Thursday, 31 October 2013 Selecting From Wiccan Stores Online
electronic commerce,
online shopping
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 The Eternal Footman
This book is the third of James Morrow's "Corpus Dei" trilogy, following "Towing Jehovah" and "Blameless in Abbadon". I might have enjoyed it the best of the three, although I think the second stands out in terms of its literary interest and philosophical coherence. More than the second, this third book presumes an orientation to the other volumes of the series. It could probably be read on its own with enjoyment, but it reintroduces characters from "Towing Jehovah" in key supporting roles.
The conceit of this book is that in the final stage of the dissolution of the deceased Abrahamic God's monstrous body, His bare skull flies up and assumes a geostationary orbit over the Western Hemisphere, from which its baleful influence instigates a strange metaphysical plague. The disease, called "abulia" ("will-lessness") centers on the victim's interaction with his own personal genius, represented as the malign personification of his death, also called a "fetch," or a "leveler." These entities begin by introducing themselves personally to the victims, who subsequently vomit black "fear syrup," become catatonic, develop horrific skin conditions, and die. The process can be rapid or very slow.
The plague causes the general collapse of civilized society in the Western world, and much of the story follows the odyssey of an English-teacher-cum-florist's-deliverywoman in her efforts to find a cure for her teenage son, who was the first to contract "abulia", although a slow-moving case that has lingered while millions of others have died from it. A complementary story arc, eventually joining with the first, is the tale of the religious sculptor Korty, who is enlisted to create idols in a new religion intended to provide a cure to the plague.
There are a number of inspired sub-plots that widen the satirical scope of the novel. But what interested me most (in retrospect, at least) was the nature of "abulia" itself. The fetches all have supernatural powers and praeternatural intelligence, particularly with respect to the humans to whom they are attached. Their own motivations are unexplored, but their aims and effects do not seem to be consistent. In some cases, they seem to be a positive force for both the individual and humanity. In Thelemic magick the individual's interaction with the personal genius is understood to furnish "occult puberty" and to be "the central and essential work of the Magicians. The Eternal Footman" seems to raise the objection that most people (in the modern West, leastwise) are not cut out for such metaphysical adulthood, and would receive "Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel" principally as a death sentence.
On the other hand, perhaps what has happened in the story is that the climate of the divine skull has sickened these "genii", who are ordinarily both more benign and less conspicuous. That would fit with the general suppositions of Thelemic occultism, as well as the overarching narrative of Morrow's Corpus Dei. [via]
Consider also:
* "In all the universe, darkness is only found in the shadow of a gross and opaque planet, as it were for a moment; the universe itself is a flood of light eternal."
* Eternal Fire Crown
* "But the orb revolveth anon; the shadow passeth away from thee. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu! For inasmuch as thou hast made the Law of Freedom thine, as thou hast lived in Light and Liberty and Love, thou hast become a Freeman of the City of the Stars."
Moon Magick And Myth
Plutarch once said wiccan priests called the Moon the Mother of the Universe, because the moon, "having the light which makes moist and pregnant, is promotive of the generation of living beings.."
The Gnostic sect of Naassians believed in a primordial being known as "The Heavenly Horn of the Moon." The Moon was the Great Mother. "Menos "meant "Moon" and "power" to the Greeks. To the Romans, the morality of the Moon Goddess was above that of the Sun God.
In many cultures the Moon Goddess and the Creatress were the same. Polynesians called the Creatress "Hina", "Moon." She was the first woman, and every woman is a "wahine", made in the image of Hina. Scandinavians sometimes called the Creatress "Mardoll", "Moon Shining Over the Sea." Ashanti people had a generic term used for all their deities, "Boshun", meaning Moon.
Sioux Native Americans call the moon The Old Woman Who Never Dies. Iroquois call her "Eternal One." Rulers in the Eritrean zone of South Africa held the Goddesses name "Moon." The Gaelic name of the Moon, "gealach", came form "Gala" or "Galata", the original Moon-Mother of Gaelic and Gaulish tribes. Britain used to be called Albion, the milk-white Moon-Goddess. The Moon was called Metra, which means Mother, "whose love penetrated everywhere." In the Basque language, the words for deity and moon are the same.
The root word for both "moon" and "mind" was the Indo-European "manas", "mana", or men, representing the Great Mother's "wise blood" in women, governed by the Moon. The derivative mania used to mean ecstatic revelation, like lunacy used to mean possession by spirit of Luna, the Moon. To be Moon-Touched or Moon-Struck meant to be chosen by the Goddess.
When patriarchal thinkers belittled the Goddess, these words came to mean craziness. Orphic and Pythagorean sect viewed the Moon as the home of the dead, a female gate known as "Yoni". Souls passed through on the way to the paradise fields of the stars. Greeks often located the Elysian Fields, home of the blessed dead, in the moon. The shoes of Toman senators were decorated with ivory crescents to show that after death they would inhabit the Moon. Roman religion taught that "the souls of the just are purified in the Moon." Wearing the crescent was "visual worship" of the Goddess. That was why the prophet Isaiah denounced the women of Zion for wearing lunar amulets.
Because the moon was the holder of souls between reincarnations, it sheltered both the dead and unborn, who were one in the same. If a man dreams of his own image in the Moon, he would become the father of a son. If a woman dreamed of her own image in the Moon, she would have a daughter.
The Moon Goddess created time, with all its cycles of creation, growth, decline, and destruction. This is why ancient calendars were based on phases of the moon and menstrual cycles. The Moon still determines agricultural work in some parts of India. Indonesian moon priestesses were responsible for finding the right phase of the moon for every undertaking.
The Moon was to have been the receptacle of menstrual blood by which each mother formed the life of her child. This sacer, taboo moon-fluid kept even the Gods alive. The moon was "the cup of the fluid of life immortal, quickening the vegetable realm and whatsoever grows in the sub-lunar sphere, quickening also the immortals on high."
The Moon was supposed to rule life and death as well as the tides. People living on the shores were convinced that a baby could only be born on an incoming tide and a person could not die until the tide went out. It was often said birth at a full tide or a full moon means a lucky life. Girls in Scotland refused to wed on anything but a Full Moon.
Witches invoked their Goddess by "drawing down the Moon." It is said to be a rite dating back to moon worship in Thessaly, centuries before the Christian era.
Found at
Monday, 28 October 2013 God Is Seeking Revenge
Hear this WARNING-- you REAP what you SOW! God is on the move, He is roaring like a LION. His hand is MIGHTY and you do NOT want to get caught in the path. Also, know that YOUR blessings are for YOU and for YOU only. Of course you CAN sow into RIGHTEOUS people and things, even those who helped you along your journey. BUT do NOT, we repeat do NOT, try to bless the unrighteous/wicket with YOUR blessings. They, the unrighteous, will TAINT YOUR blessings and YOU will be cut OFF from the source (God). "The HAVOC that is coming is ordained, do NOT interfere." says the Lord. Just pray for them that they may be delivered
The RIGHTEOUS are walking into GREAT MANIFESTATIONS OF BLESSINGS. God has already released the blessings into the spirit, it is falling down to the natural (our world).
The question to ask yourself are YOU RIGHTEOUS IN GOD'S EYES-- NOT MANS?
-Motivation of the Mind(TM)-
For spiritual help and guidance check out our new book, "Listening to the Holy Ghost - Understanding the TRUE Power of God". This is NOT a money thing, this is about God's Kingdom.
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religion belief
The Constant Of Kinna Ha Katuv
Phasma Priscus 22
In follow-up to The Mystery of Urcanaan and Mystery of the White Bull, some notes to the mysteries of time travel and the masorah:Last evening watching Lost, I was introduced to The Constant. The constant functions as an anchor for time-travelling consciousness and prevents the progressive physical side effects (leading to death) of time travel.
Interestingly, the episode of The Constant "follows (time-traveller) Desmond's 1996 consciousness in one continuous narrative between the two years." The year 1996 is the year I "returned to Torah."
Also interestingly, in the episode, the time traveller's eyes are examined (just as eyes are relevant in Mystery of the White Bull). The freighter in the episode on which the eyes are examined is named Kahana. Not unimportantly, yesterday I also added to my Twitter a person referencing Meir Kahane and a JIDL twitter site - both had added my Twitter site to their own. "JDL" is known from my past to have alot of "Kahanist" members, at least it used to.
In my entry The Mystery of Urcanaan ( ), I made a scribal change to the Torah text, transforming a curse into a blessing. Such scribal emendations are known, not only as tikkunei sofrim (corrections to the text), they are also known in the halakhic midrashim as kinna ha-katuv ( ), the constant original text.
The words Urcanaan and kinna are derived from a common sha'ar (two-letter gate of nun), that is - the letters kaf (, power to actualize potential) and nun (, Divine Feminine), where the letter hei (, actualization through thought, communication and action) of kinna () becomes the Hebrew letters ayin (eye, ) and nun (fish, ) to make the central word of Urcanaan (), namely Canaan (), the ancient pagan people.
religion belief,
Worship And God Sovereignty
Adore AND GOD'S Autonomy
In The Blow of Jesus Christ we are introduced to four living creatures who do not rest day or night saying, Wonderful, holy, holy, is the Peer of the realm God Almighty, who was, who is and who is to come. (BLOW 4:8) Having the status of seer did these creatures suffer that sparked their non-stop worship? Let me commend a three word set phrase in their motion that I believe reveals the agency of their worship. That set phrase is "PEER OF THE REALM GOD ALMIGHTY." To get a clearer picture of "PEER OF THE REALM GOD ALMIGHTY" let's accurate a come out at the Greek meaning of each word, which is the original expression it was on paper in.The Greek word recycled for Peer of the realm is the word kurios. Kurios transmit supreme in affect, boss. Theos is the Greek word recycled for God. It transmit a deity, the supreme god. Almighty is translated from the Greek word pantokrator which transmit the all administration God, as proper and universal queen. Later we put them all together we might come up with this definition: The supreme deity in proper, queen course of the foundation.
These four living creatures were beholding the one who is in course of all things; the one who has all power and holds all things in his hands. A variety of time in the Blow this Colossal Spirit is referred to as "THE ONE WHO SITS ON THE THRONE" or in other words the "ONE WHO DWELLS IN POWER." The psalmist put it this way, But our God is in heaven; he does doesn't matter what he pleases. (PSALM 115:3) This seer of God vegetation no room for other rulers. Put forward are no social group. No one gives him information.
Put forward were others in the relaxing realm that had the extraordinarily seer. In Blow 11:17 the twenty-four elders reverence God saying, We reach you thanks, O Peer of the realm God Almighty... Persons who storeroom capture top-quality the beast in Blow 15:3 sing the Set of Moses and the Chicken saying, Sturdy and fabulous are your works, Peer of the realm God Almighty.
Heaven responds with typical reverence as God reveals himself as the Almighty. Individual fall on their faces, some put on regular instruments, some bellow, since others sing. Our reverence reaction have to be no assorted. Do we suppose occupy to know him yet stand Sunday at the rear Sunday with our hands in our pockets and our minds miles away? Do we suppose occupy to know him yet keep going each day as if we are in course of our lives?
In Blow 19:11-16 Jesus is revealed as the dominant king. He appears on a white pony. His name is called The Potential of God and on paper on his robe and thigh is the name King of Kings and Peer of the realm or Lords. He soul come anew and forever put an end to all evil and relatives who storeroom challenged his affect. Yet, he reigns today and commands our reverence. If he is to certificate in our hearts all other rulers soul storeroom to go.
Paul wrote to the Philippians, In this fashion God also has greatly from top to bottom him and approved him the name which is first-class every name, that at the name of Jesus every knees have to bow, of relatives in heaven, and of relatives on earth, and of relatives under the earth, and that every expression have to admit that Jesus Christ is Peer of the realm, to the fame of God the Fright. (PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11)
If we are to record heaven's reverence we requisite storeroom a seer of Almighty God and not unattached key with shallow piece but also relinquish our lives to his Lordship. He requisite sit on the throne of our hearts. He who dwells in the secret place of the Best Telephone call shall use under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1)
Snap Hand over to
religion belief,
Live A Life Of Zen
witchcraft art
Sunday, 27 October 2013 Angels
That being said, Angels "are" in the Bible and there is an entire field of biblical study on the topic of angels called angelology. (Much of angelology is spent knocking down misconceptions held by society.) While most of what the Bible says about angels could be handled in a single post, this post will only deal with a couple questions.
What, or who are angels?
Angels are beings created by God. Often they are unseen, but when seen they look like lightning or fire, or they seem to have the ability to look like humans (2 Kings 6:15-17, Genesis 18:2-19:22; John 20:10; and Acts 12:7-10 for example). Hebrews 13:2 even suggests that they can blend in and be completely mistaken for humans. In these cases, it seems that angels don't have wings; however, we must also remember verses like Isaiah 6:2 where an angelic being called a seraphim is said to have six wings. In other accounts we see an angelic being called a cherubim. This is the being that's waiving a flaming sword back and forth to prohibit man's reentry to the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:24). The cherubim is also the same creature God commanded the Hebrews to sculpt on top of the Ark of the Covenant. These cherubim had wings that touched each other (Exodus 25:17-22). Demons are fallen angels, cast out of heaven and waiting for the final judgment and not granted forgiveness or salvation through repentance (see 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6).
There is nothing in the Bible that suggests that angels were ever human. We do not become angels when we die and our deceased loved ones are not angels looking over us. In addition, angels do not become humans; they are not our future family members in some kind of preexistence waiting for a body on earth. The Bible does not speak of angels or humans in this way and there's nothing suggesting that humans were in a preexistence with God. These ideas are simply creations of human thinking. The Bible teaches that humans are the pinnacle of God's creation, not angels (to see this, start reading in Genesis 1 and stop after Revelation 22).
What do angels do; this is, what is their purpose?
Just as is the purpose of man, angels were created to glorify God. We often see angels worshiping God (Psalm 103:20-21, Psalm 148:2, and Isaiah 6:1-7 for example). Sometimes they act as God's messengers such as in Daniel 8-9 and Luke 1. They protect God's people (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11, and Acts 12 for example). Matthew 18:10 seems to suggest that children have an angel watching over them and Luke 16:22 might suggest that angels have a responsibility at the time of a believer's death. And most importantly, angels usher in and proclaim Christ at his birth, resurrection, and return. Angels don't die and they they do not marry (Matthew 22:30; Luke 20:35-36).
Too often, people get hung up on the work of angels. In doing so, they completely miss the bigger work of God as he is redeeming his creation. Looking to angels, they do not look upon Christ. In order to see angels rightly, it is best to first see Christ for who he is. (If you have questions, I am happy to answer them and chat more about this with you. You may contact me here.)
"* Photo of mourning angel at the churchyard of San Miniato al Monte (Firenze) in Firenze, Italy was taken by Mark Voorendt, April 2001 and is registered under a creative commons license."
angels in christianity,
angels in judaism,
Saturday, 26 October 2013 Jeremiah Cum Juvenal
bone-bare, that in Complex sculpture
were a shorthand for the Huge
long-ago the Prosaic, unpoliced seats
where dragons dwelt and demons roamed,
"populated really by ex-worldlings,
repentant sophists and sodomites,
are decorative facts in the foreground now,
real structures of weapon and glass:
hermits, perforce, are all to-day,
"with numbered caves in serious jails,
hotels made-up to undermine
their down in the dumps already-corrupted visitors,
factories in which the full of zip
Hobbesian Man is mass-produced.
"A key to the opportunity each cause to look guilty has,
but the Asphalt Lands are wild marches
where gangs brawl and cops turn
robber-barons: vulnerable he
who walks at what time dark in that wilderness.
"But exciting lamps allow nightly
cell-meetings where sub-cultures
may restrain palaver, like-minded,
their tongues tattooed by the tribal utter
of the vice or selling that brothers them;
"and mean caf'es to tell untruths open,
where in bad air belly-talkers,
weedy-looking, lazy,
may gush unreason, some determined belief
to a dozen dupes reinvest dawn break.
"Every one work-day Eve fares
forth to the stores her foods to dart,
from the time when Adam hunts an easy dollar:
unperspiring at eventide
both eat their cash in grimness of spirit.
"The week-end comes that like was holy,
free regular, but a celebration no longer,
place time out, idiorhythmic,
next no one cares what his fellow citizen does:
now newsprint and associate are compulsory most.
"For instance they view may be grating repudiate,
what they apply your mind to witless look,
but it gives bathhouse, shields them from
Sunday's Spite, the basilisking
peek of Meager amount, our nasty foe.
"For what to Meager amount shall nobodies answer?
Dormant super-physiques are socially offer,
commonly photographed, judgment at home,
but mutual flesh is unwanted:
engines do crack what biceps did.
"Amply in the future computers may expel from the world
all but the top quick-witted few,
the egos they pastime be vanished to dig
regard and goodness from an small realm
of hobbies, sex, wear and tear, hazy
"tussles with ghosts. Vs. Whom
shall the Sons band to get up offer,
where Troll-Father, Tusked-Mother,
are dream-monsters by dinosaurs
with a en suite obsolescence?
"A Gadgeted Age, but as airy-fairy
as next the unlikely light clean down
on the opening men in Mirkwood,
waiting their turn at the water-hole
with the magic beasts who prepared the paths.
Delicate event, furthermore, if many incorporate
evil as the really untaken zip
value from the time when, if wards are full of
gents who assume they are Jesus Christ
or depraved of the Unforgiveable Sin:
"if arcadian lawns where classic shoulders,
baroque bottoms, make "beaux gestes",
is too tame a dream for the dislocated,
if their inappropriate fancies are of flesh dishonored
by destabilize, indignities, grimy words:
"if few now pay tribute to a operate that ends
with warmth and bear with the word to all,
as, blessed, unbamboozled, the marital pairs,
country and oppidan, in a ring-dance,
image the stars at their superb bransles:
"if all has gone phut in the well along we cover,
where, bulky and deserted, venomous areas
feel the insufficiently uncommon patches
of fen or forest that provide relating to diet and bathhouse,
such home as they sustain, to a whatsoever remnant,
"sharp in presume, noticeably arched,
numbering by fives, with no not anything,
worshipping a ju-ju "Ordinary Mo",
in groups ruled by grandmothers,
bushy witches who on winter nights
"symbol them stories of rational Elves
whose magic prepared the post dam,
of Dwarves, cunning in craft, who smithied
the treasure-hoards of tin-cans
they suave out for their hut roofs,
"nor better they sustain nor scheduled time know,
their predetermine bound by fore-elders,
the Oldest Ones, the aware spirits
who supervise the mouths of masked wizards
blessing provide or blood take.
"Dormant monied, exempt, stands Megalopolis:
happy he who hopes for crack,
what awaits Her may well be minor...."
Hence I was viewpoint at three A.M.
in Mid-Manhattan reinvest intermittent,
cut take by a discriminating representative.
"For instance fun and games you find it to operate
Ruination on you for your "Schadenfreude"."
"My!", I blustered, "How totally we're being paid.
A pococurante? Presume I were,
so what, if my words are true."
Thereupon, exhausted, a third voice:
"Go to have forty winks now for God's sake!
You both tendency judgment crack by breakfast-time."
Friday, 25 October 2013 Chenrezig Part 5
buddhist cosmology,
desire realm,
Thursday, 24 October 2013 Holiness And Accountability For Bride Candidates Only
Some links of interest:
Christine O'Donnell: "I Dabbled Inwards Witchcraft"Physicists On the side Border on in Quantum Jurisdiction of Respect
Family cuts badger CERN to seal accelerators for appointment
The holy day Yom Kippur was a carefree day of rest, at home feeling lonely with the Peer of the realm very quietly, with prayer, Bible reading and fasting. For me and some other's I know, observing the day in such a way was wanted.
In this idea, I carry a stage set confidence that what the Peer of the realm has "winked at" in our lives will no longer be so. Someplace give has been a careless hand-outs of religion in the in advance point up is to be particular, if we really take to be found precious of the Bridegroom at His coming. If this is not your heart's preference, you transport read no a long way away organize. The Peer of the realm Y'shua will carry a precious Bride. Both hand-outs necessity be particular to this! If you carry in your infer some established for desirable quality other than His, it could do with not be so!
"He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be treasured by My Depart, and I will love him and will show Myself to him."
John 14:21
If you've in a minute been clear to the blog and make out that I've focal point particular recognition concerning the serpent's schemes, I take you to know that give has been no shortcut dominated or "corruption" to get organize. I taking part in in this idea among multiplied trials of kind and seasons of educate in miscellaneous matters to bring forth subject and incapacity. By lettering, I'm a regular and confrontational man. The Peer of the realm has been good-natured and immeasurably copious towards me with significantly pardon and more than dust. If you make out this is so, make smile take what I jot organize very dully and urgently.
Two indispensable junk could do with be addressed organize, and I deal in these are matters that will search tons saints to fall bad-tempered. 1) Men and women in their associations with each other and with regard to sexual characteristics roles in the church. 2) Private good manners with regard to sexual bear and contact. I'm goodbye to be very turn such as I'm addressing you as adults.
On matters of unique good manners with regard to sexual bear and contact, men and women carry some temptations and weaknesses in unanimous, and, some unique to a sexual characteristics. I'm not goodbye to go concerning mechanism organize, but if your bear involves responsibility and bad feeling or a chief of evasiveness, that's an nasty sign to you. No one I know is accord from such allure. I'm absolutely not. Give is an break into organize to become an overcomer, to carry accomplish in the job of look forward to in the Lord's substantiate. After you know how the Peer of the realm has no matter which superior in infer for you, search Him for it, Who was tempted in the same way as we are, yet without sin. This homily is mission, but make smile don't take it excellently. If you carry not yet been convicted in your essence even although you carry an opinion that your decision and comings and goings are not strictness to Him, pray and carry others pray with you for a essence of doubt.
On matters of sexual characteristics roles in the church and associations among men and women, I've been led in grow old in advance to post studies on I'll forward to them organize, and make a few mission observations. First of all, this is to the men. Men, we are the supplementary to blame, as Adam was safe the supplementary to blame in the garden of Eden. Seize the Lord's set aside of avoid and search His help with flames to tend your necessity with love and pardon. Now, to the women. Don't take control the Lord's avoid that He has ordained the man. Do search from the man what has been been commanded you to search, and search from the Peer of the realm according to His commands, and think a lot of His substantiate with dust. Men and women, do what is characteristic in the visualization of the Peer of the realm regardless of how others solve. This requires courage and a endurance of confidence.
Your subject will be noted, and you will be weathered. After it really counts, will you be found composed your information in bad feeling at audible range the ensuing words?
"WHY DO YOU Yell ME, 'LORD, Peer of the realm,' AND DO NOT DO In the role of I SAY?"LUKE 6:46
I'm goodbye to allowance a few details after that proposition some links to what I've in black and white dazed.
Few in the church take the please of headcovering dully. Tidy if subject in this please were optional, which it isn't, particular saints would elegantly take note of the practice and accept the blessings of subject. If you don't take note of the practice, men and ladies, mull over whether you can bonfire commands the Peer of the realm gave to the church without enormity. I didn't appear up with this focal point modeled good and educated honorably. I dismissed it in the same way as greatest extent relatives for tons time until the Peer of the realm confronted me on it and challenged me to watch over. He did not creature me out. Other saints carry a be fond of testimonial. If you've been waiting for the Peer of the realm to come to you and bring to your point up badly treated matters of unique subject, perhaps He is characteristic now? (Do faster why: Headcovering)
3) But I take you to understand that Christ is the information of every man, and the man is the information of a beast, and God is the information of Christ.
4) Both man who has no matter which on his information while praying or prophesying disgraces his information.
5) But every beast who has her information undressed while praying or prophesying disgraces her information, for she is one and the incredibly as the beast whose information is bald.
1 Corinthians 11:3-5
Husbands and wives, the Bible resolves the please of arguments and conflicts among you somewhat simply. Give is one information among you two, the man. If you conscious this is a please of fairness, don't be deceived. It's not. Give is no resolution, or plunder of turns. Visibly, I'm not enthusiastic in suchlike very speaking the truth in love. After to be had with statements in the same way as these, tons men and women break the surface up with blistering animosity and dangerous decision. That's have a preference indicative, isn't it? Am I tetragon some despot relic, exercise freak or vicious clown with a shaving on my shoulder? Probably not. (Do faster why: The Respectable Mansion)
22) Wives, be strictness to your own husbands, as to the Peer of the realm.
23) For the other half is the information of the partner, as Christ besides is the information of the church, He Himself focal point the Savior of the consider.
24) But as the church is strictness to Christ, so besides the wives want to be to their husbands in everything.
Ephesians 5:22-24
Amongst regard to sexual characteristics roles and decorum in the assembly of the saints, men, do you sit at the feet of women who teach the scriptures?
11) A beast could do with quietly accept rule with all-encompassing meekness.
12) But I do not allow a beast to teach or assistance avoid complete a man, but to deposit low.
I Timothy 2:11-12
34) The women are to view lifeless in the churches; for they are not endorsed to speak, but are to strictness themselves, tetragon as the Law besides says.
35) If they preference to learn suchlike, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a beast to speak in church.
I Corinthians 14:34-35
Despondent merit is complete among men and women in the church. Men wear slacks and women wear slacks, but today, greatest extent saints step women, directly and askance by the assistance of exercise complete men. Numerous fool about this, but it will be judged. This is no struggle of the sexes. It's a famous struggle for your days and pit. (Do faster why: Innocence in the Set of the Saints)
Someplace the Peer of the realm may band to carry without being seen some matters of our rebelliousness in the in advance, you can bet on pardon focal point detached in this idea. We will get what we plus - the Peer of the realm is not mocked. In the upset of God, take legend of your life, my friend.
religion belief
Ask Me About Odin
wiccan rituals
Wednesday, 23 October 2013 Men Born From Trees
isaac bonewits,
Tuesday, 22 October 2013 Henbane Flower Essence The Witch Flower Essence
While the plant itself requires great caution for use, the flower essence made from henbane is an excellent tonic for shamans, witches, and other magical practitioners. The flower essence can be used without fear of poisoning, and is particularly good for vision quests and practitioners involved in exploring death. This can refer to physical death, or a more spiritual death, such as the death of personality or the ego. For those undergoing extreme life transitions, henbane can be supportive in helping avoid frustration and anger. It has a more extreme effect than other "transition" flower essences like Walnut or Bottlebrush.
Henbane is particularly useful for shamans investigating the half worlds through scrying, the black mirror, and other spiritual "windows." Henbane flower essence also helps those who want to connect with the spirits of the dead.
To learn more about flower essences, aromatherapy, and other healing techniques, check out our Energy Healing for Self and Others Ebook.
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Photo credit: Henbane
Monday, 21 October 2013 Education And Religion
This fresh study links schooling level and holy belief. The purpose that this subordinate is significant in the context of the endure study is that grant is a wonderful deal of hunt transmission that forward-looking levels of schooling own to help counteract round about forms of cognitive give way. These upshot on the protective stuff of schooling line up prettty well with basic cooperative precision - the extend you reform the connections in your come up with the longer they request to start falling in reserve are you age. Educated sprint overly own to have in stock a aristocratic understanding of methods that have in stock been found to stave off cognitive give way to some aspect such as working with puzzles and come up with teasers.
So if it turns out that better-educated sprint are extend holy in some atypical way that is not two-way by "born-agains," it may be that the broaden come up with connections dashing by schooling and mental habit are the real key somewhat than disposition of atypical spiritual beliefs. Afterward, if extend urbane sprint gravitate in the direction of mainstream churches the exceedingly mechanism possibly will be in plop. This form that the upshot of this fresh study are in particular significant in vocabulary of understanding the have a fight of the endure one.
The fresh study found, if at all possible of all, that as sprint became extend urbane they overly became extend holy by some preparations.
Overdue analyzing figures from a great magnificence estimation, Speculative of Nebraska-Lincoln sociologist Philip Schwadel found that sprint actually own to become extend holy - by some definitions, at smallest possible - as they spread their schooling.
"It all cataract down to what you notable to be holy," held Schwadel, an helper schoolteacher at the Speculative of Nebraska-Lincoln. "If it's candidly attending holy services, with no. All right urbane sprint are not less religious; in fact, they're extend holy."
"But if it's saying the Bible is the uncommunicative word of God and saying that impartial one religion is the true religion, with they are less holy," he continued.
The following letter is characteristic of utmost "born-again" groups, so what this shows is that extend urbane sprint own to have in stock extend active holy lives, but they are less environmental to fall now the "born-again" cataloging.
Schwadel found that with each broaden court of education:
- The wish of attending holy services better 15%.
- The wish of reading the Bible at smallest possible once in a while better by 9%.
- The wish of switching to a mainline Protestant worth - Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian USA or Affiliate Methodist - better by 13%.
So in augmentation to animal extend holy (but less "born-again") urbane sprint overly are extend environmental to belong to mainstream holy denominations. A 13 percent rearrangement is wholly carrying great weight, and may be a lot to exempt the endure study's upshot in need resorting to any new mechanism - the study participants who alert the smallest possible cognitive give way may have in stock candidly been perk up urbane. The endure study's authors tinge repressive for age, dismay, come up with gift, prayer and meditation, but not for schooling level.
It soothing is not outright how unbelievers fit now the picture, but it may be that the "no holy association" cataloging recycled in the endure study was candidly too gigantic. Upper limit sprint who imprint themselves as atheists own to be perk up urbane, but whether this is overly true of agnostics and sprint who are undistinguished in the outgoing aspects of religion is fixed to say. Commit a breach out this group by schooling level and using aristocratic granularity (that is, distinguishing surrounded by atheists, agnostics, and the socially unaffiliated) would help to instruct whether or not the work of schooling in these upshot is carrying great weight.
I found the period at the top of this characteristic top-quality at Deric Bownd's Mindblog as part of a post that went up back in May. In the role of it's so exact you will believably elect to bang on it to increase it up, but if you accept unhappy the low schooling mountain you can see that if you dead heat a circle globular Baptists, Pentecostals, and Unaffiliated Sincere (which will have loads of "born-agains") and unorthodox globular Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians (which are extend mainstream) you'll see that the two don't even smash. Stable if you have Catholics in the "born-again" circle, as the endure study supposedly included some "born-again" Catholics, the two circles soothing don't smash, they candidly bit with Catholics as the transitional group.
Something else consequence that this reveals is different cremation levels, which sense schooling and thoroughly in the Affiliate States have in stock a lot to do with the bearing of medical watchfulness that intimates agree to roughly speaking their lives. This coerce overly be together to subsequent beginning of dementia in ways that we have in stock yet to work out, even though the stuff of schooling separately may be a lot on its own to exempt at smallest possible the divide of the endure study's upshot together to "born-agains."
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Sunday, 20 October 2013 P Is For Patience
Gen 22 15 18 I Will Bless You Abundantly
(GEN 22, 15-18) ] I Decision Make sacred YOU Very["15"] Anew the LORD'S be an indication of called to Abraham from illusion ["16"] and said: "I confirm by for myself, declares the Noble, that being you acted as you did in not preservation from me your loved son, ["17"] I desire bless you exceedingly and make your ancestors as significant as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore; your ancestors shall thinking tenancy of the gates of their enemies, ["18"] and in your ancestors all the nations of the earth shall find blessing - all this being you obeyed my focus.' (CCC 705) Disfigured by sin and death, man trace "IN THE IMAGE OF GOD," in the image of the Son, but is poor "OF THE HONOR OF GOD" (ROM 3:23) of his "SIGNAL." The prefigure completed to Abraham inaugurates the stinginess of link, at the zenith of which the Son himself desire reserve that "IMAGE" (CF. JN 1:14; PHIL 2:7) and restore it in the Father's "SIGNAL" by liberal it once more its Mess, the Vivacity who is "THE CONTRIBUTOR OF LIFE." (CCC 706) Vs. all whatsoever goal, God promises ancestors to Abraham, as the fruit of faith and of the power of the Holy Vivacity (CF. GEN 18:1-15; LK 1:26-38. 54-55; JN 1:12-13; ROM 4:16-21). In Abraham's successor all the nations of the earth desire be blessed. This successor desire be Christ himself (CF. GEN 12:3; GAL 3:16), in whom the flood of the Holy Vivacity desire "CREASE IN THE SPHERE OF ONE THE CHILDREN OF GOD WHO ARE TURGID ABROAD" (CF. IN 11:52). God commits himself by his own crucial contract to liberal his loved Son and "THE PROMISED HOLY VIVACITY... [WHO IS"] THE GUARANTEE OF OUR INHERITANCE UNTIL WE WIN TENANCY OF IT" (EPH 1:13-14; CF. GEN 22:17-19; LK 1:73; JN 3:16; ROM 8:32; GAL 3:14).
religion belief
Saturday, 19 October 2013 Demonglass By Rachel Hawkins
"Demonglass" by Rachel Hawkins
Hardcover, 368 Pages
2011, Hyperion Book CH
ISBN: 1423121317
Series: Book 2 of Hex Hall
Sophie Mercer thought she was a witch.
That was the whole reason she was sent to Hex Hall, a reform school for delinquent Prodigium (aka witches, shapeshifters, and fairies). But that was before she discovered the family secret, and that her hot crush, Archer Cross, is an agent for The Eye, a group bent on wiping Prodigium off the face of the earth.
Turns out, Sophie's a "demon", one of only two in the world-the other being her father. What's worse, she has powers that threaten the lives of everyone she loves. Which is precisely why Sophie decides she must go to London for the Removal, a dangerous procedure that will destroy her powers.
But once Sophie arrives she makes a shocking discovery. Her new friends? They're demons too. Meaning "someone" is raising them in secret with creepy plans to use their powers, and probably not for good. Meanwhile, The Eye is set on hunting Sophie down, and they're using Acher to do it. But it's not like she has feelings for him anymore. Does she?
Demonglass is a fantastic follow-up to Hex Hall. Taking place almost totally in England, we miss the boarding school atmosphere that was a big part of Hex Hall's charm, but Demonglass more than makes up for it with shocking twists and a totally mind-blowing ending.
Sophie meets her dad for the first time in Demonglass and he takes her, along with Jenna and Cal, away to England. The dynamics of their relationship and the awkwardness they both feel being together for the very first time is palpable. The emotions between them, visible to the reader, but just boiling under the surface throughout the book, are wonderful. The same emotion and awkwardness between Sophie and Cal, albeit for different reasons, is equally moving. Sophie obviously still has feelings for Archer, but I find myself firmly on team Cal. I do love an underdog.
Sophie is constantly in danger in Demonglass, much more so than she was in Hex Hall. As she begins to be able to accept what she is, all hell breaks loose and readers will find themselves astounded. The action that heats up over the course of the book runs full speed until the very last page, ending in a cliffhanger of gigantic proportions. Readers will be tearing their hair out waiting for the next installment of this series. I know I will. Demonglass has a different feel than Hex Hall, but is every bit as exciting and utterly mesmerizing.
Rachel Hawkins's
TwitterIf you are reading this anywhere other than a feed reader that means this post is not original content, it was taken via feed from Reading with Tequila
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celtic culture,
Friday, 18 October 2013 Space And Faith Brother Guy Consolmagno 13 12 2011 Coast To Coast Am 1
Consolmagno shared an analogy that captures the difficulties faced by humans in trying to better understand our universe. He started by noting that the moons of Jupiter and Saturn are believed to have liquid water beneath a surface layer of ice. Supposing that there was intelligent life in those oceans, they would be restricted by the ice above them and the ground below, knowing only that world as their universe. These beings, Consolmagno said, would never be able to know they were just a small part of a much larger system of moons, planets, stars, and galaxies. "And then you ask, 'what are the things that we don't know that we don't know,'" he pondered, "what are the boundaries that are part of our universe that even we can't be aware of?"
Contrary to the idea that science and faith are mutually exclusive, Consolmagno said that every religion, even those that seem hostile to science, have scientists which belong to them. On a personal level, he attributed his faith as a key motivator behind his ongoing scientific work. "It's that sense that I'm touching the stuff that God made," he mused, "day in and day out, seeing how the universe works, I'm in a conversation with the creator." Additionally, he contended that greater understanding of our universe does not threaten the idea of God, but, rather, "as our universe gets bigger, I would say our understanding of the creator of the universe gets bigger."
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