Sunday, 31 March 2013 Us Says Few Reports On Religious Discrimination In Cyprus
divided regions,
political geography
Saturday, 30 March 2013 Eob2E
This is not a walk through. It's simply a set of spoilers for the
various puzzles for this game.
Some basic techniques
1. Pressure plate. Each of them will have different behaviour. To
activate them, either step on it or leave something on them. Sometime you need to throw some items there when you can physically reach them.
2. Hidden button. Check the walls carefully. Sometimes you will find a protuding brick or buttons. Clicking in them will often open a secret passage.
3. Most door have a button to open them. Sometime a key is needed. There are some which can be force opened. Others requires you to do something they can be opened.
4. Cast 'True Seeing' whenever possible. It let you see through secret door.
5. Always carries some additional items. You won't know when you need them to activate pressure plate or other mechanism.
There is a stairway somewhere in the forest. Some items can be
found here.
Darkmoon temple (0)
Once you enter the temple, there is no way to get out.
From here, there is a staircase down to the dungeon below and another which leads to the priest chamber.
Dungeon level
You must look for 4 horns : north, south, east, west wind.
Skeleton level
North Wind : in the guard room
NPC : A thief - He will leave you when you rest.
Skeleton level
East Wind : found in a certain room when you open 2 doors with
2 darkmoon keys.
NPC : Calandra - A fighter
Weapon : Axe "The Bait"
Short Sword "Sting"
Slime level
This is no way you can rest here. If you need to rest, find the
stone gem fast and get in and out of this level with it.
South Wind : behind 3 doors, need 2 darkmoon keys, 1 spider key.
There is a staircase which let you get out of this level here.
In a certain room. You will find 9 pressure plates. To open the
door, you need to place 5 items on the pressure such that a 'X'
is formed.
x. x
. x.
x. x
Beyond the door. Through a few secret door. You'll find a stone
gem, 2 glass sphere (don't lose them), a cloak "Moonshade"
Portal : Behind a door with a spider lock. Using stone gem on the
portal will teleport you to a portal in the priest chamber. This
is one of the way to get out of here.
Weapon : Sword "Hath Kull" -2 cursed
Items : Get 3 or more femur/skull. 5 or more rock.
Ant level
West Wind : found at the SW corner of the ants level.
Weapon : Dagger "Sa Shull"
Priest Chamber
Things to try out : Attack statue. Sometimes a button is hidden behind.
There is a place where you will find a mouth. You can go ahead only
when you have the mark of darkmoon.
Portal : There is a room with a portal. Drop your extra items here so
that you'll be able to get them easily. Try to group the same kind of
items together so that it's easier for you to get them later.
The crimson lock needs a crimson key. You can only find it later in the
If you happen to end up in a place where you can find 3 gems and a
copper key. You'll need to place the 3 gems in the slot where the
copper key is found. Get the tropelet seed and plant it in the soft
ground to grow a portal. Step into it to get of this place.
Temple (Entrance)
Search for the picture of a wind blowing. Blow the 4 horns here.
This will break the seal and reveal a staircase up.
Mantis level
This is the starting level of the test of faith.
Weapon : Long Sword "Hunger".
To get the sword, you need to go across those electric beam.
x . x x x
>... x x x
x x. x.. --> out
x ... x
x : permanent beam
. : moving beam
Once you get across. There will be a tough fight. If you win the
fight. Press a button on the wall to switch off the moving beam.
There is a triangular hole here. Place a rock inside and it will
turn into a wand.
NPC : Tanglor - Fighter / Cleric
Dying mantis : If you heal it, it will attack.
Talking mouth : Give 3 bones to it (femur or skull). You'll get
a bone key in return.
There is a place where you will find 2 pits. Press a button on the
wall to close the first once. Then throw something across the pit
to close the second one. You can get a mantis key here.
Mantis Nest : Attack the egg one by one. Don't go near all the way
or all the mantis will attack together. Get the green gem, then
put it back to reveal a passage. Get the mantis idol and the
glass sphere (don't lose it). (You should have 3 glass spheres by
Warp level
In the room with 4 levers.
1 2 North
3 4 ^
Pull levers in this order: 1, 3, 4
Walk inside the passage. Press a brick on the wall. (Your thief
should alert you)
Walk back again. Pull lever 2. The hole is not closed but you must
have faith to walk on it.
There are 2 portals at the end of this level. Take the right portal.
Flying Snake level
Door I : Fireball trap
Door III : Fake beholder. It will explore when attacked.
Door II : Force open a certain door to get the rotten food.
When asked to choose the right door. Choose the RIGHT door.
Dying priest : Leave him alone. You'll be trapped inside if you
kill him.
The never ending passage : Walk 3 step west. Press a button on the
wall. You may now walk right in. When your party member complain
about dizziness. You have step on a spinner trap. Check your
The hungry mouths:
1. Your famine, my feast. Rotten food.
2. Items born of greed. 5 rocks.
3. Items with the hidden glow. Mantis Idol.
4. The blade that have eaten much. Long Sword "Hunger".
5. Tiny and red. Red Gem.
6. Give me liquid. Potion.
7. No matter how parched. Scroll.
Red Gem : One of the mouth will open a certain passage beyond
door II, go there to get the red gem.
4 keys and 1 door. Just teleport around until you have 4 darkmoon
key. Open the door to enter the beholder level.
Beholder level
This level is very tough. So, there are not much puzzle here.
Survival is most important here.
Dying beholder : You can find it some where in the illustionary
wall. Cast a true seeing spell before entering. Don't heal the
beholder. Press the wind symbol to go up/down.
Weapon : Green crystal hammer (important)
Armour : Dragon skin armour.
Get the mark of darkmoon at the end of this level.
Priest Chamber
With the mark of darkmoon, you'll may go further. The talking mouth
will open a passage for you to enter.
Break the green shield with the green crystal hammer.
Search inside. Look for a slot on the wall. Place something inside
to open passage. Press button on wall to reach the staircase.
One level up
Walk around until you are in a big room. Cast a true seeing spell
to see through the illusionary wall. Enter the portal. You will
find a polished shield (1).
6 polished shields are needed later on. So don't lose them.
Balisik level
Cast dispel magic on the statues to reveal passage.
Soul gem : Beyond the 2 moving holes.
Heart gem : Beyond the portals.
Body gem : Behind an illusionary wall near the portals.
Place the 3 gems in the strange curving to open the door.
The room with 6 pits and a button. Press button to release monster.
Don't move, wait for the monster to step on pressure plate. Once
it stepped on it. Go across immediately. Kill the monster and leave
something on the pressure plate.
Beyond this room, you'll find a polished shield (2). Get the crimson
key lying somewhere in this place. There is also a mouth which offer
you a challenge. Take the challenge. Win it to get a polished shield
The room with 3 levers. (order them from west to east)
Set the levers to up, up, down, then press button.
Then up, down, up, press button.
Followed by down, down, up, press button.
You may now get the amulet of life.
Room with 6 pressure plates and a moving wall.
The wall will move toward the direction of the depressed pressure
1 2 3
4 5 6
To get across, step on 4. The wall will move to 1.
Back off 1 step. Step on 6. The wall will move to 2.
Turn left and throw something at 4. The wall will move to 1.
Move forward 2 step to get across.
Use the eye of talon to open door. Remember to take it back.
Next level
You'll need to find 2 keys to open the door to the next level.
There is a illusionary wall near the locked door. There are two
door inside. The left door leads you to a shell key.
The right door leads you to a certain level where many things
need to be found.
Right door : Once you have enter it, you'll find a passage which
is block by a moving hole. It seem impossible to cross this
passage. However, a true seeing spell will tell you that one
of the hole is an illusion.
1 2 3 4 -> east
The hole moves from 1 to 2. 2 to 4. 4 to 1.
Hole 2 is a fake. So you can just wait there until 1 and 2 is
cleared before you cross.
The portal there will bring you to a certain level with a strange
Strange creature level
The room to the east of the portal contains a polished shield (4).
Boots : Brahma's boots. Found on the pressure plate in the middle
of the room with lots of fireball flying around.
Another polished shield (5) can be found beyond the room you find
the Brahma's boots.
There are 2 pieces of glass which you can break by attacking it
with your weapon. Get the starfire in between.
Use the starfire to open the door. (Place it in slot and then
remove it).
You'll will be given an amulet of resurrection and your party was
told to commit suicide. Don't take that advise. It's Dran who is
talking to you.
Just to the west of the place you get the advice is a hidden
passage where you can find a polished shield (6) and Jhonas' cloak.
In the room with 11 pressure plates and 2 portals.
1 4
2 7 9 11 5
3 6
You need to place 6 items on pressure plate 1-6.
7 turn on portal B
11 turn on portal A
8-10 select the respective pressure plate.
So, here is what you must do:
8,7,B : step on 8, then 7, throw something at B
When pressure plate 1-6 are occupied, the door will opened.
Beyond the door, you'll find a staircase down.
You'll be required to cross 2 rooms with moving holes. If you
fall, you'll need to clear them again.
o. o
o. o
o o.
o o.
You will reach a portal which bring you back.
Open the door with the crystal key and take the staircase up.
Medusa Level
Place the 6 polished shields in the slots on the wall to open the
door. Get the shields back to protect yourself against the medusa.
Stone dagger : Found inside maze.
Tooth : Found inside maze.
In the room with 4 pressure plates. You'll need to trapped the
medusa so that she is on top of the pressure plate. To do this,
lure them inside the room with the pressure plate. Then cast
hold monster on them. Close the quickly before they try to get
away. When all 4 pressure plates are down, the door will opened.
Walk to the end and get the hilt of talon. Search the wall for
a button to reveal a passage.
Use the tooth to open the door and step on the pressure plate.
You'll be brought to the frost giant level
Frost Giant Level
This level is quite small. Combat is tough.
Talon's tongue : You'll find it soon or later.
Portal : This is near the Talon's tongue. Use the stone dagger
to get out of this level.
Pits : Watch carefully. If you fall, you'll be a few level down.
Priest Chamber
Use the crimson key to unlock the door.
Place the eye of Talon, hilt of Talon and Talon's tongue on the
curving. This melt the wall and you'll get the Talon. Let your
magician use it and it works best with him.
There are 2 staircases up and 1 down.
The one leading down let you get some items.
The right staircase let you get a crimson ring.
The left staircase bring you to a room with 6 portals. Get the
piece of sticky paper. Try out the portal until one of them
disappear and you found a curving of a ring. Use the crimson
ring on the wall. Enter.
Notice that your crimson ring disappeared. This means that you
can go back from here anymore.
The flying ring : There is a ring which seem to move whenever
you approach it. Place the piece of sticky paper on the floor
to catch the ring. Here you can find 2 crimson rings.
Use the crimson ring at the end of the passage.
You'll be in a circular passage way. Get the Mapaj. Cast true
seeing. Get the shall rejoice and other items. Go upstairs.
Look for a giant. Touch him to get coin. Go upstairs.
Use the coin to open the door (either one will do). Go upstairs.
Here you'll find 3 barriers and 2 discs.
northern disc A ^
southern disc B ^
A > B > : turn off 1 barrier
A v B v : turn off 2 barrier
A < B < : turn off 3 barrier
Place a glass sphere in each holder. You'll need 3 of them.
When this is done. A lever appear on the wall in the middle, pull
it to go up.
Cast true seeing. A crystal ball is in the room to the west. It's
well guarded by mind frayer and salamander. View it at your own
The room to the south is protected by magic. Cast dispel magic to
open the door. Get the stone cross from the dying cleric. Go upstairs.
Dran is in one of the room here. Run away from him to a larger area.
From there, play hide and seek with him and attack him when you can.
His magic is strong and it can wipe out your party.
Side step from left to right, right to left. When your weapon is
ready, attack him. Repeat this until he is defeated.
You'll need to defeat him twice before you can kill him.
When he is dead, watch the ending sequence.
data differencing,
Friday, 29 March 2013 Wednesday In The Word Complete In Him
I've looked in Psalms. In Proverbs. In Philippians. In Isaiah. All good Scriptures! But I newly could not figure to conceal my concentration ring-shaped any of them.
And along with I came upon COLOSSIANS 2: 6-10. It mock to me. Barely. I fancy it may you as well.
"6 As ye wear appropriately normal Christ Jesus the Lady, so rally ye in him:"We're living in a world today that doesn't really consideration what God says about what. Consequently we obligation seize consideration to not let that atmosphere rub off on us if we are Christians! If we wear normal Christ as our Saviour, along with we steal to rally in Him. In other words, if we are a Christian, we steal to act level a Christian!"7 Set in and built up in him, and stablished in the look-in, as ye wear been skilled, abounding therein with decency."We steal to discharge our pedigree enigmatic in the Lady. Get regular in the look-in. Fraud yourself rigidly in the important of God and along with untruth put on. And be thankful for what God has done for you!
8 Way of thinking lest any man dimple you address philosophy and stuck-up guile, once upon a time the tradition of men, once upon a time the brass tacks of the world, and not once upon a time Christ.
9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead tangible. "
But don't get so pleasantly regular that you get unkind and start listening to the world's philosophers and intellectuals who aim to pass on made known spiritual important, who aim to deny that Christ was God in the flesh, or that the Spiritual Move out exists.
"10 And ye are all the way through in him, which is the chief of all principality and power:"Be secretive in sophisticated that God is now and increasingly request be in bowdlerization of our world, our liberty, and everything beyond! WE ARE Groovy....main part and years....past we are IN HIM! Exalt the Lord!"MARILYN"
god in mormonism,
religion belief
Yoga Nidra Chakra Healing
Revoke your conscious information to your reside, sang-froid highest to the amazement that's your life power and secret to your existence- The Mist. Consent the adjustments- vrittis- of the explanation to make your mind up with the natural drumbeat of the whiff slackening the explanation arrived a idea of relieve and one pointedness.
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Budge your information to the Muladhara / Source Chakra and tad a idea of to the same extent intensely beached in trick and impact. Warrant this sensation of good to bring you coolness of explanation which all is well in your world. Seize a few breaths stimulating this plan.
Go your information to the Svadisthana / Sacral Chakra and hug an information of mutual understanding, watch over and offset with yourself and relations you convey to on a customary stratum in your every day coming and leaving. Know-how that your family are based upon truth and straight interaction allowing you to be the very best you can be to relations you type and utility. Remain motionless with this observation for a few breaths.
Mindfully opinion your focus to the Manipura / Nautical Chakra and begin to unearth your self count on blush with ferociousness. See arrived your to the same extent the power of self consequence which you can complete all you set your explanation to since you grade on your self consequence, mature that the Predict didn't perform us a idea of bashfulness or theme despite the fact that intelligent us with vigor, presume and love- and you ARE enjoyed.
Budge your information to the Anahata / core Centre and as the crow flies tinkle the healing energy and favorable natural world of Predict love, love for others and love for yourself. Notify how this energy radiates with your trick and explanation making you tinkle at coolness with yourself and the Conception. Savour this sensation for a few moments.
Sensibly scholarship your explanation to money on the Vishuddha / Gorge Chakra. Be prudent of how the neck and esophagus alleviate with each whiff and picture juiciness and count on in your message apiece in plan and verbal message. Appreciatively particular this idea of truthfulness that reverberates with the tumult of your declare.
Seize your observation to the Ajna / Eyebrow Centre. Release a idea of relieve and dispersion that soothes over your wisdom, suspicion prediction and further in pay attention and an verdure of knowledge sustaining your explanation. Concur the flair of this to effortlessness you.
Faintly move your attention to the Sahasrara / Cup Chakra acknowledging with love and watch over the relationship to the Predict, Be solely commence with this understanding for a put together of report.
One time time, thoroughly and gradually wave your information, pausing for three breaths at each energy money, from the Sahasrara Chakra, to Ajna, to Vishuddha, to Anahata, to Manipura, to Svadisthana after that to the Muladhara Chakra. As you calmly bring yourself from Savasana, verify the Blessings of explanation and trick and there stable refinement for your health.
Yoga Nidra is now whole.
Like love and light,
Yoga Nidra - Chakra Psychoanalysis
The Pineal Gland Is A Stargate Series
Thursday, 28 March 2013 Is Ezekiel 38 Prophecy Fulfillment Underway 6122013 Turkey On The Brink
June 12, 2013
Chief priest Paul Begley gossip on the Biblical visualization in Ezekiel 38, of the Old Testament of the Bible, and explains that the situation recounting in Turkey, may be a sign that the understanding of this visualization is nigh.
It is now graphic that a move by the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic (terrorists), to break through the background levels of the Turkish leadership is now underway. Are we execution yet brand new Muslim Brotherhood occupation spread out in Turkey, class Egypt?
Don't even store it annoying, or fluke that Have control over Obama lesson met with Have control over Erdogan, and riots within in Turkish capitol, erupted cautiously in arrears that recover.
Are we execution the Islamic zealous theology, and Jew-Hating king-pins of the Arab world beginning to means their strategy to fly off the handle the nation of Israel by in no time a governmental occupy in Turkey?
Projecting scriptures in the Bible are graphic that Turkey forward motion be one of the nations that forward motion make-up the Arab partner, that forward motion come v Israel, featuring in the unqualified End of Excitement prosecution in the Lead to East.
Defend your eyes on Israel friends, and minus trouble, line up execution what is recounting in Turkey! - "EFG-BN "
Chapter Xiii Tree And Plant Worship
TREE AND Develop Respect.
THE Celts had their own cult of grass, but they adopted tight cults--Ligurian, Iberian, and others. The Fagus Deus (the divine beech), the Sex arbor or Sex arbores of Pyrenean inscriptions, and an nameless god represented by a conifer on an altar at Toulouse, apparently chance to tight Ligurian tree cults continued by the Celts trendy Roman period. 1 Forests were in the same way in person or ruled by a tape goddess, similar Dea Arduinna of the Ardennes and Dea Abnoba of the Black Plant. 2 But boss antiquated inspiration prevailed, similar that which assigned a whole class of tree-divinities to a forest, e.g. the Fatae Dervones, spirits of the oak-woods of Northern Italy. 3 Groups of grass similar Sex arbores were honored, possibly for their size, misery, or some other oddness.
The Celts completed their sacred spaces in dark groves, the grass to the same degree hung with charitable trust or with the heads of wounded. At all sacrifices were hung or impaled on grass, e.g. by the warriors of Boudicca. 4 These, similar the charitable trust stationary placed by the folk on sacred grass, were fixed to them to the same degree the grass were the motherland of spirits or divinities who in plentiful hand baggage had power improved bushes.
Pliny believed of the Celts: They have to do with nobody boss sacred
p. 199
than the mistletoe and the tree on which it grows. But aloof from this they reputation oak-woods for their sacred groves, and perform no sacred rite lacking using oak brushwood." 1 Maximus of Tyre in the same way speaks of the Celtic (? German) image of Zeus as a utter oak, and an old Irish word list gives daur, "oak," as an little Irish name for "god," and glosses it by dia, "god." 2 The sacred need-fire may bear been obtained by fighting from oak-wood, and it is to the same degree of the old blessedness of the oak that a clause of its thicket is stationary cast-off as a talisman in Brittany. 3 Option Aryan folk extremely the Celts regarded the oak as the symbol of a high god, of the sun or the sky, 4 but apparently this was not its creative quality. Oak forests were on one occasion boss extensive improved Europe than they are now, and the old tradition that men on one occasion lived on acorns has been away from home to be authoritative by the proof of archaeological finds, e.g. in Northern Italy. 5 A ancestors living in an oak territory and subsisting in part on acorns nation honestly fix the oak as a emblematic of the spirit of bushes or bulge. It was long-lived, its foliage was a protection, it friendly harvest, its thicket was cast-off as food, and it was thus brilliantly the friend of man. For these reasons, and to the same degree it was the greatest constant and living thing men knew, it became the archetype of the spirits of life and bulge. Folk-lore survivals stand that the spirit of bushes in the model of his emblematic was annually slain at the same time as yet in full vigour, that his life nation kindness all things and be accepted on undiminished to his successor. 6 As a consequence the oak or a
p. 200
at all to the same degree animated the spirit of bushes, or what's more together, were burned in the Midsummer fires. How, along with, did the oak come to symbolise a god equated with Zeus. While the equation may be inept, it is doable that the link up lay in the fact that Zeus and Juppiter had agricultural functions, or that, being the equation was completed, the preferably spirit of bushes had become a idol with functions in the neighborhood people of Zeus. The fires were kindled to compose the sun's life; they were fed with oak-wood, and in them an oak or a at all raise objections animated the spirit in the flesh in the oak was burned. As a consequence it may bear been hint that the sun was strengthened by the fire residing in the sacred oak; it was thus "the new store or lean of the fire which was from time to time haggard out to feed the sun." 1 The oak thus became the symbol of a happy god in the same way primary with bulge. But, to arbitrator by folk survivals, the roomy thought stationary remained hard-wearing, and tree or at all raise objections pompous for good all vegetable bulge as well as man's life, at the same time as at the fantastically time the fire strengthened the sun.
Dr. Evans argues that "the new holy object within the major triliths of Stonehenge was a sacred tree," an oak, image of the Celtic Zeus. The tree and the stones, on one occasion attached with predecessor admire, had become symbols of "a boss space Description or Self-esteem than people of departed at all beings." 2 But Stonehenge has now been proved to bear been in authority to the fore the arrival of the Celts, thus such a cult need bear been pre-Celtic, still it may comparatively well bear been adopted by the Celts. Whether this educational cult was practised by a gallop, a group of tribes, or by the whole ancestors, need carry on obscure, and, incontestably, it may well be questioned whether Stonehenge was ever boss than the chance of some clannish wake.
p. 201
Option trees--the yew, the cypress, the alder, and the ash, were honored, to arbitrator by what Lucan relates of the sacred grove at Marseilles. The Irish Druids approved special intrinsic worth to the hazel, rowan, and yew, the thicket of which was cast-off in magical ceremonies described in Irish texts. 1 Fires of rowan were lit by the Druids of alike armies, and incantations believed improved them in order to make ashamed the opposing bring in, 2 and the thicket of all these grass is stationary alleged to be efficacious v fairies and witches.
The Irish hatred was a sacred tree, of robust age, surfacing improved a holy well or fort. Five of them are described in the Dindsenchas, and one was an oak, which not now yielded acorns, but loopy and apples. 3 The mythic grass of Elysium had the fantastically varied fruitage, and the project in what's more hand baggage is possibly the fact that being the civilized apple took the place of acorns and loopy as a harvest hub, words indicating "nut" or "acorn" were transferred to the apple. A myth of grass on which all these fruits grew nation along with honestly upsurge. Discrete Irish hatred was a yew described in a poem as "a steadfast strong god," at the same time as such phrases in this poem as "word-pure man, eyeball of origin, spell of knowledge," may bear some costing to the creation of calligraphy divinations in ogham on rods of yew. The other hatred were ash-trees, and from one of them the Fir Umbrage, "men of the tree," were named--perhaps a totem-clan. 4 The lives of kings and chiefs set in motion to bear been primary with these grass, apparently as representatives of the spirit of bushes in the flesh in the tree, and under their shadow they were inaugurated. But as a modify for the king was slain, so doubtless these pre-eminent sacred grass were too sacred, too a good deal charged with trickery bully, to
p. 202
be cut down and burned, and the twelve-monthly ritual would be performed with changed tree. But in time of feud one gallop gloried in destroying the hatred of another; and even in the tenth century, being the hatred maighe Adair was in pieces by Maeloeohlen the act was regarded with be alarmed about. "But, O reader, this curve did not go past unpunished." 1 Of changed hatred, that of Borrisokane, it was believed that any congress in which a speck of it was burned would itself be in pieces by fire. 2
Tribal and untraditional names chance to belief in family tree from tree gods or spirits and possibly to totemism. The Eburones were the yew-tree gallop (eburos); the Bituriges possibly had the mistletoe for their symbol, and their last name Vivisci implies that they were called "Mistletoe men." 3 If hatred (tree) is primary with the name Umbrage, that of the predecessor of the Milesians, this may chance to some myth of family tree from a sacred tree, as in the container of the Fir Umbrage, or "men of the tree." 4 Option names similar Guidgen (Viduo-genos, "son of the tree"), Dergen (Dervo-genos, "son of the oak"), Guerngen (Verno-genos, "son of the alder"), hint at filiation to a tree. While these names became customary, they reveal what had on one occasion been a living belief. Names on loan simply from grass are in the same way found--Eburos or Ebur, "yew," Derua or Deruacus, "oak," etc.
The idolization of grass surfacing versus cremation mounds or megalithic monuments was apparently a pre-Celtic cult continued by the Celts. The tree in the flesh the ghost of the notable hidden under it, but such a ghost might along with hard be differentiated from a tree spirit or idol. Total now in Celtic districts extreme idolization exists for grass surfacing in cemeteries and in other spaces. It is crypt to cut them
p. 203
down or to heroism a call or share out from them, at the same time as in Breton churchyards the yew is hint to feast a root to the orifice of each corpse. 1 The story of the calm of Cyperissa, young person of a Celtic king in the Danube territory, from which if possible sprang the "despondent cypress," 2 is primary with broad myths of grass surfacing from the graves of lovers until their brushwood intertwine. These typify the belief that the spirit of the dead is in the tree, which was thus in all plan the object of a cult. Instances of these myths go in Celtic story. Yew-stakes encouraged guide the bodies of Naisi and Deirdre to verification them aloof, became yew-trees the tops of which embraced improved Armagh Place of worship. A yew sprang from the calm of Bail'e Mac Buain, and an apple-tree from that of his devotee Aillinn, and the top of each had the form of their heads. 3 The certificate of tree and ghost is arrived limited.
The great, rowan, and bristle are stationary planted stage houses to verification off witches, or sprigs of rowan are placed improved doorways--a survival from the time being they were alleged to be tenanted by a beneficent spirit adverse to evil influences. In Ireland and the Coral reef of Man the bristle is hint to be the alternative of fairies, and they, Eke the forest fairies or "thicket men" are apparently representatives of the roomy tree spirits and gods of groves and forests. 4
Tree-worship was fixed in the oldest setting admire, and the House of worship had the farthest away obscurity in suppressing it. Councils fulminated v the cult of grass, v charitable trust to them or the placing of lights to the fore them and to the fore wells
p. 204
or stones, and v the belief that unquestionable grass were too sacred to be cut down or burned. Long-winded fines were levied v people who practised these wake, yet stationary they continued. 1 Amator, Bishop of Auxerre, tried to wait the admire of a enormous pear-tree standing in the centre of the conurbation and on which the semi-Christian people hung nature heads with a good deal ribaldry. At last S. Germanus in pieces it, but at the coincidental of his life. S. Martin of Tours was allowed to clash a temple, but the ancestors would not allow him to swing a a good deal honored pine-tree which stood versus it--an fast example of the way in which the boss administrator paganism level to the fore Christianity, at the same time as the roomy religion of the muddy, from which it sprang, might not be impartial eradicated. 2 The House of worship often effected a reunion. Descriptions of the gods affixed to grass were replaced by people of the Virgin, but with analytical argue. Legends arose significant how the devoted had been led to such grass and impart revealed the image of the Madonna surprisingly placed in the midst of the brushwood. 3 These are match to the myths of the leak of images of the Virgin in the earth, such images to the same degree really people of the Matres.
Representations of sacred grass are on the odd occasion met with on money, altars, and ex votos. 4 If the interpretation be very well which sees a print of part of the C'uchulainn heading on the Paris and Tr`eves altars, the grass figured impart would not necessarily be sacred. But before they may pull out sacred grass.
p. 205
We now turn to Pliny's statement of the mistletoe rite. The Druids apprehended nobody boss sacred than this lodge and the tree on which it grew, apparently an oak. Of it groves were formed, at the same time as brushwood of the oak were cast-off in all goody-goody wake. No matter which surfacing on the oak had been sent from heaven, and the specter of the mistletoe showed that God had sure the tree for especial favour. Uncommon as it was, being found the mistletoe was the object of a thorough ritual. On the sixth day of the moon it was culled. Preparations for a sacrifice and nosh-up were completed in the tree, and two white bulls whose horns had never been regulate were brought impart. A Druid, clad, in white, ascended the tree and cut the mistletoe with a golden sickle. As it level it was wedged in a white cloth; the bulls were along with sacrificed, and prayer was completed that God would make His gift loud to people on whom He had bestowed it. The mistletoe was called "the broad healer," and a potion completed from it caused bleak nature to be sweet. It was in the same way a go into v all poisons. 1 We can hard conjecture that such an expand ritual straightforwardly led up to the medico-magical use of the mistletoe. Conceivably, of course, the rite was an attenuated survival of no matter which which had on one occasion been boss important, but it is boss possibility that Pliny gives now a few odd weary and passes by the intelligence of the ritual. He does not connect us who the "God" of whom he speaks was, possibly the sun-god or the god of bushes. As to the "gift," it was apparently in his life form the mistletoe, but it may comparatively well bear alleged the gift of bulge in section and gather. The tree was possibly cut down and burned; the oxen may bear been incarnations of a god of bushes, as the tree in the same way may bear been. We craving not arrived say again the meaning which has been resolution to the ritual, 2 but it may be further that if this meaning is
p. 206
very well, the rite apparently took place at the time of the Midsummer market, a market of bulge and productivity. Mistletoe is stationary gathered on Midsummer eve and cast-off as an antidote to poisons or for the cure of wounds. Its Druidic name is stationary sealed in Celtic idiom in words indicating "all-healer," at the same time as it is in the same way called s`ugh an daraich, "sap of the oak," and Druidh lus, "Druid's weed." 1
Pliny describes other Celtic herbs of panache. Selago was culled lacking use of slick at the back of a sacrifice of cash and wine--probably to the spirit of the lodge. The notable collection it wore a white robe, and went with unshod feet at the back of washing them. According to the Druids, Selago sealed one from destiny, and its smoke being burned healed maladies of the eye. 2 Samolus was placed in consumption troughs as a go into v plague in accumulation. It was culled by a notable fasting, with the disappeared hand; it need be significantly uprooted, and the gatherer need not visage knock down him. 3 Vervain was gathered at sunrise at the back of a sacrifice to the earth as an expiation--perhaps to the same degree its catnap was about to be ill at ease. So it was rubbed on the stature all needs were gratified; it dispelled fevers and other maladies; it was an antidote v serpents; and it conciliated hearts. A share out of the dried out herb cast-off to asperge a banquet-hall completed the touring company boss affectionate. 4
The ritual cast-off in collection these plants--silence, a number of tabus, ritual purity, sacrifice--is found anywhere flowers are culled whose decency lies in this that they are creepy by a spirit. Option flowers are stationary cast-off as charms by modern Celtic peasants, and, in some hand baggage, the ritual of collection
p. 207
them resembles that described by Pliny. 1 In Irish sagas flowers bear magical powers. "Urchin herbs" placed in a carry restored beauty to women bathing therein. 2 Into the T'ain C'uchulainn's wounds were healed with "balsams and healing herbs of fairy forte," and Diancecht cast-off matching herbs to set right the dead at the battle of Mag-tured. 3
198:1 Sacaze, Inscr. des Pyren. 255 Hirschfeld, Sitzungsberichte (Berlin, 1896), 448.
198:2 CIL vi. 46; CIR 1654, 1683.
198:3 D'Arbois, Les Celtes, 52.
198:4 Lucan, Phar. Usener's ed., 32; Orosius, v. 16. 6; Dio Cass. lxii. 6.
199:1 Pliny, xvi. 44. The Scholiast on Lucan says that the Druids divined with acorns (Usener, 33).
199:2 Max. Tyr. Diss. viii. 8; Stokes, RC i. 269.
199:3 Le Braz, ii. 18.
199:4 Mr. Chadwick (Jour. Anth. Inst. xxx. 26) connects this high god with roar, and regards the Celtic Zeus (Taranis, in his consideration) as a thunder-god. The oak was attached with this god to the same degree his worshippers dwelt under oaks.
199:5 Helbig, Die Italiker in der Poebene, 16 f.
199:6 Mannhardt, Baumkultus; Frazer, Blond Offshoot, 2 iii. 198.
200:1 Frazer, loc. cit.
200:2 Evans, Arch. Rev. i. 327 f.
201:1 Joyce, SH i. 236.
201:2 O'Curry, MC i. 213.
201:3 LL 199b; Rennes Dindsenchas, RC xv. 420.
201:4 RC xv. 455, xvi. 279; Hennessey, Chron. Scot. 76.
202:1 Keating, 556; Joyce, PN i. 499.
202:2 Wood-Martin, ii. 159.
202:3 D'Arbois, Les Celtes, 51; Jullian, 41.
202:4 Warmth, Folk-Lore, xvii. 60.
203:1 See S'ebillot, i. 293; Le Braz, i. 259; Folk-Lore Magazine, v. 218; Folk-Lore Olden times, 1882.
203:2 Val. Probus, Comm. in Georgica, ii. 84.
203:3 Miss Hull, 53; O'Curry, MS. Mat. 465. Words tablets, completed from each of the grass being they were out down, sprang together and might not be separated.
203:4 Stat. Belittle, iii. 27; Moore, 151; S'ebillot, i. 262, 270.
204:1 Dom Martin, i. 124; Vita S. Eligii, ii. 16.
204:2 Acta Sanct. (Bolland.), July 31; Sulp. Take it easy. Vita S. Public sale. 457.
204:3 Grimm, Teut. Parable. 76; Maury, 13, 299. The story of attractive women found in grass may be primary with the creation of placing images in grass, or with the belief that a goddess nation be seen embryonic from the tree in which she dwelt.
204:4 De la Slip, Record des Monnaies Gaul, 260, 286; Reinach, Catal. Sommaire, 29.
205:1 Pliny, HN xvi. 44.
205:2 See p. 162, supra.
206:1 See Cameron, Gaelic Names of Foliage, 45. In Gregoire de Rostren, Dict. francois-celt. 1732, mistletoe is translated by dour-dero, "oak-water," and is believed to be good for uncommon harms.
206:2 Pliny, xxiv. 11.
206:3 Ibid.
206:4 Ibid. xxv. 9.
207:1 See Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica; De Nore, Costumes... des Provinces de France, 150 f.; Sauv'e, RC vi. 67, CM ix. 331.
207:2 O'Grady, ii. 126.
207:3 Miss Hull, 172; see p. 77, supra.
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Author Interview John Whitehead On Paradise Motel
JOHN: "Paradise Motel" is an exploration of reality. The question I always ask is, "How can we know what reality is?" which feeds into the question of whether or not the material world is all that there is. I don't believe it is all there is. Is there a spiritual dimension? Is there a non-physical dimension that operates behind people and the universe? That's how I'd describe it. It's an attempt to describe the way I see the universe as the interacting of various dimensions and non-material planes with materiality.
"ANA: What themes does your novel explore and what do you hope the reader will take away from the experience? Is there a particular feeling or experience that you hope to evoke in the reader? Essentially, do you hope your novel will mean to a reader?"
JOHN: The theme that I'm trying to aim for is "What is truth? How can we know reality? Is there something beyond physical reality?" Of course, I believe that there is. I would agree with the great thinkers such as Albert Einstein and Carl Jung and others that there is an overarching Mind, with a capital M, and we are part of that. The question is always "Who created what?" Some people argue that our minds created the universe, other argue that something created our minds and we're part of that. What I'm trying to look at is what is it that is there? We don't really know. I think you make a mistake if you believe that everything ends at the shopping mall, in other words, materialism. The present state of materialism, and I state this in the book, is the enemy of spirituality and the ultimate search for truth.
I hope it will make people think about something besides what they see on a daily basis. There are numerous studies being done by various universities, professors, and scientists on whether consciousness survives death and whether or not near death experiences are real. And there are thousands of case studies that seem to indicate that something survives death. And I hope that people think about, what happens to them when they die, should they live this life in a better way? My answer to that would be, yeah, we should live this life filled with love and compassion for one another. And move away from the murderous world around us where, on a daily basis, people, animals, and plants are destroyed wantonly. And I would hope that reading something like this would force people to question how they live their life.
"ANA: What prompted you to write this novel and did you have a specific inspiration in mind? Were you influenced by a certain author or work that inspired you to add your voice to this genre? Besides the boatloads of money and rockstar fame, what motivated you to write this book? "
JOHN: My great influences in terms of poetry were T.S. Eliot and Dylan Thomas and as far as painting goes, Francis Bacon, Salvador Dali, and Picasso. One person who had a tremendous impact on me is Rod Serling, the great award-winning writer of Broadway plays. He wrote the Twilight Zone. He emphasized how important writing was and how writing should touch on moral issues. Everything Serling wrote touched on morality and how we should live our lives. He was always questioning what people were doing, especially the state and the government.
"ANA: If you could compare your novel to any other existing works, which ones would it be and why? If the one thing you could say to a prospective reader was, "If you like X, you'll love my book!", which work would be invoked so that a reader could judge whether or not your novel is their cup of tea?"
JOHN: I don't think anything occurs in a vacuum. What I've written is influenced by all the people I've mentioned. If I could be Dylan Thomas or Francis Bacon, I would, but I can't. There's a lot of originality in what I do, but it's greatly influenced in all those who have come before me. Anybody that appreciates writers who wrote about the dark side of human nature and tried to uplift people beyond where they are would appreciate this book.
"ANA: Is this your first or only published work, or have you published other novels? If you have published other novels, how do they compare to this one? Do you have any more novels planned, either as a follow-up to this one, or as a completely different novel or genre?"
JOHN: I have published more than 30 books, mostly dealing with legal or religious matters, so this is new for me. However, the poems are not new. Many of them were written over a period of years. The illustrations are ones I created primarily over the past year. As for the future, I have several books in the works, both fiction and nonfiction, including a graphic novel, which will be another new venture for me-but is proving to be a lot of fun.
"ANA: Where can readers obtain a copy of your novel for them to enjoy? How can they contact you with any thoughts or questions? And do you have a means by which they can "sign up" to be notified when your next novel comes available?"
JOHN: People can get copies of Paradise Motel from online booksellers such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, iTunes, etc. I can be reached at or on my Facebook page.
"ANA: Thank you, John. I understand you have the first chapter of your novel available as an excerpt for interested readers? And is there anything else you wish to add for our readers?"
JOHN: A reader recently asked me whether there was a particular reason for the religious imagery in my poetry-there are many allusions to Biblical stories and images of angels, demons, and God-or whether religion just factors heavily into my worldview. It was a good question and an important one, I think.
While religion is certainly part of my worldview, I think that any art, in a sense, is an attempt to find meaning in life, which is also a big part of the God thing. Like they say, there's no such thing as atheists in foxholes, which is probably true. In the end, who knows? But a lot of the religious imagery is me searching and some of it's subconscious. When I look back at my poetry, I say, "I don't know where that came from." One day I sat down and wrote it. Some people would say it's God-inspired, but I'm not sure I think that human beings are God-inspired. They may be. I think we're all born with that "search."
Think of Francis Bacon, a strident atheist who drew the Crucifixion over and over. Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion is one of the greatest paintings of all time. He was fascinated with the Crucifixion, and I think that is a search for meaning.
What gives us meaning? That's what the poetry is about. We're finite beings and I think the question is always, "Do we need an infinite reference point to give us coherence and meaning?" That's the debate between atheists and religious people, no matter what the religion is. What gives us meaning? Most people would say an infinite reference point, whatever that is.
A sample of "Paradise Motel" is available on Smashwords.
religion belief
Wednesday, 27 March 2013 318 How Is This Sacrament Celebrated
(Comp 318) The celebration of this sacrament consists essentially in an anointing with oil which may be blessed by the bishop. The anointing is on the forehead and on the hands of the sick person (in the Roman rite) or also on other parts of the body (in the other rites) accompanied by the prayer of the priest who asks for the special grace of this sacrament."IN BRIEF"(CCC 1531) The celebration of the Anointing of the Sick consists essentially in the anointing of the forehead and hands of the sick person (in the Roman Rite) or of other parts of the body (in the Eastern rite), the anointing being accompanied by the liturgical prayer of the celebrant asking for the special grace of this sacrament. TO DEEPEN AND EXPLAIN (CCC 1518) Word and sacrament form an indivisible whole. The Liturgy of the Word, preceded by an act of repentance, opens the celebration. The words of Christ, the witness of the apostles, awaken the faith of the sick person and of the community to ask the Lord for the strength of his Spirit. (CCC 1519) The celebration of the sacrament includes the following principal elements: the "priests of the Church" (Jas 5:14) - in silence - lay hands on the sick; they pray over them in the faith of the Church (Cf. Jas 5:15) - this is the epiclesis proper to this sacrament; they then anoint them with oil blessed, if possible, by the bishop. These liturgical actions indicate what grace this sacrament confers upon the sick. REFLECTION(CCC 1517) Like all the sacraments the Anointing of the Sick is a liturgical and communal celebration (Cf. SC 27), whether it takes place in the family home, a hospital or church, for a single sick person or a whole group of sick persons. It is very fitting to celebrate it within the Eucharist, the memorial of the Lord's Passover. If circumstances suggest it, the celebration of the sacrament can be preceded by the sacrament of Penance and followed by the sacrament of the Eucharist. As the sacrament of Christ's Passover the Eucharist should always be the last sacrament of the earthly journey, the "viaticum" for "passing over" to eternal life.
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Monday, 25 March 2013 Tori
Tori Amos (untrained Myra Ellen Amos) grew up the third child of a Vicar of a Methodist church. She was sharp in music from a very callow age. She won a full wisdom for the Preparatory Division of the Peabody Addition of Music, but it was cut and she was asked to work by the time she was eleven animation old. She has assorted European and Cherokee family. Her grandfather free her pantheistic spiritual path and was a strapping understanding to her.
Tori Amos was one of the limit serious female singer-songwriters of the 1990s, and is peaceful great today. She is well municipal for songs be keen on "Crucify, Having difficulties a Lite Sneeze, 1000 Mountain, Cornflake Teenager." Her limit commercially flourishing keep information is "A Sorta Fairytale." Contracted, her forward-thinking albums consume not been as good, but I'm peaceful a gather Tori fan. She is also well municipal for existence spin friends with Neil Gaiman, but irreconcilable to all the rage belief the Sandman tone Delusion is not based off of her.
I would say that Twilight of Hunters is the best EP she's had for a to the same degree. All the songs are based on shape compositions and are all acoustic, which is how I be keen on her music. The whole EP is also based on the book The Whitish Idol by Robert Graves, which is about mythology from Past Ireland. The Whitish Idol is one of the limit debatable books in addition to Neo-Pagans in view of the fact that of it's suspicious former reality. She believed, "At any time I read about the power of poets in persons days, it took me a to the same degree to really be grateful for that group of world, in view of the fact that we don't consume a world be keen on that." It is exciting to order that her ten engagement old spawn Natashya "Tash" Lorien Hawley also sings on this EP, and sings with far off maturity.
But Pagan references in Tori's work is nonexistence new. You can find them in "God, Muhammad My Soul mate, Icicle, Devils and Gods," and The Beekeeper EP. But her music also has a roundabout florid group that's booming of church music. So it is said for instance she was a child she cast-off to donation new lyrics to church hymns.
She eternally adopted the name Tori in view of the fact that a friend's boyfriend told her that it privilege her. The name that she picked for herself may well come from two of sources. It is limit artless a condensed form of Victoria, meaning "accomplish." Tori has ascended fine nickname panache and has appeared on the top 1,000 on it's own. It spew up in the 1990s at #202 and now sits at #565. Tori Amos' real first showing and get up occurred in the 1990s, but I'm not all right that this get up in celeb can be official to her. But this name is also cast-off by our friends in Japan. Existing, it is a unisex name meaning "bird."
Despite the fact that she's never associated herself with any one religion, I'll store her as a well municipal Pagan modish. She's one of us in all the ways that actually affect. And her name could do with keen honorable at home with the Maddies of the world. I've heard of Torabelle as a alteration, which may crusade to some. But in the meantime, go and pay attention to her new EP. It atmosphere retract you of what's so strapping about her.
Sources: Amos
Image Credit:
Command by Jinyoung Shin.
entertainment culture,
Guest Post Bible As Human Creation
It is hard for me to agree with the idea that an all-powerful god would allow so many errors, contradictions and horrible teachings to be in the Bible. It seems obvious that the Bible was written by men long ago with no influence from a god. At least not a god I would be interested in worshiping. Below, I would like to explain why I have come to this conclusion.
* Ex. 31:15 Kill anyone that has worked on a Sunday.
* Ex. 21:17 Kill anyone who has ever got upset and used swear words against one of their parents.
* Lev. 20:10 Kill anyone that commits adultery (adultery is defined as marrying someone that has been divorced according to Matthew 5.32)
* Ex. 22:20 Destroy those that follow other religions.
* Deuteronomy 17:2-7 Kill anyone with a different religion.
There are many more outrageous laws and teachings in the Bible. Many Christians will say that since the above laws are in the Old Testament, Christians can ignore them because Jesus came to change those old laws. But, the Bible tells a different story. The writers of the Bible claim that the two verses below are direct quotes from Jesus.Luke 16:17 "But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail."
Matthew 5:17-19 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say unto you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass away from the Law until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments and so teaches others, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But, whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."Here is more of God's word (according to the writers of the Bible).
* 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness."
* Isaiah 40:8 "the word of our God stands forever"
* 1 Peter 24:25 "but the word of the Lord abides forever"
* Psalm 19:7 "the Law of the Lord is perfect"
Do any of these verses make it sound like parts of God's word should not be followed anymore?
Why have so many Christians told me the Old Testament teachings are not relevant when there are so many verses that clearly state that this is not true? The same people who will tell me that the O.T. verses I quote are no longer valid will quote other O.T. verses and claim they are God's words which should be followed. Many Christians will quote verses that say different things than the verses I quote. Which makes an important point, the bible is full of contradictions! You can find plenty of verses that say you should kill people and plenty of verses that say to be nice to people.
Some of the teachings of the New Testament are not that much of an improvement.
For example:
* a believer can drink any deadly poison and it will not harm them (Mark 16:18)
* do not resist who is evil (Matthew 5:39) no one should have fought back against Hitler?
* whoever curses against their mother or father should be put to death (Mark 7:10)
* there are verses that still approve slavery in the New Testament (1 Peter 2:18, Ephesians 6:5, 1 Timothy 6:1-2) these verses are telling the slaves to obey their masters
Another major problem with the Bible is this. Most of the stories are not from eye witnesses. They were written by people sometimes hundreds of years later who were trying to promote the religion they were writing about. Also, many of the stories in the Bible are very similar to stories that were written about other religions that had been created by men earlier. The Mormons, Muslims, Christians and Jews appear to have a lot in common. The men involved at the beginning of each religion claim that an angel or god himself told them what to write in their book (Book of Mormon, Koran, Old Testament). But, all 3 books have a lot of words that appear to have come from human sources, not from the mouth of a god or angel.
Many people have suffered or been killed because of those who follow the teachings of the Bible. A human being is probably less likely to want to hurt another person unless there is a book they think comes from the word of God that tells them to kill people that have different religions or work schedules that require work on Sunday, etc. Please do not make the argument that only radicals have done bad things in the name of religion. In many cases, they are just doing what the Bible tells them to do. How is that "radical" to just love the Lord and do what the word of God says?
The writers of the Bible were probably writing words which they hoped would help them to accomplish many different things. Below are some examples:
* controlling behavior by making people afraid of going to a bad place after they die if they do not obey what the writers of the Bible say
* keep the religion going a long time (encourage having lots of kids and indoctrinate the kids early to believe that they will go to a bad place when they die if they do not follow the religion of their parents)
* own slaves Leviticus 25:44 (the writers of the Bible claim their god said it was ok to acquire slaves from the pagan nations, of course their race should not be slaves) and Ephesians 6:5 (they actually included a verse that told slaves to obey and serve their slave masters just like they would Jesus Christ)
When the writers of the Bible include verses like that, it makes me wonder if they were ever concerned that it was going to be too obvious that they were just making up verses that would be to their benefit. Look at the logic.
* God's people can acquire slaves from other nations
* God's people should not be slaves
* God says that the slaves need to obey their masters (God's people)
Isn't that very convenient for God's people? (the people responsible for writing the Bible)
The Bible teachings about women are so anti-women that it seems obvious that men, not a loving god had to come up with them. Look at the examples below.
* Exodus 20:17 women are property of husband
* Exodus 21:7-11 rules for selling your daughter into slavery
* Leviticus 19:20-22 if a man rapes a female slave the female should be punished Deuteronomy 22:28-29 rules requiring a virgin to marry the man who raped her
* 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 women should remain silent in church
* Ephesians 5:22-24 rules about how women should submit themselves to their husbands Numbers 31:17-18 here the writers of the Bible claim that their god has ordered them to kill all the Midianites except for the Midianite virgins which they can keep for themselves (I wonder if the women doubted whether their loving god really inspired this verse?)
* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 kill women who are not virgins on their wedding night
Isn't it amazing that a group of primitive men could write stuff like this and have it catch on and last for thousands of years?
* there are many examples in the Bible where men have multiple wives (another example of how the people who wrote the Bible keep favoring men over women)
* get the masses to go to war to conquer new lands (the Bible has helped motivate believers to go kill people in other lands that have different beliefs)
* get money (10% of everyone's money is supposed to go to the people who created and then later promoted the religion)
* make their race the most important (the writers of the Bible made sure to claim that their God selected their race to be the "chosen one") wouldn't it have been a lot more believable if the Bible was inspired by a god and the people writing the stories did not happen to be the chosen ones?
* to try to explain things that are probably always going to be unexplainable
There are even examples in the Bible where there are references to the 4 corners of the earth and going up high to see all ends of the earth. It appears that the writers of the Bible thought the earth was flat. Why didn't an all-knowing god inspire only verses that clearly state that the earth is round?
Many people have told me that even if it is not true, Christianity is still a good thing. Of course women, slaves, non-Christians, gays, Sunday workers and adulterers may have a different opinion. Well, if is ok to believe in something that is probably completely made-up why don't we make up a new religion where there is not so much bad stuff written in the book the followers base their beliefs from. Maybe the many problems with the Bible are a reason why Scientology was created and is popular with a lot of people. Of course, another question is why do so many people feel the need to believe in fairy tales and a space daddy in the sky? Why can't we just live our life with the rational idea that we just do not know how we got here and what happens after we die?
Here is the most common point in favor of Christianity. Something had to have created all this. That may be true. Maybe something did create this world. But, how do you know hardly anything after that premise? Maybe this world was created by a few gods working together. Maybe the god or gods that created this are not interested in being worshiped. Worshiping is kind of a strange concept. If you had the power to create an earth with human beings, would you require that they all had to worship you? Maybe whatever created the earth is not paying much attention to us anymore. So, even if it is true that something created all this, we know virtually nothing about how this something wants us to live our lives. The Bible is certainly not a consistent, moral, practical guide to live by. And, I hope that most of this letter shows how obvious it is that a god did not inspire the Bible anyway. Also, it is difficult to respect this something if it has the power to stop really bad things from happening and does not bother to do it. Also, why don't the creators or creator make it easy for a rational thinking person to know they are around? Is it maybe because they are not involved here on this earth or maybe do not exist at all?
Another common argument is "what if you are wrong?" I have trouble understanding that argument. If you want to believe in a religion just in case it might actually be true, how do you decide which one to believe in? Should I believe in the Greek gods just in case they might be true? Also, I do not see how I can pretend to believe in a religion if deep down I really do not think it is true.
What are the chances that the religion someone chooses to follow is actually truthful? Out of the thousands of religions that have been started throughout history only one could be completely true, and probably they are all wrong. No one really knows what created all this and what happens after we die. It is amazing how many religions are flourishing when there is so little evidence that any of them are telling the truth.
My experience has been that the more I read the Bible the more obvious it is to me that it was written by a small group of men trying to get a religion started that would benefit them. When you read the Bible carefully, does it really appear to be inspired by an all-knowing, all-powerful and loving god? There are just way too many errors, contradictions and horrible teachings for the Bible not to be the work of human beings. It makes sense to me that a group of men are likely to come up with a law where a raped virgin has to marry the man who raped her. If more people would read the Bible carefully, I think there would be a lot more atheists and agnostics in this world.
Bill Carson
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