Wednesday 14 August 2013 Gratitudetake The Time To Say Thanks

Gratitudetake The Time To Say Thanks
Though 2012 has presented some pretty large challenges, I am learning to recognize the movement of God's mighty hand in each and every one of them! His intervention has surpassed my biggest expectations. Though He has allowed some challenges to come my way, He has more than revealed His love and mercy along the way. For those who love Christ and follow Him, we have so much to be thankful for.

We are NEVER alone. We have an advocate that makes our needs and requests known to God the Father, on our behalf. He often brings answers before we have even learned to format the question!

We serve a mighty, loving and incredibly merciful God who loves to meet the needs of His kids. During my husband's hospital visit for prostate cancer surgery, I saw God's hand in so many details. From hearing about the wonderful surgeon from dear friends to having our financial needs met and surpassed, He has been with us and before us every step of the way. Mike's recovery so far has been amazing! Though it will be some time before he is back to his old self, he has already achieved some incredible mile stones of recovery.

Am I surprised, frankly NO. I am learning that God always exceeds my expectations, despite the trial or challenge faced. He has provided us with a circle of great friends and family that have been supportive before, during and since his surgery. Prayer has been felt and we have already begun to see the results!

I am grateful and want to publicly thank God for all the beautiful ways He has demonstrated His love to us during 2012! I want to remember to thank God daily for all the ways He takes care of me and mine. For all the prayers He has answered and continues to answer that have come from my lips. He is so faithful and deserving of our thanks! I want to be like the Samaritan in LUKE 17:11-19 NIV 11 NOW ON HIS WAY TO JERUSALEM, JESUS TRAVELED ALONG THE BORDER BETWEEN SAMARIA AND GALILEE. 12 AS HE WAS GOING INTO A VILLAGE, TEN MEN WHO HAD LEPROSY MET HIM. THEY STOOD AT A DISTANCE 13 AND CALLED OUT IN A LOUD VOICE, "JESUS, MASTER, HAVE PITY ON US!"14 WHEN HE SAW THEM, HE SAID, "GO, SHOW YOURSELVES TO THE PRIESTS." AND AS THEY WENT, THEY WERE CLEANSED.15 ONE OF THEM, WHEN HE SAW HE WAS HEALED, CAME BACK, "PRAISING GOD IN A LOUD VOICE. "16 HE THREW HIMSELF AT JESUS' FEET AND THANKED HIM-AND HE WAS A SAMARITAN.17 JESUS ASKED, "WERE NOT ALL TEN CLEANSED? WHERE ARE THE OTHER NINE? 18 HAS NO ONE RETURNED TO GIVE PRAISE TO GOD EXCEPT THIS FOREIGNER?" 19 THEN HE SAID TO HIM, "RISE AND GO; YOUR FAITH HAS MADE YOU WELL."

If you are currently in the middle of a trial look to Christ to walk through it with you. Ask for His guidance and wisdom in your decision making and for His hand to lead you through. Give Him your needs and He will be there for you. He is no respecter of persons and offers His love and mercy to all who seek Him. As you lean on Him, remember to give thanks along the way. Don't be like the nine ungrateful cleansed lepers. Take the time to daily thank Him for all that He has done, is doing and will do in your life. As the word says in 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18 NIV 18 GIVE THANKS IN "ALL" CIRCUMSTANCES; FOR THIS IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV 18 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
