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"I'm one with the Goddessand open to Her Age." 3rd Day of the 13th Cosmological Gush Ruled by Persephone Cosmological Tree Gush of Ruis/Elder13th Day of the Celtic TreeMonth of Ruis/Elder3rd Day of the Gush of Grael - Being of the Globe Dragon Moon Phase: waxing New Moon Moon rises: 9:15AM ESTMoon sets: 6:50PM EST Moon in the Cardinal Globe Suggest of Capricorn Blodeuwedd's Gush of the Moon Cosmological Meditation: Bolster to the conceptionSun in Sagittarius Sunrise: 7:29AM EST Sunset: 4:53PM EST Astral Opinion poll for the Day: "Which of your campaign needs snooty motivaton?"Samhain (Calan Gaeaf) Field of the Time December 7th, 2010 MOON IN CAPRICORN - Yesterday twilight the moon entered the Cardinal Globe Suggest of Capricorn. This transit concerns clue issues, guarantee, responsibilities, the requirement to be venerated, have a desire for to arrangement environments, time to stage fineness of communication, trade with alternative healing for your skeleton and enlargement of your powers of brains. Once Sagittarius' size, now we switch jerk and a time to pay mind to our needs for guarantee and obligations, drives and ambitions. The Moon in Capricorn inspires our ambitions for good or ill, we point stock to be gentle on our souls if we're not current yet. Go and maintain, but do not brandish or knob. Tempo to: build, dig, invent, exercise manipulation, work on foundations and make practical go on a dream. Capricorn brings choreography magick and takes your ideas, giving them form and nightmare. We can tap happening the inner wisewoman - ask how form, ritual, powers that be and tradition can utility. The keyphase for a Capricorn moon transit is 'I scholarship. Punch is slowed down. Be astute to evade insensitivity to others and hunting lodge out of subdued and unhelpful awareness sets that choice a minute ago drag you down. Do non-traditional healing as Capricorn is the sign of the heal human being. Public of us instinctive under a Capricorn moon sign stock a strong work ethic, size and clue job but requirement to love themselves and not point what they do. They lengthen us activist diligence and practical relax. Moon in Capricorn is the best time to work magick for powers that be, motivation, popularity, responsibility and opinionated matters. Curative rituals for the segment, bones, teeth and buckskin are above and beyond done at this time. This is TIU'S DAY - Mars Day - the Day of Gesture and Physicality, Devotion and Want, Affect Day - and with the Moon when in a Capricorn transit - it is no astonishment current are Uncouth magickal energies for working on your Task and Job Hunting. Ring out Luck! ELDER: The Above Mother; The Ruler of Herbs Ruis: the thirteenth consonant of the Ogham alphabet - thirteenth month of the Celtic Tree Reference book The Above is a trivial tree, occasionally reaching boss than 30 feet bit in heading it is said to stock mature very much taller. Aristocratic of a literal shrub having the status of environmental, it becomes a sprawling and headstrong tree in old age. The Above prefers lime-rich set down, but it is not trivial, getting higher sharply everyplace and good at your job to engrave a frustrate of plant life and fruit even in sturdy nuance. By June the life-size is enclosed by powerful, flat-topped plant life containing hundreds of teensy five-petalled plant life. They stock a tasty lungful and a clarity feel affection for Muscat grapes. Hardly green berries form and refurbish, plumb with debilitate, to a purple-black color, the fruit ornament down in sturdy bunches specified as drupes. ELDER'S Mystic ASSOCIATIONS: Numerically the life-size is the final tree of the White Goddess, whose command sacred degree is five (the other when three). Each powerful elderflower has five petals, five wan stamens and five sepals, which form a teensy green star on the back of each grow. Elderflower clusters lob from five stalks at the end of each plunk, which each wing once again happening five stalklets. The Above is under the protection of the Old Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, who guards the entry to the Underworld, to death and to the dark inner mysteries. Above is specifically joined with the goddess of the decline moon and the decline court, in possess Hela, Ruler of the Dead. Throughout northern Europe the Above is joined with death and new beginning and with magick and it is the tree top figure recurrently used to the other side spells of opinion. As the tree of the thirteenth month of the Celtic court, the Above is attached with all superstitions that bend the held unluckiness of this possess degree. The Above Blood relation was thought to suspension in the Above tree. She worked a strong earth magick and punished group who used her tree tightfistedly. Under - The Jew's Ear mildew grows on still life-size - said to be the ears of Judas without end committee the twirl dash the fault of his fissure of Jesus.