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In the Satanic Bible, in the fourth segment of the Lean of Leviathan, LaVey gives kindred for the Four Put the lid on Princes of Hell, lay down with the pleasant directional kindred. He does this so that in the Lean of Belial, segment 5, these directionals and elements are microscopic hand hip the Thirteen Ladder of Satanic Decency. But, everyplace did these kindred come from and why are they microscopic hand in Satanic Ritual? Are they fair associations?The inconsistent inspirational impressively for the Four Put the lid on Princes from the book, The Unchallengeable Lean of Abramelin the Mage. This book was top published in 1898 by S.L. MacGregor Mathers, who claimed to grip translated it from the inconsistent Hebrew. The put up claims that this book originated from Abraham, Son of Simon. The book is a stack of magical spells and immediate on how to summon demons for marked help duties, such as thanks finances, creating war or iciness, and the renaissance of stolen things. The Lean of Abramelin was downcast with a take territory for preparing for, and evoking the Respected Steward Guardian angel, a advantage that is mainstream in western theology and ritual magic.According to the story of the book, Abram of Worms, the book's inconsistent ["assumed"] put up, reveals the magical secrets of kabbalism to his son Lamech. The '"translated"' manuscript of Mather's has a segment that is discharge to the damnation of all other magical books as irreverent and unfounded. So is native, as AE. Waite mentions in The Lean of Painstaking Allure, is that this manuscript is not as old as it has been claimed to be. According to the muddle of Waite, bestow are too masses modern assertions and references for this book to grip been interlude any in the past than the 18th ct, and that it is "..Lush OF CHRISTIAN REFERENCES AND ALLUSIONS TO Prolonged GRIMOIRES". Abundant of the references and methods in this book were somewhat encouraged by Weirus, and the Goetia, of which the principal pristine predictor of the Goetia exists in French story, from the 17th ct.Voguish is the manuscript from the Unchallengeable Lean of Abramelin the Mage, Lean 2, ch. 19: "The Conjuration and Nonstop of Precautions"THE Team leader Precautions.Lucifer: From Latin, Lux, Diluted, and Fero, to eliminate, - A Diluted Bearer. Impart is a name"Lucifuge" downcast with employed not often, from Lux, Diluted, and Fugio, to fly from, - He whoshuns the Diluted.LEVIATAN: From Hebrew, LVIThN (Customarily ON Document LEVIATHAN In addition to Again OF LEVIATAN), -the Ruinous or Prickly Serpent or Dragon.Satan: From Hebrew, ShTN, = an Adversary.Belial: From Hebrew, BLIOL, = a Damage One.This is the manuscript from The Satanic Bible, Lean of Lucifer, ch. 4 "Hell, The Sprite, and how to See to your Strength"THE FOUR Put The Lid On PRINCES OF HELLSATAN - (HEBREW) opponent, riddle, plaintiff, Askew of the realm of fire, the stream, the southLUCIFER - (ROMAN) partaker of light, intention, the air, the sunup star, the eastBELIAL - (HEBREW) not good a lot a master, iniquity of the earth, lead, the northLEVIATHAN - (HEBREW) the serpent out of the deeps, the sea, the westOrignally, these were called the 'Four Autonomous Princes, and Precautions, in the book of Abramelin. In the footnotes of Abramelin, Mathers points out that the direct four represents the four Skillful Precautions that are to be invoked ",.. ONE FOR One and all OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS OF WHICH MAN IS Concurrently, RULED BY THE Respected Name OF FOUR Lettering, IHVH, TETRAGRAMMATON." The Be in front of Abramelin, a ritual utilized by the Wan Area, and Crowley, describes the demarcate of invoking these spirits using talismans and prayers, as a tactic of ridding one's self of weak influences, in order to pick-me-up the way for information with the Respected Steward Guardian angel.It's downcast with my innovation that the Hebrew facsimile that was microscopic hand in the sigil of Baphomet ["LVIThN"] by LaVey, was substantial from the interpretaions of S.L. Mather's Lean of Abramelin. So interests me is how LaVey microscopic hand a psudeo-Judaic Christian grimoire to ferry his ritual kindred, by using these names out of context to encounter his own requirements, to summon the powers of Hell.Venus SatanasReferences:The Lean of Painstaking Allure, A. E. WaiteThe Lean of Abramelin, S.L. MacGregor MathersThe Satanic Bible, Anton LaVeyNotes On The Abramelin Be in frontThe Respected Steward Angel: Exploring the Unchallengeable Magick of Abramelin the Mage. Aaron Leitch