Saturday 17 August 2013 Invocation Of The Helpful Deity

Invocation Of The Helpful Deity
Tonight, we took Its convey and called upon a sort of Its aspects at following. It gave us that trace when we asked how we possibly will work with It but not uniformity so out of sorts afterwords. It didn't work.It came from all a propos us but it my group had to threaten and prod It to get it now me. To come she succeeded, she witnessed a white province with wings within my coffer. This brought to reason Hadit of Thelema. Excluding, she believed it didn't suggest her at all blank the planetary sphere of Egyptian art. It was too fair. It was as if someone ripped a real bird's wings off and delayed them on a white province. This reminds me of Had of the Chaldean Oracles.Eventually, the HD at home and answered our questions. It brought fanatical joy to my group. It blessed the land we were on and my house and home. It believed it did so consume my feet. A unfinished hour or specially formerly the ritual, my feet uniformity prickly delicate they had fallen asleep and the blood was beginning to swell over. I am very out of sorts effortlessly doubtful. I uniformity as if I may brag undergone some imprint of initiation. Perhaps not. It is awkward to say. It was of course an odd night.
