Sunday 28 June 2009 Freyja Norse Mythology

Freyja Norse Mythology
Freyja ~Norse Mythology

Freyja (also spelled Freyail by the Norse.

Freyja, which translates as "lady," had a number of roles in the Norse belief system. As well as the goddess of love, she was Queen of F'olkvangr, a place similar to Valhalla, where half of those who died in battle would go after death. However, unlike most of the other deities on this list, Freyja had a vicious bad side, full of greed, jealousy, and evil deeds. Among other things, she's credited with teaching witchcraft to humans, a practice seen as evil by the Norse.

She was often at odds with Loki, who sought to torment the goddess and steal items from her, including her famed necklace Br'isingamen, which was later retrieved by Heimdall. In addition, Freyja would constantly scour the Earth for her husband, who would go missing from time to time, crying tears of red gold as she searched. She did have one tremendous advantage over the other deities on this list-her favored mode of transportation was a chariot pulled by cats.

Also written by Cath Green