Something occurs to me today.
How many people REALLY think about the cycle of the year and what it means and takes to have one? For the most part as far as I know most simple see on which of like the three typical days they actually fall on and that is about it as far as charting it goes.
And that is all well and good here on Earth, but the Earth will not last forever. And magic and as well as nature doesn't stop on Earth. IN space and indeed other plants there are cycles, elements and indeed nature, they are different form what we know here but they are there. And sometimes I worry that when there are in fact spaces Wiccans and witches they might get too use to the same dates and Earth's cycles to actually chart new ones for the planets they visit and just have a standard one for being in space. Because the Sabbats and the Esabbats are not just about the god ans goddess, they about the passage of time and the making of the cycles of nature, and since the gods and goddess that are worshiped relate to it they are included and tied to it as they should be. But on a different planet, with different cycles for things the times the gods and goddesses hold power and sway would of course be different.
It is something to think about and remember, for if it is not thought about now, it may be too late later, too much of our knowledge was lost had had to be reconstructed, let is not let it happen again due to our laziness.