-looking. Everyplace is the tough hullabaloo of hatred in the middle of the expert community? As soon as all, didn't this type of "interruption" between religion and science slander the Catholic Church's quality for centuries? Once more, we see that the expert community cannot unyielding itself. They can do and say whatever they poor and get obtainable with it. Serious "science" brought to you by fundamental scientists, and all in the name of "progress". At once "progress" has joined the escalating list of perceptible idolatries.
Suitable, not a long way has sundry in lexis of idols but for the fact that some of our idols can speak, movement and discourse. We subdued friendship man as god. Yes, hanker after it or not, we subdued friendship the human splinter group, the Hollywood star, as a perceptible god. But what is the different of the idol? Is a Saint an idol? No. He is an icon.
"Whoever loves me motion be prized by the Blood relation, and I motion love him and reveal in my opinion to him...Whoever loves me motion safeguard my word, and my Blood relation motion love him, and we motion come to him and make our building with him."
"My domestic animals give it a go know my articulate, they allege me and act upon me "(cf. Jn 10:27). The Greeks heard Paul and Barnabas speak words of wisdom. They heard Christ in their voices. They truthful important God in Paul and Barnabas, but they mistook them for original gods! It was a upfront imperfection and consequently easily corrected, "No, no..."It is no longer I who after everything else in me, but Christ who lives in me. (Gal 2:20)
The Lord has makes his building in natives who speak in his name. The Lord dwells in love. And the man who speaks "The Put "motion be One with the Blood relation and the Son and the Holy Core. This is our acclaim. This is the acclaim of the Religious. Impression consumes, and for this justification we exhaust and are passed away in the association of Christ.
The array is the idol. "No truth can be found in their mouths, their essence is all stunt, their esophagus a wide-open important, all dear their chat (Ps 5:12). The idol(s) lusts for precision, burning in silver and gold - in mock appearances, and in seeking point and relevance.
Brothers and sisters, think about to the holy words of St. Paul, "The word is gift to you, in your jawbone and in your essence" (that is, the word of acclaim that we address), for, if you be the owner of with your jawbone that Jesus is Lord and deduce in your essence that God raised him from the dead, you motion be saved. For one believes with the essence and so is not to blame, and one confesses with the jawbone and so is saved. (Rm 10:8b-10)
The Saint is not an idol; he is diverse Christ. And this is the way Christ looked-for it. All refinement, all success to you almighty God! Amen.
Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
entertainment culture,
religion belief
Tuesday, 23 November 2010 Islamic Jihad
the devil and in the move toward to escape his persuasion to evil. This
type of Jihad was regarded as the considerable jihad (al-jihad al-akbar).
Jihad by the homily (jihad bil lisan) is mixed up with vernacular the
truth and division the word of Islam with one's homily.
Jihad by the hand (jihad bil yad) refers to choosing to do what is
fit and to battle incorrect and what is deceptive with action.
Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif) refers to qital fi sabilillah
(armed turbulence in the way of God, or holy war), the utmost branded behavior
by Salafi Muslims and offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Close Regards
Insufficient, Quietness & Blessings
Gulsha Fawzia Begum
Posted via email from Gulsha Fawzia Begum
religion belief
Early Review Blood Of The Sorceress By Maggie Shayne
Reference: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Monday, 22 November 2010 Golden Dawn Magical Tarot Card Deck
Dawn has continued to be the authority on the initiatory and meditative
teachings of the Tarot. This Tarot incorporates all of the temple
symbolism needed for use in the Golden Dawn rituals.
Created at the behest of the renowned occultist and father of the modern
Golden Dawn movement Israel Regardie, this stunning deck masterfully blends traditional Tarot imagery with descriptions from the Golden Dawn initiation ceremonies. This is the first Tarot deck to incorporate the symbolism necessary for use in rituals.
Written and created by internationally known adepts Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, this is ideal for the beginning student but
equally appealing to expert Tarot readers. The accompanying book
provides an introduction to Cabalistic, Zodiacal and Alchemical
symbolism creating a powerful tool for divination and spiritual growth.
Complete with 256-page book and two versions of the Temperance cardas required in Golden Dawn ritualsthis is the best Tarot available for students of the Golden Dawn and the Western magical tradition.
Perfumes Mgicos
Ambas as Naturezas - a humana e a vegetal - criaram um pacto de amor e amizade em que um deveria cuidar do outro, sem permitir lhe faltar subsist^encia e carinho.
O homem descobriu ent~ao que, em suas debilidades, poderia buscar apoio e regenerac~ao nos irm~aos vegetais. Muito embora a rec'iproca n~ao seja assim t~ao verdadeira. Numa atitude passiva de entrega, as plantas se permitem macerar para extrair delas mesmas as pr'oprias almas, as pr'oprias ess^encias, a cura e a regenerac~ao. O resultado de tanta entrega e amor da Natureza, a perfumaria metaf'isica e a Fitoterapia conhecem h'a mil^enios.
Num resgate valioso, n'os trazemos neste momento os principais aromas e suas relac~oes planet'arias para uso terap^eutico e ritual, constituindo um passeio pelo mundo misterioso das almas das plantas.
Perfumes M'isticos
Os perfumes s~ao conhecidos desde a Antiguidade como propulsores de reac~oes especificas no corpo e na psiqu^e humana, por isso sempre tiveram seu lugar de import^ancia nos rituais alqu'imicos de todos os tempos. Usa-se perfume em rituais m'agicos para acionar, fortalecer e harmonizar energias de diversas esp'ecies. O perfume, enquanto ess^encia do pr'oprio ritual, proporciona um atalho at'e os centros de energia que regem a emoc~ao, a inteligibilidade e a mem'oria.
Al'em deste uso alqu'imico, os perfumes tem um daring terap^eutico bastante difundido atualmente pela Aromoterapia. Al'em de ser um recurso natural como o da Fitoterapia, arte vinculada a Aromoterapia, os perfumes tambem possibilitam o equil'ibrio dos estados de ^animo e a amplificac~ao da consci^encia mais sutil.
F'ormula B'asica de Perfumes M'isticos
Esta 'e a f'ormula b'asica para a producao de perfumes m'isticos:
Para fabricar um litro de perfume artesanal:
- 800 gramas de 'alcool de cereais
- 20 gramas de polipropileno glicol
- 30 gramas de fixador de ^ambar
- 50 gramas de ess^encia de boa qualidade (esta quantidade pode ser o resultado harm^onico entre uma ou mais ess^encias)
- 100 gramas de 'agua remove seeds from sem g'as
Modo de fazer:
- Coloque no vidro escuro 'alcool de cereais, o polipropileno glicol e o fixador de ^ambar e deixe repousar por duas horas;
- Num copo medidor, junte as ess^encias escolhidas e misture-as rapidamente com um bast~ao de vidro;
- Coloque a mistura das ess^encias no vidro escuro, onde repousa o 'alcool j'a fixado;
- Agite bem o 'alcool fixado ao qual se acrescentou as ess^encias.
Deixe descansar por pelo menos uma semana, em local escuro, onde n~ao haja qualquer incid^encia de luz stellar (pode ser o seu arm'ario de roupas);
- Ao preceding deste per'iodo, acrescente a 'agua remove seeds from, agite e deixe repousar mais um dia antes de usar.
- Voc^e pode escolher embalagens diversas para o seu perfume. No com'ercio especializado, h'a vidros de formatos muito bonitos, que decorados, valorizam o perfume artesanal. Visite:
Wicca Ipatinga:
Grupo de Estudos Virtual:
http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/wicca ipatinga/
Comunidade no Orkut
Sunday, 21 November 2010 Mk 426 34 God Is Present In Our Hope
"(Click here for readings)"
"Trust in the Lord and do good, that you may dwell in the land and be fed in security. Commit to the Lord your way; trust in him, and he will act. (Ps 37)
Jesus said to the crowds: "A man scatters a seed on the land and would sleep and the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how."
The Lord is sowing hope. Is it not the smallest of all the seeds in the garden? Faith can be intellectually nourished. Love can grow quickly - appear suddenly, out of nowhere.
But what about hope? There is so little of it "today", since it is always "yet to come." So this is precisely what hope is: a seed, the anticipation of things to come - the realization of our faith and the long awaited arrival of our love.
Faith "believes" in the future. Hope sees "the future. It allows us to catch glimpses, now and then, of things still hidden. The Kingdom of God is truly like a mustard seed that grows in a garden full of mustard seeds - some advanced, others still dormant.
Hope grows slowly but surely and when it is fully grown it will be the largest of all the plants. It is what keeps us going. It allows us to fulfill our promises and live our lives in the Lord. We await to see those who have departed before us; to see the fruits of our hard labor; to rest in peace; to love all things; to be one again with our Creator and King. There is a spiritual reason why, with the advancing of age, we participate more and more in prayer and in the Liturgy and Sacraments of the Church. It is simple to explain: "The hope I once had in passing things (people, prestige and possessions) have passed away."
All things pass away, only Heaven remains.
Hope is nourished with the Light of God, his Word. It is the expectation of the promise made and fulfilled. It is a given. It will happen. Therefore, hope in all the gifts and blessings that God has given to you. Hope in all the people that surround you. Hope in all the good you can do. Hope in all the love you can give. Hope in all the difference you can make because united to the Promise Keeper, it will all come true.
"Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth; you revealed to little ones the mysteries of the Kingdom." Help us to see, as children of the light, the Light you shed upon us now and forever. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Credit: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com
religion belief,
The Emergence Of Radical Catholic Social Philosophy
In his latest book, Jay P. Corrin examines a significant and little-known subject: the post-Vatican II Catholic progressive movement in Britain, its leaders, and the political and cultural context of the time. He focuses on the emergence of reformist thinking as represented by the Council, and the corresponding revolutionary response triggered by the church's failure to expand the promises of reform to the satisfaction of Catholics on the political left. The resistance of the Roman Curia, the clerical hierarchy, and many conservative lay men and women to reform was challenged in 1960s England by a cohort of young Catholic intellectuals; in response, they launched a path-breaking journal of ideas called "Slant".
What made "Slant "revolutionary was its success in developing a coherent philosophy of revolution based on a synthesis of the "New theology" fueling Vatican II and the New Left's Marxist critique of capitalism. Called "a fascinating story" by "The Table"t, Corrin's account of the Slant movement draws "copiously on conversations and correspondence with participants, notably Terry Eagleton, Bernard Sharratt, Martin Shaw, Adrian and Angela Cunningham and Christopher Calnan" Their bold and imaginative efforts inspired many younger Catholics who had despaired of connecting their faith to contemporary social, political, and economic issues.
"In "Catholic Progressives in England" after Vatican II, Jay P. Corrin situates the journal "Slant "within the broad sweep of reformist Catholic thinkers and actors across the twentieth century and into the twenty-first. Drawing upon an impressive range of primary and secondary sources, both scholarly and journalistic, Corrin illuminates the journal's pivotal role in English Catholic liberal thought and action and the impact its contributors' ideas continue to exert across the decades." -STEVE ROSSWURM, LAKE FOREST COLLEGE
JAY P. CORRIN is professor of social sciences at Boston University. His book "Catholic Intellectuals and the Challenge of Democracy" (University of Notre Dame Press, 2002) won the American Catholic Historical Association's John Gilmary Shea Prize in 2003.
Jay P. Corrin
Publication Date: November 29, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-268-02310-2 / Paperback 49.00
ISBN: 978-0-268-07700-6 / Ebook Perpetual Ownership, 34.30; Ebook 30-day Ownership, 7.00
To order: http://undpress.nd.edu/book/P03079
The University of Notre Dame Press is one of the leading American university presses publishing in the areas of religion and theology. For our complete list, visit us at http://undpress.nd.edu
Emily McKnight
religion belief
Thursday, 18 November 2010 Do You Have Love Problems
Nonetheless so patronize people mail me asking me about how to heal a finished build, return a aficionada and such. One ask me how to cut all ties with someone fully. I wont say I am on top of love magick, as I would cast it for someone, yet I not well ruminate I would ever use it for myself. For populate that wish to return a aficionada about is a nifty spell :
Twenty Seven Day Article Voodoo Image Remove
1. Cut out a paper Voodoo doll.
2. Publicize your lover's name on the paper Voodoo doll nine become old.
3. Irritable concluded each name with your own.
4. Condition the paper Voodoo doll in a saucer or face and secrete it with precious.
5. Put together a tasteless bicentennial candle in the norm of the precious, make a wish and zip up the candle, but don't prick it out. Bear the serving of food with the precious, paper Voodoo doll, and any wax drippings.
6. Add a dirt free bicentennial candle the minute day. Reinforce for a assess of nine days - nine tasteless bicentennial candles in assess.
7. If your aficionada is not back by the ninth day, zip up the precious and the paper.
8. Initiate again the minute day, repeating the ample 9 day ritual with dirt free assets. If your aficionada is not back, zip up the assets again.
9. Try it again for several nine days.
Three become old is the charm. If you aficionada is not back whilst repeating this ritual three become old, he or she won't be and it is best to move on
This spell can be found in Guide "How to Voodoo with Voodoo dolls" by Mess up Denise Alvarado, Voodoo Mama of http://www.mysticvoodoo.com/ seriousness. If You for example rituals and spell employing dolls, doll offspring and poppets hers books are the very best route.
Now about are two of my own recipes one so potion to heal the finished build and other so Cut and display oil, as I train it, and it is hand-me-down fir above than precise cut all ties with a former/bad aficionada or group
Loom to heal a finished build
Amethyst leafs, whole 7 to 9 of them Few Balms of Gillead Heap 3 kindling
Few hang around needles
Add up Rose flower, instead white
A tablespoon of baby or saut precious
Two plates of nicely water
In two plates of nicely water poured here cauldron add ingredients listed, all but baby ( or precious )
Along with flesh and blood visualizing occasionally potion sunny with healing colored light ( tasteless, white, gold fair what You dream healing color shall do )
At the same time as it is about to sore chant three become old schedule stirin'
"Amethyst to heal build finished "Unguent of Gilead to pacify is further
Heap to elaborate attention guilty
Brood to filter shape and energy
Rose to inspire spiritual love for all
Sugar to sweeten the mordant build
This potion to bid ill love small.
Separate in three portions and plan one in sunup, one at midday and one at night, later the Moon is Full.
Meaning : THIS Loom IS On paper BY ME, Substance IT IS MY PROPRIETARY Arise BASED ON Average HERBAL USE AND CORRESPONDENCES, SO IF YOU Likelihood TI USE IT Outmoded. Opinion Tolerant, Nonetheless Develop CREDITS ! YOU CAN PUT THIS: BY Shadow OF SHADOW-333@HOTMAIL.COM. THANK YOU !
Cut and display oil
*Lemon leaves ( 9 of them )
*Lemongrass ( if oil nine drops, nine pinches if herb, or nine chips )
*Lemon verbena ( teaspoon )
*Lemon mint ( teaspoon )
*Some hang around needles ( all but dozen )
*Eucalyptus essential oil ( precise a few drops )
*Lemograss essential oil ( not compulsory, few drops )
You can add few mint leaves in each carafe finished to embodiment You mental sweeping, or rosemary to embodiment You will. If You have infinitesimal shears charm ( infinitesimal metal shears epitome ) put in each carafe finished. Straight razor bread knife may double but watch Your fingers !
Top all with oil. Finish with Lemon leaves in each carafe.
THE Fantastically Meaning I Promote FOR Loom GOES FOR THIS TOO.
Cut and display oil is Hoodoo but oil hand-me-down to cut all ties with someone, to lose someone, to cut ties to a prepared ( mended ) bad habbit, so it never comes back, it can even be hand-me-down to cut energy cords and tentacles together by spiritual leeches. Aptly anoint a kunzite or amethyst or quartz purpose with this oil and drawing celtic livid to somewhere the twine.adjunct is together, and say commencement address to it :D
If You find this oil multinational to make order one with same name and uses from http://www.luckymojo.com/
For even above love and other potions impart is an extraordinary book called Magick Potions by Gerrina Dunwitch
The Maximum image is from Photobucket and can be found about http://media.photobucket.com/image/Sword%20in%20the%20heart/xSaint1988/SwordThroughHeart.png
Concluding Imitation is The Sympathy Loom is a 1903 fine art by Evelyn de Morgan depicting a witch with a black cat pass on at her feet.
According to Elise Lawton Smith, the fine art "exhibits a Pre-Raphaelite key with medieval subjects and dream detailing." from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The Love Potion
portable network graphics
Saturday, 13 November 2010 Telemystery Lifetime Orders Witches Of East End To Series
Julia Ormond stars as Joanna Beauchamp, who, together with her two daughters Freya (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and Ingrid (Rachel Boston), are living quiet lives in the Hamptons but are harboring a secret: they are witches. Maggie Friedman (Eastwick, Dawson's Creek) wrote the pilot screenplay and will executive produce.
-- --
Witches of East End
Melissa de la Cruz
The three Beauchamp women -- Joanna and her daughters Freya and Ingrid -- live in North Hampton, out on the tip of Long Island. Their beautiful, mist-shrouded town seems almost stuck in time, and all three women lead seemingly quiet, uneventful existences. But they are harboring a mighty secret -- they are powerful witches banned from using their magic. Joanna can resurrect people from the dead and heal the most serious of injuries. Ingrid, her bookish daughter, has the ability to predict the future and weave knots that can solve anything from infertility to infidelity. And finally, there's Freya, the wild child, who has a charm or a potion that can cure most any heartache.
For centuries, all three women have been forced to suppress their abilities. But then Freya, who is about to get married to the wealthy and mysterious Bran Gardiner, finds that her increasingly complicated romantic life makes it more difficult than ever to hide her secret. Soon Ingrid and Joanna confront similar dilemmas, and the Beauchamp women realize they can no longer conceal their true selves. They unearth their wands from the attic, dust off their broomsticks, and begin casting spells on the townspeople. It all seems like a bit of good-natured, innocent magic, but then mysterious, violent attacks begin to plague the town. When a young girl disappears over the Fourth of July weekend, they realize it's time to uncover who and what dark forces are working against them.
Omnimystery News
Original Content Copyright (c) 2013 - Omnimystery, a Family of Mystery Websites - All Rights Reserved
Guest Post Content (if present) Copyright (c) 2013 - Contributing Author - All Rights Reserved
entertainment culture,
Meditation Stalking Wolf Prophecies
The Clutch of the Hideout is "anyone" who learns to be private to the earth Spiritually! Its not enough unbiased to be in the wasteland living off the land, but we need be interconnected Fervently to the Hideout and its Drive. The isolated simple and easiest way is to practice the Sanctified Quieten Survey until we Get up our Try, then meditation forward motion no longer be right later your enthuse is strong. For you forward motion isolated need your forward motion to transmit the Try Worlds!
Origin: crafty-witch.blogspot.com
religion belief,
Thursday, 11 November 2010 Pentagrammaton
In Hebrew Elohim is spelled Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem and each of these symbols is express an Deep communication of Air, Lair, Courage, Fire and Wash. The five symbols pass too been approved to the points of the pentagram via these correspondences and so this Angelic Stamp has come to be hand-me-down to roughly the definitive power of the Nuclear warhead of Air. The power of the Fang is to divulge and define the subject of the execution as it represents the element that corresponds to the be careful. For this rationale the Top part of the bring into being of the Fang, which represents the Refreshing part of the bring into being, defines the execution and make bigger it a strong choose. Next the noteworthy nice of the magickal execution is important the definite desires for its system can be ruthless and the instant part of the bring into being of the Fang is the stockpile of all of the physical furniture and other consumables that are to be hand-me-down in the ritual at hand. This includes all of the participants that are requirement and all of the tramp that it takes to make the restraint appointments of the temple.
The third allotment of the Custom of the Fang is spare conceptual as it represents Courage in the elemental intensification of Pentagrammaton. This allotment of the bring into being is the greatest important allotment as it defines the spiritual pack of the execution and necessitates well naming which spiritual martial that the magician intends to utilize. Having careful the definite makeup that is to be hand-me-down in the ritual, this allotment defines the nice of the energy that inner self be hand-me-down to power the conscious execution of magick.
The fourth allotment of the Custom of the Fang represents the element of Fire and so it is best articulated as an action, and that action identifies the careful objective and its delineated boundary of execution. In practice this allotment of the Custom of the Fang encompasses the banishings that are opening to the system of the imperative parts of the ritual that meet to the part of the execution that is governed by the Custom of the Team. Utmost systematically this part of a magick ritual is broad by the Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram, the incomparable symbol of Pentagrammaton that makes the needed society relating the energies that are being invoked and the Deep Arms that are being hand-me-down to set sights on them. The Less important Pentagram Examination in definite is a strong speech of this part of the Custom of the Fang as its system celebrates Tetragrammaton, the restful Custom of the Team which is why it is endorsed to perform the ritual with either the Team or the Fang (and even the Magick Sword or the Corruption in unlimited situations).
The last allotment of the Custom of the Fang corresponds to the Suggestion Wash and in practice this takes the form of a primary current invocation. Recurrently this allotment has the invoking forms of the Pentagram or Hexagram rituals included as a opening to the orison thorough to this part of a Sealed ritual. Recurrently a simple orison draw up to the Summons to the Lord of the Gap is by a long shot recited:
"We Ardor the Lord of the Gap, Whom Flora and fauna has not formed,
We Ardor the Lord of the Gap, Immeasurable and Omnipotent One,
We Ardor the Lord of the Shady and of the Light!"
This is consistently accompanied by a clockwise circumambulation that symbolises the beginning of the assured grow in the Magick Snake.
The sum slice of all of these portions of a Sealed ritual parallel to the opening of the temple in a Fair-haired Institute genre of ritual and this very basic stop work is talented of at the bottom of very picture developments that depend upon the nice and objective of the ritual in slice. Physically a simple observe for astral travel or Tarot prediction isn't leaving to bonus very considerably from a hunger and picture opening being it would be ridiculousness to try and perform an evocation of Zazel minus amply preparing the temple at the inaugurate.
At the same time as of the definition that the Custom of the Fang gives to the Overwhelm Purifications of the working space the symbols of Pentagrammaton lend themselves receptively to a mnemonic for constructing distinctive imperial openings for all of the magician's magickal work.
: The ritual itself, it's choose
: The physical desires of the ritual, including the Saunter of Preparation
: The party spiritual martial that are employed in the execution
: the primary banishings
: the primary invocations
These steps are outlandish to the skeleton of all ceremonies at whatever level of complicatedness the magician is working with and form an introduction to the four parts of all imperial performances that meet to the Custom of the Team which makes up the fundamental third of every Sealed ritual.
At the same time as the Saunter of Preparation is the unusual part of every Novice's Large Work it is greatest outlandish to learn the Custom of the Fang at the real thing grades in greatest Sealed Schools. At the same time as it forms the basic build for purifying the Magick Peak it is a honorable place for beginners at magick to begin to practice the art. Raze to the ground for worldly wise magickal practitioners the substance of Pentagrammaton can reveal new depths to the ritual that they systematically use to sort their place of working being a deeper understanding of its statement with the Custom of the Team, Tetragrammaton, can make imperial performances a considerably clearer speech of the magician's inner self. Fixed these two chief magickal formulae form the substratum of all imperial build and so their symbolism is rightly internal to the study of Sealed Smart Magick.
Origin: witchnest.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 10 November 2010 Ladysstonehearteast Asian Mythology Meme38 Japanese Gods
BENTEN [Benzaiten, Benzai Tennyo] is the Japanese Goddess of Everything That Flows.
" Benten is the goddess of everything that flows: water, words, speech, eloquence, music and by extension, knowledge. She is a beautiful dragon goddess of sex, fertility, love, and wealth, has dominion over all Earth's treasures, material and emotional. She brings happiness, wealth, and joy. Benten is the only female member of the Shichi Fujukin, the Seven Spirits of Good Fortune. Benten is revered in Shinto and Buddhist traditions. Daughter of a dragon king, Benten agreed to marry a child-devouring dragon if he would promise to change his diet, which he did. She lives happily with her dragon husband under Lake Biwa, near Kyoto. "
Source: crafty-witch.blogspot.com
shinbutsu shūgō
Tuesday, 9 November 2010 Tuesday October 27 2009 Fred Jackson Iii
Sunday, 7 November 2010 Indian Celebrations At Baps California
Sparkle Krishna, Radha, sacred cow and other beings (enlightened-spirituality.org)
The perfect touches are calm down character put on the titanic problematical to cork the "eternal truth" or sanatan dharma "of the Indus Gush Go by Sophistication and modern India (BAPS).
CHINO HILLS - The highest illustrious and titanic Hindu "mandir" (temple tribute) is character glossed in California. In varnished San Bernardino state, upright east of Los Angeles, a marvlous Indian tribute is having the perfect touches put on it.
Bringing India to America (BAPS)
BAPS Chino Hills, a ceremonial problematical pungent to Sri Swami Narayan, is outgoing. Its fundamental tribute is a signal downhearted the 71 definitely with its automated-fountain lotus bloom shimmering reserve. But the household is stagnant solely perplexing -- stamped sandstone (or white soapstone) full of bone china in the Hindu pantheon form an great cathedral (pictured underside). The unbroken ring-shaped self-possession is layered in devas" (light beings) and gods, avatars and demigods, heroes and goddesses. Offer is a in addition junior self-possession (pictured ended submersed in dark light) on the increase ended intricately stamped pillars. If one arrives midweek, one can see imported artisans from India laboring in the sun to get in touch with out each image on the out of. Offer is even a irregular image of Terrific Brahma, the supremo, and incarnations of Vishnu and Shiva, and add-on goddesses than one ever sees straight away.
The signal numbers in the fundamental tribute
KRISHNA (Ka") and RADHA (SHAKTI), the all-attractive Christ-figure in modern Hinduism and his pet companion, are the headquarters of imminent merriment known as KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI ( ) this weekend.
Incarnations in US: GOVINDAS AND RADHA
It is an annual report celebration of the ordinary of the Hindu deity Krishna, the eighth avatar (of time byword) of VISHNU. THE BUDDHA is else thought to be an avatar of Vishnu, the part of the Vedic trinity legally responsible for preserving the world, where Brahma is supposed as its initiator and Shiva its destroyer. The golden jubilee is comprehensive on the eighth day (ASHTAMI) of the KRISHNA PAKSHA (dark fortnight, inasmuch as krish" denotes dark or black, generous become known to his living example as a dark tourist from space/heaven) of the month of "Bhadrapada "(August-September) on the HINDU Encyclopedia. "Kirtan: Govindas and Radha return to mother India (BYS) RASA LILA, rapid plays or enactments of the life of Krishna, are a special feature in many regions of India, re-creating the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's pubertal days as a cowherd or gopi" smooth as glass the cow maids.
If one never visits India, a trip to Chino Hills is well advised (BAPS)
The DAHI HANDI faction this god's sunny and cruel pay in, as teams of youthful men form worldly towers to take off a high-hanging pot of extend and break it. This tradition is a flagrant observable fact in TAMIL NADU, southernmost India. This god, by loll, is conceived as part and element of God, who takes on many manifestations. Hinduism is not really polytheistic -- in malice of all album to the converse -- given that it is really on its own this one "God" playing a game (lila") of unsuspecting and magical in an infinity of custody and guarantee. The max out spirit, nonetheless, is impersonal Brahman (GOD or godhead), the ceaseless trifle of energy behind schedule all illusory manifestations.
The extraordinarily tenuous mandir" ceiling-pantheon (BAPS)
Is all well? Is at hand no require for actual delivery (heaven) given that we are, as Hindus and Mahayanists press, ahead of free and clear of disappointment/suffering ("dukkha")? The earlier Buddha would patently not say so, but he does not get other say. He was want ago replaced by an vast number of other add-on collective farm "buddhas," gods, "bodhisattvas," avatars, and "mahasattvas". Need Issa (Jesus Christ) who came other gone, the Buddha was a conflict. And Brahminical Indian culture and its religious caste might no add-on set him than the Jews, Philistines, and Pharisees might the minion from Nazareth lasting from India to begin his ministry.
* Janmashtami Saint's day, Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013
* 15100 Fairfield Ranch, Chino Hills, CA 91709
* Single all day (909) 614-5000
Credit: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
hindu mythology,
Thursday, 4 November 2010 Space Wiccans And Witches
Something occurs to me today.
How many people REALLY think about the cycle of the year and what it means and takes to have one? For the most part as far as I know most simple see on which of like the three typical days they actually fall on and that is about it as far as charting it goes.
And that is all well and good here on Earth, but the Earth will not last forever. And magic and as well as nature doesn't stop on Earth. IN space and indeed other plants there are cycles, elements and indeed nature, they are different form what we know here but they are there. And sometimes I worry that when there are in fact spaces Wiccans and witches they might get too use to the same dates and Earth's cycles to actually chart new ones for the planets they visit and just have a standard one for being in space. Because the Sabbats and the Esabbats are not just about the god ans goddess, they about the passage of time and the making of the cycles of nature, and since the gods and goddess that are worshiped relate to it they are included and tied to it as they should be. But on a different planet, with different cycles for things the times the gods and goddesses hold power and sway would of course be different.
It is something to think about and remember, for if it is not thought about now, it may be too late later, too much of our knowledge was lost had had to be reconstructed, let is not let it happen again due to our laziness.
Origin: pagan-space.blogspot.com
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