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I took a brief hiatus from writing for the last couple of days, just to get out in the summer sun and enjoy nature. My lady and I went kayaking and paddle boarding on a couple of the many lakes in the local area. (Minnesota is known as the State with the 10,000 lakes.) The weather has been absolutely glorious, not too hot but warm enough for wearing a bathing suit and getting wet. I have to say that I needed this break from routine, since both my regular job and the writing and research for my Qabbalah book have been quite all consuming as of late. However, I have completed writing the core of the material that I will use to distill the contents of the book, so there are a month's worth of articles on the Qabbalah that will be coming your way in the next couple of days. Since these are actually large chapters (consisting of anywhere between 12 to 20 pages), I will be breaking them up to fit what normally passes for a large article on this blog - around four pages. I am really excited by this large amount of fresh research and writing that I have been doing, and my book for Llewellyn should take only a few weeks to distill from this material, since it is a beginner's book and shouldn't exceed the 50,000 word high water mark.Recently, I talked to my contacts at the local occult book store (Eye of Horus) and have decided that this autumn would be a good time to take all of this Qabbalah material that I have accumulated and put together a three day intensive course. This course would cover all of the basic material and would also give students some essential tools to help make the Qabbalah become a living and breathing spiritual system instead of a dull pile of obscure study material. I want to help occultists, especially pagans and wiccans, to get an insight into and to fully grasp this topic, helping them to make it into the effective system of magick and spirituality that it is for me. That's a tall order, I know, but it's one that would give me a great deal of personal satisfaction. When this class is scheduled and ready to offer to the public, I will certainly let you know about it well in advance. But for those who live very far away from the Twin Cities and who read this blog, there will be an entire month dedicated to the Qabbalah. It's my hope that some of my newly acquired research and some of my many years of experience can be shared with you, my redoubtable readers. So enjoy the month of Qabbalah, and if that topic is not your "cup of tea," then you can browse past articles by topics that do interest you. There is an index of topics on the left hand side of the blog webpage, but you will need to scroll down past the other links and pertinent information in order to get at it. Anyway, at the end of this period of Qabbalah articles, I will post an article that has a list of sequential links, so you can access these articles in the topical order that makes the most sense. Since I have already posted several of these articles in the last few months, and the fact that they weren't posted in any real logical order, the list of links in this article will help to sequentially organize the material as if it were in a book. So - have a great weekend, and for those who live in the U.S., have a great Fourth of July! The weather here will be perfect, so I intend on continuing to enjoy my time away from work. The beautiful and lush summer flora, and my lovely grove, beckons me to leave my small office and greet the brilliant sunshine and the warm balmy weather. Bright Blessings -Frater Barrabbas