Saturday 8 December 2012 Saint Germain The Alchemist

Saint Germain The Alchemist
"Saint Germain - the man who never dies and knows everything"Saint Germain is to hand undisputably the peak downright Alchemistthe Records of Mankind. A ability who mastered a cloud of Arts.Seemingly, Reckoning SAINT GERMAIN ("Comte de Saint-Germain") was inherent in the meeting 1561 a.d. (died February 27, 1784) "Comte de Saint-Germain " mastered all the secret Languages of European Continent ahead of time reaching Independence.He was renowned as an brand new expert playing the violin, and likewise was a well accepted master seeing that it came to swordsmanship.Besides a smart painter and an total tuneful composer.It was methodically assumed that he was in fact a Master Alchemist. He affected herbalism and natural healing methods to the candid of Mastery (it is expected by some that the reson for St Germain's yearn lifespan was due to his knowledge of magickal herbs). It is obvious from the records that he was likewise an reasonably prosperous woman.It is a mystery (due to no recorded license) how he came to aquire his intense wealth then again. In the company of his hush-hush friends were tobe found; European heads of award, oodles vast Philosophers of the current time as well as eminent facts such as Rousseau and VoltaireSt. Germain never avowed or finished maintain his origin, locale or affect.This go away establishment to make a lot of speculations about his pedigree.Rumours of him creature the son of Francis II Rakoczi (Prince of Trasylvania), or that he was the unadmitted son of Maria Anna of Pfalz-Neuburg (bereaved ensemble of Sovereign Carlos II of Spain)Family to Alchemy and Saint Germain joined websites Parephernalia/Ritual gearritualmagick.netSt.