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In order to provide a rewarding and memorable experience for each young man who attended Helaman's camp, they asked each parent to write a letter to their son. They wanted each young man to receive a "letter from home" at camp. The letter was to be a secret so the boys would be surprised to get it.Here is the letter I wrote for Brady: Dear Brady, I believe you know how very proud I am of the man you have been and are becoming. I love being your Mom. You always have had strong standards and goals in your life. These traits and virtues will help you become the man of your dreams. As you move on with your life and attend BYU this fall, continue to work hard in your studies. There will be a lot of challenges this year in moving away from home, learning to deal with roommates, working and studying hard. I have no doubt that you will succeed in all that you do. Continue to live the gospel and set good goals in keeping with the gospel standards and commandments. Honor your Priesthood. Prepare to attend the temple where you will make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father. Most importantly prepare to serve an honorable mission.I don't know what the Lord has planned for you or where you will be sent on a mission. There will be challenges as you spread the gospel and change people's lives. The gospel is true and I know it will change people's hearts as they listen to the message you give, but most importantly feel the Holy Ghost witness that it is true. We are a lucky people to have the happiness that comes from having the gospel in our lives.When you find difficulty in your life, I hope you will fall onto your knees and ask for Heavenly Father's help. He will always be there to lift you up and help you along the path your life will go.I hope you will study the scriptures daily and feel the power and protection it will give you as you go forward in pursuing your dreams. You have great dreams and I know that your future will be as bright as your faith.Always know that I love you very much! I will always be a listening ear and as much help to you as I can be. I am the luckiest mom to have you as my son and I have faith that you will have a brilliant life if you continue as you have these past 17 1/2 - 18 years. You have achieved so much and have tried your best to succeed. It is an admirable strength and spirit you have that will help you throughout your life. I am also very thankful that you obediently do all I ask of you. You are a great help to me - even if I give you a hard time about it. I've tried to raise you the best I can. I know I've made mistakes and wish you would have had a dad here raising you along with me. But we've made it and had a great life. I know you appreciate and feel the blessings Heavenly Father has given us.I hope you will continue to run and stay physically fit through your life. It is a great talent -- enjoying to run. Remember to eat - LOL! I know you like to eat healthy when you remember to do it or take time to do it. You will have to actually pull yourself away from your studies, work, games and fun to go and get something to eat and I hope you will do it! 3 meals a day - says MOM.... ha ha ha ha!I am also amazed at your musical talent. I hope you continue to love playing the piano and sharing that talent with others. Sing with the church choir and in the shower. You have a wonderful voice that I hope you will continue to share and develop through your life. Your musical talent will give you so much joy along with a "calming and spiritual" help when you are stressed. You have a wonderful ability to find beautiful and uplifting music to listen to. I am continually amazed at the songs you find and love. It is a gift to cherish and acknowledge that Heavenly Father has given it to you to uplift you through your life and share with others. You have shown kindness to those around you and have been a great example to your brothers, sister, cousins and cousins children. You are admired by all of us and you have a great family behind you cheering you on. I have no doubt that you will make great friends at college and be a leader and great companion on your mission.I love you with all my heart. You have been the best son a mother could want and a great friend to me. I will miss you as you leave, but I know it is important for you to find your own way and the life you are meant to lead. Be safe and return home often. Know that I will be praying for you daily.With much love,Mom!