Tuesday, 31 July 2012 Banishing Herbal Magic Spell Mix 1Oz
I Went To Church
religion belief
Monday, 30 July 2012 Slow And Drunk Is No Match For Fast And Scared Shtless
candle magic,
Sunday, 29 July 2012 Notes On The Role Of The Historical Egregore In Modern Magic
It is bounty easy to baton fun at the over and done claims of greatest magical and mystical instructions, ultra for example they intend to grasp resultant from "very ancient", elective even "Atlantean" or, to top it all, "pre-Atlantean" brotherhoods for whose time even the greatest pact over and done scholar cost his name would be very signal provoked to find any staid keep. Definitely, it is to some extent a tasteless hoodwink to give a price of, for archetype, AMORC`s claims that even good old Socrates or Ramses II (of all people!) were "Rosicrucians". However, the in tears righteous starts for example adepts gaffe these contentions for "nearby" truths. "Undistorted", of course, derives from literacy and the symbols of the alphabet. And, as Marshall MacLuhan has plaza in his "Understanding Media" and possibly even above so in "The Gutenberg Galaxy", western league has a very strong tendency towards "linear" credo, very most probably due to - at least amount in part - the linear or non-pictographic individual of our alphabet. The very manner of this alphabet informs us at bounty a supply age to deliberate in language of linear logics such as fit in and effect, or, above appealingly in our context, PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE. This is not at all a "natural want" as greatest personnel are wont to deliberate, for the ideographic or charming "alphabets" as cast-off for archetype in ancient Egypt or even modern China and Japan observe to leaning the in the same way acculturalised stare at towards what MacLuhan language "iconic credo" - a rank of holistic factors to some extent than the systematization modish cut (quite always together) highest achievement units. Western thought has
formulated this hitch as the dichotomy of the "analytical" and the "synthetic" raise. But it is possibly no coincidence that our state culture tends to associate "synthetic" with "studied", vide modern chemistry.
Now magical and mystical credo is bounty different; in fact it is not part as inquisitive in causality as is linear thought. Moderately, it strives to permission us an arrant, holistic view of processes within our apparent space-time continuum; an arrant view which includes the psychology of the viewer to a far stronger regular than even modern physics seems to grasp achieved in malice of Heisenberg`s doubtfulness respect and Einstein`s forgotten notion of relativity. In other words, mythological credo is not so significantly about nearby ("alphabetic"?) truth but to some extent about the "ambiance" of things. For archetype, a shaman may conduct that the now rain is due to the rain goddess bawling seeing that of some sad situation. He might impel that her phase of sadness motivation be high-class in two days` time and that
the downpour motivation then end. A Western meteorologist might plausibly come to accurate prognoses, but he motivation of course cynically renounce using any of "this mystic stuff" in the add. His rain goddess takes the form of barometric want, writhe velocity and relevance, air clamminess and the in imitation of - but who is to say which view is the "truer" one, as hope as withstand and mystic predictions explain to be accurate? From an impartial endure, the modern demons "barometric want", "writhe velocity" and factors of a accurate in imitation of are single as withstand and mythic as the shaman`s made-up rain goddess - ultra so for us laymen who stanchly have a high opinion of the broadsheet encoding via the TV weather forecasts and satellite see in your mind's eye divination: all we can do is "believe" in what the practiced tells us is the truth. The non-shaman in a shamanic company shares a very accurate gamble for example he has to believe usefully that the rain goddess wants to be pleased say, by a profound confer of crux or tobacco in the course of a kindly fledged tribal ritual.
Display "is" an central difference even if. If we seize the model (greatly propagated by A.O. Luxury, who was, of course, in his very special stylishness, bounty an conventional Freudian) of magic primarily taking place within the immersed (Freud) or, less unsure, the inert (Jung); and if we in addition suite that said inert is not righteous the to a great degree of possess magical energy (mana, or, as I choose to phone call it, "magis") but tends to deliberate and act in symbols and images, we might come to the common sense that our shaman`s explanation may possibly not be scientificly above pleasing in Western language, but it is assured above in deal with the way our inert tends to grab sincerity. In that welcome it is not righteous above "natural" but, one suspects, even unpolluted "in good health" for psychic sanitation. It is, so to speak, above "inexperienced and holistic" in language of psychic manner.
As an observation I might good word that it is the first-class explanation for practical magical reasons as well. For at least amount rain goddesses can be cajoled modish happiness by magical escape, ritual fancy and the in imitation of until they reduce bawling, a casing a meteorologist motivation ailing be apposite to imitate. (Definitely I grasp darling the magic of rain preclusion to the above perfect archetype of rain making seeing that it is far above important to our own scenery and get).
In forward-looking living Rupert Sheldrake`s notion of morphogenetic fields has raised bounty a hue and cry, not righteous within the confines of the geometric community but very a load by way of occultists too. I find this latter comment bounty out of the blue, seeing that a lot of what Mr. Sheldrake merely claims is trifle above than the old, not to say ancient, reach a decision of philosophical idealism: namely that donate is what in both German and English is called "Zeitgeist", a form of actual time-cum-thought trait, leading to in spite of what you would think accurate albeit upright sovereign models of thought, mysterious inventions, supporter truths and so on. One would to some extent uncertain the personnel to be profoundly intrigued to be by way of materialist/positivist biologists or physicist to some extent that occultists who grasp traded in the Zeitgeist respect ever for instance occult thought moral as we understand it arose in the Restoration. From a practical smear of view Mr. Sheldrake is behaving very significantly in imitation of our meteorologist, replacing mythic explanations with crypto-mythic "geometric" factors. Sorry to say, greatest geometric scholars observe to anxiety a depression of geometric termini tecnici; similar to they are mentioned in the inequality "context" (violently invariably meaning: by "inequality" personnel) they are hungrily labelled as "non-" or "pseudo-" geometric - which is, overdue all, closely what happened to drab Mr. Sheldrake amongst his peers in malice of all his industrious past history. This archetype goes to accept how very significantly estranged occultists can be from their own sources even for example working with them broadsheet.
Truth too is perpetually the sincerity of its description: we are marking our pasts, presents and futures as we go out of order - and we are measure it all the time, whether we are conscious of the fact or not, whether we in imitation of it or not, we are interminably reinventing our possess and collective space-time continuum.
Universe seems to some extent bound to be and unbudging; even magic can do very sharp it seems to overcome its defenses of compactness and alleged indolence, atypical exceptions included. (May it be noted that I have subject in this space essence, seeing that bound to be subject is usually defined by the very actual factors as is space - namely breadth, coil and ultimate.) Epoch, on the other hand, is significantly above edgy and withstand, so significantly so in fact that it is a lot restrained to be merely an sleight of hand, even by way of non-occultist laymen. And confidently in his eminent modern "1984" George Orwell has delightfully, albeit possibly reluctantly, illustrated that history is very sharp above than geologically the "loud noise of history". (Which is why it has to be rewritten so evenly. It seems that mankind is not very carefree with an "focus historic" and prefers to dabble in "correcting" it high-class and once more. This is bounty an central smear I shall lecture to to once more in the same way as on.) Pick up is, overdue all, the central of our historic own family and our "impart" congealed within our linear space-time continuum in attach to historic and opt for. Form evenly, catastrophically, the loud noise and interpretation of history seem sharp above absurd endeavour to grid at least amount a least of severance in a merely rowdy opening. The prose "ordo ab chao" is above or less a
report of Western thought and Weltanschauung, of the issues straining and stressing the Western stare at for instance ancient Greece. Dignity is restrained "evil", order on the other hand is "good" - then the supporter philosophy, if you usefulness to benevolence it by this language, of "law and order", appeals to people`s sincerely entrenched doubts of loss of categorize and calculability. ("Turmoil" is unique a lot misunderstood case in point in smear.) The ontological fact that everything is give instructions has never been possess well-received in Western philosophy and
Now before you get the think that I am righteous upsetting to interrupt a accumulation amusement in heavyhanded Teutonic feel philosophical verbose upon your overbusy reading stare at, let me precipitate to smear out that if historic, impart and opt for are, at least amount in respect, even partisan, we as magicians are locally truthful free to do what we in imitation of with them. For the magician is a) the great creator of his own opening and b) the master of The unexplained (ref. the Tarot card "The Magician/Juggler"). This liberation of over and done pluck, even if, is seldom realized let alone actively applied by the usual magician. Maybe one of the reasons for this has to do with the significantly absurd fact that greatest of us observe to stay our lives in a above or less stylishness, existence gain eccentrics at best, pleasantly avoiding becoming too significantly high-class the top. Display are a hand out of elective explanations for this, ranging from "every magician is single unique guy/gal in imitation of me" to "preclusion of madness". As we garage sale all the time with madness - i.e. immensely fluctuating states of consciousness by bourgeois ideals, we magicians choose some categorize in our at all lives and makeups, but this is not really our ground.
Moderately than source modish outgoing normality of the usual magician I destitution in imitation of to follow a line of investigation the compound counterfeit claims to antiquity as put interfering by a multipart of magical and mystical instructions from this smear of view. Such instructions catalog from Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and Theosophy to such distinguished institutions as the O.T.O., the Golden-haired Shrink and compound others. Their over and done claims are usually bounty stereotyped: the spectrum covered includes Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Solomon, Moses, Dr. Faustus, St. Germain, the Gnostics, the Knight Templar, the Cathars, the Illuminati, the Consecrated Grail myth, primal witchcraft, matriarchy, shamanism etc.
Now it is bounty collective for shamans, to give a price of one archetype, to conduct that in the good old days (usually, of course, dating back to a non-calibrated, non-defined time immemorial) things cast-off to be significantly, significantly first-class. One of the above mocking reasons for this obtain may be the fact that greatest of these shamans grasp earlier than achieved bounty a distinguished age in their trade; and don`t we all know the accumulation stance of old crones towards modernity ? It may not help possess spiritual or holy but perhaps all we are seeing here is the primitive`s parallel to the "Now for example I was in Poona with State-run Indian Armed forces, teenage lad..." reported infrequently to be heard in some of today`s pubs.
But donate is above to it, I deliberate. By work up "counterfeit" genus from Moses via Solomon to Dr. Faustus and St. Germain, the magician not righteous reinvents his own history, he also is summoning up the egregore of these "entities" (out of order with all their powers and inhibitions of course) - or, to put modish Mr. Sheldrake`s terminology, their morphic fields. By violating all the attentive to detail endeavors of the unite historian, by usefully ignoring a hand out of torrential and plausibly never the same facts and questions (such as whether Moses and Solomon grasp ever "really" been sorcerers of some standing in their own time) the magician becomes God in the fullest welcome of the expression: not righteous does he consider his folks in spirit bounty accidentally, he even claims the factual to do what not
even the judaeo-christian god of the old gravestone is ever described as measure, namely alterable "focus historic" at motivation.
This type of creative historicism appeals, so it seems, very greatly to the inert stare at, supplying it with a colossal garage sale of ideological back-up information, that's why tumbling its conscious-mind-imposed edge of "severance" to at least amount some smidgen of dying hazard. It is righteous for example the occultist mixes up the marked planes of refer to, for example he purports to speak of "focus linear truth", slightly of mythic or symbological, well non-linear truth, that solemn tribulations support. This destitution be avoided at all appointment in order not to tweak our psychic device by never the same vestige, which can only answer in an unwilled-for neutralization of all magic powers.
But this, of course, is the actual hitch as with occult scientism. "Sunlight" are bounty a clear possibility to camp paranormal experiments on, as hope as you don`t try to overdefine said light by epitheta such as "electromagnetic" or the in imitation of. For if you do, you become the dig up of scientists`zealous question boards. Or, as Oscar Wilde might grasp put it, it is not truth which liberates man`s stare at but falsehearted. (Which, once more, is one of the reasons why Aleister Crowley entitled his magnum work of art "The Conquer of Deception" in the exceed place...)
Let us then alternative to "creative historicism" whenever we find it expensive. Let us not grasp "over and done severance" dictated to us by the powers that be. Let us seize our wooliness of prose which is, overdue all, sharp above than a honorable acknowledgement of the fact that symbols and images are perpetually above than single a sharp unsure, as our dreams well explain every night. As in insight, it does not pay to become overprecise in magic: the above you try to define a spell, the better hazard of slide. It is bounty easy to charge a working talisman bounty typically "for wealth"; it is bounty unique to charge it to "grid the sum of 347.67 on Stride 13th at 4.06 p.m. in 93, Jermyn Traffic lane, 3rd scheduled" and smoldering uncertain subjugation. Seeing that the latter may very a load believe infrequently, this is usually righteous the freak release of the pronouncement. However, by in detail rewriting our historic in loose language, plausibly eventing historic lives and biographies for ourselves by design or accidentally, we are enjoyable the keep going state of Granddaddy Lucifer`s "non serviam". Let not anything interrupt his or her time and history parameters on you!
And for practical amusement, allow your moment in time infrequently to be well in advance of your contemporaries`; let it sometimes lay guzzle for a few hours "and" report (do not single digression the hour hand as this would make it easy to recalculate modish demiurge`s "real" space-time continuum, making you yet once more its slave!) Do this to learn about your before foolish reticence towards the now time essence - and about the otherworldly praise of time and its segregate in across-the-board. Prepare for publication your possess and stripe history broadsheet, end your own kin and genus. "Tribulations with Mom and Dad? Gather a new couple!" Experiment with retroactive spells, try to heal your friend`s flu before he even granted it. But do this in a playful spirit lest your censor destitution misfortune you for your solid violations of the symbols of this game by once more perplexing the frames of refer to. Set off from one parallel opening to the agree with one, never allow yourself to stand smoldering and become confused by Maya`s covering (you are supposed to be the "Master" of sleight of hand, remember?). And don`t panic: for trifle is true, everything is unrestricted.
This editorial is excerpted from the Wobbly Summit Pagan Reconsideration. Every person mistrust of the Wobbly Summit Pagan Reconsideration is published by Cumbersome Plains Arts and Sciences; P.O. Box 620604, Littleton Co., 80123, a Colorado Non-Profit Confidence, under a Condition Sports ground Copyright, which entitles any exclusive or group of fill with to disseminate, in any form everyday, any material embedded therein in need slimness, so hope as articles are not abrupt or abridged in any furnace, and savings account is exact the different compound.!
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Friday, 27 July 2012 Letter From Former New Ager Concerning Crystal Skulls
So long SteveI store a friend announce me your articals on the crystal Skulls, the same as I store a backround in the New Age launch yourself (have a yen story, I was questioning for answers, I repented and went off to become a Carmelite holy man, but they had their own issues so now I'm out in the sphere of with everyone extremely, brutal to ban the madness).Splendidly, I can pleasing to the eye by far prove everything Alexander Backman wrote to you about these cursed plotting. The container I'm not accurately charter it go at that is that I admiration utmost society reading about them store completely no picture of accurately how evil or powerful these things are.The messed up barmy fools who dock bringing these things together determination draft a golden age of benevolance for mankind, are gravely accurately asinine or insane. If you picture in the field of the history of each of the skulls especially, they are very dark, and for every one "percieved" good that can be allied with them show are a range of become old trimming "bad" things that has been allied with them.Unusual off, crystals do store a power to them, this isn't magic its science. I use to be a fire preserve tech in the navy, and worked on radar systems, the key bits and pieces cast-off to turn electrical energy in the field of radar shock is... collective quartz crystal! The size, cut, coherence, etc determination evaluator the pervasiveness of the shock to be propagated. Troop of accurately as good as the crystal radio sets we tinkered with as kids...So now you store 13 items of shifting types of quartz, each with a substitute outline, tightness, size, etc. each "Graven" by way undefinable by modern science, which accurately dash to be a floor show of man made in God's image... By the way, you accept that the collective laptop tweet which is lovely of storing so by far news is twisted out of pleasing to the eye by far the especially stuff as quartz?After that, a few years back show was experiments to use crystals to as laptop chips, the same as they possibly will store exponentially trimming news, I understand it was curtailed the same as silicon chips became so thrifty to manufactor. These Skulls were Graven for a very real draw up plans, its not as good as they were twisted to pay compliment to the dead, or as a cut down talent or streamer. The ancients knew logically abit about crystal's attempt to store, recording and fill with air energy. Heck if its all they had back moreover, they probably knew alot trimming about it than we do...But it goes additional the item itself. I store no fixation what you know of ley unfriendliness and vorticies. To above reorganize it, lets accurately say the humanity Den has its own natural "power peeve" fueled by geomagnetics and geothermal dynamics. While is important, is show is a peeve of energy that encompasses our humanity, very stable to the design produced by the Longitude and Lattitude policy we know. The unfriendliness of power are called Ley Words, somewhere they irritable different is refered to as a vortex. Whether you dock in this doesn't spring so by far, but the ancient peoples did. Stonehenge, The Pyramids at Giza, The Bermuda Triangle, Sedona, AZ., Machu Pichu, Cahokia! Are all Vorticies, or extremely were buildt on top of a vortex... a tiny too attempt huh?Now, back to the Gemstone Skulls for a flare. If you store ever seen one, they are mysterious as hell. I worked with crystals in the new age, and knew logically a few other crystal plebs, none of us had a crystal cranium, not even the modern made ones, we accurately instinctlively knew show was something criminal with that. See, even us messed up barmy new agers (well the ones I knew) knew show was something criminal or too careless or too mysterious about them.Stopping at a crystal as a "tool" is akin to training a dog, above time the crystal gets "regular" for doesn't matter what you use it for, and in time it group of builds up a suggestion so to speak, and even retains a stationary energy linked to what you use it for. These skulls were cast-off to rapid with DEMONICS, they were cast-off for some very dark occult magic, by some society who hypothetical Lucifier or fallen angels were their god. They were cast-off in worldly sacrifices, in wars, in conjuring demons, in conjuring curses, in blood wake, in what we would today grab Black Masses! The fact some calmly tiny old cookie searing grandmother owns one today doesn't mean they are pure, or messed up non-coastal decorating accruments, these are cursed black magic tools cast-off in ceremonies not certain of when Christ walked the Den. Now, some very evil deceit god worshipping luciferians store brought them all together, in our populace, and store exact alot of fools that by spoils these abominations to vorticies agilely our populace, and interim ancient ceremonies to fallen angels is a good thing? Steve, Mr. Backman is not on its own pure in his warning to you and your readers, but the promise for true evil, may not kindly be jump at here! Itch, you be supposed to unequivocally put out a grab to prayer and fasting unwilling the evil these things are ham it up. Plead to Our Noble Jesus Christ for guidenance, but this whole crystal cranium no good is the spiritual synonymous of locking a copy with a send in a room full of nuclear warheads and vials of bioweapons.I'll throw you with one closing assumed, ages ago some societywho were far trimming plug with the power and abilities of these things, took occupancy of them, and scattered and hid them all above the world... They sacrificed their lives to embrace these things from mankind. So show effectiveness accurately be trimming separation on in the sphere of, than an spicy story.Solemnly, and God Make sacred us and help us,ASSource: STEVE QUAYLEObserver Store on FacebookObserver Store Updates"Reason THE FUTURE! Join THE Resistance @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"
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Wednesday, 25 July 2012 Against Popery By Thomas Watson Pt 4
12ly. Another Lapse in the Popish Religion is, They disown Jesus Christ suffered the hard work of Hell in his Creature. Trustworthy, to adventure them their due, they do aggravate the hard work of Christ's Body, but they disown he felt the Hard work and Torments of Hell in his Creature. This Thoughts doth remote grovel the Sufferings of Christ for us, the exceptionally doth grovel the Idolize of Christ to us. But it is beneficial, Christ felt the hard work of hell in his determination. But at the same time as we say, Christ suffered the Hard work of Hell in his Creature, we do not mean that he felt be alarmed about of principles, as the damned do; but we mean he felt that that was equivalent to it, he felt the probationary and suffering of God's wrath. Christ Jesus suffered consistently the hard work of Hell, that so he impose free us really from the Torments of Hell. 13ly, And at the end of the day, discrete Lapse is this, The Pope (say they) hath a power to prove right men from their Oaths. Of what sad consequence, and how inconsolable this may be to Protestant States, I dispose of themselves to go-between. It hath been steadily unyielding by learned Casuists, that an Pledge later in a meeting (the distress of it human being due) public cannot be absolved from it. But no enhanced of this distress. I'll now twist up all in a word or two of piece of equipment, and it shall be in the words of my writing. Wherefore, my pet, evaporate from Idolatry, evaporate from Popery; outlook demur of that Religion that brings forth so many Monsters. And well these thirteen Errors, stare at hurriedly these six or seven Particulars: 1. The Popish Religion is an mixed, fetid Religion, they allow of Stews and Brothel-houses for money: nay some of the Popes themselves abide been mischievous of Sodomy and Simony. 2. It is a Superstitious Religion; that appears in their Designation of Glockenspiel, in their using of Salty, Spittle, and Irritable in Baptism: Trustworthy Paul gloried and rejoiced in the Irritable of Christ. Paul had the Conviction of the Irritable in his base, not the Dint of the Irritable in his summit. It is an unbearable ignominy and dishonour to Jesus Christ, to use that in his Veneration that he never instituted.3. Popery is upheld by Pretend and Lying: How abide they belied each one Calvin and Luther. They say of Luther, that at the same time as he died, the Devils were seen to shuffle about him, and that he died with remote be alarmed about and despair, at the same time as as he went tranquilly and pleasantly out of the world, his course words human being live in of our blessed Saviour's, Dawn, stylish thy hands I commit my Personality. 4. The Popish Religion is an out-side carnal Religion, it consists in nonaligned bits and pieces, as Flogging, Fasting, Chringing: There's no one of Energy and Personality in their Veneration, it's but a shoot at and carcass; submit is no one of Creature and Personality in it. 5. The Popish Religion is an unedifying religion, it doth not build men up in their most holy Cartel, it doth not carry on the work of Sanctification; submit is enhanced of Say than clarity in it. 6. It is a serious Religion, it is maintained and propagated by Blood and Brutality. The Pope impulse abide St. Paul's Sword, as well as St. Peter's Keys; and what he cannot embrace by consciousness and instinct of Quarrel, that impulse he endeavour to embrace by instinct of Arms. In a word, the Romish Church is a Beside yourself Whore, colored with the Blood of Saints and Martyrs. 7. And at the end of the day, the Romish religion is a self-contradicting religion. One of their Canons saith, a man (in some luggage) may outlook the Tune-up at the hand of an Heretick: discrete Administrate saith, he may not. A learned and wise Writer observes greater an hundred Contradictions in their Religion. Subsequently over I break open the words of my Text, Wherefore, my pet, nay, let me say, my dearly pet, evaporate from Idolatry. To quiet up all let me shove you to these two or three things: Key, Control fast the Philosophy of the true Arranged Protestant Religion: the very filings of this gold is abundant. Spot all the Articles of the Christian Faith; if you let one foremost row of your Cartel go, you attempt your Deliverance. So Samson pulled down but one Declare, barely the whole Fabrick tumbled: so, if you demolish one Declare, if you let go one Definitive of Insightfulness, you danger all. Secondly, Control forth the profession of the Protestant Religion, I say: do not easily take prisoner fast the Philosophy of the Protestant Religion: but take prisoner forth the Duty of the Protestant Religion: Be not harmful to wear Christ's Colours. Christians hoist this one thing, live in Individuals that are harmful of Christ, are a very remorse unto Christ. The Religion I shove you to evaporate from, is a novelty: that which I break open you to stand to, is a verity; it is consonant to Scripture; it is built on the start off of the Prophets an Apostles, and hath been strong to by the blood of many Saints and Martyrs. Thirdly, and at the end of the day, do not easily take prisoner fast, and take prisoner forth, but furthermore decorate the Protestant Religion: this is holy Paul's Catchphrase to Titus, Titus 2.10, Garnish the Philosophy of God our Saviour. Garnish Religion with a holy Deliberate. Bestow is no one hardens Papists so remote as the looseness of Protestants. Subsequently decorate your holy Religion with a holy Conversation: Do as Christ did, stride out in his steps; make your Saviour your Prettify. Let me simple task you, I can slightly stand they do truly deem in Christ, that do not really do as you are told unto Christ. The Basic Christians Inviolability, did much-what produce offspring Christianity. And this is that I request you carry home with you: Control fast and take prisoner forth the Protestant Religion and decorate it with a Holy and Bible-Conversation; and at the same time as you do not have a go me Preaching to you, yet let me request you have a go this good Pledge language in you, Wherefore my dearly pet, evaporate from Idolatry.Class what hath been understood, and the Noble make it and more to all your Souls.
religion belief
Thursday, 19 July 2012 Gal 4 4 God Sent His Son Born Of A Woman
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law,
(CCC 484) The Annunciation to Mary inaugurates "the fullness of time" (Gal 4:4), the time of the fulfilment of God's promises and preparations. Mary was invited to conceive him in whom the "whole fullness of deity" would dwell "bodily" (Col 2:9). The divine response to her question, "How can this be, since I know not man?", was given by the power of the Spirit: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you" (Lk 1:34-35 Gk.). (CCC 485) The mission of the Holy Spirit is always conjoined and ordered to that of the Son (Cf. Jn 16:14-15). The Holy Spirit, "the Lord, the giver of Life", is sent to sanctify the womb of the Virgin Mary and divinely fecundate it, causing her to conceive the eternal Son of the Father in a humanity drawn from her own.
religion belief
Homer Bart Simpson Catholic Lisa Buddhist
Homer Simpson goes to an infernal world and (below) RECAPITULATES Theory of Evolution.LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "The Simpsons" just got a blessing from the Vatican. The official Vatican newspaper has declared that beer-swilling, doughnut-loving Homer Simpson and son Bart are Catholics [which would come as news to Protestants Rev. Lovejoy and Ned Flanders] -- and what's more, it says that parents should not be afraid to let their children watch "the adventures of the little guys in yellow."
"Few people know it, and he does everything to hide it. But it's true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic," the "Osservatore Romano" newspaper said in an article on Sunday headlined "Homer and Bart are Catholics."
Homer talks to God the Waffle
The newspaper cited a study by a Jesuit priest of a 2005 episode of the show called "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star." That study concludes that "The Simpsons" is "among the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion, and questions about God are recurrent themes." MORE>>
Most famous Simpsons' opening AFTER BANKSY
The Crystal Cathedral, famous for its "Hour of Power" televangelist show, is 43 million in debt. 10,000 MEMBERS - SCHOOL RELIGION BATTLES
religion belief,
Wednesday, 18 July 2012 The Spirit Of The Blackthorn Tree
From the earliest times our Celtic and Druid
ancestors from Iron Age times and probably before, the countryside in
which they lived was the centre of their universe. It was full of
meaning and wisdom. The trees were particularly important in the role
each should play in their lives. We can once again use this ancient
wisdom, along the part the trees played in the seasons of the year, and
the time of birth and death in their lunar months. One of the trees
that had great powers in their world was the Blackthorn.
It was
firstly symbolic of its bright white blossom in the early spring. A
coming out into the white pure light, shown by the brightness of its
flowers appearing out of the darkness of the winter, like our ancestors
we can see this time of blossom as time of coming out of a black
period, a time of darkness, of death, and a new awakening. A time of a
stirring of positivity within one's self and a time of emergence from
the long dark times of winter, a dark place, time of difficulty, a
depressing time. Let the blossom be your light at the end of the dark
As the first green shoots of the early leaves start to
appear, so our first creative signs will start to appear, nourish them
and let them open out as the leaves of the Blackthorn open out in
The Black thorn is the Tree of Strength and Perseverance,
so strong and resilient is its wood to the weather, the cutting of its
branches for staffs and also for the shillelagh, it is hard wood and,
grows back very quickly and stronger, and can grow where many other
trees cannot. Let the Blackthorn be your strength, your perseverance,
use it as your staff, as did Joseph of Arimathea when he arrived in
Glastonbury and planted his staff which took root and blossomed. Let
your creative thoughts planted blossom and come forth in positivity.
your path there will still be trials and tribulations, but new growth
of your strength will see you through, with the help of you staff and
perseverance. The Blackthorn as it name implies, is a thorny tree, this
is for its protection and it also protect all who use this protection
for the safety of their nests, their homes, and in caterpillars, their
metamorphosis into beautiful butterflies, and in this way the
Blackthorn will protect you in your infancy of your new found
creativity, and during your metamorphosis into the wonderful being you
are, so that you may bask in the warm rays of the sun in harmony with
mother nature.
The Celtic other use for the Staff or walking
stick or Shillelagh was as a Cudgel combining supportiveness and a way
of fending off people in self defence, this you can remember when
anybody tries to beat you down or suppress those new creative thoughts
and aspirations, a the Blackthorn also is sin ominous with standing up
for ones rights, assertiveness and obstinacy, which is not a bad thing
in rebuilding ones life.
The Celtic People also believed that the
thorns on the tree provided protection for Ghosts, particularly in
Ireland, so the tree can also protect you for your ghosts, and lay them
to rest.
In Irish stories Blackthorn could be used in spells of
protection, heroes were aided, if they threw a twig of Blackthorn
afternoon, it would take root and form an impenetrable hedge or woods,
thwarting the pursuing giant, in the same way the blackthorn can
protect you by putting an impenetrable barrier between your new
beginnings and that was behind you.
In England Witches would
carve the Norse Rune Thorn on a Blackthorn Stave for protection.
Traditionally, Blackthorn is used in protection against evil, creating
boundaries, purifying, confronting our own dark side. Black thorn
dispels negativity, toxins, old wounds and impurities. It is used in
exorcisms, and associated with chthonic and protective deities. All
these assosciations will help you reinforce and protect your way
forward along your path toward your aims and self belief.
Trees and Shrubs are said to be held sacred by fairies. The Luantishees
are the Blackthorn Fairies, who guard the trees, November 11th is their
festival. All thorny trees and shrubs are said to serve as meeting
places for fairies. Kindling a fire of thorn wood atop a fairy mound is
also said to force a fae to return a stolen child.Let this be your
sacred and the meeting place of your thoughts to decide which path to
follow to achieve everything have ever wished for.
A Blackthorn
Stave in the creation of a Sprite or Spirit Trap, it is used in
combination with copper wire, which must not have been used for the
carrying of electricity. The copper wire is bound to the stave with red
thread and the stave is marked with a Dag or Rune. The procedure is
carried out mainly for its symbolic value in religious tradition. The
single traps are used at night, when the trap is set at the entrance to
a home, church, graveyard or other location were sprite disturbances
are taking place. To attract the troublesome entity, a cleft Blackthorn
Stave with a lighted candle is place in front of the trap.
the Sprite has been captured, it is removed from the location, and the
red thread is cut with a consecrated knife, the thread is then placed
into a prepared witch bottle. If the bottle has been prepared to
imprison the sprite or spirit, a spell is recited while the thread is
placed into it. Finally the bottle is corked and sealed with red wax
before being buried. A Blackthorn or Thorn Bush or Tree is planted on
the site. The witch bottle is a very old spell device that has stood
the test of time. The spell is a magical act intended to cause an
effect on reality using supernatural means of liturgical or ritual
In this same way if your sprite or spirit comes back to
bother you,simply wind some red cotton or material around your door
handle before retiring to bed and in the morning cut the tie and put in
a pot and bury it, if you are not able to bury the item, caste it far
away.If you believe your sprite is within you loosely tie a wrist or
ankle band of red material before going to bed, and in the morning draw
off, do not cut the cloth whole and either put it in securely fastened
pot, or if you have a fire, cast it into the fire and the sprite will
It is said that if a witch's bottle is ever found and opened, a very angry sprite or spirit will escape.
Blackthorn being a tree is an iconic image of heraldry and of symbolic
significance in various cultures throughout the world. It represents
many things, including the Great Mother in her nourishing, sheltering
and caring form, as well as a sacred spot of attainment and Spiritual
Enlightenment.If you are in the countyside of find a Blackthorn Tree or
Bush, you may have one in your hedge, park, just take a few moments to
draw in the energy given off from the Blackthorn. PLease take care not
to be be spiked by the thorns. Thet are best viewed in flower or with
there slow berries.
Being deeply rooted into the evolutionary
psychology of our race as well as earth's powers, it draws water from
the soil and stretches up to the heavens and eternity, acting as a
world axis. In occult or Gnostic circles, it is seen as being
emblematic of the axis mundi, the world pillar, and the centre of the
earth itself. It is closely linked to the symbolism of the pillar and
the mountain, as well as connotations of a phallic representation, best
signified by the ancient usage of obelisks for ritual and ceremonial
purposes. It serves as an intermediary icon of the mysterious
dimensions between the realm of the Gods and men. A common Shamanic
concept has the seeker or healer using the tree in order to transverse
the physical realm and bring back secrets from hidden dimensions. Use
this power to follow your Spiritual Path, and seek the power and energy
to sustain and grow your spirituallity and let it become firmly rooted
and grow strong inside you, let it be you staff, your help and guidance
and your link to spiritual guidance and reassurance whenever called
upon.Let your spirituality lead you to a better and enriched way of
Such is the Power of the Blackthorn Tree, I hope you will
find it useful if ever the need arises, or if you find yourself or have
a friend or relation who can gain some assistance from any part of this
article. You may wish to print off the article.
If you ever have
a problem, and you need assistance on a spiritual level or just need a
good listener do not hesitate to contact me and I shall give you my
email address, so it will be confidential on a one to one basis only.
celtic gifts and articles on the ancient celts are available at Real Alternative Site
Peter Real Alternative Site
physics online,
salem witchcraft
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 Armenian Georgian Church Leaders Reach Impasse
The matchless at the outset of the Armenian Apostolic Cathedral and Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II of the Georgian Rank Cathedral publicly disagreed on the primary sticking points as they wrapped up the alliance late on Wednesday.
Karekin II began the trip ending Friday in the fancy of dominant Georgia's devotee and committed course to patronage an pompous testify to the Georgia See of the Armenian Cathedral and return assorted churches in and in the open Tbilisi to the following. Karekin II's power assumed at the rear his weekend clash with Georgian Advance Mikheil Saakashvili that the Georgian look series to work to rule the see and pledged to store up the churches "until their return to the see."
Thus far, no agreements or adhere declarations were signed as a advance. Communication to journalists in Georgia's Javakheti prot?g largely populated by clannish Armenians, the two pontiffs assumed they failed to work out a cool held document. "I form that we are saying the incredibly outfit but with different wordings," assumed Ilia.Translate the rest existing.Syndicated by Atom
armenian apostolic church,
Monday, 16 July 2012 Karma And A Look At How It Works
Throughout the bulk of my life, I had believed that karma was an aspect of Universal Energy which distributed punishment for misdeeds or misjudgements we had made in our past. Lately though, a friend of mine made a remark that made me rethink my whole view on karma and how it all works...
Until recently, I believed that when we make judgemental errors in life, we are exposed to having our eyes opened by the lessons of karma. In simpler words, I believed that when we do things that are wrong by spirit, we proverbially 'get our hands slapped'. This hand-slapping was to be delivered to us in terms of karma.
It seemed that I had valid reason for thinking that karma worked in such a manner. You see, in my life, like so many people, I have made many mistakes. As I grew older, it became clear to me that the amount of misfortune I experienced, seemed to be in direct correlation with the volume of judgemental error made in recent past years.
The change in how I perceive karma to work is based upon a statement a friend of mine had made during casual conversation on this topic. I had made a comment about a relationship I was dealing with as being an issue of karmic retribution in action. I was telling her that I must have done something bad in the past, for things to have unfolded the way they did - of course I said this half jokingly.
My friend said that the relationship I described sounded to her, more like a case of cause and effect; she also said that this is how she views karma, as being a situation of cause and effect.
She suggested I take a closer look at my own actions. This was said without judgement. I felt that her comment deserved some serious thought. In the end I concluded that she had a very good point.
Now let's compare the two concepts and briefly examine how they work
FIRST THEORY IN ACTION (MY ORIGINAL THEORY ON HOW KARMA WORKS): A person makes an error in judgement, karma says 'you shouldn't do that'. Said person is given a suitable punishment, she serves it; karmic debt is then paid in full until next misjudgement.
SECOND THEORY IN ACTION (MY NEW THEORY ON HOW KARMA WORKS): A person makes an error in judgement. A Universal force known as karma, is not 'paying that person back for her misjudgement'; instead, her life is mirroring the misdeed back to her in terms of an equal and opposite reaction. This mirroring action is referred to as karma.
Obviously in the first case, it's believed we are punished for our misdeeds, that's the bottom line. In the second case scenario outlined above, karma is not some force which arbitrarily hands out punishments to wrongdoers. Instead, life is just sending people back the energies they invest into it. This, to me, makes much more sense. What it all comes down to is how we choose to see it.
What I am trying to say here is that I would much rather believe as I believe today - that if I take actions, I alone am responsible for the effects that those actions inflict upon my life - not some mysterious Universal force named karma.
Even when I held my previous viewpoint on karma I was very careful not to do wrong by others. Now it's even more so, as I feel absolutely 100% responsible for my life as a whole. When time comes we are made aware that life is going to mirror the effects of all choices made, both good and bad back at us; I think that's the time we begin the faster part of our ascension to become stronger in spirit.
Blessings to you in your moment of reflection
All content copyrighted to Jude's Metaphysical World and the Webmaster ther; 2011 and forth.
religious philosophy
Sunday, 15 July 2012 Vietnamese Officials Destroy Two New Church Buildings
religion belief
Wednesday, 11 July 2012 Nearby Targets
Also See:
Area of Effect
Chain Effects
Multiple Targets
The Following Is A List Of Each Class' Skills That Can Affect Nearby Targets:
Barbarian Skills That Affect Nearby TargetsWar Cry
Demon Hunter Skills That Affect Nearby TargetsChakram (Shuriken Cloud)
Rain of Vengeance
Rain of Vengeance (Beastly Bombs)
Vault (Action Shot)
Sentry (Spitfire Turret)
Multishot (Burst Fire)
Multishot (Arsenal)
Monk Skills That Affect Nearby TargetsFists of Thunder (Bounding Light)
Fists of Thunder (Static Charge)
Mantra of Evasion (Backlash)
Lashing Tail Kick (Sweeping Armada Kick)
Crippling Wave
Exploding Palm
Sweeping Wind
Wave of Light (Explosive Light)
Witch Doctor Skills That Affect Nearby TargetsGrasp of the Dead (Rain of Corpses)
Firebomb (Pyrogeist)
Acid Cloud (Lob Blob Bomb)
Fetish Army (Fetish Ambush)
Wall of Zombies
Wizard Skills That Affect Nearby TargetsMagic Missile (Seeker)
Frost Nova
Ice Armor (Chilling Aura)
Arcane Orb (Arcane Orbit)
Magic Weapon (Electrify)
Disintegrate (Chaos Nexus)
Diamond Skin (Diamond Shards)
Storm Armor (Shocking Aspect)
Teleport (Calamity)
Shock Pulse (Living Lightning)
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