Sunday 14 February 2010 The Religious Conspiracy Part 2

The Religious Conspiracy Part 2
The day after Alexandria burned, in 392 the Roman Rule began forbid of all "Pagan" feel affection for. Conform to that "Pagan" is a Christian word meaning any and all religions other than Christianity. So in 392, all other religions were officially decreed not keen the law. In 410 Sovereign Honorius continued the procedure decreeing: "Let all who act discordant to the sacred laws know that their creeping in their revolutionary superstition to feel affection for at the most lonely soothsayer is liable to tax by transportation and blood, indigence they over be tempted to muster at such sitting room for wrongdoer whereabouts."For decades, Pagan temples within the Rule were burned and wrecked. A 386 in black and white establish to the Roman school assembly of Christian pillaging mortar, stating: "If they [the Christians] hear of a place with no matter which survey raping not worth it, they instantly clutch that someone is making sacrifices current and committing abominations, and pay the place a visit-you can see them scurrying current, these guardians of good order (for that is what they headset themselves), these brigands, if brigands is not too gentle a word; for brigands at smallest amount try to cover what they have the benefit of done: if you headset them brigands, they are mad, but these fly, on the discordant, put on ineffectuality in their exploits... they have doubts about they advantage rewards!" -Helen Ellerbe, "The Gray Turn of Christian Log" (28)Without stopping after the eradication of most temples, Rome's non-Christians continued to practice their pagan religions and carry strong to their beliefs. In greeting to this the Sovereign taboo the practice of all religions other than Judaism/Christianity and decreed non-compliance liable to tax by death."By 435 a law threatened any heretic in the Roman Rule with death. Judaism remained the lonely other fairly infamous religion. Yet, Jews were dreary as drastically as voluntary, with intermarriage surrounded by Jew and Christian elation the exact faint as adultery: the woman would be executed. The Church had triumphed. The belief in but one comprise of God had led to the valid enforcement of but one religion. Plump Christians acted on their belief about God. As they alleged God to enclose in an authoritarian attitude, so they set about way of thinking a way in which they, in God's name, might advantage harmonizing authoritarian enclose. To that end, they built an authorities that appealed to the school assembly of the Roman Rule by promoting flatness and restraint." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Gray Turn of Christian Log" (29)Constantine and taking place emperors cast-off Christianity as an ideological and follower unifying/centralizing potency to assimilate or finish any person in the field of their ever-expanding period. The death faint was delivered dictatorially and erratically. The Roman Rule was in no time power and connect in the role of in 540AD the extreme evil eye in well-known history hit slaughter an awesome 100 million fly. Extra 10,000 fly a day died in Byzantium ally. Settle this to the evil 14th century "Black Pasting" which killed (lonely) 27 million. Preventable to say the evil eye spelled disaster for the Roman Rule, but not for Christian imperialism."The evil eye had more willingly eccentric have an effect on upon Christianity. Species flocked to the Church in startle. The Church explained that the evil eye was an act of God, and pest a reprimand for the sin of not obeying Church expert. The Church notorious Justinian a heretic. It stated the cover of Greek and Roman medication, used up in fear the evil eye, to be heresy. Though the evil eye explicit the breakdown of the Roman Rule, it strengthened the Christian church. Behindhand the evil eye, the Church dominated the orderly chastise of medication. The most collective medical practice surrounded by the sixth and sixteenth centuries cast-off for every malady became skinned.' Christian monks educated that skinned a shape would plug up lethal imbalances, plug up sexual indicate, and justification the humors. By the sixteenth century this practice would kill tens of thousands each day. Yet, in the role of a shape died happening blood-letting, it was lonely lamented that psychiatric help had not been started slightly and performed leader warily." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Gray Turn of Christian Log" (42)At the rear of the burial of the evil eye and the fall of the Roman Rule was the exterior of the Christian Church. At the rear of the exterior of the Christian Church was the depression of most every other article of political party."The Church had devastating have an effect on upon political party. As the Church understood be in charge of, gesture in the fields of medication, technology, science, coaching, history, art and affair all but bent. Europe entered the Gray Ages. Whilst the Church summative gargantuan wealth happening these centuries, most of what defines humanity used up... Technology used up as the Church became the most cohesive power in Western political party. The deep aqueduct and plumbing systems vanished. Plump Christians educated that all aspects of the flesh indigence be insufferable and so therefore downhearted washing as drastically as voluntary. Toilets and in the bounds of plumbing used up. Poison became derivative as sanitation and hygiene deteriorated. For hundreds of years, towns and villages were decimated by epidemics. Roman primitive heating systems were next deserted. As one historian writes: 'From about A.D. 500 cheeky, it was thought no experiment to lie on the gulp down at night, or on a tangy stand abovementioned low drafts, misty earth and rats. To be indoors was regard copiousness. Nor was it unpleasant to put your head down huddled brutally together in business, for cook was high-quality abovementioned seclusion.' The vast lattice of road and rail network that had enabled expatriation and letters next slash in the field of rashness and would prolong so until close at hand the nineteenth century. The wounded in science were monumental. In some cases the Christian church's boiling of books and totalitarianism of academic hound set civilization back as drastically as two millennia in its procedural understanding... Log was rewritten to become a make a recording of Christian beliefs. Plump Christians thought history elemental lonely in order to place the events of the as soon as in the field of Biblical context." -Helen Ellerbe, "The Gray Turn of Christian Log" (41-45)Buy The Atlantean Stealth Now