Saturday 19 February 2011 Spiritualism Sublime Religion

Spiritualism Sublime Religion
It is known that every idea, whose structure is shown modified in relation to the previous ones, in other words, is innovative, generates dissidences. With Spiritualism there is the same. In Brazil, the discussion about the topic is old. Right in the beginning of the National Spiritualist Movement, two lines of doctrinaire debates were formed: The laics, also called "scientific", led by Angeli Torteroli, and the "mystics", led by Bezerra de Menezes, who, with his charisma and spirit of leadership, was an ardent spreader of the Spiritualist's ideas. This eminent apostle of peace and charity and his followers triumphed over their antagonists, influencing the spiritualist movement with more emphasis on the Gospel.

Many brothers use Allan Kardec's name improper and wrongly, trying to sell the idea that the Spiritualist Doctrine is just a Science. Yes, it is a Science! It is also a Philosophy! But, above all, it has as its main basis, the indestructible moral of Christ. Therefore, it is mainly a religion! It is even redundant that we insist, with serenity and common sense, on the arguments to reinforce the matter.

The Spiritualist principles are thoroughly expressed in The Book of the Spirits, through its philosophic aspect; in the Book of the Mediums, through its phenomenal and experimental aspect, and in The Gospel According to the Spiritualism, through its religious-moral aspect. In a speech delivered in the Parisian Society of Spiritualists Studies, on November 1, 1868, he affirmed:

"The bond established by a religion, whatever its objective, is an essentially moral link which connects the hearts, identifies the thoughts, the aspirations, and it is not just the fact of material commitments which break at will, or the execution of formulas that are more important to the eyes than to the spirit. The effect of this moral link is to establish the fraternity and solidarity, indulgence and benevolence, among those it joins, the family religion. (1)

It is imperious to stress that the Spiritualist Doctrine does not have room for a sacerdotal caste, with its procession of hierarchies, ceremonies and privileges. It has to be considered that the Doctrine is not a religion, in the common meaning of the term, because it does not have an external material cult or an organized priesthood. It does not adopt any kind of ceremonies, rituals, candles, special garments, symbology, or sacramental acts. It does not adopt any ornamentation for cults, gestures of reverence, cabalistic signals, benedictions, talismans, smokers, ceremonial canticles (litanies, ritualistic dances, etc.), alcoholic beverages, offerings, etc.

Distant from this "external cult", from the "hierarchic organization", from the human leadership, the Spiritualist Doctrine places Jesus' "love one another, just as I have loved you" (2), embodied in the legitimate religious-moral practice.

The Spirit Saint Louis, in the Book of the Spirits, Question # 1010 (a), remembers that "the spirits do not come to subvert the religion, as some say. They come, on the contrary, to confirm it, sanction it through irrecusable evidences. In a short time, the number of sincerely religious believing people shall be bigger than today's. (3)

The Lyonese master, in the Book of the Mediums - Chapter III, Method, Item 24, also clearly asseverates that "the Spiritualism rests on the fundamental basis of the religion and respects all beliefs; one of its effects is to infuse religious feelings in those who do not have them, reinforce them in those who have them, but are vacillating". (4) The enemies of the doctrine (incarnated and disincarnated) aim at the mental imprisonment and psychic slavery of those who are careless to the odd ideas that are introduced in the doctrinaire body. In reality, the absence of humbleness, by failing to be led by Kardec's orientations, is the explicit evidence that they seek the destruction of the doctrinaire movement, discrediting Spiritualism, delaying the final implementation of the Comforter on Earth.

I wonder if Spiritualism depends on scientific proselytes? Emmanuel, in The Comforter emphasizes that: "Under no circumstances the direction of Spiritualism belongs to Christ and his representatives." And, at the same time, he elucidates that: "Only the restored Christianity can save the world which seems lost. Our mission is essentially a religious one, in the restoration of the living faith and in the revival of the simple traditions of the apostolic times. We do not have either the presumption of asking for the end of the religious schools nor do we want to establish the dogmatic fight and the sectarianism. We only want to revive the pure belief, so that man, as the divine heir, may get in touch with the glorious spiritual of the understanding of Jesus Christ". (5)

The (incarnated and disincarnated) darkness phalanx is very powerful and organized. What they want is to proscribe the Spiritualist Christ and, if this ignoble idea is confirmed, the Spiritualist Doctrine shall disappear. Lately, many strange practices to the Spiritualist Movement have appeared the reason why we need to safeguard and preserve this treasure, obligatorily, against the ideological influences which aim at adulterating its legitimate value. Even because, if we incorporate the Christianity Spiritualism, we cannot deny fidelity to it. Spiritualism appeared so that everyone adjusts himself/herself to Christ's moral and, fundamentally, in order to "retie" man to God.

Is Spiritualism a religion? It is, obviously, as Kardec confirms that "Spiritualism is a religion and we are proud of this." (6) In this sense, it is important to point out that the religious aspect was developed by Kardec in "The Gospel According to the Spiritualism" and in "Heaven and Hell".

We conclude that the Spiritualism is, without any doubt, the Sublime Religion!

Jorge Hessen




1 Kardec, Allan, speech delivered to the Parisian Society of Spiritualist Studies, on November 1, 1868

2 John 15, 12

3 - Kardec, Allan. The Book of the Spirits, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 1988, question 1010.

4 Kardec, Allan, The Book of the Mediums, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 1988, Chapter III, Method, Item 24

5 Xavier, Francisco C^andido. O Consolador (The Consoler), dictated by the spirit Emmanuel, Rio de Janeiro: FEB publishing house, 2000

6 Kardec, Allan. 'E o Espiritismo uma Religi~ao? (Is Spiritualism a Religion?). Spiritualist Magazine - Newspaper of Psychological Studies, December, 1968, O Reformador, v.94, n.1764, p. 22-26, 1976