Friday 4 February 2011 Hitler And Nazis In The News

Hitler And Nazis In The News
The "New World Order (NWO)" is a euphemism for the prophesied one-world government that the future Antichrist will lead.

Thus, the proponents of this global, political movement - - at least those at the highest levels of power and influence - - are serving another god (our common enemy Satan), and they're attempting to pave the way and hasten his return

We should know all of that by now. What might be surprising to some of us is how even one of their own (one of the most vile human beings to have ever lived) admitted their true nature.

"He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world."

Adolf Hitler

The vault at the John Hay Library at Brown University is not exactly Hitler's bunker, but it is below ground and could endure a bomb blast. It's big. It's locked. And inside, one finds something fascinating.

No, the F"uhrer's not in there, but his books are - - lots of them. They've been there for 30 years. And inside one of them, a book on the occult, is a passage marked for special attention in Hitler's own hand that is chilling even today. But few know of this trove, much less look at it.

One notable subject represented in Brown's Hitler library is the occult. And the most requested book in the collection is "Magic: History, Theory and Practice (1923)" by Ernst Schertel. This book, as with some others, Hitler had marked.

In books like this one, we find Hitler's pencil repeatedly drawn to passages related to the connection between the scientific and the spiritual, between the material and the immaterial.

Hitler marked the margins of his books with vertical lines beside paragraphs or sentences he thought important. And one marked sentence in "Magic" is quite chilling, given Hitler's history:

"He who does not carry demonic seeds within him will never give birth to a new world."

Has anyone else noticed the sudden rise in "news" items pertaining to Hitler and Nazi Germany in recent weeks? Why is that? Why now? Why at all?

Just yesterday I also saw the headline "WEB SELLS WHAT IT SAYS IS HITLER'S HAIR," which should excite scientists worldwide who are interested in cloning now that PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS LIFTED THE BAN ON EMBRYONIC STEM CELL RESEARCH just a day later.

Something for us to think about.


