Tuesday, 26 August 2008 Mr Saunders Is Also Calling For Religion To Be Taught
Friday, 22 August 2008 Grief Life Love Hope Healing Special Powers Blessings Rainbows And Gratitude
A visitation for family and friends and funeral mass for Gavin took place yesterday morning at the church were he was baptized and Kate and Ed got married. Gavin: age 5 1/2, a kid with a saintly smile who'd just started walking and had beaten many odds. Kate: a beautiful person and stellar mom contending with the unimaginable.I stood in the church's lobby and pored over the many keepsakes and photo boards set out on tables, Kate's labor of love. Gavin giggling, playing in water, doing therapy, loving his family, looking so handsome, being a kid. His birth announcement. The paper Valentine's heart he made. I tried to compose myself, went into the chapel, stood on the receiving line, gave Ed a hug hello, hugged Kate, hugged her some more, sat down in an empty row, wept.
I spotted Miss Sara, Gavin's amazing aide, and Gavin's little brother and walked over. After Sara and I hugged, I stooped down to chat with Brian who was munching on organic bunny fruit snacks. We got to talking about his love for Angry Birds Star Wars, which I hadn't even known was A Thing. "Have you seen the Stars Wars movies yet, or are you too little?" I asked. "No, I'm too "big"!" he told me. I laughed. We high-fived. He gave me the empty bunny snack wrapper.
Kate wrote an absolutely beautiful eulogy and read it with quiet strength, barely faltering. She acknowledged the sadness in the room, then said, "Ed and I feel strongly that we want people to leave here feeling mostly inspired....by Gavin and his journey. If we've ever been sure of anything, it is this: Gavin was sent here on this Earth to work through us to inspire others. To change people. To open people's hearts to endless possibilities. To inspire hope and healing."
Kate noted that she was aware that many people have been inspired to do wonderful acts to honor Gavin. "If people all over the world are feeling even a fraction of what we have felt over these 5 1/2 years as Gavin's Mommy and Daddy-inspired, lucky, blessed, hopeful-then my heart is full," she said. "Gavin is continuing to change people. Help people. Heal people's hearts...including ours."
Miss Sara read a favorite book of Kate and Gavin's, On The Night You Were Born.
"Gavin, on the night you were born,"the moon smiled with such wonder"that the stars peeked in to see you"and the night wind whispered"Life will never be the same."Because there had never been anyone like you..."ever in the world."ooooo"For never before in story or rhyme"(not even once upon a time)"has the world ever known a you, my friend,"and it never will, not ever again."
Ed wrote a homily, Prayers of the Faithful.
He asked that God provide people suffering injustice and tragic events, like those recently in Boston, with mercy and comfort.
He asked that God bless the teachers and therapists who care for and nurture our children.
He asked that God give hope to those who have recently lost a loved one or who are praying for organ donations for loved ones.
And he asked,
"For all our children, that our love for them may keep the safe throughout their life on earth, and that God grant them eternal peace and happiness when they are with Him."
"People are fascinated with rainbows," said Father Kelly. He spoke of the first mention of rainbows in the bible, in Genesis:9. He spoke of classical composer Fr'ed'eric Chopin and his Fantaisie-Impromptu, part of whose melody is in the song "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows." He spoke of Judy Garland singing about rainbows. And he spoke of Kate's blog, Chasing Rainbows, and how she's shared so much there, and inspired so many.
Every one of Gavin's therapists and teachers, from birth on, came to the service, except for a nurse who was with a family in need. One of Gavin's former aides even flew in from Turkey. They participated in the Presentation of Gifts. One by one, each walked up to the podium and placed a stem of blue hydrangea in a clear glass vase. A sign below read "A superhero sleeps here."
The final song of the service was You Are Mine, by David Haas. The last lines rang in my ears the whole drive home:
"I am the word that leads all to freedom"I am the peace the world cannot give"I will call your name, embracing all your pain"Stand up, now, walk and live."
More words from Kate's eulogy that I will never forget: "Never let anyone tell you that you can't chase rainbows," she said. "As I look out on this sea of faces, I know that each of you have been inspired by Gavin's story. Gavin, really, was everyone's child and I was happy to share him with all of you. But you can find hope and inspiration and important life lessons in your own lives. In your children's lives, young or old. In your journeys, even when the path seems impossible to walk, like this one for us. Everything is an opportunity to learn... to help others... to grow. Gavin taught me that. I am just the messenger today."
Source: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com
By Lady Raven Avalon Member Since February 13
OK, The last time I asked for information was amazing so much great stuff and I have another what about sef iniciation to withcraft Ive heard soooooo many different ones witch one is the correct way? Where can I find an online site and self initiate now?
the very reason our Coven wrote this book MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH know thyself, intent, learn about the different types of witchcraft, traditions and learn the very basics of the code of ethics within the craft, learn how to set up an altar and why you do so, learn how to consecrate tools and why and learn about the divinities, spell casting, how to create your own book of shadows and what this magickal journal is used for etc.,. you then get an idea of this lifelong journey. I could not ethically show you a link to immediate self initiation as this to me would be against everything I believe in. Yes, in our book we do show a self initiation (solitary witch) however, this is only after the reader learns the very basics of The Craft of The Wise and is able to discern for themselves which path suits them best, we also pose questions as to why you wish to become a witch and so much more..... I trust you understand. Your question is like asking a Doctor...ok, where to I go on the internet to become a doctor tomorrow. With the greatest of respect and love Lady Raven Avalon, High Priestess, Black Raven Coven
Follow Black Raven Coven on Facebook:
Lady Raven Avalon High Priestess-Black Raven Coven: Black Raven Coven by Lady Raven Avalon High Prie
ladyravenavalonhp.blogspot.com Lady Raven Avalon High Priestess-Black Raven Coven: MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH ">MAGICK FOR THE NEW WITCH & WICCAN by lady raven avalon & coven book publishing date end of February 2011 (amazon)
Thursday, 21 August 2008 The Secret Magic Of Vimshottari
All known methods in Vedic Astrology can be divided into two categories, as far as mathematics is concerned : (1) those dependent upon modern physical astronomy and (2) those relying on traditional methods. Both these categories have numerous variants. Major problem in the first camp is astrologically correct value of ayanamsha, and main problem in second camp is computational crudities of various types.
We assume that both these camps take for granted that in mathematics sidereal (nirayana) system is correct and in predictive astrology (phalita jyotisha) Brihat-Parashara-Hora-Shastra (BPHS) and ancient texts based on or akin to BPHS are to be relied upon, because that is the accepted meaning of Vedic Astrology or Jyotisha.
There cannot be mutually incompatible two correct techniques of timing, either both of them or at least one of them must be incorrect. As far as the first school based on physical astronomy is concerned, all possible values of ayanamsha have been experimented with during past one hundred years, without any conclusive outcome in the favour of any single value of ayanamsha. It proves that even after we get some perfect solution to the problem of ayanamsha, there must be other unrecognized errors which must be removed if we want any exact technique in timing of events. One such source of error is erroneous length of the Vimshottari year. Some software developers, like Sri Jyoti Star in the USA and Kundalee in India, have experimented with various types of Vimshottari years, without any conclusive result, because a third source of error was never noticed by any practitioner of Vedic Astrology among the computer using guys : hidden Saurpakshiya offsets in Drikpakshiya longitudes of planets. Most of the computer using astrologers might not have heard these esoteric terms, whiich are fundamental in the curriculum of Vedic Jyotisha taught in Sanskrit universities of India. These are ancient concepts, and Ketaki system had revived these concepts during 20th century. Kamlakara Bhatta was the most staunch proponent of this Saurpakshiya mathematics during recent centuries, but due to Western hegemony and faith in modern science this ancient system was never tried by any software developer.
Many reputed scholars of Sanskrit universities on India have concluded that unless this beejsamskrita (offset corrected) method of Suryasidhanta is adopted, foolproof timing of events will remain a distant dream. On 18 Oct 2005, after two days of discussions in a conference held at Sampoornanand Sanskrit University in Varanasi, an unanimous decision was taken by academic stalwarts from six states of India that all panchangas of India ought to be made according to Suryasidhanta and a committee headed by me (Vinay Jha) was formed to implement this unanimous decision, whose parties were Dr Nagendra Pandey (currently HOD of Jyotisha at Sampoornanand Sanskrit University in Varanasi), Dr Shukdeva Chaturvedi (former HOD of Lalbahadur Shastri Kendriya Vidyapeetha in Delhi), Dr Ramchandra Pandey (former HOD of Jyotisha of Benaras Hindu University, Varanasi), Dr Radhakanta Mishra (currently HOD of Jyotisha at KSD Sanskrit University in Bihar), etc. This unanimous decision was implemented and eight panchangas were started in many states of India and a horoscope making Kundalee software was also launched, based on the same beejsamskrita Suryasidhantic mathematics.
Mathematical discussion of this tricky affair is not advisable here. My aim here is merely to illustrate, with some examples, this traditional method of Vedic Ganita (mathematics), which was simply known as Siddhanta (theory) by all ancient astrologers of India. Without a sound Siddhanta, a sound predictive astrology is just impossible. There were 18 ancient Siddhantas, of which Surya Siddhanta was lauded as the best by Varah Mihir. The beauty and greatness of BPHS cannot be properly fathomed unless we use the Ganita (Surya Siddhanta) of those very ancient masters who created Phalita.
Some rules must be observed before we proceed. Rashi chart should be used only for determining friendships, aspects, strengths, debilities, etc of planets. Predictive work should be entirely based upon the Bhava-chalita kundali. Many astrologers use Rashi kundali for predictons because it saves time, and this habit has now become almost a rule ! Ascendant is defined as a point in ecliptic. The latter is elliptical. Hence, ascendant and consequent bhavas are all parts of this solar ellipse. Rashi kundali is circular and therefore all 12 parts are equal. But bhavachalita kundali is elliptical because its 12 bhavas are unequal.
Now we come to our main theme. Birthtime bhavachalita (D1) and navamamsha (D9) kundalis and associated aspect charts are given in following two pictures. Let us explore the timing of marriage of a registered user (cf. ) according to BPHS and Laghuparashari. All the rules and techniques used below are well known to all Vedic astrologers, but these rules work with perfection only if all the three mathematical offsets are taken into account. Following analysis is based on a software (Kundalee) in which all necessary corrections proposed by aforementioned academics have been taken into account.
Birthtime : 17:07:1983 at 19:34, Nellore (14:27 N, 80:02 E)
Marriage time : 10:08:2006 at 11:04, Hyderabad
Saurpakshiya Vimshottari at the time of marriage :
MahaDasha(MD) = Jup, AD = Sat, PD = Rahu,SD = Ven,PrD = Merc
Let us consider birthtime Bhava-chalita (D1) and Navamasha(D9) charts. Following is the aspects (max. 60) on 7th house :
Jup = 51 ; Ketu = 39 ; Sat = 38 ; Moon = 10 ; Rahu = 6 ; others = 0.
Merury resides in 7th house.
Due to more aspect on 7th house than any other planet, marriage took place in Jupiter's MD.
But Ketu and Saturn have nearly equal aspect on 7th. Ketu has Yuti relation with Jupiter, but Saturn has a yuti relation with lord of the 7th house Moon.
Firstly, Jupiter's being lord of 3rd and 12th houses and being merely samagrihi in 11th house is far weaker than exalted Saturn in 9th house with lord of 7th Moon. Hence, yuti relation with Jupiter is not imparting enough weightage to Ketu in its contention with Saturn as a force to reckon with as regards 7th house.
Secondly, Jupiter is friendly to both Ketu and Saturn in bhavachalita, but in D9 Jupiter is friendly to Saturn but enmical (tatkalika) to Ketu, the latter being further weakened by being placed in 12th house. It forced Ketu out of the race, and made Saturn factor of AD.
Moon in spite of being lord of 7th house had only 10' aspect and in D9 was debilitated in D9, hence it went out of the race. Mercury is combust (asta) with debilitated Sun, hence it was powerless. Jayakaraka Venus is lord of 8th house, resides in 6th and has no aspect on 7th. Hence it had no effect on marriage. In bhavachalita, all other planets are totally ineffective in this regard. In D9, exalted Saturn has yuti relation with Mercury and Rahu. Since Mercury is combust in bhavachalita, Rahu emerges as the most powerful contender for factor behind pratyantara dasha when we consider the combined effect of bhavachalita and D9.
Among the remaining, we find Jayakaraka Venus as factor of SD and Mercury sitting in 7th as factor of Prandasha, in spite of their weaknesses, because all other planets are totally ineffectve. Mercury is 10^0:34':35' degrees away from Sun (after applying Saurpakshiya offset in longitudes according to ancient canons), and is therefore not totally combust. Venus is also not too bad, and therefore its property of Jayakaraka was not totally destroyed on account of residing in 8th and lacking aspect on 7th.
Careful comparison of all planets in D1and D9 with regard to their influences on 7th house should be made by readers to determine the five planets needed for Vimshottari timing. D1 is bhavachalita and not Rashi-chart, because BPHS explicitly uses the word Lagna for D1, and ancient mathematical canon (Suryasiddhanta) defines Lagna as in terms of elliptical ecliptic and not in terms of circular bha-vritta. If such precautions are taken, measure of error in determination of time of events will gradually reduce.
In the chart of husband of this native, two planets are so powerful for the 7th house that they were repeated in Vimshottari sequence Ineffectiveness of other planets also contributed to this.
This topic is growing too big. Such problems should be solved by means of comparison of both types of softwares, popular ones, and Suryasiddhantic. It is not possible to wipe out Suryasiddhanta in spite of centuries of propaganda against it by Semitic invaders and their intellectual offsprings. Suryasiddhanta is not a text of physical astronomy, its Grahas are incarnations of gods. BPHS also holds same views. Physical planets have no power to control destinies of men and nations, and they cannot be propitiated either. If material planets are accepted to be factors in astrology, their forces must be material forces. But how can we compare the gigantic material forces of Sun and Jupiter with Mercury ? And what is the material force of Rahu or Ketu ? Injecting materialism in astrology is destroying it. Jyotisha, being Vedanga, is a part of Veda, and is a part of religion rather than of material science. Its criterion of truth is not heavenly position of material objects perceived by sense organs, but the reliability of Phalita (predictive branch of astrology). 2000 AD was the year of minimum amount of offset in longitudes between Drikpakshiya (physical) and Saurpakshiya (Suryasiddhantic) planets. Now, this offset has begun to increase, and will reach the value of 180^0 in 23000 AD. When this offset was considerable, no one talked of material objects. Observatories are things of Kaliyuga. Astrological Grahas are deities who control lives of creatures.
Reading such arguments, some people start crying wolf about obscurantism. But they forget that all great scientists like Newton, Neils Bohr, Einstein and Schr"oedinger were believers in God, the last of them being a staunch supporter of Vedanta who got a Nobel Prise by proving through his Wave Mechanics that material things are mere perceptions and nothing exists in the universe excepting Waves (of Consciousness?) : this is what Badarayana and Shankaracharya taught !
hindu astrology,
Monday, 18 August 2008 Rainy Days Perfect Time For Relaxation Reflection And Renewal Pbp Wk 36
Source: witchnest.blogspot.com
Thursday, 14 August 2008 Beck Back Under The Microscope
entertainment culture,
religion belief
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 You Dont Just Go Out There And Do Anything You Want
Dave Brubeck died yesterday one day short of his 92nd birthday. The many obituaries celebrate his contributions to music, and not just jazz. After writing a commissioned mass in 1980 Dave Brubeck became a Catholic and continued to write music intended for sacred purposes. In 2006, he was interviewed for "Commonweal" and responded to a question about music in worship:IAN MARCUS CORBIN: Does the modern Christian worshiper lose anything of value as more intricate, studied compositions are displaced by less complex pop- or folk-style songs in many Christian churches?
DAVE BRUBECK: The use of rock, folk, or pop music serves a purpose. It gets people into the church. But an inexperienced guitar player who doesn't have much to say, for example, can make me wish to leave the church immediately, whereas one great jazz or classical guitarist can confirm that I will have a spiritual experience in the church. There are a lot of people on the lowest rung of Jacob's Ladder, and we must somehow reach down, give them a hand, and make them want to climb. A little really good music never hurt anyone. And when people are given good music they can grow spiritually and even discover they like it. For example, why is Handel's "Messiah" performed year after year, reaching millions of people? Every year it gathers more listeners, some new, some who make it part of their Christmas experience. With many repetitions it has become a tradition shared by people on all levels of music appreciation. I think the church should strive to give parishioners good music. Music is as necessary for worship as a building with a beautiful altar, artwork, and stained-glass windows. Together they create an environment conducive to worship and contemplation. We are not in church for entertainment, but to worship.From "To Hope: A Celebration":
Mollie Hemingway writes about "The soul in Dave Brubeck's jazz," from which:
PBS' inestimable Religion ">FAW: Sometimes, says Brubeck, the music shapes the text. Sometimes, he says, it's just the opposite.
FAW: I heard you at one point say "my basic approach is to sing the text until something seems right."
BRUBECK: Yeah, that's it: "All my hope, all my hope is in you, oh Lord, you are my rock and my strength."
FAW: As for those lyrics, it turns out that's the realm of Dave Brubeck's wife.
BRUBECK: My wife was driving, and I said, "I've finished this." And she said, "No, you haven't finished it." And I said, "Well, what did I leave out?" And she said, "God's love made visible. He is invincible."
"God's love made visible." So that's the way it finished. [more]Brubeck thought that jazz and democracy are similar in a very significant way:Brubeck believed that jazz presented the best face of America to the world.
"Jazz is about freedom within discipline," he said in a 2005 interview with The Associated Press. "Usually a dictatorship like in Russia and Germany will prevent jazz from being played because it just seemed to represent freedom, democracy and the United States.
"Many people don't understand how disciplined you have to be to play jazz.... And that is really the idea of democracy - freedom within the Constitution or discipline. You don't just get out there and do anything you want."'Great Art Survives' Commonweal magazine, Dave Brubeck, legend who helped define jazz, dies, The soul in Dave Brubeck's jazz
Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com
DAVE BRUBECK: The use of rock, folk, or pop music serves a purpose. It gets people into the church. But an inexperienced guitar player who doesn't have much to say, for example, can make me wish to leave the church immediately, whereas one great jazz or classical guitarist can confirm that I will have a spiritual experience in the church. There are a lot of people on the lowest rung of Jacob's Ladder, and we must somehow reach down, give them a hand, and make them want to climb. A little really good music never hurt anyone. And when people are given good music they can grow spiritually and even discover they like it. For example, why is Handel's "Messiah" performed year after year, reaching millions of people? Every year it gathers more listeners, some new, some who make it part of their Christmas experience. With many repetitions it has become a tradition shared by people on all levels of music appreciation. I think the church should strive to give parishioners good music. Music is as necessary for worship as a building with a beautiful altar, artwork, and stained-glass windows. Together they create an environment conducive to worship and contemplation. We are not in church for entertainment, but to worship.From "To Hope: A Celebration":
Mollie Hemingway writes about "The soul in Dave Brubeck's jazz," from which:
PBS' inestimable Religion ">FAW: Sometimes, says Brubeck, the music shapes the text. Sometimes, he says, it's just the opposite.
FAW: I heard you at one point say "my basic approach is to sing the text until something seems right."
BRUBECK: Yeah, that's it: "All my hope, all my hope is in you, oh Lord, you are my rock and my strength."
FAW: As for those lyrics, it turns out that's the realm of Dave Brubeck's wife.
BRUBECK: My wife was driving, and I said, "I've finished this." And she said, "No, you haven't finished it." And I said, "Well, what did I leave out?" And she said, "God's love made visible. He is invincible."
"God's love made visible." So that's the way it finished. [more]Brubeck thought that jazz and democracy are similar in a very significant way:Brubeck believed that jazz presented the best face of America to the world.
"Jazz is about freedom within discipline," he said in a 2005 interview with The Associated Press. "Usually a dictatorship like in Russia and Germany will prevent jazz from being played because it just seemed to represent freedom, democracy and the United States.
"Many people don't understand how disciplined you have to be to play jazz.... And that is really the idea of democracy - freedom within the Constitution or discipline. You don't just get out there and do anything you want."'Great Art Survives' Commonweal magazine, Dave Brubeck, legend who helped define jazz, dies, The soul in Dave Brubeck's jazz
Reference: pagan-space.blogspot.com
dave brubeck,
entertainment culture,
Sunday, 10 August 2008 A Witch Foundation Stands
Shamash 19
In log to my entries of Thursday and Friday this out of week (ACCIDENTS IN THE AIR AND MISSISSIPPI AND THE BE IN CHARGE OF OF MOSES), I lesson found an uncontrollable trawl to the Madoff discredit which bankrupt Thursday with Bernard Madoff's control by federal law enforcement officials on charges of securities prank. "THE JEWISH LIFE STORY" reports:The leading standard clemency target, according to JTA, is the The Robert I. LAPPIN Support IN SALEM, Cushion. which gave obtainable about 1.5 million to Jewish causes.
My Christian name is LAPPIN and SALEM, Cushion. is illustrious historically for its witchcraft trials of 1692 and at the present has a big community of witches, the urban having been broken from history as a spiritual root for American witches in this century.
Peculiar, the synchronicity. Thank Idol MY Prim Support AS A WITCH wasn't without an answer up in that omnipotent junction out of conclusion.
Reference: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com
religion belief
A Trip To The Witches Sabbath
John Dickson Carr" (1906-1977) was a immoderate author of mystery novels, specializing in the sub-genre specified as the "ASSURE ROOM MYSTERY" (NOT ROUTINELY CONCERNING A FACTUAL "ASSURE ROOM", but always a seemingly painful dereliction of duty). Carr's novels (WHETHER WRITTEN UNDER HIS OWN NAME OR THE ASSUMED NAME OF CARTER DICKSON) are always full of misdirection and obfuscation, and to this end he by and large cast-off Fortean sub-themes -- for occurrence an Egyptian curse (NOBLE OF THE SORCERERS"), a vampire ("HE WHO WHISPERS"), a spirit ("THE CRATE OF THE POSITIVELY SUICIDES"), a mind-reader ("THE READER IS WARNED"), spiritualism ("THE PLAGUE SMART MURDERS"), palmistry ("PUT INTO SLAPDASH DO US GUISE"), the Tarot ("EIGHT OF SWORDS")... and witchcraft ("THE OUT OF KILTER REVOLVE"). These allegedly sinister elements are always absent to abide non-supernatural explanations -- and they usually turn out to be unrelated to the extreme solution of the mystery!
The sub-theme of witchcraft is totally one of lots of obfuscating elements that Carr throws stylish "OUT OF KILTER REVOLVE". A blind date past the settle, a ahead of time weird beast was found dead in her own home, her open quantity soiled all for a second time with a fantastic calm. The answer for this, time was it is finally disposed, is fascinating: "For six hundred living there's been a gigantic pile of receipt from group who remonstration to abide gone to witches' Sabbaths and seen the specter of Satan... What would make a revel stick them to be facts? It's been argued that in a huge dimensions of gear the '"witch"' never not here her own lodge or even her own room. She imitation she had attended the Sabbath in the grove. She imitation she had been conveyed by magic to the debased altar and found a demon enthusiast current. She imitation so seeing that the two arrogant ingredients of the calm were aconite and belladonna. Belladonna, extreme by means of the pores of the insulation would hastily hold spice up, furthermore glowing hallucinations and illusion, and last but not least faint. Add to this the symptoms bent by aconite: mental litter, softness, impaired force... a keep under surveillance steeped in metaphors of Satanist partying would do the rest."
This isn't totally Carr's fantasy, by the way -- exactly the extremely guesswork was put ahead of time by David Hambling in small business 173 of "FORTEAN GET OLDER" (IMPERIAL 2003). Hambling supplementary the remarkable piece that witches would sometimes dirty the end of a broomstick with the calm past putting it amongst their legs... interpret that until now you want!
wiccan home
Thursday, 7 August 2008 Helaman Camp Parent Letter
Origin: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com
religion belief
Wednesday, 6 August 2008 Dear Occultnew Age Shop Owners
Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com
Sunday, 3 August 2008 Large Antique Japanese Kamidana Shinto Shrine Japan Antique Roadshow
Be glad about to the softypapa blog. My name is Kurt Sound and I am pleased that you control future to set sights on awhile with me. I'm on sale on Facebook and Google+ if you control questions or fairly claim to chat and say hi. I can furthermore be found at the JVLOG forum with other Japan-related contented creators. All links are listed below. I beginning exceed to natter you on-line. Tolerate a carry out day! The Path of Wildness is easy to findThe course of a jetLeaves blown in the bendA beast's check on produce the forget about"And the course of action of our opening fixation" "The Path of Wildness" is an round about and remedy to a decorous way of life which may flight some individuals with a stroke that their living is sad supervisor than a series of pre-determined, step-like episodes involving sunrise and death. The stages of living involving these events: beginnings, young adulthood, independence, fatherliness and senior are themselves natural and in accord with the requests of the rank and peak individuals. Multiple find their delight in living this course and to these individuals I control sad or nonexistence to say. Others but want for whatever thing more; whatever thing monster, genetic and seemingly profession. Lark and disagree can agree to a alongside of delight and relief yet even these may perfect too tame. To natives who feel deep-set to whatever thing addition the jollity and spur of mind I consecrate a set sights on floor "The Path of Wildness". Don't lunch penciling the f?te in your invoice, preparing a block up with goodies and supplies or even homely a friend floor, for this experience is floor the course of your opening fixation and you necessitate certain yet go from outside. "The Path of Wildness" Burial * Homepage * Facebook page * Conduit focus
Carry out me on Twitter:https://twitter.com/softypapa Be my friend on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/LylesBrother On Google+https://plus.google.com/u/0/108027407488568902619/posts At the JVLOG forum (my username present-day is "LylesBrother"):http://jvlog.org You can furthermore touch me via email at the overdue address: softypapa@gmail.com
Credits "Japanese Surge" image included in this video is by the artist Track Brown. See supervisor of Mr. Brown's work at the overdue URL:http://lanebrownart.blogspot.com/p/portfolio.html Duct Subject Music "Give a buzz For Kurt" second hand with scope by Nowherians. Deduce supervisor about the artist and their music at the URL below. Be self-possessed to inhibit out their "Rome Pays Off" recordings.http://www.tracerecordings.com Duct homepage image "Palm leaf" by photographer Moyan Brenn.See supervisor of Mr. Brenn's photos on Flickr at the interact below.http://www.flickr.com/photos/aigle dore
religion belief,
Saturday, 2 August 2008 The Three Most Important Issues In The West Now
Reference: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com
religion belief,
social issues
Looong Weeek
Source: esoteric-soup.blogspot.com
Friday, 1 August 2008 Shiastrength The Favours Of Allah On Us Are Enormous
The Favours of Allah on us are Enormous !
In the world in which we live, Allah bestows many favours on us. ALL THE NEEDS OF EACH LIVING BEING ARE BENEVOLENTLY MET; NO DETAIL IS FORGOTTEN.
Let's think about ourselves as examples. From the moment we wake in the morning, we need many things and encounter many situations. In brief, we survive due to the many favours bestowed upon us.
WE CAN BREATHE AS SOON AS WE WAKE UP. We never experience difficulty in doing this, thanks to our respiratory systems functioning perfectly.
We can see as soon as we open our eyes. The sharp and distant images, all three-dimensional and fully coloured, are perceived by our eyes, and indeed owe their existence to the unique design of eyes.
We taste delicious flavours. The relative proportions of the vitamin, mineral, carbohydrate or protein content of the food we eat, or how the excess of these nutrients are stored or utilised in the body never concern us. Moreover, we are mostly never aware that such complicated operations take place in our body.
When we hold some material in our hands, we immediately know if it is soft or hard. What is more, we need no mental effort to do this. Numerous similar minute operations take place in our body. The organs, responsible for these operations, have complicated mechanisms. THE HUMAN BODY FUNCTIONS ALMOST LIKE A FACTORY OF ENORMOUS COMPLEXITY AND INGENUITY. This body is one of the major favours given to man since man leads his existence on earth with it.
At this point, a question remains to be answered: how are the raw materials necessary to operate this factory supplied? To put it another way, how do water, air, and all the other nutrients essential for life come into existence?
Let's think about fruits and vegetables. Melons, watermelons, cherries, oranges, tomatoes, peppers, pineapples, mulberries, grapes, eggplants... all grow in soil from seeds, and the seed has a structure sometimes as hard as wood. However, while considering these, we should avoid habitual ways of thinking and employ different methods. Visualise the delicious tastes and odours of strawberries or the ever-changing odour of melon. Think about the time and energy spent in laboratories to produce similar odours and about the repeated trials that resulted in failure. Indeed, results obtained by scientists in laboratories prove to be no better than the unsuccessful imitations of their natural counterparts. THE VARIETIES OF TASTE, ODOUR AND COLOUR IN NATURE BEAR INDEED MATCHLESS ATTRIBUTES.
That all vegetables and fruits have distinct tastes and odours and carry individual colours is the result of the design particular to them. They are all favours Allah bestows upon man.
Similarly, animals, too, are created specially for human beings. Apart from serving as food, man finds their physical appearances appealing. Fish, corals, star-fishes decorating the depths of oceans with all their beautiful colours, all kinds of birds adding charm to their habitat or cats, dogs, dolphins and penguins... they are all favours from Allah. Allah stresses this fact in many verses:
The living beings mentioned above are only a tiny part of the favours and beauties Allah bestows. Wherever we turn, we come across creations reflecting the attributes of Allah. Allah is ar-Razzaq (the Ceaseless Provider), al-Latif (the Subtle One, He who creates things most subtly), al-Karim (the Generous One), al-Barr (the source of all goodness).
"Then which of the "FAVOURS" of your "LORD" will ye "DENY"? - [QURAN 55:13]
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