Sunday 3 November 2013 Ask Us For Conjure Help With Spirits Religion Psychism Dreams Magic Ethics Re Signs Movement Completion Of Spells Questions And Answers

Ask Us For Conjure Help With Spirits Religion Psychism Dreams Magic Ethics Re Signs Movement Completion Of Spells Questions And Answers
I'm getting mixed signs in my workings and I'm not sure which ones I should trust. I'm an amateur in card divination and I only for myself, I've been getting mixed signs one day I'll have a really good reading but then a couple days later I'll have a bad reading.I also do pendulum divination and the results have been favorable. I watch a bit of television when I eat my breakfast and today I was watching a show in which a couple was going through a bit of a rough patch similar to that between me and my target, the man's name was the same as my target and in the end they ended up reconciling and had a stronger healthier relationship (A good sign in my opinion). A few hours after that I had a man come to my home who had the same name as my target as well, he was trying to get us to switch cable companies but I still take this as a good sign as I've been doing conjure to try to get him to visit me at my house.

I'm not sure what I should take as truth and what is just overthinking and a result of doing too much divination at an amateur level.

Statistics: Posted by ConjuringCat - Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:25 pm