Friday 1 July 2011 How Transformation Is Initiated During A Oneness Meditation

How Transformation Is Initiated During A Oneness Meditation
How Transformation is Initiated During a Oneness MeditationBy Peter DeBenedittis, Ph.D.

"In this year, the whole entire goal is to push as many people as possible into Awakened states, and people who are in Awakened states, push them into Awakening. That's the whole goal of our work." - Doug Bentley, Senior Guide, Oneness University

The Oneness Meditation was released at the beginning of 2012, to assist with the planetary shift in consciousness. It originated from the Oneness University, and is part of a global phenomenon that is taking many forms. The Oneness Meditation brings you and your community the experience of Oneness-One Love, One Consciousness, One with all that is. It is helping to start a chain reaction that creates a critical mass for a shift towards setting all of humanity totally free.

Please watch this short video to understand how this meditation activates a person's kundalini (life force energy or Holy Spirit) to push them into Awakened states and full Awakening.

The Oneness Movement is working in a big way to help 70,000 people Awaken by the end of 2012. With this many fully Awakened people on earth, a field will be fixed into mass consciousness that will make Awakening automatic for everyone over the next several decades. In two generations children will start to be born Awakened and the transformation of humanity will blossom fully as suffering ends.

Not only will you help your own personal transformation by attending Oneness Meditations, you'll help heal your family and your planet as well.

Here is link showing the dates and locations of Oneness Meditations being held in the US and Canada:

You can also participate in Oneness Meditations that are streamed on-line by visiting this link showing a global calendar of Oneness Meditations webcasts:

Please view this previous article for more detailed instructions on how to get the most out of a Oneness Meditation webcast:

Please help evolve humanity's consciousness as smoothly as possible during this incredible transition. Getting as many people as possible to experience the grace, freedom ">


Peter DeBenedittis, Ph.D.Oneness Trainer