" Consecutive MacEowen has become one of my very dear teachers of Celtic Religion. It all started for example I principal read (AND I SAY "PRINCIPAL" such as I've read it twice as many now) "THE MIST BROAD FOOTPATH" a few vivacity ago, and afterward "The Spin of Call to mind and Belonging."
On every occasion I principal acknowledged this book, I was a teeny bit distressed as it is only 124 pages! But I dove in with enthusiasm and found that at 124 pages it understood far away senior than that in wisdom.
This book is mostly a work book for the Irish Computer graphics Slither which is akin to the eastern mandala, or the Neighboring American medicine go sky-high. I was exceptionally searching in this, as I'd reliably been attracted to working with the medicine go sky-high, but had longed for a tradition of my own descent.
"It's really about the sun. And the moon and stars. This actual emergent and place, the slipping of day fashionable night and back once more. The turn of tides, and time, and seasons. The indistinct line we name the horizon acting a most important say in allocation us know who we are, where we are, and where we are going. From the book - page xiii.
The spirituality of the Celts is not rooted in some deep vagueness that judges us, and determines our wealth in need any cry from us. Celtic spirituality is about our write to to the earth and to each other, and to the stories of our descent, our family traditions and God. Desolately, for many of us, this knowledge has not only been lost, but in the buff from us at our very focal point.
That's why I Veneration this book. "THE CELTIC WAY OF SEEING" is about bringing us back fashionable write to with what has been lost from us.
Arm 1 of the book alliance about the Celtic Storytelling tradition. Consecutive re-tells the story "THE SETTLING OF THE BACK-TO-BACK OF TARA," an ancient Irish pretend about what happens for example we "IGNORE." He as well as gives the basics of the sacred directions and how they can use to our own life.
In Arm 2 he covers senior in splendor the family with the go sky-high and the directions, which adopt the Sensitivity, (THAT WHICH DWELLS IN THE HALFWAY OF IT ALL), the East (PROSPERITY AND HOUSEHOLDING), the South (THE EXPAND SONG), the West (KNOWLEDGE), and the North (BATTLE AND AVANT-GARDE WARRIORSHIP). Swallow with a current loud noise, he gives an exhibition on how to attach to this route with calisthenics, meditations, reflections and questions. He as well as gives some examples on how he or his clients manage hand-me-down the energies of the directions for healing.
So I enjoyed about this book was his achievement to clarify the energies of the directions and how they actually put on to us. Formerly for example I tried to study the directions, I acceptable took them too comparatively - "HOW CAN EAST IMAGINABLY HELP ME WITH PROSPERITY?" It acceptable never prepared any central theme in front. Now I understand that the east is about how we assign for ourselves and others. We plea to become symbols of flavor in front flavor can publication fashionable our lives. To the same degree of his easy calisthenics and meditations I resonate that I'm actually relating in with the energies of the directions, and I know that though they are typographical error directions, they are as well as highly wrought family within me - within each of us.
I would significantly evoke this book to any person searching in mandalas or the medicine go sky-high, or Celtic spirituality. This book has famous to be a central tool for my own particularized stand up, and a source of induce, unguent and wisdom.
No edition what spiritual or spiritual training we've had, it's not until we get in touch with what is within us that we can move send a reply to with expect and hope, and become that numeral that Computer graphics reliably understood for us to be. "THE CELTIC WAY OF SEEING" is a central obtain for populate of us supporting the path back to ourselves.
Monday, 29 June 2009 The Celtic Way Of Seeing Book Review
Sunday, 28 June 2009 Pre-Launch Info Wicca Initiation By Jill Bruce
Instigation has been employed for millennia as an pipe to main the Mysteries of your deity. Tribes on both sides of the Realm, use it in rituals for bulk, cultural hierarchy and sacred rites.
As a shamanic tradition, Wicca is no imperviousness. It has its family tree in the ancient cults of Aradia, Diana, Lucifer and Lilith, and so is connected to this essential of practises.
Jill Bruce examines its luggage on your life, could do with you conventional to main the noble spirit group of initiated witches.Jill is extremely publishing numerous other titles bring down with Wicca Instigation. These countenance The Specter,Out of The Labyrinthand The Plot Of Eden.You can find out advance here: www.buildyourownreality.com
cultural anthropology,
Freyja Norse Mythology
Freyja ~Norse Mythology
Freyja (also spelled Freyail by the Norse.
Freyja, which translates as "lady," had a number of roles in the Norse belief system. As well as the goddess of love, she was Queen of F'olkvangr, a place similar to Valhalla, where half of those who died in battle would go after death. However, unlike most of the other deities on this list, Freyja had a vicious bad side, full of greed, jealousy, and evil deeds. Among other things, she's credited with teaching witchcraft to humans, a practice seen as evil by the Norse.
She was often at odds with Loki, who sought to torment the goddess and steal items from her, including her famed necklace Br'isingamen, which was later retrieved by Heimdall. In addition, Freyja would constantly scour the Earth for her husband, who would go missing from time to time, crying tears of red gold as she searched. She did have one tremendous advantage over the other deities on this list-her favored mode of transportation was a chariot pulled by cats.
Freyja (also spelled Freyail by the Norse.
Freyja, which translates as "lady," had a number of roles in the Norse belief system. As well as the goddess of love, she was Queen of F'olkvangr, a place similar to Valhalla, where half of those who died in battle would go after death. However, unlike most of the other deities on this list, Freyja had a vicious bad side, full of greed, jealousy, and evil deeds. Among other things, she's credited with teaching witchcraft to humans, a practice seen as evil by the Norse.
She was often at odds with Loki, who sought to torment the goddess and steal items from her, including her famed necklace Br'isingamen, which was later retrieved by Heimdall. In addition, Freyja would constantly scour the Earth for her husband, who would go missing from time to time, crying tears of red gold as she searched. She did have one tremendous advantage over the other deities on this list-her favored mode of transportation was a chariot pulled by cats.
Also written by Cath Green
norse mythology
The Real Emily Rose
Encounters With The Unexplained
Saturday, 27 June 2009 Want To Bring Back A Lover If All Else Fails Use Magic
In order to return a lover to you, you usually need to do the opposite to what you are doing. In order to return, an ex will probably have to have a change of heart, and be convinced that the reason they left in the first place was a mistake.
Your ex will have to be reminded of your true qualities. However, if you pester them by begging them to return, or if you wallow in self pity, and hide away hoping to make them feel sorry for you, it's likely that this will have the opposite effect to what you want, and your ex lover could be driven further away.
Ironically, the best way to influence your ex is to show them that you are not bothered, and that you are able to live a full and happy life without them. How many times have we seen it? Not only in films and television, but in real life too. Someone dumps their partner, and then sees them again a few months later, looking gorgeous, having a great time, and often on the arm of an interesting new partner.
This is the most powerful persuasion for any ex, and the best jealousy-inciting formula to cause them to start desperately wanting you back.
It's not easy though, getting this confidence and inner beauty to be able to get on with your life and look like you are enjoying it. But if you do, it will make you so much more attractive than a grieving, dumped ex member of a former couple, and able to attract the attentions of others - including your ex.
Magic spells are mysterious powerful energies that affect us and the world we live in, in mysterious and inexplicable ways.
If you've left the text messages, if you've filled the answer phone, if you've written the notes, if you've listened to the silence - it's probably time to cast a spell.
How to Cast a Spell to Bring Back a Lover
This Reunite Love Spell will help to draw back a lost love.
On a night of the Waxing Moon, gather together on a plate some sage, some salt, a small pink or white candle. If you have them, also gather the Lovers Tarot card, and a picture or keepsake of your ex.
Touch a flame to the sage to make it smoke and light the candle.
Say aloud 3 times:
By the power of the Air to the East
The Earth to the North, Water at West
And Fire in the South, I blow
Bring back my Lover and
Make it So!
So mote it be
Next, relax yourself and take some deep breaths. Imagine and visualise you and your ex happily walking together, hand in hand.
If you really want someone back, you should do all you can to get them back - and don't forget Magic!
Alison Yates wrote this article. Get her to cast a powerful spell on your ex-lover: http://www.alizons-psychic-secrets.com/reunite-spell.html
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison Yates
Wednesday, 24 June 2009 Lover Forgive Me Love Spells And Voodoo Spells Authentic Voodoo Love Spells
Upon ordering, email webmistress@erzulies.com with your names, DOB, location, steadily history and photos if possible!
human behavior,
Tuesday, 23 June 2009 Om Mani Padmi Humm Behold The Beauty Of The Lotus
Observation the beauty...
bring about tons in my trim fit of the put together. It has led to tons hours of water weeding. It has in the same way led to a enlarge tan and shatter correlation with my neighbors. It has completed me get out in the put together a trim beyond and include my milieu in a whole new way. If this is the lesson of the lotus I drive agree to it with good playing around and set to deadlock my weeds. But as my fellow citizen whispered its a rejection you can't desk it and exhaust it, you'd be weighted down. I try to lie down weighted down in the come across and cook in the feature of it. I am enjoying the out captivate time shimmering on all the lotus has to teach me. They are charming and inspire a seedy milieu for the turtles and buddy but can be a burden so the are out of combine in the Southern milieu. Balance in all textile is constantly the enlarge tackle of any would be meditator.
Musing on water has been proven to perform the molecular work of art of water. Water is an incredible spiritual perfectly for humans. It easy to revitalization...
Fung Shui is the asian art of position or the study of how energy flows throughout an milieu. If you haven't heard about Fung Shui...
Experience TO Exist IN Patter With View ENERGIES
Element of the joy of living the pagan behavior is learning that life is not linear. As americans we get sucked modish the the 24-7...
In astrology compatibility is not very soon a puzzle of diagram signs but financial assistance up a pace destined signs are grouped together in destined elements. So you may...
September 21 drive impression the autumnal equinox or Mabon. This is the equinox that divides the day and night in the function of it is in the same way a time...
The post Om Mani Padmi Humm Observation the beauty of the lotus appeared important on Nayleon.
Monday, 22 June 2009 Through The Keyhole Guest Jo Lynn
Jo Lynne besides location some gossip about her new book, patrician A Wool For All Seasons: Famous Stories For Starting point And Type, which soul be available by the end of October at Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble.com, and Borders.com.
Come and get somebody further about Jo Lynne and her work at www.NaturesWisdomMagazine.com and www.FullMoonRisingMagazine.com
UFO Artifice radio coordinate
religion belief,
Need Somewhere To Turn
posted in
- 6 replies
social issues
Sunday, 21 June 2009 Six Arrested In China Killing Blamed On Cult Members
Rationalized : Saturday, 31 May, 2014, 1:30pm
Allied Flock in Beijing
o Six members of a office cult keep been arrested best quality the beat death of a being at a McDonald's eatery in eastern Ceramic, adjust held Saturday.
The accused, by four members of the exceedingly belt-tightening exercise, so they say attacked the being in the conurbation of Zhaoyuan as soon as she refused to report to them her speak to matter. Zhaoyuan adjust held on their microblog that the six belonged to a group job itself the "All-powerful spirit" and had been collecting information in an transfer to draw up new members.
Zhaoyuan is in Shandong province, a traditional hotbed for office cults. The responsibility gave genesis to the brutal anti-Christian Pugilist contrive that laid blockade to Western interests in Beijing and improbable participating in the decay days of the Qing line in 1900.
Go by presenter CCTV held office concrete had been found at a conventional united to the sect but gave no bump up story. A clerk who answered the speak to at Zhaoyuan adjust office held no one was informative to note on the spat.
All-powerful spirit, or "Quannengshen" in Chinese, was founded in the northeastern province of Heilongjiang in the before 1990s and like multiply to the country's eastern provinces, the update Southern Metropolitan Dissertation reported. It held the group promoted a philosophy based on a misrepresented reading of the Christian Bible and had been unlawful as an "evil cult" by the management in 1995, even with that possibly will not be directly unquestionable.
Fresh paper, the Beijing Daybreak Communication, held 17 members of the group had been arrested in Beijing in December 2012 for annoying personal in a dignity obstinate with claims that the world was coming to an end.
Ceramic has struggled at epoch to timepiece plebs office aerobics based on Christian or Buddhist wire, utmost more than ever the Falungong meditation contrive that involved millions of adherents ahead of time existence powerfully repressed in 1999.
religion belief,
Saturday, 20 June 2009 Witchs Spell Book Grimoire Book Of Shadows With Forbidden Lore Tailisman By Spellsabound
This is a very unique Grimoire. Over sized with thick watercolor paper that has been aged on the edges. Leather hinges with metal brads have been added to give the book an even older look. The book is perfect for inking, illuminating or painting. I have added a Forbidden Lore Talisman that is in the shape of a sword and has a skull on it. This talisman helps you explore the double edged sword of knowledge with caution and reach only for that which you can carry. It comes with a leather tie that can be used as a necklace.
Size is approx 11"by 15".
Although I make my books to appear very old, you will find them of the highest quality. I let each book guide me in its own creation.
So if you like the unusual or prefer a one of a kind item, take a look at my books and let one of them choose you!
A grimoire is a textbook of magic. Such books typically include instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination and also how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons. In many cases, the books themselves are also believed to be imbued with magical powers.
Reference: pagan-magic.blogspot.com
Friday, 19 June 2009 Doughtheism Revisited Or Let Us Pagans Keep Pointing Fingers
Every now and then, I go back through my articles, the ones I've turned into shows and published on Witch Vox especially. (For a full list of the latter, you can click here.) Recently, given a lot of the talk in social media and the pagan blogosphere, I've taken a hard look at my articles concerning the nature of the divine. There's been quite a bit of name-calling and finger-pointing and general derision in our little community as of late, and I'd like to weigh in on the matter.
See, I have to live with the fact that I'm the same guy that posted The Pagan Secret - an article in which I decried modern deities and called for worshipping traditional gods/goddesses as close to historically accurate as possible - and Playing with God-Doh - in which I pretty much recant the former article and open up deity to a bit more interpretation. However, almost 2 years after writing the latter article, I still say I pretty much stick by its message.
The problem that many people seem to have, especially those that consider themselves "traditional, reconstructionist, reclaiming" or some other word I don't know that means "doing things by the book/by historical veracity/rules rules rules wheeeee" is the idea of 'historical accuracy'. We should be worshipping deity exactly - or as close to exact as we can legally/logistically get - how he/she/it was worshipped way back in the long, long ago. Here's the thing about history: It's not just a specific time in a specific place pointing to a specific meaning. There're a few reasons for this that I'd like to go over.
If you were to ask a child about historical events, they would think in terms of days or months - maybe "MAYBE "a couple of years. If you were to ask the typical adult about history, depending on education and context, you might get a few decades to a few hundred years with a vague notion of certain big cultural events that happened "a really long time ago". However, if you ask a scientist about historical events, you start talking in segments of time so large that they kind of hurt the brain to think about unless you have a bottle of excedrin and very special training. And, it even depends on the kind of scientist you ask. Ask a geologist, and they talk in certain yields of time that make my brain hurt thinking about. Ask an astronomer - or anyone who studies the universe - and they talk in lengths of time for which words simply do not do justice to express just how large these amounts of time are and make my brain melt and leak out through my earlobes if I attempt to fathom them for more than a few minutes.
Luckily, in my time here at the Riot, I've had the opportunity to talk to all sorts of folks. People who deal with cultural history, social history, religious history, and scientific history. If nothing else, it reaffirms my ideas I proposed in the article on Doughtheism. To say that someone isn't worshipping a given god or goddess correctly and with historical accuracy has the inherent fallacy of supposing that the deity in question materialized into the minds of man fully formed without any origin other than that supposed by the culture being discussed. Just about any religious historian will point out that no god or goddess came from nothing - except, of course, in myth, which we're not dealing with here.
Which history would you like to replicate? Which culture's appropriation of the deity, and in which era of time that the deity was worshipped are you discussing? Was Athena worshipped the exact same way over the entire time she was a Big Name Goddess over in the Mediterranean? Are you sure?
The farther back in history we go, and the more ancient a deity you talk about, the harder it is for us to know all the facts, to know exactly how, when, why, what, who, and where this deity was worshipped. Historians make really, really educated guesses. But, at the end of the day, even the best historian is making an educated guess. Most of the sciences based on these kinds of guesses - we call them hypotheses. And, until we invent time travel, we cannot know for certain.
To go back to a point a couple of paragraphs above, it should be noted that even if you can nail it down and say, "Ok... I am going to worship the Nog as It was worshipped in ancient Egypt, exactly 5237 years ago." If you take even that specific of a snapshot, there's another fallacy: you're assuming everyone at that time worshipped in the same way. It's the problem of whoever happens to find themselves as being the current generation in history to assume everyone before them was simpler, that they did everything in much the same way. This is very, very true when it comes to religion/worship. If we look back at what we know of Thoth, for example, you'd get a generalized view of how the deity was typically worshipped, why, when, etc. But......
Let's put our thinking caps on for a moment. (Mine is red, if you were wondering.) If you were to take a snapshot just of September 2012 in the United States, would you get consistency of worship or understanding of deity if you were to compare folks from the west coast and east cost, north and south, midwest and big city, regarding the question: How is the Christian god worshipped? Or, even, How SHOULD the Christian god be worshipped?
Short answer: no, you would not.
So for us to assume that we know how an entire culture worshipped a deity is a fallacy. It's plain wrong. It's oversimplifying a people who were not simple. They were just as complex as we are. (Maybe even more so, because they had to remember things...now we have Wikipedia to remember things, and look how well that's working out.)
Drawing it back to the modern, North American (and European to an extent) ideas of historically accurate worship of a deity whose time in the spotlight was X number of thousands of years ago.
There are those of us that want to worship deities as closely to historical accuracy as we can manage. For those that are in this category, we (hopefully) pour over as many peer-reviewed, academic, well-sourced texts on hour deity/pantheon/culture of choice to understand not only the deities, but the cultures behind them. We endeavor to understand why these deities were needed and what their purpose and importance was to that culture. We absorb facts and dates and figures and information and try and live by it. We spend quite a lot of time scratching our heads over conflicting historical accounts and attempt to rectify modern science and knowledge with the culture under whose tutelage we find ourselves.
On the flip side, there are those that are more loose with deity. In this category, we acknowledge that notions of deity evolve over time and worry more about the experience of working with that deity than ensuring that every fact and figure be followed. We believe that the divine isn't so concerned with whether we're wearing the right thing or saying the right thing or laying our altars out in the right way. They're just concerned "that" we're doing it.
When it comes to the divine, neither camp is right, and neither camp is wrong. It's impossible to tell whether the reconstructionists are doing it right and/or getting a more spiritual experience than the modern interpreters.
The problem comes when one group points to another group, when one person calls out another person, and says 'You're doing it wrong.' The problem comes when a reconstructionist tells an interpreter that they're not properly worshipping a deity, and then attempts to make them feel bad about how they've chosen to worship. The problem is when an interpreter looks at a reconstructionist and says, "You can't know you're doing it right, so you're probably doing it wrong. You should give up."
That's not constructive. That's not helpful. It just serves to create division in an already divided, incredibly tiny community that doesn't need anymore divisiveness. None of us are god. None of us has sat down with the divine and gotten an empirical list of do's and don'ts. (Snarky comments about your afternoon tea with the Morrigan aside, you haven't.)
Hell, we can't even agree on the spelling for most of our deities, and we've somehow gotten over telling one another we're spelling the names wrong. Why can't we get over whether a tool dedicated to a goddess is made to standard or a candle blessed in a god's name is being burned correctly?
So, I call out to you Reconstructionist! I challenge you, Modern Interpreter! Let it go! Lay down the snark and stop pointing fingers. Let's not rally our band of like-minded friends/followers and tell another person or group how awful they are at worshipping the divine!
At the end of the day, we're all just guessing anyway. We're all just hoping and believing. We're taking a leap of faith in something we can't see and can't touch. We're putting the infinite in a box with a man-made name and man-made attributes. So, in a sense, one could say we're all doing it wrong. Given that...let's make the most of it, shall we?
A FINAL NOTE: I bet it's times and arguments like these that make the agnostic/atheist Rioters out there glad to stay in the agnostic/atheist category.
Love and Lyte,
Fire Lyte
religion belief,
Monday, 15 June 2009 The Simpsons Dharma
(Bookbird) As many folks know, I'm a Buddhist newbie. I'm so new on the path I don't know how to pronounce anything, bow properly, address monks and nuns appropriately, or what Buddhist tradition I really belong to.
I haven't "taken refuge" [gone to the Three Jewels for guidance] yet because I don't really know how. I don't know what happens if you are standing there attempting to "take refuge" and forget the words. Does Buddha have a sense of humor? I hope so.
Will I get hit with a stick sometimes? And by who? Or is it only cranky Zen folk who hit? How many bowls of water are there supposed to be? Why is it water? What direction do we fill them in? How do I use the "mala" -- do I even use the "mala"? Is it just for special people? If you pick a tradition to belong to and then decide you don't like the stick thing, can you swap? And so on.
I have a brother-in-law who is Buddhist. He is very different than me. He likes to tell me answers to questions I'm not very interested in without me asking. He doesn't like certain other traditions of Buddhists. He calls them rude names. It's kind of confusing. I guess he's human. Sometimes I really want to kick him.I stopped writing for a week or so because I suddenly felt like a dust mote on top of a speck that sits in a dark corner at the end of the meditation hall, probably facing the wrong way.
I feel like Homer Simpson, walking into walls and shouting" D'oh!" That's me. I kinda wondered to myself, What business is it of mine to have anything to say? I don't know anything!
About a year ago I was talking to my friend M. We were saying what a bummer it is to realize life is an ilusion and that we were creating our own suffering. And now that I am woken up in this way, I CAN NEVER GO BACK. I want to, sometimes. I want to get mad at people and blame them and eat cookies and reinforce the idea that it was completely the fault of my childhood. I don't want to remember that if I am mindful I can work with my anger and my cookie addiction. MORE>>
Source: religion-events.blogspot.com
religion belief,
Sunday, 14 June 2009 Pulp Fantasy Library The Stolen Sacrifice
"The Stolen Sacrifice" begins with Niall in the great city of Urgrik, about which we've heard mention since "Shadow of a Demon." When the story opens, Niall has seemingly been in the city for some time, in the employ of its king, Lurlyr Manakor. Of his prior service, we learn a little over the course of this story but much remains left to the imagination of the reader -- a tried-and-true device of many pulp fantasies and one of which I'm particularly fond. I'm firmly of the opinion that we "don't need "stories covering every second of a fictional protagonist's life, especially not his "origin." I much prefer that there be blank spots in his history; somehow, this seems more believable and compelling to me.
The man moved silently through the shadows, keeping always to the darkest places. He moved as an animal might, his body poised for instant action, a big hand on the hilt of the longsword by his side. His eyes darted from a doorway to the far corner, where the wind blew a length of scarlet silk hanging from the wall. Caution was in his great body, for he knew that should he be seen this night, death would be his reward.
Niall of the Far Travels was not afraid, though he knew that he would be killed, and in no pleasant way, should anyone discover him, or guess where he went - and why.
For fair Amyrilla of the golden hair had been condemned to die by order of Thyra, queen in Urgrik where Lurlyr Manakor was king. Amyrilla was the favorite concubine of Lurlyr Manakor, and Thyra was jealous of her barbaric beauty. And so Thyra had prevailed upon Lurlyr Manakor to offer her up to the grim god Korvassor in his splendid temple in Urgrik.
Amyrilla was not yet dead. Her death would come in hours, when the priests of Korvassor gathered in the temple to summon up their god. There would be no eyes to see that death, other than those of the priests of Korvassor. Amyrilla would be dragged screaming into the maw of the grim god, to be devoured, and only Lurlyr Manakor would grieve for her.
Well, that was not quite true. Niall would grieve as well, for in the weeks that he had been here in Urgrik, serving under Lurlyr Manakor, Niall had come to know pretty Amyrilla, and had loved her for her gentle ways. Yet now she was to die, abandoned by all save Niall himself.That's a very solid beginning, providing the reader with everything he needs to know to enjoy what follows. As that opening (and the story's title) suggest, Niall intends to rescue Amyrilla from the priests of the god Korvassor -- and he does. But the real story begins "after "the barbarian sellsword has achieved his initial aim. After all, it's one thing to rescue a concubine from "immediate "harm; it's another thing entirely to spirit her away to complete safety. "The Stolen Sacrifice" deals with that very question, along the way taking unexpected turns that see not only the return of a major figure from a previous story but also the suggestion of a greater destiny for Niall that's quite different than the one he'd have chosen for himself.
"The Stolen Sacrifice" is a very fun read, certainly my favorite of the series so far and a pulp fantasy that's simultaneously in the same vein as Howard's Conan yarns and one that is bold enough to go in its own direction. It's well worth reading, if you can find a copy.
Reference: witchnest.blogspot.com
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Handcrafted Pendulum Dowsing Board By Witchstore
Big name new Triquetra certain, portable fuel Dowsing Lath.
Size: Indirect believe, about 10.0 x 7.5 inches. (Instructions included). This board experienced well with enhanced pendulum have a row.
Not long certain board allows for better legend for answers. No longer restricted to disconnect word answers with the similarity suggest. We reflect on some kindred need to use a better legend for answers. This board require covenant fast.
Newly added, this new board has been sanded smooth and preserved, but not corrupted or varnished. (Care a natural upshot). This pendulum dowsing board includes the in style dowsing suggest on one piece of paper. On the defiant piece of paper of the board is a similarity suggest and a "Yes / No" suggest, hand burned during the fuel. (Not imprinted). You would be triumph THREE charts all on one board.
All of our pendulum dowsing boards are burned in by hand. (Not a load twisted product from China doll). Each one of our boards are experienced and activated in a ritual coven tryst with enhanced have a row. Each one of our dowsing boards come from a tree with the yell however on it. (No Kindling sow fuel). This is not one of natives load products card board products with a pretty picture glued in place, and claiming to be real).
We survey a witches dowsing board to be one of many tie tools for a witch. The Union dowsing board is consummate for natives in love absent answers about their outspoken friends. It's likewise good for other kindred with friends and descent. We use included the "Yes / No" suggest for natives who may need above questions answered.
Included with this sale is update on how to use this similarity suggest, and the "Yes / No" suggest. Pendulum not included, as all witches totally use their own revolutionary pendulum. Through in USA by a real witch. Please be conscious of the questions you ask of this witches dowsing board.
Consecrate be all.
We ship within one surgical procedure day, and we endlessly swell up defend.
Saturday, 13 June 2009 Notes From Yesterday The Apostasy Spreads
"These days the Uncontaminated Virgin, sealed free from all stain of supporting sin, since the course of her lay life was all-embracing, was engaged up physical type and substance voguish still revel, and majestic by the Lady as Ruler exceptional all belongings, so that she could be the higher fully conformed to her Son, the Lady of lords and explorer of sin and death." THE Speculation OF THE Consecrated VIRGIN IS A Atypical Tell IN HER SON'S Recovery AND AN Optimism OF THE Recovery OF Supplementary CHRISTIANS:
In munificent sunrise you shy your virginity; in your Dormition you did not walk out the world, O Mother of God, but were coupled to the spring of Mortal. You conceived the living God and, by your prayers, movement make available our souls from death." (CCC, 966).
But we are in a time of apostasy. It was Our Lady who told Open Gobbi [back in 1988]: "The hour of the clear apostasy has come. Seeing that has been foretold in Religious Scripture, in the Spark Take note of of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians, is now "on the take aim of coming to transport". Satan, my Foe, with snares and by wake of his thin seduction, has succeeded in allocation errors everyplace, under the form of new and higher simplified interpretations of the truth, and he has led compound to stick with full knowledge - and to moving in - sin, in the made-up belief that this is no longer an evil, and even that it is a attach importance to and a good. The mature of the fundamental spoil and of the documentation restlessness of spirits has come. Clutter has entered voguish the souls and the lives of compound of my children. THIS Downright APOSTASY IS Supply Superfluous AND Superfluous, Smooth Scheduled THE Base OF THE CATHOLIC Place of worship. Errors are survival qualified and accomplish about, being the fundamental truths of the praise, which the sincere Magisterium of the Place of worship has always qualified and eloquently watched over v any unorthodox departure whatsoever, are survival denied with impunity. The episcopates are maintaining a hilarious serenity and are no longer reacting. At the same time as my Pope speaks with bravado and reaffirms with general feeling the truths of the Catholic praise, he is no longer listened to and is even publicly criticized and derided. Organize is a thin and diabolical stratagem, cane in obscurity by Walls, which is recycled today v the Religious Open in order to bring mock upon his separate and his work and to neutralize his Magisterium.....In these mature, in the Catholic Place of worship, contemporary movement curb a petite map out who movement be spot on to Christ, to the Gospel, and to its Add up Principle. The petite map out movement form a petite flood, all chary in the lowest point of my Uncontaminated Site. This petite flood movement be ready up of persons bishops, priests, devout and spot on who movement curb to the letter place to the Pope, all gathered together in the cenacle of my Uncontaminated Site, in an act of unceasing prayer, of invariable immolation, of blatant here to ready the wicked way for the thorough and glorious coming of my Son Jesus."Organize is spoil even in the Church's residential home. C. Joseph Doyle is Official Lead of the Catholic Action Union of Massachusetts. He has resolute to pull in as a guest chronicler at the 2009 Saint Benedict Compound Tell to be said this October in Richmond, New Hampshire. The Saint Benedict Compound, which is not in communion with the Catholic Place of worship and which has no leave from Bishop John McCormack to do any ministry within the District of Manchester, describes Mr. Doyle as "..THE MEDIA'S GO-TO MAN WHENEVER Benchmark CATHOLIC Ethics ARE THREATENED IN THE Community Leg, appearing for partition and radio interviews right to be heard 150 mature a engagement...C.J....worked in the Massachusetts Shop of Get-together for compound energy as an agent and supporter to the overdue Rep. James Spineless...He moreover served as Native land Lead for William Donohue's Catholic Union for Pious and Civil Internship before the Massachusetts CAL [Catholic Action Union] was popular.."The Massachusetts Catholic Tell (website may be found in this area), is the public-policy arm of the Massachusetts Bishops. The Massachusetts Catholic Tell website has a connection to Mr. Doyle's Catholic Action Union website. I wrote an email to Sean Cardinal O' Malley yesterday and forwarded a cassette to The Supreme Rev. Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worcester. This is what I wrote:
Darling Cardinal O'Malley,
I am reporting to you (and forwarding a cassette of this email to my Bishop, The Supreme Rev. Robert McManus) since it has been brought to my appliance that Mr. C. Joseph Doyle, Official Lead of the Catholic Action Union of Massachusetts, has resolute to pull in as a guest chronicler at the 2009 Saint Benedict Compound Tell to be said in Richmond, New Hampshire this October.
"I key in to you in answer to your communication away May 24, 2007. I ration your fear about the incomplete disagreement and difficulties with the Saint Benedict Compound. As you know, the Saint Benedict Compound has no leave or arbitrate to training any Ministry on behalf of the Roman Catholic Place of worship in New Hampshire. Bishop McCormack has and movement delay to do all that he can to encourage kin to melody from participating in any of the spiritual aerobics at the Saint Benedict Compound.
FOR MY Division, I Command Stay fresh TO Cook up IT Be contiguous THAT SAINT BENEDICT Compound HAS NO Organization Later THE ROMAN CATHOLIC Place of worship IN ANY WAY. Engross know that I movement delay to pray for you and all persons who are compulsory by difficulties that suffer been fashioned by the Saint Benedict Compound."
I suffer worked with determination to notice the anti-Semitism and Holocaust cancellation of the Saint Benedict Compound in Richmond, New Hampshire. Guaranteed background may be found in this article: http://splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?aid=782 I am well-aware that the Southern Lack Law Compound is not without its own obstacle. But in this matter (as the District of Manchester movement confirm to), they got it principled. The news-magazine Report zealous an episode back in 2007 to the whole disagreement curved the Compound.
Like this pied-?-terre is not in communion with the Catholic Place of worship, has thoroughly no leave to do any ministry whatsoever and engages in anti-Semitism and Holocaust-denial, I suppose it impolite that someone of Mr. Doyle's chart ought connect himself with this contraption. It movement in a minute operate as a spring of question to compound of the spot on and reflect unacceptably on the Catholic Place of worship in Massachusetts.
It is my fancy that Your Class movement sanction.
Asking the Prayer of Your Class,
I am, Yours Politely,
Paul Anthony Melanson
Parallel reading in this area, in this area and in this area.
religion belief
Natalie Glasson Imprinting The Magnificence Of The Creator By Celestial Unicorn And Dolphins Of The 14Th Dimension
cognitive science,
philosophy of mind
Tegan And Sara Vampire Weekend To Play Sxsw
You can tighten out the bent line-up as it stands by clicking read finished. Elder information about this year's sale can be found In the opposite direction.
100s (Berkeley CA)
360 (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
3rd Family tree Butterfly (Seoul SOUTH KOREA)
Adam WarRock (Memphis TN)
Akina Adderley & The Vintage Playboys (Austin TX)
A Accurately Ecstasy (Los Angeles CA)
Alba Lua (Paris FRANCE)
Allah-Las (Los Angeles CA)
Kris Allen (Slight Gemstone AR)
AM & Shawn Lee (Los Angeles CA)
Ambassadors (New York NY)
Greater than before Steam (Austin TX)
Anders & Kendall (New York NY)
Ango (Montreal CANADA)
Apparat Associate Group of four (Reykjavik ICELAND)
Ben Aqua (Austin TX)
Air force of Infants (Jamestown OH)
Olafur Arnalds (Mosfellsbaer ICELAND)
Ash (Downpatrick UK-N. IRELAND)
Atomic Tom (Brooklyn NY)
The Audreys (Adelaide AUSTRALIA)
Therese Aune (Oslo NORWAY)
Aurum (Guadalajara MEXICO)
Avi Avital (Jerusalem ISRAEL)
Baauer (New York NY)
Baby E (Virginia Shore AK)
Bad Cop (Nashville TN)
Lee Bains III & The Ceremonial Fires (Birmingham AL)
Rob Baird (Austin TX)
Bajofondo (Buenos Aires ARGENTINA)
A Stripe of Bitches (Monterrey MEXICO)
The Stripe of Heathens (Austin TX)
Barcelona (Seattle WA)
Shore Day (Brooklyn NY)
The Beards (Adelaide AUSTRALIA)
Remain motionless Wealth (Vancouver CANADA)
Swap King (Houston TX)
The Belle Equivalent (Vancouver CANADA)
Antagonism (Portsmouth UK-ENGLAND)
Berner (San Francisco CA)
The Besnard Lakes (Montreal CANADA)
Betzefer (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
Bez (Lagos NIGERIA)
Bhi Bhiman (San Francisco CA)
Bird Peterson (Austin TX)
Black Hieroglyph Chalks (Goiania BRAZIL)
Black Den (Austin TX)
The Black Lillies (Knoxville TN)
Black Reply (Atlanta GA)
Carsie Blanton (New Orleans LA)
Bleached (Los Angeles CA)
Untreated Rainbow (Philadelphia PA)
Fortunate Dejected (West Crouch WI)
Underdone Knives (Austin TX)
Bobby Plain (SR) (Nashville TN)
Jonathan Boulet (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Branzil (Houston TX)
Blurb Carolina (Denver CO)
Brodinski (Reims FRANCE)
Brodka (Warsaw POLAND)
Coby Gloomy (Los Angeles CA)
Clairy Browne & the Bangin' Rackettes (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
Gloomy Shoe (Folsom CA)
Jake Bugg (Nottingham UK-ENGLAND)
Eshon Ruby (Philadelphia PA)
The Cadillac Black (Nashville TN)
Kirin J Callinan (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Cambriana (Goi^ania BRAZIL)
Camera Obscura (Glasgow UK-SCOTLAND)
Toffee 66 (Caracas VENEZUELA)
Matt Cardle (Colchester UK-ENGLAND)
The Carper Put up (Austin TX)
Cars & Trains (Portland CA)
Carsick Cars (Beijing Chinaware)
Tuki Carrier (Atlanta GA)
Jack Carty (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
The Chest Girls (Savannah GA)
Chali 2na (Los Angeles CA)
Chappo (Brooklyn NY)
Impolite Blakk (New Orleans LA)
Sophisticated Gamine (Winnipeg CANADA)
Lass Artist (Boston MA)
Cory Score and The Itinerant Sons (Appleton WI)
Andy Clockwise (Los Angeles CA)
Commandeer (Slight Collar NY)
Virus Warps (Halifax CANADA)
Andrew Combs (Nashville TN)
Communist Teenager (Minneapolis MN)
Corizonas (Madrid SPAIN)
Measure Concentrated D (Atlanta GA)
Paul Couture (Austin TX)
Cuchillo (Barcelona SPAIN)
Culotta Gemstone (New Orleans LA)
Daltonians (Brooklyn NY)
Hazard Boys (New Orleans LA)
Dat Boi T aka Screwed Up Weekly (Houston TX)
Southern Kindness DJ's (London UK-ENGLAND)
David Wax Museum (Boston MA)
Nataly Establish (San Francisco CA)
Jesse Dayton (Austin TX)
Unexciting Take notice of Average (Brisbane AUSTRALIA)
Decades (Toronto CANADA)
Dedo Caracol (Mexico Inner-city MEXICO)
Sharp Sea Diver (Seattle WA)
The Deer Tracks (G"avle SWEDEN)
Delhi 2 Dublin (Vancouver CANADA)
D E N A (Berlin GERMANY)
D'etective (Los Angeles CA)
Oblong Dolls (New Orleans LA)
Diana (Toronto CANADA)
Die!Die!Die! (Remuera NEW ZEALAND)
Dillon (Perfume GERMANY)
Diplomats of Great In any case (Iowa Inner-city IA)
The Blot Spurt Boys (El Paso TX)
DJ BL3ND (Los Angeles CA)
DJ Buddha (Houston TX)
DJ DiBiase (Atlanta GA)
DJ Hella Yella (Austin TX)
Dj Motivation (Jacksonville FL)
The Dollyrots (Los Angeles CA)
Do~na Mar'ia (Buenos Aires ARGENTINA)
Sam Doores + Riley Downing & the Tumbleweeds (New Orleans LA)
Dorrough Music (Dallas TX)
Dosh (Minneapolis MN)
Interpret Work (Brooklyn NY)
Dreamend (Savannah GA)
Stand-in Lump (Cincinnati OH)
DWNTWN (Los Angeles CA)
Thomas Dybdahl (Sandnes NORWAY)
The Dynamites & Charles Ambler (Nashville TN)
Eagles of Passing Metal (Los Angeles CA)
East Cameron Folkcore (Austin TX)
Eddi Show the way (Brooklyn NY)
El Campo (San Antonio TX)
Exciting Eel Bolt from the blue (Tokyo JAPAN)
Elephant Gem (Montreal CANADA)
The Elwins (Keswick CANADA)
Stripe Yaman (Tel aviv ISRAEL)
Equals (Austin TX)
Ester Rada (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
The Ettes (Nashville TN)
Exhumed (San Jose CA)
Fakuta (Santiago CHILE)
The Fall (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Put up (Brooklyn NY)
Faye (Stockholm SWEDEN)
Fed of Me (McAllen TX)
Feenixpawl (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
Fenech-Soler (Peterborough UK-ENGLAND)
Fetsum (Berlin GERMANY)
Fielded (Los Angeles CA)
Fitz and The Bad temper (Los Angeles CA)
Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (Calgary CANADA)
Grill (St Louis MO)
Fol Chen (Flat terrain Stance CA)
Steve Forbert (Nashville TN)
Dexter Freebish (Austin TX)
Liberty Hawk (Virginia Shore VA)
French Horn Accomplishment (Milwaukee WI)
Edgy Rabbit (Selkirk UK-SCOTLAND)
Jonny Fritz (Nashville TN)
Specialism (Chicago IL)
Jessie Frye (Denton TX)
G A L P A L S (Austin TX)
Equivalent More Stir (New Orleans LA)
Diego Garcia (New York NY)
The Gates of Slumber (Indianapolis IN)
Gemini Rod (Chicago IL)
Gerald G (Austin TX)
Gesaffelstein (Paris FRANCE)
Occurrence Shore (New York NY)
Golden-brown & The Occurrence (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Sarai Givaty (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
Goatwhore (New Orleans LA)
GO DJ JB (Austin TX)
Golden Remain motionless (Austin TX)
Goldroom (Los Angeles CA)
Arno Gonzalez (Angers FRANCE)
Goonam (Seoul SOUTH KOREA)
Goosander (Taipei TAIWAN)
Grandfather Lass (Houston TX)
Kina Grannis (Los Angeles CA)
Partial Moon Run (Montreal CANADA)
Xander Harris (Austin TX)
Ha Hiss (New Orleans LA)
Fantasy (Brooklyn NY)
Heaven's Tomb (UK-ENGLAND)
Helado Negro (Brooklyn NY)
Heliotropes (Brooklyn NY)
Heroes X Villains (Atlanta GA)
Heyerdahl (Oslo NORWAY)
Hey Marseilles (Seattle WA)
The Hieroglyphics (Oakland CA)
Hills In the manner of Elephants (San Diego CA)
KJ Hines (Austin TX)
HoodStar Chantz (Houston TX)
Hopsin (Los Angeles CA)
Houses (Chicago IL)
Sob (Fortune RI)
I Am David Flash (Singapore SINGAPORE)
I Can Quest Dragons! (Mexico Inner-city MEXICO)
Idiot Jubilation (Lexington KY)
Indians (Copenhagen DENMARK)
Personal Recluse (Santiago CHILE)
Io Boom (Los Angeles CA)
Maya Isacowitz (Tel-Aviv ISRAEL)
Ivan & Alyosha (Seattle WA)
Jackmaster (Glasgow UK-SCOTLAND)
Jackson Firebird (Mildura AUSTRALIA)
JBM (Montreal CANADA)
JC Styles (New Orleans LA)
Jesca Circle (Manchester UK-ENGLAND)
Jesse Dangerously (Halifax CANADA)
JMSN (Los Angeles CA)
Jovanotti (Cortona ITALY)
Vance Joy (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
Joywave (Rochester NY)
July Prattle (Toronto CANADA)
Kanaku y el Tigre (Lima PERU)
Mika Karni - Kol Dodi (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
Karpe Diem (Oslo NORWAY)
Katey Red (New Orleans LA)
Kenji (New Orleans LA)
KEN Craze (Winnipeg CANADA)
Kid Congo & The Red Monkey Nature (Washington DC)
Kid Simius (Berlin GERMANY)
Worry On A Crime Binge (Oakland CA)
Killa Kyleon (Houston TX)
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (Carlton AUSTRALIA)
Kisses (Los Angeles CA)
Kithkin (Seattle WA)
Knifight (Austin TX)
Davy Knowles (Chicago IL)
Krief (Montreal CANADA)
K Ser'a (Davis CA)
K-X-P (Helsinki FINLAND)
Lake Line of traffic Seep (Brooklyn NY)
Spike Herbstrong (Austin TX)
Jon Langford & Regulate Wood (Chicago IL)
Lisa LeBlanc (Rosaireville CANADA)
Lemuria (Buffalo NY)
Le (Houston TX)
Lightouts (Brooklyn NY)
Li'l Cap'n Travis (Austin TX)
Lil Man (New Orleans LA)
The Limousines (Nashville TN)
Linkoban (Copenhagen DENMARK)
The Littlest Viking (Whittier CA)
Seal Dwell in (Los Angeles CA)
Locrian (Chicago IL)
The Unfruitful Nuts (Los Angeles CA)
The Longshots (Den Charge TX)
Noble Hen (New Waterfront CT)
Calvin Darling (Venice CA)
Darling Inks (Austin TX)
Lovelife (London UK-ENGLAND)
Lucy Darling (Copenhagen DENMARK)
Filth 30 (Seoul SOUTH KOREA)
The Low Lows (Austin TX)
Scott Lucas & the Wedded Men (Chicago IL)
Attractively Luciano (Houston TX)
Luella and the Sun (Nashville TN)
Luke Duke (Texas Inner-city TX)
Lera Lynn (Athens GA)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (Seattle WA)
Madr`as (Den Charge TX)
Magnolia Rhome (New Orleans LA)
Malacates Trebol Structure (Guatemala Inner-city GUATEMALA)
Maria Minerva (Tallinn ESTONIA)
Maserati (Athens GA)
Cloaked Gatecrasher (Madison WI)
The Mastersons (Brooklyn NY)
MC Jin (Los Angeles CA)
Erin McKeown (Fredericksburg VA)
Johnathan Mcreynolds (Chicago IL)
ME (Melbourne AUSTRALIA)
The Meligrove Stripe (Toronto CANADA)
Laid-back Good job (Boston MA)
Freight (Tampa FL)
Millionyoung (Den Lauderdale WA)
Minerals (Warsaw POLAND)
Moderatto (Mexico Inner-city MEXICO)
Mona (Nashville TN)
Monophonics (San Francisco CA)
Moon King (Toronto CANADA)
Movus (Narvarte Poniente MEXICO)
Mr MFN eXquire (Brooklyn NY)
Muneshine (Toronto CANADA)
My Be devoted to Clementine (Birmingham UK-ENGLAND)
Myka 9 & Limitation (Los Angeles CA)
Telepathist Knights of the Cobra (Emeryville CA)
Nakia (Austin TX)
Leigh Nash (Nashville CA)
Matt Nathanson (San Francisco CA)
Naurea (Aracaju BRAZIL)
The Neighbourhood (Los Angeles CA)
Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk (New Orleans LA)
New Politics (Brooklyn NY)
Nive Nielsen & The Deer Line (Nuuk GREENLAND)
Of the night Beds (Nashville TN)
NO (Los Angeles CA)
Sierra Superior (Winnipeg CANADA)
Nonentity Beats The Container (Amsterdam NETHERLANDS)
No Pay attention (Seoul SOUTH KOREA)
NY Gypsy All-Stars (New York NY)
Octant (Brooklyn NY)
Oddience (Los Angeles CA)
Tom Odell (London UK-ENGLAND)
Odonis Odonis (Toronto CANADA)
Off Surrounded by Their Heads (Minneapolis CA)
Oh No Oh My (Austin TX)
ONE4ALL (Austin TX)
Slacken Mike Eagle (Los Angeles CA)
Orangey Pixie (London UK-ENGLAND)
The Orbans (Den Charge TX)
Ozomatli (Los Angeles CA)
Pac Div (Los Angeles CA)
Papa (Los Angeles CA)
Papa Vs. Pretty (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Parenthetical Girls (Portland OR)
Mikhael Paskalev (Oslo NORWAY)
Pat Jordache (Montreal CANADA)
Peter Rosenberg (New York NY)
Red Mink (Minneapolis MN)
Red Ghastly (Wichita KS)
The Plastics Bend (Mexico Inner-city MEXICO)
Pompeii (Austin TX)
Charger Charger Run Run (Arles FRANCE)
Collected works (Hamburg GERMANY)
Popeska (Atlanta GA)
Prince Paul (Have a yen Atoll NY)
Soothsayer Dealings (Los Angeles CA)
Soothsayer Equal (Urbana IL)
Unembellished Bathing Culture (Portland OR)
Quaker Inner-city Of the night Hawks (Den Charge TX)
Entertain Meanz (Pittsburgh PA)
Ruler Kwong (Los Angeles CA)
Leave Equally (Cairo EGYPT)
Races (Los Angeles CA)
Ravens & Bells (New York NY)
Red Baraat (Brooklyn NY)
Retox (San Diego CA)
Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Stripe (Nashville IN)
Usman Riaz (Karachi PAKISTAN)
Money Nuts (Adelaide AUSTRALIA)
Rituals (Toronto CANADA)
Julie Roberts (Nashville TN)
Rockie Lively (Chicago IL)
Carrie Rodriguez (Austin TX)
Daniel Romano (Toronto CANADA)
Roxy Roca (Austin TX)
Splendor Teeth (New Orleans LA)
Burgundy Velle & The Soulphonics (Atlanta GA)
Sad Baby Dine (Albuquerque NM)
Sadistik (Seattle WA)
San Saba Realm (Austin TX)
Bruce Saunders (Austin TX)
The Savage Rose (Copenhagen DENMARK)
Savoir Honor (Brooklyn NY)
Scanners (London UK-ENGLAND)
Scorpion Lass (Austin TX)
Mike Scott (Edinburgh UK-SCOTLAND)
Sea Lions (Oxnard CA)
Sepalcure (New York NY)
Trickster Week (Washington DC)
Billy Joe Shaver (Waco TX)
The Sheepdogs (Saskatoon CANADA)
SHI 360 (Haifa ISRAEL)
Sho Baraka (Atlanta GA)
Shoes (Kenosha WI)
Shugo Tokumaru (Tokyo JAPAN)
The Sights (Detroit MI)
Stop trading Diane (Austin TX)
Separated Mothers (London CANADA)
Sirah (Los Angeles CA)
The Skatalites (Kingston JAMAICA)
Mortar Fly (Den Charge TX)
Glide Row (Toms Spurt NJ)
Skratch Bastid (Toronto CANADA)
SKREW (Austin TX)
Shrill Robber (Houston TX)
Obtuse Magic (Denver CO)
Christopher Smith (Vancouver CANADA)
Snowmine (Brooklyn NY)
So Many Dynamos (St Louis MO)
Sonido San Francisco (Xonacatl'an MEXICO)
Sons of Fathers (Austin TX)
Sophie (London UK-ENGLAND)
Sorne (Austin TX)
In any case Clump (MY ACQUAINTANCE + THETA NAUGHT) (Austin TX)
Speakerfoxxx (Atlanta GA)
Heart Put up Principle (Brooklyn NY)
Splashh (London UK-ENGLAND)
The Leg up Band (Mechanicsburg PA)
SSION (New York NY)
Calm down Pools (Bloomington IN)
The Stargazer Lilies (New York NY)
Starlings, TN (Austin TX)
Andy Statman Trio (Brooklyn NY)
The Stepkids (Bridgeport CT)
Propaganda Books (Isle Of Sheppey UK-ENGLAND)
ST 2 Lettaz (Huntsville AL)
Inhabited Perky (Virginia Shore VA)
Expand Minotaur (South Crouch IN)
Suplecs (New Orleans LA)
The Suzan (Tokyo JAPAN)
Tan Fr'io el Verano (Barquisimeto VENEZUELA)
Teeel (Trenton NJ)
Youngster Bottlerocket (Laramie WY)
Tegan and Sara (Vancouver CANADA)
Texas Hippie Confederation (Norman OK)
The Overexcited Creeps (San Diego CA)
The Thermals (Portland OR)
The Idle Plenty (Burlington VT)
Lackey Thompson (Maple Ledge CANADA)
Tijuana Panthers (Have a yen Shore CA)
At the moment Is The Day (New York NY)
The Tom Fun Stretch (Sydney AUSTRALIA)
Tommy Litter (Los Angeles CA)
The Tontons (Houston TX)
'Asgeir Trausti (Reykjavik ICELAND)
Trinidad Jame (Atlanta GA)
Ane Trolle (Copenhagen DENMARK)
Tropics (Southampton UK-ENGLAND)
The Dissension Surrounded by Templeton (Brisbane AUSTRALIA)
Exact Believers (Austin TX)
Shonna Tucker (Athens GA)
Conventional Turner & The Asleep Souls (Winchester UK-ENGLAND)
Turtle Gigantic (Macau MACAU)
TV Occurrence (Lafayette IN)
Kindling & Strand (Austin TX)
Fiasco Eaters (Nashville TN)
Onda Vaga (Buenos Aires ARGENTINA)
Chad Fix (Oxford UK-ENGLAND)
Valleys (Montreal CANADA)
Parasite Weekend (New York NY)
Tori Vasquez (Lubbock TX)
Vimes (Perfume GERMANY)
Vintage Dissension (Los Angeles CA)
The Warriors Atx (Austin TX)
Waxahatchee (Philadelphia PA)
Wax Idols (Oakland CA)
Wax Expressive (New York NY)
Allison Weiss (Brooklyn NY)
Western Cure (Nashville TN)
Weyes Blood (Philadelphia PA)
No matter what Through Milwaukee Magical (Austin TX)
Whiskey Shivers (Austin TX)
Nuts Belle (Chicago IL)
The Desert of Manitoba (Toronto CANADA)
The Nuts Dejected (Nashville TN)
Nuts Seeds (Austin TX)
Devon Williams (Los Angeles CA)
Jason D. Williams (Memphis TN)
Willy Moon (London UK-ENGLAND)
Jack Wilson (Austin TX)
Zach Winters (Norman OK)
Wo Fat (Dallas TX)
The Woggles (Atlanta GA)
Chevy Jungle (Pittsburgh PA)
Yolanda Be Crunchy (Los Angeles CA)
Sidney York (Calgary CANADA)
Conner Youngblood (Dallas TX)
The Naive Professionals (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
Yung Position (Dallas TX)
Zion I (Oakland CA)
Zodiac (Toronto CANADA)
Z-Ro (Houston TX)
Zvuloon Dub Idea (Tel Aviv ISRAEL)
Source: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com
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