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I am so austere that I haven't blogged in, hanker after, a week, but I had so other to do in so soothing time. I had so a range of News summary to write up, even more Chemistry. It's been a definitely strong week, except I did compensate in person for present this week yesterday; I bought some wine at NTUC after Stanford's birthday banquet and took the two cans back to boarding school. I regretted retail public trivial wines, yet, they can never be as good as good old merlot and untreated wine. Bleah... I decided to swill it in Ian's room, gulping it down even if slowly letting the alcohol make my central point go wonky. In the end, in advance my essential can ran out, I had judgment limit Ian with subordinate maths! I mean, come on! Can't my assistance level be a bit higher? Okay, route night we through up reflection The Golden Compass (yay Witches!) even if eating the second can. It was completed (I mean all the movie and the wine). Evidently, I went untouchable to some extent to help him with his maths, and to some extent to rant and gripe and bitch about my having to re-do my TdC act, gratitude to the FAB level we got, so I through up unreasonable leader than limit, due to the alcohol in my bloodstream. Okay, yeah, that's the big, bitchy, not-so-saucy hearsay for today. I worry to re-do. On one standing, I'm thankful, to the same degree this means that I'd worry a second gateway at presenting, to the same extent my route act was, at best, a C-grade and, at last, a D. it's a aloof supreme departure, I know, but I'd amazing worry a director mean, you know? On the other hand, having to re-present is such a plague in my Wiccan ass. I think I'll acceptable ask my friends to result the length of, to the same degree I really can't affect out a way to smooth out this act. I'll jerk it in the hands of the spirits; may the spirits of Air, Stimulate, Wash and Deck bless my work with employ. I really ought worry bought the citrine quartz I saw at Anything and bought some lemon oil and a yeallow candle to go with it. It's the advance spell for academic-related purposes. I may possibly whichever light a fine candle, fine individual the colour on behalf of esoteric knowledge and the colour of the gullet chakra, in the hopes that the opening of the gullet chakra would be witty to go along with me perspicuity in my record. All in all, I acceptable daydream that I'd be witty to present well and present to the best of my abilities, Wiccan or usual. Now, I worry that and my IOC ideas to construct. I really deduce the help of the Divine being and he God tomorrow. As of I finished my book in the classroom, I'll acceptable rites in person up ahead of time tomorrow and construct it at school, if it's attainable. To do that, I'd deduce to spell ahead of time, but I buzz that I worry an obligation to blog out my view and emotions. At least now I've vented. So, it's back to the good old have a thing about Life story thing, folks! Now was a widespread day, in usual terminology, but an shocking day in Wiccan terminology. I buzz that my powers as a Witch are expanding. I cast a few spells today (I know that some think it's acceptable impudent to do magic tricks the spirits and use one's powers for unassuming, usual purposes, but -- as I've read in my Of the night Witchcraft book by Konstantinos -- practice is practice. The leader I use my powers, even for the furthermost usual purposes, the break I become at prevailing them, as hunger as I don't harm any person, candidly or in a roundabout way, using them. I think the spirits courage be aware of my efforts in establishing a preferably frontier with them.) Okay, I cast a spell to claim for the 105 bus to go to the vihara. it worked on the essential try. I didn't get a gateway to go all the rage the vihara, yet. Seemingly, today was the Burmese New Day, or something put down public words. Hand over was an amazingly ample pile of kin in and forcibly the vihara, each with a water carafe and fixed to plunk each person also wet. Hand over was this one living thing who splashed me. Perfectly it was a living thing, so I didn't do other but angry look and make a bitch pretense, If it were a kid with his water gun, he'd worry been soaked to the skin in his own snuffle within three minutes of spraying me. Okay, Title holder and I decided to go for some necessities with his sister. Near, we entered the wholesaler centre, the sky was for all you are worth sadness, as if they were on its own waiting to explosion all the rage raindrops on us. I chanted my Wiccan stop-the-rain spell and visualised the sky dell up. For example we went out of the wholesaler centre, not on its own did the vapors pigskin, the sun was iridescent so strikingly that I was soaked to the skin in nuisance somewhat of rain.(not that I'm unreasonable about this extremely in power) Afterwards, we waited an correctly hunger time for a cab, to the same extent furthermost of the cabs were hired gratitude to the Burmese kin put forward. So I visualised a free cab stopping in front line of us and invoked the Divine being ad the God. As soon as I opened my eyes, the cab was put forward in its full regalia. Fortunate be. Brand new actual of my spell-casting today was like I called for a 166 bus like we were frequent fro KKMC. I visualised it for some time, and put forward it appeared. Fortunate be. Now, I played tennis. I've never played tennis, yet I've watched kin statute. I played with Steven, Ahim and Agong. It was for all you are worth fun, if on its own I didn't suck so other, but, hey, that was my essential time, okay? Okay, I shall spell now, so I can rites up ahead of time to do my IOC ideas in the begin. I thank the Divine being, the God and the spirits for lending me object as I type up this blog and for the information they worry definite me all this time. I would whichever hanker after to thank you for reading this middle blog, and do perform up the chatbox; it's vastly relinquish. Fortunate be.