Sunday 10 March 2013 In Brief Anti Semitism And Child Abuse

In Brief Anti Semitism And Child Abuse
When you look at news sites currently you see outrage, well sorry feigned 'outrage', about Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa's remarks comparing the common perception of anti-Semitism with the way the media has dealt with the Catholic Church over child abuse allegations (1). Despite all the whining and moaning of jewish groups about how "'incomparable the suffering of jews is'": I think what Fr. Cantalamessa is getting at is rather simpler and even if you believe all the jewish claims about suffering (most of which have been found to be substantially wanting in scholarship in the past few decades, but continue in the popular imagination (2)) then he could hardly be said to be 'degrading' it, but rather making a valid comparison.

Fr. Cantalamessa is simply comparing the furor of negative media attention over, i.e. actively selected stories by editors who by necessity have suppressed another story to give particular prominance to, lurid tales tales of child abuse by Catholic priests over the same claims of finding anti-Semitism just about everywhere that are found in mainstream and fringe jewish literature. It is a valid comparison in so far as both stories have been actively selected for media attention: one to villify those who criticise jews in any form (hence the overt and covert assertion made by many Zionist authors that anti-Zionism equates anti-Semitism [the two are distinctly different phenomena but are related via Zionism and Israel's own attitudes], which is like claiming that Francophobia is the same as any criticism of France or the French [i.e. patently absurd]) and the other to villify the Catholic Church over these lurid tales of child abuse (although some of them are likely genuine: they are very hard to prove and most of them as I have said in n. 1 are unlikely to be true but rather "'false memories'" (3)).

This is a valid comparison to make given that all Fr. Cantalamessa is talking about is the way these events were handled by the media and how they were all but orchestrated witch-hunts. However we see once again that the jews are so obsessed with the "'unique nature of anti-Semitism'", which incidentally directly implies from a secular and religious angle that jews are different and also superior/better than non-jews precisely because their victimhood is 'unique' and they have never put a foot wrong, that any comparison to it (such as when Abraham Foxman the Head of the infamous Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith claimed that the Armenian genocide wasn't as important as the 'holocaust' and then tried to claim he "'never said that'") is held to depreciate it in some fashion.

One has to ask oneself is this about the child abuse victims (real or supposed) or is about the jews wanting to maintain their status as the 'victims' of a "'unique phenomenon'"? I think the evidence shows it is the latter: since the jews don't give a damn about the victims only themselves.

However in addendum to this I think we might add that jewish organisations have an additional motivation for their feigned 'outrage' over Fr. Cantalamessa in so far as there has been a concerted campaign against the Catholic Church by jewish organisations over its supposed complicity in the 'holocaust'. This is particularly given expression in John Cornwall's libellous book: "'Hitler's Pope'" and has been countered and debunked in detail by several Catholic scholars. The presumed object of this campaign, which has been running for the last decade or two, is to get the Catholic Church to pay millions of dollars to jewish organisations in 'reparations'. Of course the jewish organisations aren't particularly interested in jewish suffering either, but rather wish to extract the most money from a given target (like the Swiss banks in the 90s' when unclaimed jewish assets were only a few million dollars, but the jewish organisations demanded and eventually got several hundred million dollars) (4).

Quite frankly: the jews often wander what causes anti-Semitism. Most have over-looked the simplest possible solution to that question: jewish behaviour. Is it any wonder people don't like jews after this little kerfuffle? Not really, but of course the jews still won't understand and the cycle of hatred will just go on and on and on.

(1) I am told by a friend of mine who is very close to the upper echelons of the Catholic Church that these are largely false memories and libels concocted by shyster lawyers [with the possible cooperation of the family concerned induced by a large potential pay-out] who then proceed to cause a "'trial by media'" forcing the Catholic Church to settle out of court to avoid the media feeding frenzy (and giving credence to untrue claims: rather like people intentionally slipping on things in shops). I am certainly inclined to believe that this is at least partially true as a rash of claims such as this is rather odd unless there were a number of laywers taking advantage of the Church's weakness to such claims at present. Perhaps a good analogy would be that blood has been pumped into a shark-infested ocean and we are currently witnessing the resulting feeding frenzy.

(2) For example see Elliot Horowitz, 2007, "'Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence'", 1st Edition, Princeton University Press: Princeton, which details the reality and religious/secular motivation of jewish attacks on gentiles that have (and do) provoke(d) violence in return upon the jews and how jews still violently attack others, but expect to be treated as the eternal victim. Also see Norman Finkelstein's, 2001, "'The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering'", 2nd Edition, Verso: New York.

(3) On this please see the introduction of the phenomenon of confabulation (which includes the creation of 'false memories') on Scholarpedia at the following address: theory [Accessed: 04/04/2010].

(4) Finkelstein, Op. Cit., pp. 89-175.