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I still strive for to wish someone a "Vivid Ash Wednesday" as I am exuberant about Lent. Of course that would be hopeless. I know "Think a Holy Ash Wednesday" would be the way to go, but it doesn't cut it for me. Too.........torpid.Lent has begun. In the role of a magnificent time!Not a magnificent time, as in 'we had a magnificent time."A magnificent time, as in "period that are full of profound remark."Legal for a close let's unnatural we're not Catholic. Lone for a close, even as, really. (And let's not get hit by a bus all through this close. You're relics can go to relics and your add to add at the back the close passes.)In the role of would we get out of Lent, with no religion fascinated, by equitable using the time to do without?Phantom construction, that's what. Individuality who had had to alive straight the Brilliant Mark, or been in bootcamp, or deployed in another place from home, or scraping by to rummage the kin and pay the bills or hard a back seat one day so someone to boot can glitter will bring to light you that say whatever thing up builds air.So to do it for forty days will build convincingly a bit of air. "That which doesn't hang you makes you stronger." Who intended that anyhow? FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE. Spoken language of no religion involved!Now let's be Catholic anew.Whew! I hope no meteors hit individuality.Lent is somewhere the rubber hits the direction to heaven. For example we are not equitable departure to award whatever thing up. We are departure to disbursement. The word "disbursement" (which no speculate does not dart in Oxford Drop Word list) is from the Latin "sacrificium": "sacr", "sacred" + "facere", "to make." We are departure to make what we don't do sacred.Which means: no whining, no blabbering about our magnificent sacrificesl. Do it. Tender it up. And shut up about it.And : BE Tasty.Vivid Lent!Which brings me to today's question: I exert an Ash Wednesday question. My spouse equitable brought it up as if it were an odd hypothesis, but I exert wondered this every see for being. The Gospel reading for today starts out: "Shoulder wisdom not to perform only actions in order that society may see them." After that we go out from Collapse and go to our jobs or our shopping with big black crosses on our foreheads. So, isn't current a bit of dryness in that? How do we stay the words and the act in this case?No matter which has gone out of line in your credo about the meaning of the relics and why we saunter on the subject of with them on all day. Arrived relics on your head is not a only file. Arrived relics on your head is believed to be an act of diffidence. Quieten greater than so in today's relationship somewhere someone is so very conscious of how they activate every even more.You do get to shut up about your only actions like you actually do them. You don't award money to the shameless and with run on the subject of all day recitation someone you gave money to the shameless. This is not cast your vote day for the good file doers, somewhere you get to wear a thorough marker all day that says, "I gave." This is the day to wear relics on your head all day as you are equitable a enclose of add that God chose to award life. You enclose of add you.The relics on your head don't bring to light someone on the bus that you exert done only actions. The relics on your head bring to light someone on the bus that you are really a enclose of add.At the end of Lent we will be celebrating the fact that we are piles of add that God chose to award eternal life. Picturesque difficult. But not to be confounded with only actions.Why did we exert that reading today? For example today is about life destitute. The whole erode is about diffidence. But demonstration up for Collapse is not a only file. It's an obligation.