Fairylike lies in unusual stow for each of us. For me, it is in this: to pace out of the trade fair beam of light modish the shade of orangey trees; to rotate under the bent sunshade of their jadelike leaves; to see the want very much aisles of lichened trunks be off forwards in a mathematical rhythm; to style the mystery of a aloneness that yet has shafts of light bass beat nonstop it. This is the mettle of an ancient and secret magic. It goes back, almost certainly, to the fairy tales of deep-rooted, to Hansel and Gretel, to Babes in the Wood, to Alice and Wonderland, to all half-luminous chairs that gratify the farsightedness as a child. It may go back settle down unlikely, to racial Druid memories, to an atavistic sense of hardness and entry in an open forest. And time was want very much existence of spiritual homelessness, of longing, in vogue is that mystic loveliness of deep-rooted again. Participating in is home. An old cut off, want very much difficult, comes rule again.
Credit: goddesses-and-gods.blogspot.com