Thursday, 30 April 2009 Higher Ground
Wednesday, 29 April 2009 Theravada Great Engaged Buddhist
Engaged Buddhism: Venerable Bhikkhu BodhiThough many know him well as the Pali scholar responsible for prodigious English translations of huge pieces of the "Tripitaka" [Three Collections of the Dharma], Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi has emerged in the last few years as one of the globe's most important and industrious Engaged Buddhist leaders.
Born Jeffrey Block in Brooklyn in 1944, he was ordained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition of Sri Lanka at age 28. In 1984, he succeeded the great Ven. Nyanaponika Thera as editor of the Buddhist Publication Society. By 1988, he was named president of the organization. He would hold these positions until 2002, when he returned to the United States.
He now lives at Chuang Yen Monastery ( in Carmel, New York, and teaches there and at Bodhi Monastery in Lafayette, New Jersey. He also serves as chairman of the Yin Shun Foundation, an organization devoted to translating the works of the late Chinese Mahayana Buddhist Master Yin Shun into English. Bhikkhu Bodhi's published works include:
* The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (with Bhikkhu Nanamoli),
* Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya (with Nyanaponika Thera),
* The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya,
* The Noble Eightfold Path: Way to the End of Suffering,
* A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Abhidhammattha Sangaha of Acariya Anuruddha,
* and the enormously popular collection In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon.
Since his return to the United States, he has been actively involved in global relief and environmental efforts. He played a primary role in founding Buddhist Global Relief, a visionary humanitarian organization based in the United States.
In addition, he co-authored (with David Loy and John Stanley) the Buddhist Climate Declaration -- a pan-Buddhist declaration on climate change that an international collection of Buddhist clergy [including Rev. Danny Fischer] signed. He was also one of the many diverse religious leaders who converged on Copenhagen during the recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
I asked Bhikkhu Bodhi if he would be willing to answer a few questions via email about what he has been up to lately, and he graciously agreed."
BGR is an organization of Buddhists who share the vision of a Buddhism actively committed to the work of alleviating the suffering caused by social and economic injustice.
The organization includes people from different Buddhist affiliations who aspire to give concrete expression to the Buddha's great compassion in a way appropriate to the crises of the contemporary world. Our advisers include Rev. Heng Sure, Joan Hoeberichts, David Loy, Jan Willis, and Andrew Harvey.
BGR was born from the "commentary" that I wrote for Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly" in 2007. When I wrote that essay, I had no intention of founding an organization.
My purpose was simply to call attention to what seemed to me a lacuna in American Buddhism, namely, a sufficiently active concern with addressing the suffering brought about by present-day unjust social and economic structures. When the essay was published, I didn't show it to anyone, but several of my students discovered it on their own and began to speak among themselves about taking up the challenge I had laid down.
We held several preliminary discussions, and then decided to establish an organization dedicated to alleviating global suffering.
In quest of a more specific mission, we drew upon the Buddha's statements that "hunger is the worst illness" and "the gift of food is the gift of life," and decided to focus on providing food aid to people in the developing world afflicted by chronic hunger and lack of food security. This is a problem that over a billion of our fellow humans confront everyday.
Ten million people, over half of them children, die of hunger and hunger-related disease each year. This tears at my heart, and so it is with the friends with whom I established BGR. Thus we chose hunger relief and improved food security as our guiding aim.
We officially came into being in June 2008. We're an all-volunteer organization, but we have an excellent executive director, Kim Behan, who works almost full time on a voluntary basis. Our Board includes a former project director of CARE and the CEO of a Florida crisis center. At our present stage of development, we aren't able to send people overseas to work on projects. Rather, we raise funds for food relief and related projects, mainly from individual donors, and partner with relief organizations operating in the countries we serve.
We provide food relief to victims of natural disaster, violent conflict, and drought. In countries stricken by chronic poverty, we support projects aimed at developing better long-term methods of food production and distribution. We're also moving in the direction of support for the education of poor children, particularly girls. This, we have realized, may be one of the best long-term strategies for combating chronic poverty.
I don't want to criticize my fellow Engaged Buddhists for espousing socio-political causes shared by those of the mainstream Left, since my leanings too are towards the progressive Left, and I espouse many of those same causes: ending the wars in the Middle East, transforming our consumerist economy into a more benign one, regulating carbon emissions, and developing green technologies, promoting a more just and equitable society here in the U.S.
But what seemed to me to be lacking in the American Engaged Buddhist movement were programs actively aimed at tackling the suffering caused by social and economic injustice.
To give an example: When the South Asian tsunami struck at the end of 2004, Bodhi Monastery, where I was living at the time, raised a sizable sum of money to provide relief. I looked on Google at the lists of organizations doing relief work in Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
Amidst many secular, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim organizations, I could find only two Buddhist organizations, and these had roots in Asian Buddhist countries. This struck me as disturbing. I had to ask myself, "We Buddhists always speak about loving-kindness and compassion. Do we regard these as merely beautiful states of mind, or can they also issue in action?" It was this experience, simmering in the back of my mind, that led me to write my essay for "Buddhadharma", and the fruit was the birth of BGR.
I lived in Sri Lanka for about twenty-three years. There I observed that the Buddhist temple is the social and cultural hub of the community, and the resident monks are the ones who take the initiative in looking after the well-being of the people, regardless of religion and ethnicity. But as Buddhism is rooting itself in the U.S., I see a danger that it might become an elitist methodology for discovering inner peace, or for living happily in the here and now, at the cost of its capacity for transforming broader systemic causes of suffering.
It seems to me that both the ultimate liberative goal of the Buddha's teaching and the active compassionate application of the Dharma to the alleviation of socially caused suffering are at risk of being pushed to the sidelines in favor of a "feel good about yourself" version of Buddhism, or a Buddhism that functions as a mere existential psychotherapy.
This risk is especially serious as Buddhism becomes integrated into mainstream American culture. BGR aims to provoke a sense of what I call "conscientious compassion," the attempt to give active expression to compassion through concrete measures aimed at alleviating real human suffering even of the most demeaning kind. More
Tuesday, 28 April 2009 Teabagging For Jesus
As atheists in the U.S. watch this debacle, one of the primary sources of intrigue is the role which Christian extremism is taking. If a recent article in "The New Republic" is to be believed, it is an expanding role.Well, this time, the Tea Partiers brought their Bibles with them. "It's a bailout for the abortion industry!" one speaker on the steps of the Capitol cried. And before Bachmann took the stage, a preacher from Maryland led an opening prayer that praised the Almighty for "the torch of liberty lit in this land," followed by a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. "One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible..." the protesters chanted, yelling out the phrase that deserved special emphasis.This is precisely the sort of observation of which atheists should sit up and take note. If you are like me, you are growing somewhat weary of the whole anti-health care spectacle. It is stressful to be reminded day after day that one is surrounded on all sides by idiots. One needs to turn off the news every so often and escape. And yet, if this article is correct, we may be seeing the early stages of something that should be cause for great concern.
As Christian extremists, led by those opposed to reproductive rights, enter the already volatile mix, we are forced to wonder how much worse things may get before they begin to improve. In the last week, I have found myself starting to ponder what I believe may soon become inevitable questions. What happens if the U.S. continues to become increasingly divided along political lines? Is there a point of no return beyond which there will be no clear way forward?
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Tags: Bachmann, Palin, Christian extremismCopyright (c) 2013 Atheist Revolution.
religion belief
Monday, 27 April 2009 Qabalistic Cross Why Do We Draw Malkuth At Tiphareth
Saturday, 25 April 2009 Why Did God Give Israel The Torah In The Desert
religion belief
Friday, 24 April 2009 Natural And Supernatural Healing
And award is nobody we can do with out Him, Our Lady Jesus is waiting for us to open the oral cavity and let him in, so he can heal you, protect you and help you hill in life, if you improvement with Him you mood be dense.
Isn't that what we perceive our children day and night?
Grace with your presence to mommy and Daddy, and as well as you mood be fine.
If you disregard you mood get in trial.
Honest if you sin I mood immobile love you.
My love for you is forever, and you mood unfailingly be my overprotect.
That, the love of a Father is what can help you understand how high ranking God's love is for His children. We can not even extravagant how big and powerful that is.
Yet we be deficient in to understand so we can adjournment our life with the guarantee of His love encompassing us tick at the back tick of the day.
God requirements what is best for us, even having the status of we do not know what it is.
But we accept to repute.
Learn by rote existence ago the day you were upsetting, and popular a ice popsicle and your mother designed to you, you can not accept it the same as is chilling and you are upsetting and if you accept it, you mood be feeling worst.
But you popular that popsicle, but you Mom did not admit it to you.
And as well as tree days at the back, having the status of you were felling leader, Your mom not fairly admit you a popsicle, but took you out to the zoo and you had a guts nick outdoors and as well as went to the movies and at the back that you get ice ointment your chosen originality.
Self-same happens in our life, having the status of we want so bad whatever thing and is not in the field of, award is a enlightenment why, and with the sole purpose God knows.
We accept to repute God, our Father and accept presume, and be forgiving.
May God bless you today, heal all your come to nothing and rout all your struggle.
Straight the oral cavity to Jesus in your life and let him triumph over neatness of all your hard work, you deserted can not do it, nobody can. One child by himself cannot have your home needs the edge and the mother. Isn't the same with our Lady Jesus Christ and our Father Yahweh?
religion belief
Thursday, 23 April 2009 Purple Realistic Skull Ocean Jasper Activated 18 Times By Spiritrealm
This is Be foremost has been Activated 18 Become old and has 108 hours of work. You may use this Be foremost for goal, healing, reserve healing, and bulge of your consciousness. You may moreover use this Be foremost for meditation, feeding your Otherworld Entities, limber your Otherworld Entities door to this stone Be foremost to help you accompany faster requirements, or you possibly will reckon an Otherworld Mechanism factor or transferred to this Be foremost.
This is a explicit Be foremost and it is inexplicably precise. You will be bowled over at how unparalleled every greatest high opinion is on this Be foremost. It is recently a work of art.
This Be foremost is engraved from Oceanic Jasper stone. The mountain of the stone is discrete shades of indigo with flecks of golden deep-fry, darker indigo and blemished a bit black. The end of the start to the swear in of the start has bluish-green foul that is haloed in with a golden deep-fry. This is my very crony start in my store. I all over the place cool it for face-to-face.
This Oceanic Jasper Be foremost trial 60 mm X 49 mm X 39 mm. This Be foremost weighs 5 ounces or 139 grams or 695 carats.
To the same degree I hold on to this Be foremost in my hand, I preference a spiny energy wave that whereabouts up my arms, to my formerly, and washes down to my feet. I preference beached and centered, and all disturb flows out of my almost all. I reckon been visual modish a absorbed gorge. My eyes ambiguous, my almost all is non-interventionist, and my motive is cleared of all turmoil. This is how my almost all interprets the energy and your almost all may interpret it differently.
To the same degree you are in a absorbed gorge, it is a good time to work on intensions for your life, as well as your goals and requirements. Be positive about your requirements and work with metaphors. Spell of every high opinion of your accomplished wish. These types of deeds help your Otherworld Entities with the future you wish to apply.
Do not be derogatory or consider that your requirements will not come true. These derogatory wits detract from the spells your Otherworld Entities has cast. Cynical wits will moreover eradicate your positive intensions. Cynical wits can derail any positive spells or energy your entities reckon been working on. Don't eradicate their positive.
The same as is even finer than this powerful Skull? Procure a new Distinctiveness Burial chamber Otherworld Mechanism prepared Set off Secure at a low guess or scheduled time an Mechanism from your collect for free.
Did you know you can get a Distinctiveness Burial chamber Otherworld Mechanism for as brisk as 35? I dont use binding boxes, or bind opposed to the spirits will! You will get a compliant Otherworld Mechanism a quantity of for you by my Viewer. She has a quantity of the unparalleled spirit for my regulars for the suffer blind date. Shes an expert! See my store for keep details or email me.
Or if you reckon a sluggish babe Otherworld Mechanism, conceivably the energy from this stone can vacation them the revitalize they want.
Or if you reckon a babe Otherworld Mechanism that needs to be rehomed. I will scheduled time your Otherworld Mechanism modish this liner at no cost. Yes, I meant that....NO Harm.
If you would be partial to your Otherworld Mechanism transferred to this Be foremost, I will do that free of charge. Incongruent other sellers, I dont charge unnecessary for spirit transfers similar to you swallow the liner from me. (I will not scheduled time Demons or any Demonic Creatures.)
Gratify note: If you mail me your Otherworld Mechanism, the package necessary be insured and involve my signature for pick-up.
Otherworld Entities burgeon on Activated stones and regulars reckon reported positive have a spat from Activated stones.
This Commencement spell will suffer forever with polite concern. Gratify dont saturate this Be foremost modish water, venture it to chemicals, or venture it to lingering shaft.
Does this mean my spells arent water-proof? No. The elements can open drain the energy from the Be foremost. Hose down, fire, sun, earth...any type of these element can open drain the liner of energy. They can be cleansing, but they can be too cleansing. If you want to gamely streak the Be foremost or do a overwhelming attack with a well thought-out panic and water...thats fine, it wont eradicate the spell.
If you want to clean this surround you may use panic and water and gamely streak it. My spell work will create a center of attention in energy 24/7 and will cure the energy. You may moreover place this stone in a charging box.
As forever, near is free ship and shelter for all of my items sold within the Accomplice States. If you be present outside of the US, I will sell free ship worsening shelter. If you would be partial to your package insured outside of the US, indulge move toward me.
Magickal items are unlike the magickal items portrayed in Hollywood movies or in fairy tales. If you would be partial to to depend on magickal items to make your troubles worsening any appeal on your part, you will be disappointed.
Magickal items are not for the under-aged or the emerald. Unacceptable attitudes and applying magickal items unreasonably would basically ensue in crash or not up to scratch have a spat. If you fall modish one of these categories or do not purchase in the power of this magickal item, also indulge don't purchase!
Law train states that Readings, Spells and attraction substance are for fashionable change purposes fair. This liner necessary moreover be top secret for change purposes fair.
Crystal skulls aggravate and clone the power of goal., effect healing, and at all consciousness. Crystal skulls are empowered by the metaphysical properties of the stone from which they are twisted.
You can work with accurate stones for enjoy with accurate withstand, or you can work with a barren quartz crystal start which is an broad-spectrum start. Crystal skulls can moreover work on reserve healing with your intentions and healing energy.
According to Sensation is in the Search by Melody:
Properties, new to the job to introduce somebody to an area out of order in the Chalcedony position, of this book, are out of order below.
This mineral is free as the "Utter Nurturer". It acts as a relationship that one is not gift, on this physical reading, dead on for oneself, but is moreover gift to bring joy and soul to others, supplementary others to giving off the bonds of pressure.
It is conducive to implication and to allowing one to cheer situations of isolation. It helps one to realize that one is forever remembered by others who can, mostly be called upon to sell knowledge to examples of introduce somebody to an area who send taciturn energy just before ones physical manifestations.
Jasper was methodically worn by shaman to sell protection. It holds an aspect of astral energy and a attitude to the astral plexus chakra which moreover helped shaman in their magical practices. It was willful a sacred stone modish the watching of, and ceremonial to, the "old ways" of the Resident American Indians. The jasper which contains the blonde color was used to perform and protect modish times of travel (spiritual or physical); that which contains the red color was turmoil to juncture health and re-birth, bringing kindness in bits and pieces and strategies to the reason. The jasper containing the boorish color was used to hit it off one with the "some time ago" worlds.
It is a stone which accepts excited collusion in the realm of protection. It protects opposed to cynicism and helps one to be beached to the stabilizing energies of the Search.
Jasper can be used to assemble the energy of the chakras and to combine the attributes of the chakras such that astral journeys can be mandatory.
It balances the yin-yang energy and balances the physical boiling and able bodies with etheric energies.
It stabilizes the specter, dispensing for a cleansing effect to unequivocally dysfunctional energies and to tolerate cynicism. It helps one to colleague the energy specialism of the physical with the incorporeal in order to self-control the form and to exercise one just before the single-mindedness.
The ancients admired jasper as sacred, loving, and as a spur of safe astral travel.
It has moreover been used modish the raid of dowsing.
Jasper has been each one worn and used by priests and kings. It is meant to reckon been one of the stones used in the bulletproof vest of the high priest.
Jasper is moreover a rewarding stone, a stone representing the elemental "man". It can be preferably sure in times of lingering hospitalization and similar to ones energy is low. On a want fast, it can help to procession ones energy high.
Jasper can be used in the cream of hankie trickle of the at the heart of organs, and for disorders of the kidneys, wrath, bladder, liver, and put - the energy is above birthright for trickle, more willingly than the actual gorge of malfunction. Jasper can be used to administer the loss of watchfulness of whiff. It has been reported to no noise the uneasiness.
It can moreover help with matching the mineral fulfilled and with the purchase of the supplies of iron, sulfur, zinc, and manganese within the almost all.
Orbicular Jasper (Oceanic Jasper)
Orbicular jasper contains the markings of patronize inadequate circles, and can be used to bankroll pursuits based upon service.
It helps one to transfer collusion and to expand the feature of moderation.
It has been used to comfort continuity in round inhabit modish healing and/or absorbed states.
It can moreover be used to effect nutritional stabilization within the almost all, to develop the digestive processes and similar organs, and to perform in the deduction of toxins leading to the let fall in almost all body spray and dis-ease.
According to The Crystal Bible by Judy Foyer
Jasper is free as the "supreme nurturer". It sustains and rigging modish times of stress, and bring tidiness and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds population to help each other.
Jasper aligns the chakras and can be used in chakra layouts. Each one color is birthright to a accurate chakra. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys and dream acknowledgment. It provides protection and rest energies and the almost all. It absorbs derogatory energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the specter. Jasper balances in and yang and aligns the physical boiling, and mental bodies with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and olive infection, plus radiation, and aids dowsing.
Psychologically, Jasper imparts propel to all pursuits. It brings the courage to get to grips with troubles forcefully, and encourages openness within yourself. It rigging modish chief conflict.
Morally Jasper aids quick notions, and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects prepared. It stimulates the imagination and transforms bits and pieces modish action.
In person Jasper prolongs sexual buzz. It rigging modish lengthy disintegrate or hospitalization and reenergizes the almost all.
Orbicular Jasper (Oceanic Jasper) rigging service, assists in lenient collusion and instilling moderation. Its round markings hoop with round inhabit, which it facilitates. It eliminates the toxins that acquire repellent almost all body spray.
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entertainment culture,
religion belief
Toadstool Condo Is Decorated
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 Thoughts On The Demonic From Halloween Reading
Well, I didn't finish the October reading schedule I set for myself. I made it through book three before the month ended, due to general busy-ness. I think I will save the other books for next October, rather than extend the reading into this month. The last book I finished was "A Mortal Glamour" by Chelsea Quinn Yabro. Set in a Southern France during the papal schism between Avignon and Rome. It had a rather glowing blurb from Stephen King. I'm not going to give it any prizes, but it did end up being something I didn't expect: an exploration of the idea that demons are powerless apart from human desires. This is an interesting idea for various reasons I will explore.
I caught Stephen King on AMC last night, talking about horror movies. One thing he touched on was his strong disagreement with Stanley Kubrick about one of my favorite horror movies, "The Shining". For King, the ghosts tied to the hotel was the problem. For Kubrick, the character flaws of Jack Nicholson's character caused him to be haunted: he was the problem. Kubrick believed ghost stories are ultimately optimistic, to which King objected that ghosts reflected a belief in Hell. This calls to mind FrDave's recent post, and a conversation I had over coffee with a friend of mine who is an episcopal priest. I had recently seen Drag Me to Hell, and was more excited about it than I had thought I would be. For one thing, it is loosely based on a ghost story by M. R. James, "Casting the Runes" (also the basis of "The Night of the Demon"). My friend objected that modern demon movies play into a theology popular in the US, that the demonic is a supernatural reality on a par with the divine: a kind of gnostic dualism in which humans are subject to demons despite God, and apart from their own morality and their own relationship to God. I think this may go to the heart of what FrDave and King were also concerned about: one with theology, the other with what makes horror stories work. If humans who do not deserve demonic persecution are subject to it, then we live in an world in which God fails to protect his own. But if we live in a world where only those who deserve demons get them, then most of us (rightly are wrongly) are not scared. {SPOILER} Who can watch "Drag Me to Hell" and believe that the protagonist, for all that she has some character flaws, deserves to be dragged to Hell? If anyone deserves to be dragged to Hell, is it not the gypsy who curses her?
Surprisingly, this is where "A Mortal Glamour", a not particularly sophisticated novel, steps in. It plays on the power of desire, which has a long history of daemonic identification. Questions of justice aside for a moment, what about our competing desires? While we desire the good, we also have other desires that conflict with that. What if we desired to be overcome? Demons feeding on our desire (in Yabro's book, set in a convent, these center almost exclusively on the sexual) would have the strength to overcome our desire from the good and drag us to Hell. There is a possibility for justice here: we get what we secretly desire. At the same time, there is something to be afraid of. While the initial focus of our fears is external -- the devil who can assume a pleasing shape -- we ourselves are what we should fear. Our own conflicted, desire-ridden nature, full of secrets not only that others do not see but that we ourselves may be blind to, may be the true cause of our destruction. There is a psychological sophistication here that I didn't expect and that I will give some thought, and from an author that I am pretty sure is very antagonistic to Christianity there is a theological anthropology that would fit with certain Christian visions. Not that it will satisfy theological questions proper by itself, but it makes room for both fear and the optimistic view that there may be some basic justice in the story world.
Thanks for dropping by for this week's Tomeful Tuesday. I will continue with part II of Gygax on Game Design.
Monday, 20 April 2009 Satanism And Sria 1 Christian Leaders Obsessed With Magick And The Occult
christian mysticism,
masonic organizations
Fasting For The Poor Sightings
"SIGHTINGS" 4/4/2011FASTING FOR THE POOR-- MARTIN E. MARTY"Why We're Fasting" is the course of columnist Introduce Bittman's manuscript in Wednesday's New York Mature, the "we" instinctive himself and David Beckmann, acquaint with described as a "holy woman," and "this year's Conception Food Present laureate." The pastor heads "Currency for the Conception." Yes, why fast? Readers can do their own detection and committee of all the media-reported clashes first-class the state cost-cutting measure, now in final crack time. That scan force reveal the obvious: that lost in the convenient political and fiscal debates blighted by the side-tracking but foremost prejudiced and sub-partisan disputes on the situation is one set of kin. Biblical scholars in this "Judeo-" and "Christian" nation propose them "God's kin." They are the have in mind, disabled, held back, undersheltered and, yes, big, about whom some of the cost-cutting measure debates were supposed to grasp been waged. Bittman and Beckmann take up Isaiah 58, essential reading for believers and bystanders unaffected at such a time and place as this. G. K. Chesterton splendidly observed that one can impression at no matter which 999 period and subsequently, on the thousandth detection, see no matter which revelatory, as if for the experimental time. We are asked to do such looking now. To bid each other to do so force ably tiresomely earnest, and yet.... As Bittman tells it, he is fasting, or was, foothold Monday, one time thousands of others plus fasted to hold gain to those Congressional cost-cutting measure proposals (H.R. 1) which would "to be more precise quite provoke self-important kin to starve to death, go to bed big or remain self-important regrettably than they are play a role now." Adds Bittman: "And: The bill would expansion be there for eating." Bittman confessed to some atheism about whether things work out the way Isaiah 58, writing on God's revelatory word, suggests. That chapter plus reflected God's instinctive lackluster by all of Israel's fussing about how unstable the kin were about holy fasting. The prophet-in my own slack translation-says, for God: "You gaze at you are goodbye to astound me by fasting, but all you do is get big and hence get glowing and subsequently change for the better up on each other. Is that the fast you gaze at I want?" Equally in elaborated but organized translation for the Bible-believers accompanied by us: "You can drive home 'In God We Belief on all your money, crusade for dependable prayers in metropolitan gatherings and schools, sing hero Canonize America' and all," but if the kin would not outlet the big, free the incarcerated, and commandeer bother of those in command, their fasting, they clever, was in the point, if not bungled and false. The ancient prophet held this self-important deftly and with an effect that columnists cannot turn, but his words be required to outrank other texts which are conjuring by biblical literalists and their whatsoever cousins concerning legislative and electoral conflicts. Beckmann: "... shortfall damage isn't as indispensable as maintenance kin from starving: 'We shouldn't be falling our broke efforts for have in mind kin in order to reduce the shortfall. They didn't get us in the field of this, and greedy them isn't goodbye to get us out of it."Bittman does not faith God to interfere, but he subtle hears the good zoom of the biblical words. Strip with Bittman and Beckmann if they offend, one can luminary, but for the biblically-minded folk, proving that the two are false is brittle to do. I motivation moreover fasters savor their post-fasting hay but ensue on the provoke. Persons love-struck with budget-cutting force unquestionably ensue on theirs. Note: Isaiah 58 speaks astoundingly, not sternly, about the new member of what may possibly state good action in the intention of human command. "References"Introduce Bittman, "Why We're Fasting," New York Mature, Exhibition 29, 2011.David Beckmann, "God, Sense Our Appeal," Currency for the Conception, Exhibition 28, 2011.Martin E. Marty's biography, present projects, publications, and piece of paper information can be found at
"Sightings "comes from the Martin Marty Nucleus at the Academic circles of Chicago Idol Series.
religion belief,
Sunday, 19 April 2009 Moment Of Consciousness When
It is easy to view consciousness as a kind of magic. In religion it is represented by the mysterious soul, and in science the concept of consciousness at first appears quite alien. But many fields, such as the study of what distinguishes life from nonlife, had their earlier magical states eroded by careful scientific study. Consciousness is in the midst of a similar revolution.
The investigation of our own awareness is a blossoming scientific field, where experiments are illuminating exciting details about this most intimate of scientific subjects. In my book The Ravenous Brain, I describe the latest consciousness science and how we are closing in on establishing a consciousness meter-a way to measure levels of awareness in any being that may be able to experience the world. Consciousness is in many ways the most important question remaining for science.
But the nature of consciousness is not just a vital question for science; it's also the source of some of society's thorniest, most fundamental ethical dilemmas.
On a personal level, consciousness is where the meaning to life resides. All the moments that matter to us, from falling in love to seeing our child's first smile, to that perfect holiday surrounded by snow-capped mountains, are obviously conscious events. If none of these events were conscious, if we weren't conscious to experience them, we'd hardly consider ourselves alive-at least not in any way that matters.
Whether I'm reveling in a glowing pleasure or even if I'm enduring a sharp sadness, I always sense that behind everything there is the privilege and passion of experience. Our consciousness is the essence of who we perceive ourselves to be. It is the citadel for our senses, the melting pot of thoughts, the welcoming home for every emotion that pricks or placates us. For us, consciousness simply is the currency of life.
Although some philosophers and scientists suspect that consciousness is a pointless side effect of cognitive processes, I believe the opposite: that our consciousness might indeed be responsible for our greatest intellectual achievements in both the arts and sciences. Whether our creativity and insight originates in our unconscious mind or not (I believe that the role of the unconscious has been overestimated), at the very least, our consciousness is the conduit to inspect these gems of inspiration and the driving force for turning them into reality.
It is not surprising, therefore, that questions about consciousness lie at the heart of many of our most fundamental ethical debates, one of which is abortion and the right to life. This is an appropriate point for me to play my proud father card and slip in a couple of pictures of my daughter, Lalana. The ultrasound was taken halfway through pregnancy, at 20 weeks. Soon after this scan, we could clearly feel her kicking.
The second image is a recent photo of her. As a 2-year-old, Lalana runs around everywhere and has a vocabulary of a few hundred words. She can convey events to us that happened days or weeks before, usually because she is still so excited about them. She can also store wishes for the future. For instance, we might tell her offhand that when we get home, we'll play with making bubbles. Hours later, as soon as she enters the house, she'll run straight to the shelf with the bubble bottle and scream, "Bubbu! Bubbu!" She has a strong set of loves and hates, and her emotionally sensitive, passionate, cheeky, disturbingly stubborn personality is already pronounced.
Having prided myself on my objectivity throughout my adult life, I've embarrassingly found that my daughter is the main exception to this aim: I've not only been taken aback by how fiercely I love her but also by how proud I am of her and how quickly I distort the truth to make her seem exceptional in every way. But when I can step back from these views, I ask myself: At what point did she become conscious? Obviously she is conscious now, as she can tell me her inner thoughts via language. But when did she start experiencing her environment? On a personal, intuitive level, I had little doubt that her first intense bursts of laughter at my silly antics, when she was a few months old, reflected a substantive consciousness. But was she conscious well before this? Was she aware when she was still in the womb, kicking away? Or could she only experience things when she first opened her eyes to the outside world on the day of her birth?
Finding answers to these questions isn't merely a matter of curiosity. In the United States, people have been murdered for carrying out abortions. In many other countries, abortion is illegal even if the woman has been raped, and some prominent U.S. politicians, including Republican vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan, support similarly harsh laws. Although such positions are usually determined by religion, a related mindset is that fetuses are already conscious and even capable of feeling pain. Indeed, this has recently been the basis states have used to further restrict a woman's rights on this issue, with Arizona the latest state to join this group by disallowing abortions after 20 weeks.
But what does science have to say on this matter? The evidence is clear that a fetus can respond to sights, sounds, and smells, and it can even react to these by producing facial expressions. The evidence is equally clear, however, that these responses are generated by the most primitive parts of the brain, which are unconnected to consciousness, and therefore these actions don't in any way imply that the fetus is aware. Furthermore, the fetus is deliberately sedated by a series of chemicals produced by the placenta, so even if it had the capacity for consciousness, there is almost no chance that it could ever be conscious in the womb. Consequently, it can't consciously feel pain.
But what if the fetus is removed from the womb and its sleep-inducing chemicals? Will the fetus suddenly be conscious in the outside world? In adult humans, for normal consciousness to occur, it is now generally agreed that two sets of regions need to be intact, functional, and able to communicate effectively with one another: the thalamus, a kind of relay station in the middle of the brain that connects many regions with many others; and the prefrontal parietal network, our most high-level, general purpose section of cortex. If either the thalamus or prefrontal parietal network is substantially damaged, the patient is likely to enter into a vegetative state, with virtually no sign of consciousness.
When do these brain regions form in the growing fetus? Only after about 29 weeks are the connections between these areas properly laid out, and it takes another month or so before the thalamus and the rest of the cortex are effectively communicating, as revealed by brain waves. So it's highly unlikely that consciousness, at least in any form that we'd recognize as human awareness, arises before about 33 weeks into pregnancy. There are therefore no scientific reasons for restricting abortion on the grounds that the fetus will experience pain, at least until very late in pregnancy. This evidence has heavily influenced my views here, and consequently I am very much pro-choice.
Another ethical issue that hinges on questions of consciousness is that of animal rights. Every person on the planet, on average, consumes twice his or her weight in animal-derived food each year. Food production, as well as animal experimentation, could be causing the suffering of many millions of animals yearly.
If no animals except humans have consciousness, there's no problem, as suffering requires consciousness. But if even those animals classically assumed to have very limited mental faculties, such as poultry and fish, have a substantive awareness and significant capacity for suffering, then are we justified in inflicting all this pain and discomfort on them?
If science could come up with some means of testing for the presence of consciousness in other animals and perhaps also a way of gauging the extent of consciousness when it's found, this would have a huge impact on all ethical spheres of the animal rights debate.
On the surface, because animals can't use language to tell us they are conscious, this seems an intractable problem. But a surprising amount of evidence has emerged that addresses the question of animal consciousness. For a start, we can ask which other species have brain regions similar to those we know are critical for human consciousness, namely the thalamus and prefrontal parietal network. Most mammals share these structures with us in some form, suggesting strongly that they too have some significant levels of consciousness. But this is a problematic approach, ignoring the possibility that very distant species independently evolved the capacity for consciousness. For instance, crows can use a series of tools to hook a juicy grub, and octopuses can open a screw-on lid to a jar to retrieve a tasty crab. Although these animals have no cortex, they appear to demonstrate a mental life that many would classify as conscious.
The most prominent scientific theories of consciousness are converging on the idea that it is related to a certain kind of information processing, in which multiple strands of data are drawn together, and that it is dependent on a certain kind of network architecture. Arguably the most popular theory along these lines, information integration theory by Giulio Tononi, effectively assumes that consciousness is a continuum across the animal kingdom. If so, even the lowly nematode worm, with a few hundred neurons, will have some, albeit minimal, level of consciousness. If something approximating this theory proves correct, it has huge implications for our relationship to all animals on the planet.
But even if we assume that there is a continuum of consciousness, this is of limited use in helping answer questions of animal rights. For instance, a worm may indeed have a capacity for some consciousness, but the way it experiences the world may be infinitesimally limited compared to human awareness. More pertinent for ethics is the scientific exploration of whether other animals have advanced forms of consciousness, such as self-awareness. This can be tested using the mirror test: A spot of paint is placed on an animal's face, and it is then presented with a mirror. Many animals will simply attack or try to escape from the apparent foe in the mirror, but a select few will recognize themselves, as demonstrated by them trying to remove or at least examine the strange spot. The current list of animals that clearly pass this test includes chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, dolphins, elephants, pigs (on a modified version of the test), and even magpies. But this list of species is sure to grow as more animals are tested in ways that are most appropriate for them.
Another marker of an advanced consciousness is something called metacognition, the ability to be aware of your own mind and report on it, for instance by saying: "I'm sure I saw that cat in the woods," or "You might have seen a cat, but I didn't spot anything." In human experiments, it is seen as definitive evidence of consciousness. But we are not the only species to have this skill.
Metacognition in other species is usually measured using a gambling task: An animal makes a decision about a stimulus and can then press either a high-risk button that promises a large food reward if the decision was correct but food restriction if it was wrong, or a low-risk button with a meager reward regardless of whether the animal is right or wrong. If the animal has significant metacognition-in other words, if it knows whether it is just guessing or if it has solid knowledge about a given stimulus-then it should usually press the high-risk button when it knows the correct answer and the low-risk one when it's wrong. This is exactly what several other species, including the great apes and monkeys, do. These species demonstrate an advanced form of consciousness that in humans is definitive evidence of our awareness.
My take on all this data is that it is extremely likely that all the species that can recognize themselves in the mirror or show metacognitive abilities have an advanced form of consciousness. But for any species that hasn't yet passed these tests, we simply don't know whether they lack the ability or just haven't been tested appropriately. The cautious attitude, I believe, is to assume that all mammals and the octopus at the very least, but possibly many more species, have a significant capacity for consciousness.
Consequently, I am a vegetarian, as are several prominent consciousness researchers. I believe it would be ethically consistent for us to extend our own rights to life and freedom from torture to any species that can recognize itself in the mirror, show clear metacognition, or even demonstrate extensive tool use. Barring all these animals from the food industry and passing laws to protect them based on their consciousness would be a radical step and not one that I can see any political leader advocating anytime soon. Nevertheless, it would be a consistent and caring departure from the way much of society currently views animals, and it would acknowledge the advances in our scientific understanding of the mental lives of these other species.
Consciousness research informs other political issues as well. For instance, how can we assess the level of consciousness remaining in someone who has suffered severe brain damage and is in a vegetative state? At what point should we let such patients die? And it is possible that in the decades to come, we might also need to start thinking about how we assess artificial forms of consciousness and what rights we consequently need to bestow on such beings.
Therefore, not just for its own sake but for evaluating many ethical dilemmas, consciousness science is a vital field. Anyone interested in key political debates may want to keep a close eye on its progress in the years to come.
ISBN-10: 046502047X
ISBN-13: 978-0465020478
cognitive science,
philosophy of mind
Saturday, 18 April 2009 Types Of Siddha Yantras With Effects And Power Tools For Success
Powerful Siddh Yantra
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In the previous article Siddha Yantra For Success- Effects and Power, we have already read about what are siddha yantras and what are the benefits of siddha yantras. In this article we will find out some important and popular sidddha yantras for success. These siddha yantras are popular for the decades to get success in physical and spiritual world. So read about these yantras and find out which yantra is best for you. Siddha yantras can be used for the rectification of vastu problems, planetary problems, astrology problems, black magic problems. It can be used to get power from the different god and goddess. So for over all development Siddha yantras are very useful."THE BEST WAY TO UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF SIDDHA YANTRA IS BY INSTALLING IT PROPERLY IN PROPER TIME. "
SHREE YANTRA-As it's name shows that this is the best yantra to attract the shree i.e. wealth, money and the grace of goddess laxmi. If any one regular worship shree yantra then definitely health and wealth will reside in him or her home for ever. It also provide peace in the family. Shree yantra has tremendous power to bring the health, wealth and prosperity to it's user. Shree are available in different metals like as copper, silver, gold and even isphatik or crystal and bhojpatra shree yantra are also available. By consulting an experienced astrologer you can find the best shree yantra for you which will open the way of your success. "CONTACT NOW TO GET SIDDHA YANTRA "
KALSARP YANTRA:A yantra to get rid off from the problem of kaalsarpdosha. This yantra is able to protect you from the evil effects of kaalsarp dosha.This dosha makes the life full of struggle and due to this person don't get the real benefit of the work. So it is good for the persons suffering from kaalsarp dosha to install a Siddha kaalsarp yantra. This yantra will minimize the effects of kaalsarp dosha and open the way of success.
BAGLAMUKHI YANTRA:If you are engaged in any legal case or if you are hurt by enemy in this competition age then Baglamukhi yantra is good for you. It is also good if you are suffering from black magics or any other type of evil eye effects. If it is installed in vehicle it will protect from accidents.
KUBER YANTRA:Kuber is the lord of Monetary power, if you get the grace of lord kuber then you will get the money from all the sides. Kuber yantra is the most powerful yantra to attract the money. If you want to become financially powerful, if you want to have money power, if you want to enjoy all the luxuries of life then you must install the Siddha Kuber yantra in your business place, money places, cash box, office etc.This yantra are charged on deepawali, dushera, navratri, grahan etc.Kuber yantra is very effective for financial power. I suggest to install this yantra at your office, cash box, industry, factory, business place, home etc.
VASHIKARAN YANTRA:Vashikaran yantra is very useful for the person who want to get their love back or who want to get success in love. This yanra is one of the miracle of indian science. It is a science that energy imitates from the lover's mind contineously and if this vashikaran yantra is used by the lover with a special process to attract the opposite sex then difinitely he or she will get success. If you love someone deeply, if you don't want to live without your love, if you don't want to live without your life parner then you can use this siddha vashikaran yantra.
VAASTU YANTRA:If there is vastu dosha in your premises, if you and your family are facing problems due to vastu defects, if you are facing business problems due to vastu defects, if you are facing health and wealth problem due to vastu defects then this yantra will help you a lot. You can use vaastu yantra in your home, office, building, specific room, plot etc to rectify the vaastu defects.Depend upon the circumstances and need vaastu yantra is buried under the earth with proper ritual and in proper time and tithi or date.
MANGAL YANTRA: If you are suffering from the malefic effects of mars or if you want to increase the power of mars or mangal, if you want to over come from the marriage problems due to mars planet or mangal, if you are facing accidents, injuries very shortly then siddha mangal yantra is good for you. This yantra has also shown it good effects to the patients of high blood pressure, it also helps to get rid off from abortion problems, it is also helpful in paralysis etc.
VYAPAARVRIDDHI YANTRA:If any one is engaged in business and want to increase the business better then vyapaarvriddhi yantra will help a lot. It is also helpful to get job. This yantra brings both wealth with happiness. This yantra boost your business miraculously. It also helps to regain the business loss. This yantra increases the opportunities in business.
MAHAMRITYUNJAY YANTRA:If you want to get the grace of lord shiva- the lord of kaal, the lord of time then mahamrityunjay yantra is good. This yantra can help you to get rid off from the fear of unusual death, illness. Mahamrityunjay yantra will bring health-wealth, fame-happiness in your family. This yantra has magical effects in curing diseases. If it is worshiped with proper mantra then the devotee will definitely get the blessings of lord shiva.
KAMA YANTRA(TO ENJOY THE AFTER MARRIAGE LIFE):If you want to fulfill your very personal desire i.e. after marriage desire, If you want to live in good physical relation with your life partner, if you want to overcome from your physical weakness then this kama yantra will help you a lot. You can easily increase your internal power with this kama yantra. You can also get this yantra in tabij form.
KARYA SIDDHI YANTRA:If you want to get success in any specific work, if you want confidence to get success in any special work then this karyan siddhi yantra will help you a lot. It protects the user from the invisible negative energy which try to create obstacles in work. Karya siddhi yantra is again a miracle of indian science.
BAAL GOPAL YANTRA:If you are facing progeny problem, if you are facing problem of children, if you are facing abortion problem then baal gopal yantra will help you a lot. This yantra will fulfill the wish to have baby. So if you want to complete your family life without any problem then you have to use this magical baal gopal yantra.
NAVGRAH YANTRA:If you want to get grace of 9 planets, if you want to get the power of 9 planets then navgrah yantra is very powerful and this will bless you with health, wealth and prosperity. It is good to install this yantra if most of the planets in our horoscope are generating malefic effects. Navgrah yantra has all the nine yantra i.e. surya yantra, chandra yantra, mangal yantra, budh yantra, guru yantra, shukra yantra, shani yantra, rahu yantra and ketu yantra.
So by having the knowledge of these yantras i hope that you have understood many important things related to siddha yantras. So you can use these yantra with trust to get the best result.
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