Saturday 3 September 2011 Merlin Season 5 Review

Merlin Season 5 Review
If I were to watch the last 2 episodes of this season alone, they would both be 5 fangs, no question (depressing ending aside - but I do like the reference to the Once and Future King and that old English myth that, yes, one day Arthur will return when Britain - Albion - is in its darkest hour. And then, presumably, lose his shit when confronted with a car and be thoroughly baffled by an Iphone. Still, it's an iconic legend). They included so much of what I'd wanted to see for so long and were, in the true fashion of Merlin season finales, extremely epic.

The problem was that the 11 episodes before that contained a lot of foreshadowing of those last 2 episodes (which would have worked far better for a whole new season but seemed a bit over the top for there to be 11 episodes of foundation for 2 of content). And the rest was very much more of the same. Evil Morgana who is still evil and still hates them all (she may have upgraded to a level of suffering as well - but she's suffering and evil now and the vague attempts to present her as sympathetic are quickly backed away from and more evil is brought in). Arthur and Merlin who have the same fun relationship which, yes, is fun and maybe there's more trust there but it's still a well established and plateaued relationship. Same with Merlin and Gaius. Great relationships - but already well established and not going anywhere else.

I'm also tired of Morgana always finding evil kings/mercenaries/whatnot to ally with. How does she even recruit them? "Hey, I'm Morgana, here's my resume of repeated dismal failures. I have no resources, no money and I promise to treat you like shit under my boot for the entire time we're together. Let's be besties!" I don't believe for a second "I am the unacknowledged illegitimate daughter of Uther" or even "I have nifty powers - and still fail constantly") is really carrying this much weight. Nor her "I'm the high priestes!" yes hon, but you're also 100% revenge driven which, from what we've seen, most magic users aren't best pleased about (hence why most of her allies AREN'T sorcerers). I'm actually getting a little tired of Morgana as the big bad because the story isn't changing and hasn't changed for 2 seasons. Every episode Morgana throws some magical doohicky at them: it fails, woe. Next week we try again. Is this Heptarchy Pinky and the Brain? It has a lot of interesting moments, but once Morgana evolved to "complete evil monster" almost overnight nothing changed much from there and by season 5 it was getting stale.

I think it would have helped if things had developed or been shaken up a bit. Like Merlin being able to openly use magic around Arthur earlier (Merlin even had an opportunity to demand magic be legalised and he chose to take a stab at letting Mordred die instead), or him embracing his powers more or Morgana being developed beyond "I hate you all and you will all suffer, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" And we had hints - Merlin standing up to entire bands of men confident in his power, staring down the Dochraid. We had Mordred introduced and a whole load of questions raised with it. Camelot has had peace and stability and Arthur openly challenges and rejects his father's methods of ruling. There was a lot that could have been developed but instead only got some time in the last 2 episodes, some of which felt either woefully rushed or like a terribly wasted opportunity. Seriously, you're going to give us 1 episode, 1, of post-magic revelation Arthur and Merlin interaction? The big bad secret that has lasted 5 epic seasons and this is all we get? Gah. And more which wasn't even developed just kind of waved then disappeared - the 3 priestesses of the old religion, the white dragon Aithusa, the Diamair.

It's frustrating because all through the season there's lots of foreshadowing of things changing. Of a new enemy, a new storyline, of Merlin revealing his magic etc etc - but this is the last season. Season 6, with all this behind it (and, perhaps, not so many storylines ended in the last 2 episodes) would have been incredible. But it's not happening

Now let's hit the big problem - Gwen.