Tuesday 27 January 2009 Monday Ministry Highlights Kevin And Anna Ruwersma

Monday Ministry Highlights Kevin And Anna Ruwersma
This week I want to introduce you to some other missionary friends of ours. Kevin and Anna Ruwersma are missionaries to the United Kingdom.

We first met Kevin when he was in college. Crown College of the Bible sends out groups of college students each summer to help churches in whatever area is needed. It is a blessing to the churches and a great learning experience for the young people training to be in the ministry. Kevin spent two weeks with our church several summers ago. He was a huge help to us in the building of our new addition. He hung lots of lighting and tons of siding. He had experience in this area from working with his father. He was just who we needed that summer. Isn't it great how God supplies for your needs even when you don't ask? He also helped us prepare for our upcoming Vacation Bible School. We were very impressed by Kevin that summer. He was such a hard worker and had a sincere desire to serve the Lord with his life. Kevin and Anna were dating that summer and an engagement was already on Kevin's mind, so we heard a lot about Anna then. We met Anna this past summer as they were preparing to go to the UK. She has such a sweet spirit. She truly desires to be a blessing. I was touched by her honest concern for the burdens of others.

Kevin and Anna are now serving the Lord in the UK. They are working with Beeches Road Baptist Chapel near Birmingham. This chapel was started by another American missionary couple about two years ago. Kevin and Anna are discipling new Christians and working with the youth. Kevin and Anna also have a unique ministry working with Crown College British Division students who are studying in the UK for a few semesters. These students are training to be in the full time ministry. Kevin and Anna are working with these students and the local chapels to bring the gospel to the people of the UK. They have a part in giving these students a more hands on training approach to the ministry and missions. They aren't just teaching them in a classroom. They are actually out each week serving in the local chapels. The Lord is richly blessing there ministry in the UK. They have had many opportunities to lead souls to the Lord and be a help to the people in their area. I encourage you to check out their blog at http://www.theruwersmafamily.blogspot.com/ They have many posts on the different opportunities that they have had to serve at Beeches Road Baptist Chapel and with the students of Crown College British Division. They are a young couple just beginning what I believe will be many years of serving the Lord in the ministry together. They are excited about what the Lord is doing in their lives. My husband and I get great encouragement from them. I trust that you will too. Rachel www.smithfamilyofsix.blogspot.com