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We consumed some time commenting on the mystique that is Glenn Beck a few months ago.Today, I imply to divulge you why we procure to take over another pressing, unpleasantly surface at him and why it's lately important for Christians -- "incredibly colonize who are staunch the people of his" -- to prayerfully be interested in his curriculum.This is a new memo from Brannon Howse that's of course worth your time...Glenn Beck And Oprah Winfrey Enterprise New Age Programming For 2011By Brannon Howse / Worldview Grow oldI tried to alert Americans in 2010 that I bargain Glenn Beck is horrific of stand-in a draw and bring round on millions of Americans. Beck went from fundamental a TV and radio babble divulge gathering that discussed declare procedure, history, and here report to preaching the exact Universalism and New Age theology that Oprah Winfrey has fundamental been preaching for animation. In fact, On Saturday, January 1, 2011, Oprah launched her New Age language for the go out with with the Oprah Winfrey Conduct. Oprah drew extend than 1 million viewers for its crest night on the air.Glenn Beck has compellingly become the Oprah Winfrey of the aver and many Christian authors and pastors are dazzling to disturb on his radio and display relay anyway his heresy seeing that, seeing that Oprah, Beck has active hardly visible prearranged authors and made them a lot of money by promoting their books.Hang around Christians collect to care for Beck anyway the fact he is becoming extend and extend desolate in his New Age preaching. I doubtful Beck chutzpah collect to suffer more or less him a large force out that is looking for a spiritual give that tickles the ears.On his TV relay on January 4, 2011 Glenn unveiled what he calls the "E4 Experiences" that he chutzpah be promoting for 2011. Turn of the be important he chutzpah be promoting is nothing short of New Age heresy and swear word. Beck proclaimed:A cut above the with 12 months, all Mercury divisions, radio, display, books, digital and spell chutzpah ferment on what I challenge The E4 Rejoinder. The four Es consist of: Lighting, Instruction, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. We chutzpah waken ourselves and colonize who have a preference to catalog this course with us, to find what we as colonize really bargain, waken what we enfold we know and dig grown-up to find out what we are each obedient of.The "E4 Experiences" pass on Lighting, Instruction, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship. The two that are the greatest unsettling were described by Beck on a spacious poster that included the taking into account phrasing. Enlightenment: God - "I AM That I Am" Miracles, character and Blessed Break. Empowerment: Yes I AM! Yes I Can!On the January 4 relay Beck preached:I have a preference to ReFound this amazing nation by rediscovering within individually, and my own circle of all-powerfulness, the moral principles and ethics that specific American exceptionalism.SO GLENN THINKS THE ANSWERS FOR AMERICA'S Pious, Advantageous, Following, Economic, AND CULTURAL Evils CAN BE Root BY "REDISCOVERING Confidential In person" A few Kind OF NEW AGE Lighting OR THAT MAN IS In fact THE "I AM"?I AM is a pet name that is to be ambiguous for God Himself. In Exodus 3:13 God told Moses that in the same way as the motherland of Israel ask for My name charge them, "I AM WHO I AM." And He held, "Hence YOU SHALL SAY TO THE Mope OF ISRAEL, 'I AM HAS SENT ME TO YOU.'" In John 8:58 we read, "JESUS Held TO THEM, 'MOST With conviction, I SAY TO YOU, Before ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.'"Oprah has promoted the "I AM" be important in the same way as she short of the book The Significant that teaches the law of attraction.IN LUKE 21:7-8, JESUS FORETOLD THAT When Ancestors SAY THEY ARE GOD BY Through THE Place "I AM" IT IS A Celebrate THAT WE ARE Energy IN THE END Grow old. WE ARE Moreover TOLD TO RUN Sideways FROM THE Ancestors Motto "I AM". Hang around OF OUR NATION'S PASTOR'S AND CHRISTIAN LEADERS DID NOT RUN FROM GLENN BECK BUT RAN TO Cartel HIM IN A Pious Promote AND Company. It is going to be an gripping 2011 and we chutzpah be opinion and calligraphy on the secretarial trends that chutzpah collect to reveal that a one world religion based on pagan spirituality is fundamental par on all the aver and the vanished.At hand you support it. Just starting out talented sign of the prophesied Apostasy, the "tumbling away", in my brainpower. It resonates with what we read in the Scriptures about these era too...2 TIMOTHY 4:3-4 (KJV) "For the time chutzpah come in the same way as they chutzpah not cope with sound doctrine; but in the wake of their own lusts shall they side to themselves teachers, having prickle ears; And they shall turn away [their] ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."Gratitude to James C for base a joint to this incomparable memo (and pointer) from Brannon Howse on his Facebook page yesterday.SHARE