While browsing Netflix the other day I came upon the TV series Salem. The name alone was enough to instantly draw me in. Due to me long fascination of Salem, the Witch Trials, and of course (the obvious) me being Wiccan, I was really excited to watch this show. I hadn't seen any commercials or anything for this show so I didn't really know what to expect but I was hoping for a more realistic take on Salem back then. That is not what I got. I watched half of the first episode and had to turn it off. The witches in the show were almost instantly put off as evil. The main character even gave her unborn child to Satan himself. What upsets me about this is that it seems like a really good show. Okay actors, nice story line, great scare factor, I just could not get past the portrayal of the witches. Them coming across as so evil made me feel like it sort of disrespects the men and women who were accused of witchcraft back then and were killed in Salem. That is just my opinion though, and everyone is entitled to their own. I might try and watch the rest of it some time. Who knows. I just wish that they didn't make the show to dramatic and unrealistic. But hey, it is TV right? I guess if it weren't dramatic then it wouldn't be successful. Anyone on here watch the show? What are your thoughts on it?
Origin: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com