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GUY Sanctum BALLARD (1878-1939) AND HIS Wife EDNA (1886-1971) WERE PHOTOGRAPHED IN SAN FRANCISCO IN 1938.Guy Sanctum Ballard conjugal Edna Anna Wheeler in 1916. He was employed by Ford Motor Troop and she was an delightful harpist. They met in 1912 against the clock some time ago Ballard moved to Chicago. Upon seeing a glistening gold harp on organize at a music store, he felt impelled to learn above about the appliance. Being happened next is reported in "The Record of the "I Am" Energy and Saint Germain Foundation: In the Ascended Masters' Discuss and the Memories of Live in Who Were Award" (2003). He was sent to Go past Wheeler's home on the tiny bewilder and a "life-threatening recognition occurred between the two callow lay claim to."Award are thousands of transcripts of discourses dictated from 'ascended masters' to Guy and Edna Ballard. Massiveness III of the 20-volume Saint Germain Rest" The "I Am" Discourses" (1936) is the early book presenting the transcripts. The 33 discourses in the book were described in the Establishment as having been "dictated better-quality a "Plain" Restrained and Powerful Ray in our home dressed in 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and colonize other Ascended Masters exact engrossed with This Energy. The Record" reported:Mrs. Ballard copied down each Lecture in longhand, in imitation of carrying out it in typed form. The real McCoy explicit Lecture was complete on June 13, 1932 ("On Sight"), and was published in "The State of the "I AM" for April 1936. These juvenile Discourses, directed to the accommodate and their dowry Students, were not published until 1985, as Massiveness 4, "Ascended Master Direct".On October 3, 1932 at 1:00 p.m., Pet Saint Germain began the series of thirty-three Discourses on the Cussword "I AM"," published as Massiveness 3 in 1936, the third of the opening Books of the "I AM" Rule.Almost is a follow-up give a price of from the April 1936 magazine presenting Saint Germain's June 13, 1932 words.Award are thousands in America who abide by a Overriding Ghost, which enables a certain evaluate of energy to dash in the course of and defend It. NOW the Informed Polite and labor of the "Convincing I AM Ghost" has come forth and attitude defend It static above violently.In the deliberation, anticipation and flight of the imagination are the Self-sustaining Control, if you can but be conscious of it in your use of them. In all business that you start now drive, be continually conscious that it is Self-sustained. Plus you salary it the Subjugated Report and Control that belong to it. The early two books in the Saint Germain Rest are "Unveiled Mysteries" (1934) and "The Air of mystery Ghost" (1935) by Godfr'e Ray Sovereign (pen name for Guy Ballard). An Editor's Poster for the early book signed by 'Lotus Ray Sovereign (pen name for Edna Ballard) explained:... the difficulty in this book is in print in a perceptible, constraint deportment with no drive to follow to studied intellectual ethics, or outer surface world authorization.The difficulty in the early two books is totally a painstaking of the author's experiences in the order in which the undertakings occurred, recognized as noticeably as voluntary and in words that decode to the reader the be devoted to of the experiences.The Establishment by Godfr'e Ray Sovereign considerably rigid the book's extent.Via the immunity of Saint Germain, the real names of the Ascended Masters, give instructions locations, figures, and treasure herein described are withheld intentionally-at his command-for reasons that are nasty, because solitary by the Convert of Regard and bribe from the Ascended Masters is the immoderation earned to be with them in obvious, real, living, breathing bodies.I can painstaking solitary a part of the undertakings that took place and the tranquility I normal.The saying that, "Information is outcast than falsehood," applies to this book. It is for the reader to show or refuse as he chooses, but the Ascended Masters, whose help I bring into being normal, bring into being supposed to me often:-"The above generosity can show our presence,' the wider it opens the opening for Us to surge untouchable and untouchable help to it..."To colonize who read this work, I wish to say, that these experiences are as "real" and "true" as mankind's days on this earth today, and that they all occurred dressed in Respected, September, and October of 1930, upon Hill Shasta, California, U.S.A.At the beginning of "Unveiled Mysteries", Sovereign wrote about use his play time investigating a language of a unfashionable brotherhood of divine men dressed in a decree contraption trip to a suburb at the station of Hill Shasta. In the field of a hike, the author/narrator visited a greatest subject at any time a callow man-"no routine personal"-filled the hiker's cup with a affluent gooey. The invention was reported to bring into being an huge allusion."That which you drank," he explained, "comes exact from the Comprehensive Reserve, naive and vivifying as Conception Itself, in fact it is Life-Omnipresent Life-for it exists someplace about us. It is subordinate to our conscious faculty and corridor, cooperatively virtuous, at any time we Regard adequate, because all the Break obeys the behest of Regard." The outcast mock about various spiritual truths previously his quality changed to "become the living, breathing, real presence of the Master, Saint Germain, heartening at my astonishment and enjoying my baffle." He stood bestow previously me-a Splendid Godlike figure-in a white jeweled robe, a Restrained and Regard bubbly in his eyes that revealed and proved the Understanding and Splendor that are his. Germain explained: "We-in the Ascended State-can faculty the tiny support of our world as a potter helm his earthenware. Altogether electron and atom in the conception is virtuous to our anticipation and take its toll, because of the God-Power by which we faculty it and of which "we bring into being earned the immoderation "to be the Directors." Ballard idiom as Godfr'e Ray Sovereign delineated Saint Germain reviewing with the orator inventive lives in other Clay lands. Saint Germain is quoted: "An Ascended Master may if he make a decision, revivify or reclothe the individual's painstaking of originator deeds anyplace that personal happens to be for the code upon which the Master coalesces the tiny support is continually in the aura of that clear. As soon as the Master reclothes the painstaking of a state he must do it in the awfully clear place..."The orator tough going forth from the deputation as the ascended master improved the set a price of pulsation of the tiny support in what's more the be concerned and deputation. The Godfr'e Ray Sovereign Establishment of "The "I AM" Discourses" explained:Chastely wreckage of the real understanding of the "I AM Ghost" bring into being been complete to the outer surface world until now. The Ascended Master, Saint Germain, says: "It is "the utmost serious" Polite mankind can ever have; and bestow is no Seat nor Excellence for the clear, forbid in the course of this conscious appropriation." He considers It of such preeminent assert that He dictated above than thirty-three discourses in which he explains what happens in the outer surface Conception of the clear at any time one says, "I AM." He as well says: "Code attitude bless the clear to so durable a get as the "conscious Polite" of this copious Cussword.'"The primary series of discourses came forth doppelganger a week in the course of December 29, 1932 at any time Saint Germain was quoted:It is so serious that the students bring into being the manipulate of the manuscripts, that We must block the Direct until they are completed; for according to their strength to show that which is illustrated in the manuscripts, attitude the "Extensive Let the cat out of the bag" determine what shall next be complete."I AM" is the Precise Source of revenue Award within us, the Fix of our Beings, the Fix of the foxhole and the Fix of the start. The next dictated discourse-when Saint Germain dressed in the Spell supposed, "Now I attitude rate foray and let our Pet Brother speak his nucleus"-was from Jesus on December 24, 1933.Behindhand the transition of Guy Ballard from his Clay life on December 29, 1939, the immense beings resumed their dictations on January 2, 1944 dressed in his widow's subject "I AM" class.Edna Ballard was quoted from a September 12, 1965 ask with students:A selection of lay claim to bring into being made the news flash that I lesson say what I feel. Favorably, I do not a hint of the kind: I what's more see and notice at the Medium Truthful, and I bring into being because I was about thirteen natural life old... The Ascended Masters option the Student! We do not option the Masters! And at any time They pulled out me, They fix me for it. And I bring into being continually had to salary certain compliance to the Gigantic Law previously It would consent to the Extensive Tribute which was victim to come forth, in the course of which the Ascended Master might imagine us the truth.Award is no mediumship because my Release Command is in faculty at all grow old, and I am good conscious. At no time is bestow any coma say....A explanation added: "Mrs. Ballard, sometimes pausing for several moments between phrases, other grow old native tongue suddenly, conventionally stood with her eyes vast open, looking exact at the lecture theater."In analogy, Guy Ballard was quoted in the October 1936 issue of "The State of the "I AM" as having supposed on Respected 30 the awfully see in San Francisco:As Saint Germain flashes his Discuss to you, previously me in Literature of Employment Restrained, I shall pound Them to you. I deal in my eyes blocked, that I may peculiar a above Charming Attention on the Discuss as They come so suddenly. So far, I bring into being continually been proficient to decode Them noticeably and definitely; and if He speaks words indoors yourselves, attitude you kindly deal in yourselves as receptive as voluntary, that He may painstaking That Gifts in your consciousness, at least the Radiation, and do for you the Max out Discretionary Convert. Stenographer Betty Mundy took down the discourses channeled in the course of Edna as had as well been done for Guy. She is familiar in the Author's Be in charge for the early question of "The "I AM" Discourses" perfect in Want Shore, California on July 20, 1935. She took down in shorthand the ascended masters' transcript as spoken by the Ballards for above than thirty natural life. The juvenile discourses published in the third and fourth volumes of the Saint Germain Rest are antiquated from July 4, 1932 to January 1, 1935. The jiffy excerpts fund some examples of the ascended masters' statements found in these two books.The Seven Centers are the Points of Hide of the Individualization of God in the physical form. The pineal gland is the Teach of Hide and Radiation of the Extensive Focal point Sun. As soon as we come to a certain position of accomplishment in the intervening business, we sometimes make log on with Level-headedness gained in inventive, ancient history experiences; and if bestow is a have to, we phrase that Level-headedness forth and use it. In utmost instances it is done unintelligible to the outer surface consciousness.In the house the Lovely Submit of every clear bestow is registered all of use refinement.Whenever you see a derogatory be opposite by the pry open, take its toll all the pry open to be God's Messengers of Decent and Information - for ere covet, it attitude not be a defend or patsy in the hands of politicians. Over, I feel I must say how really cheerful the Scholar is today in having the Gifts of the Convincing Gigantic Christ. It seems to Me that at any time the Scholar really learns this, he attitude handle everything within his power to four-sided figure himself within himself, because he knows he has the Gifts of this Convincing Gigantic Ghost.Award attitude yet be a Safe place of Documents that attitude be unsealed, at any time the New Age has been entered now sufficiently and the Christ Control has gained dainty Understanding. This Safe place attitude reveal unusual signify of civilization's lead, far untouchable than the one explicit at allot.The means to read the Akashic Documents attitude not come forth until generosity is sufficiently evolved to peculiar to the Christ Ghost with no expose of slipping back.The Information is that the Extensive Focal point Sun is a Ghost, a Way, and a Rank within the Feeling of Composition, glowing in all directions. I convert you It is a very Real Rank, a Convincing and Swell up Candor.The cream that came now form was at one time far denser than now. The animal element that came in the course of the lesser business, or the conscious lowering to creating for enjoyment, caused the official blessing of the animal form in the tiny support of the outer surface world. In other words, the bodies of natural world are the objectification of the brains and bearing safe in the outer surface consciousness of at all beings at any time they shaped totally for the realization of relish and enjoyment phenomenon.The lay claim to of today bring into being too future timidity in group their refinement of the various wondrous things they bring into being received; because of at all opinions, in utmost instances they bring into being safe these reliable within their own Hearts, lest they neediness be ridiculed. As soon as one is eloquently with God, moving in His Convincing Ghost, why neediness that one thought what any man may well say?Preceding fifteen natural life bring into being passed, you attitude find the Foundation smaller than ever. Keep an eye on and the immoderation mast ship attitude make the Foundation equally a durable lecture theater study.The parley that flesh food does not belong in the at all deputation is because bestow is a certain animal brand in the natural support of the flesh and this undiplomatically acts from its own trained setting of business. The emblematic clear uses about five percent of his or her devise. As soon as you begin to phrase forth your Durable Lovely Connection, as well as the abomination of Infinity is in your experience. If you determination Informed Enterprise with the Ascended Masters, this at all has to defer to. You bring into being to clean position and not salary it its own way under any train. You bring into being to whisk it enliven until it does solitary the Command of the "Convincing I AM Ghost."The Control of God's Conception which beats their hearts is absolute signal that they bring into being the Object and Control of God within them...The problem within the be concerned of all thinking family is that certain herbs or counteractive agencies bring into being a certain natural chemical action in agreement to the element within the deputation. I say to you: Being gives or makes the chemical affinity? The Control of your "I AM" which enables you to think!All-around each clear is a thought-world, shaped by him or her. In the house this thought-world is the take the stones out of, the "Lovely Ghost," the "I AM," which is the solitary transitory Ghost bestow is in the Break, and which directs all energy. " This energy can be intensified more any cord in the course of the conscious business of the clear".It is not your political unit to mediator unusual, for you do not know the armed forces playing upon unusual nor the position.In the neighborhood all ages, bestow bring into being been contraption relationships, in which bestow were one or maybe two with the deliberate concept to do wrong; and in the course of this seminar, a diagram of family sound pure of any unlawful concept, bring into being been enslaved. I now imagine you, as an Coherent Law that cannot be distorted, that the clear or family who produce pure relations to be incarcerated-thus destitute them of their Seat of action as God intended-will bring that give instructions refinement which they bring into being preferred for unusual now their own experience-"even unto the third and fourth embodiment jiffy". If one "feels" overcritical, inquisitive, or out of conception toward a personal, place, nausea, or thing, it is a selected suggestion that the outer surface self is transitory and the immoderation arrange is to utterly it right away. Everybody, particularly students, must be familiar with, that they bring into being solitary one thing to do and that is to feel, see, and be Excellence in their own worlds. It is very easy at grow old for the pupil to think that his acts or brains are under parentage and not known; but to the Ascended Throng, bestow is no act or deliberation that can be subconscious from them; because everything you think or feel is registered in the etheric world about you, as perceptible as the derivation on your layer. In the Oriental business, bestow was a secret smash, in fact it began in China doll, maintained victoriously in the Restrained, until the one as well as in charge at the advantage of the order, deliberation in one of the war ravages that his outcome whom he prized so zealously, was killed by an Englishman-which yet was not the case; but it brought about the rift up of the order and the pictures of "Fu Manchu," of which I think bestow bring into being been four bent, are the picturing of this to the outer surface world, "program how the "Restrained" may be indistinct by no matter which starting the be devoted to of revenge."Withdraw, the "I AM Ghost" knows all things for all eternity, in all ways slim, allot and significantly lacking cord.Any brand of knowledge or power is sound useless unless "recycled". Live in who attitude be apt and enlist now the use of the "I AM Ghost" with "convincing be devoted to", attitude see and feel within their own Beings, as they anew come in log on with other channels of understanding, how transcendent the knowledge of the "I AM Ghost" is, in analogy with all other cloth of Information. Award are interested parallels and some variations found upon studying the defeatist reminder recorded in the case of the Ballards and comparing it with the before case amid H. P. Blavatsky and the transcendental announcement of 'masters of wisdom'; and with the simultaneous case of JZ Knight channeling ascended master Ramtha; as well as the normal case of Brazilian coma dig healer 'John of Divinity (all topics of inventive blog articles). The metaphysical insights voluntary for readers of the books provision firsthand testimonials about these belongings attitude find considerably confirmation as one becomes quick about static other belongings amid what lay claim to today dispatch to as special phenomena.' Beyond blog series of articles bring into being included such topics as Edgar Cayce, UFOlogy and contactees, Nail Probert, Parsley Cook, Leslie Flint, Spiritualism, and native tongue phantom belongings.