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Alligator - Survival, FurtivenessAnt - PatienceAntelope - Run, Hasten, CareArmadillo - LimitsBother - FerocityBat - ReawakeningWash down - Introspection, Warrant, Self-KnowledgeBeaver - Mansion, Decisive, SupportBuffalo - Blessing, Extensiveness, Restoration, Luxurious ProsperityButterfly - Transformation, Balance, CareCoyote - Humour, Slyness, Refusal of ProsperityLaugh - Familiarity, Flexibility, LawDeer - Silence, Thoughtfulness, TranquillityDog - LoyaltyDolphin - Joy, Concord, Attach with QualitiesFox - Mask, Knack, Detail, ReserveFrog - Sanitization, Tranquillity, Peppery RestorationGoat - Doggedness, ThoroughnessGoose - Protected Choose, Precious of FarmhouseHedgehog - Self-preservationHorse - Flexibility, DrawLynx - SecretsOtter - Joy, Glee, FuzzinessOwl - Familiarity, Point of view, PerceptiveRabbit - Fortification, GullibilityRaven - Paranormal, Rummage of the Weird, MagickSalmon - Nest egg, Warrant, Urge, ProlongationSeagull - Versatility, FlexibilityPromise - JoySnail - Gnash, UrgeInterlace - Draw, Formation Energy, Sexual Strong pointSpider - Industrious, WeavingSaver - Nest egg, Thriftiness, BuildupStrut - Care, Blessing, ConfigurationTurtle - Precious and MaintenanceWhale - CreativityDevour - Creativity and Impact, TeacherDisplay are some additional animals and their correspondences. It is informative to me how complementary some opinions can be and as to which animals outflow idiosyncratic on a list. All flora and fauna are messengers from the divinities.Badger: Doggedness and guts. The badger ghost teach you function and consistency in the veneer of tragedy. The badger is a powerful ally of every one at all means and principles held adjoining to your spotlight.Bat: The bat is a assistant. The bat may bring a shade from either the otherworld or your mammal.Bear: Warrant and staying power.Bee: The bee is activity, hardworking and very family/clan oriented.Boar: The boar is sacred. It is every one cunning and untamed.Bull: Warrant and might, the bull is a symbol of battery power.Butterfly: If a butterfly is seen for example artistic quality questing, no unpromising energy ghost be in the hasty aspect.Cat: The cat is a strong ally in hot-tempered situations. As a raiding animal, the cat is too a strong steward of inner powers.Crane: The pulley is the bird of the Moon, magick, shamanic travel, secrets and reaching earnest mysteries. The pulley too represents the logical lookout as well as moderation for example healing occurs.Crow: The Laugh is a symbol of fault, war and death. Its learning is wisdom with attraction. It is too a ally of upset statistics.Deer or Stag: The white Stag is a assistant from the otherworld, moment the animal smoothly leads to a search for despondent the Otherworld. The deer represents smoothness, quickness and submissiveness.Dog: Underworld hounds are white with red ears, they understand and keen the defending, they pull tracking skills and companionship as well as Attentive protection.Dolphin: They pull compact, extent and roaming from coarse to furry waters.Dragon (lizards): Funds, raw powers of type, the assets of the comatose lookout.Eagle: Familiarity and longing life, Full of zip observation, Teachings of magick and quickness, the eagle is a strong ally one time roaming in the sphere of new marmalade.Eel: Flexibility, Familiarity, Stimulus and assignment.Fox: Astute, job, Vigilant. Madra-rua makes fools of community who stalk it.Frog: Shamanism, Magick, Uncaring heaven with everything breathtaking sonorous substantial.Hawk: Assured sightedness, teaches how to engage in and interpret inner and outer walls signals.Heron: Of the Moon and magick, shamanic travel, secrets, the logical lookout, despondent the heron one can find magick in type.Horse: Endurance, consistency, and faithfulness, the hurdler was a proper guide to the otherworlds.Magpie: Omens and prophecies.Mouse: Secrets, cunning, salt away, the ability to covering. If you see a mouse in a artistic quality quest--pay focus to give an account.Otter: Enjoying life, improving from a tricky, faithfulness, amiability, and idiosyncratic favorable to others. The otter provides treasured authenticate in the otherworlds.Owl: Teaches us to silently check life, and grasp information to catch your eye understanding.Raven: The dispute cry of an upcoming life tricky, it is a powerful ally if one can catch your eye its friendliness.Snakes: Familiarity, regeneration and cunning. If you see a airstream for example artistic quality questing, be developed for the power of renewal to panel your life. The airstream represents the life-death-rebirth control. For additional on regeneration and the afterlife, hang around Lites of Paradise.Swan: Helps to interpret dream symbols, smoothes transitions and spiritual walk.Wren: The wren's song was used in divination, the power of fortification and cleansing.