Monday 20 July 2009 Reinvent Tage Day 9 Part 2

Reinvent Tage Day 9 Part 2
Today's Intention...I will open to divine guidance...When I am open to divine guidance, I get into the state many call flow...that golden place where time and space disappear and everything seems to pour out of brings my best forth... from that very wise higher or deeper self...Divine has different meanings to different people. For me, divine means God, for others it can mean Creator, Jehovah, Allah, supreme consciousness or the universe. For others, the divine may mean forefathers or ancestors, or nature. Still others believe that we have a guiding spirit to help us along the way. Some people believe in all of these.How we define divine is not important for me...what is important is that we be open to this divine presence and consciously invite this powerful guidance into our every day lives....How do I invite divine guidance? Each morning when I arise I begin my hour of own prayer and meditation time. I state my intention asking the divine for guidance in making choices that are best for all throughout the day. I also welcome wisdom and guidance from my angels, deceased relatives and friends. Next, I reaffirm my commitment to do what's best for all in my life today. By adding, "only if this is best for all," I allow the divine to help me...without doing any harm to any one or any thing...Any time during the day when I need to make a significant decision, or I just want to calm or center myself, I stop for a moment, breathe, and open myself for divine guidance...Today I made a very personal collage...of my handsome father...I included his fishing license, hand-made flies, fishing also includes his signature...this is a photo of him about the time my parents were married.. it will make a print for Christmas gifts this year... oops...I may be ruining the surprise... "Fishin' "
