Monday 31 December 2012 Setting Up For Ritual Magic

Setting Up For Ritual Magic

By Trevor Robbins

There are many set ups for doing ritualistic magic. There are also many debates on the proper way to set up your alter for ritual as well. A good majority of pagans do agree with the simple alter setup. That is having both the god and goddess symbols and the four elements. The alter set up I am going to explain will make you ritual magic work to it's peak effectiveness.

First of all, you have to research what you need for what your purpose of the ritual. Is it a healing spell or could it be a spell for love?

What is it you want to do? What planet does your need fall under? What day should you do your ritual to make your magic work the best?

What numbers should you use to work with you need? Numbers are extremely powerful. You have to keep all of this in mind when preparing to do your ritual.

Once you have completed your research, you will be ready to setup your ritual. First, you place your god and goddess symbols at the northern portion of your alter. Next you place your symbols for the elements. North for earth, West for water, South for fire, and East for air. Last you will place your planetary symbols. You must have four of your planetary symbol because you have four representing the elements. When this is done, you will be ready to begin your ritual. If you would like to do a divination to see if the setup is correct, this would be the time to do it. Now you should be able to perform ritualistic magic, and make it work to its greatest potential.

By. Rev Trevor Robbins

For help with the research you will need, visit my friends at and go to the correspondence link. This information was brought to my attention by. Dr. Charles Frazier PHDB